You Should Study Nutrition - The Other Perspective



  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    Orthorexic is defined by Alan Aragon as “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.”

    This is a very dumbed down definition and doesn't represent what orthorexia truly is. Most of the time people who are orthorexic will continue to eliminate food groups they deem as unhealthy. This obsession can lead to malnutrition when critical nutrients may be eliminated from the diet.

    When you don't include the entire definition, then you make it sound as if he is hating on people who like nutritious foods. That's not the case. There is a line that can be crossed when stressing over "clean" foods becomes unhealthy.

    that was from his website.

    I have been called orthorexic. that alone should tell you that the already fake word is easily corrupted and misused, as my nutrition is outstanding.

    I know someone who is orthorexic. It began when he started researching the paleo diet and transformed into an extreme eating disorder where he doesn't eat any fat or carbs, at all. It's clearly detrimental because he has physically degenerated quite a bit. He looks ill all the time and has no energy, but can't be persuaded that carbs and fat are good for you in moderation.

    While orthorexia may be a new, unproven theory, I have no doubt that it exists.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The irony here is actually hilarious.

    Orthorexia has no confirmed diagnostic basis - it is essentially a hypothesis. The OP has recommended that perhaps alternative viewpoints which do not yet have a confirmed scientific verification should be considered. People who claim to be scientifically minded then do what exactly the OP suggest by insinuating people who seem particularly concerned with "clean" eating are othorexic.

    Hahahaha. I love these forums.

    Everyone has cognitive bias. Everyone

    thats not orthorexia at all and just cuz morons think it is doesnt mean that you can angue from that standpoint....

    people who refuse to eat any fat are orthorexic... you need fat to function properly... making fat a taboo creates a deficiency that is very bad for your long term health...

    that is orthorexia....

    there are plenty of deficiencies that can AND HAVE developed in many individuals...

    You could eat "clean" food (hate that ****ing word) every day all day and not be orthorexic.... many people do...

    it's amazing to me that you can so clearly define a mental condition that has never even been defined by modern psychology...

    you - sir - deserve a nobel prize methinks.

    Eh, they hand those out to anyone these days. Al Gore got one for a slide show...
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Orthorexic is defined by Alan Aragon as “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.”

    This is a very dumbed down definition and doesn't represent what orthorexia truly is. Most of the time people who are orthorexic will continue to eliminate food groups they deem as unhealthy. This obsession can lead to malnutrition when critical nutrients may be eliminated from the diet.

    When you don't include the entire definition, then you make it sound as if he is hating on people who like nutritious foods. That's not the case. There is a line that can be crossed when stressing over "clean" foods becomes unhealthy.

    that was from his website.

    I have been called orthorexic. that alone should tell you that the already fake word is easily corrupted and misused, as my nutrition is outstanding.

    I know someone who is orthorexic. It began when he started researching the paleo diet and transformed into an extreme eating disorder where he doesn't eat any fat or carbs, at all. It's clearly detrimental because he has physically degenerated quite a bit. He looks ill all the time and has no energy, but can't be persuaded that carbs and fat are good for you in moderation.

    While orthorexia may be a new, unproven theory, I have no doubt that it exists.

    and while holistic medicine and nutrition may be unproven, i have no doubt IT exists.

    point is, both sides are not so very different as they'd like to believe.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist? Im giving you the benefit of teh doubt here even tought your a holistic, yoga doin, yankee :P
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.

    no.. it was a valid question..... espescially my analogy at the end

    Why do you care if people call you something you're not?
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    chirp chirp....


    You ever hear someone call someone a fascist or a socialist completely out of context? I call these people morons.... If you're going to be concerned about what morons call you, who dont even understand what they're saying, you've got something coming.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    chirp chirp....

    You're obviously a bird. Don't try and deny it. That's what birds always try and do...
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    if you're a normal health person, who is scared of bacon, there is something wrong with you... same with just about any food so long as you dont have some medical condition..... this is mild orthorexia.. it may not be enough to be damaging, but its not sound reasoning

    Aaaaaaand this is where you go off the rails.

    Orthorexia is an obsessive disorder. It describes an inordinate preoccupation with controlling your diet. Having rules about what you eat or deciding to never eat a certain food doesn't even come close to being obsessive. That is just making decisions. That's all that is.

    Obsessive disorders are when people take normal behaviors to extremes. There are people with OCD who spend 8 hours a day cleaning a 1000sqft living space. That is a disorder. Do you think that because I mop I have a mild form of OCD? Hardly. If I mop twice as often as you, you would probably want to diagnose me as such. But you'd be completely wrong. I don't have a mental problem. I just make different decisions from you.

    Orthorexia, like anorexia, like any mental health problem, is the purview of mental health professionals (read: NOT YOU).
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    chirp chirp....

    You're obviously a bird. Don't try and deny it. That's what birds always try and do...

    im a parrot... i just repeat stuff.... once i met a group of parrots with telephones.... it was wierd because the last parrot had told a different story than the first parrot... go figure

  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    if you're a normal health person, who is scared of bacon, there is something wrong with you... same with just about any food so long as you dont have some medical condition..... this is mild orthorexia.. it may not be enough to be damaging, but its not sound reasoning

    Aaaaaaand this is where you go off the rails.

    Orthorexia is an obsessive disorder. It describes an inordinate preoccupation with controlling your diet. Having rules about what you eat or deciding to never eat a certain food doesn't even come close to being obsessive. That is just making decisions. That's all that is.

    Obsessive disorders are when people take normal behaviors to extremes. There are people with OCD who spend 8 hours a day cleaning a 1000sqft living space. That is a disorder. Do you think that because I mop I have a mild form of OCD? Hardly. If I mop twice as often as you, you would probably want to diagnose me as such. But you'd be completely wrong. I don't have a mental problem. I just make different decisions from you.

    Orthorexia, like anorexia, like any mental health problem, is the purview of mental health professionals (read: NOT YOU).

    i respectfully disagree.... IMO, if you are scared to eat particular foods you are borderlined orthorexic... you can choose to exclude whatver you want, but, at a certain point, it becomes orthorexia...

    are you scared not to mop your floor? i didnt think so

    dont butcher my words and leave things out... espescially with the quote right there.... you cant just respond to half the sentence or act as if i didnt word it the way i did
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    chirp chirp....

    You're obviously a bird. Don't try and deny it. That's what birds always try and do...

    im a parrot... i just repeat stuff.... once i met a group of parrots with telephones.... it was wierd because the last parrot had told a different story than the first parrot... go figure


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.

    no.. it was a valid question..... espescially my analogy at the end

    Why do you care if people call you something you're not?

    Most people's called human nature.

    And you missed an option:

    C: you are not [insert descriptor] and get annoyed when someone calls you it

    And I am in no way White Knighting here - me and Coach really do not get along and I am not saying whether he is or he isn't..but the logic of your multiple choice escapes me, especially as the comments are made in context (and therefore do not meet your exception).
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.

    no.. it was a valid question..... espescially my analogy at the end

    Why do you care if people call you something you're not?

    Most people's called human nature.

    And you missed an option:

    C: you are not [insert descriptor] and get annoyed when someone calls you it

    And I am in no way White Knighting here - me and Coach really do not get along and I am not saying whether he is or he isn't..but the logic of your multiple choice escapes me, especially as the comments are made in context (and therefore do not meet your exception).

    Well, your option C is something most people call insecurity.... I left option C open.. I dint say there wasnt other options.... There could be a D, e, f, and g too.....

    The point remains the same.. orthorexia still exists....

    Just cuz I call you something you're not does not mean nobody is.....

    Get it?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP why are you all butt hurt about people calling you orthorexic.

    I see two options

    A. You are orthorexic and you refuse tyo admit it


    B. You think the world revolves around you and your self esteem is low and you take these remarks as personal attacks..

    Please tell me option C

    You either are or you arent

    If I call you gay are you going to argue that Homosexuals dont exist?

    this post, sir, was a mistake.

    no.. it was a valid question..... espescially my analogy at the end

    Why do you care if people call you something you're not?

    Most people's called human nature.

    And you missed an option:

    C: you are not [insert descriptor] and get annoyed when someone calls you it

    And I am in no way White Knighting here - me and Coach really do not get along and I am not saying whether he is or he isn't..but the logic of your multiple choice escapes me, especially as the comments are made in context (and therefore do not meet your exception).

    Well, your option C is something most people call insecurity.... I left option C open.. I dint say there wasnt other options.... There could be a D, e, f, and g too.....

    The point remains the same.. orthorexia still exists....

    Just cuz I call you something you're not does not mean nobody is.....

    Get it?


    I finally get to use it!!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    This is boring.. ive made my point... displayed my opinion..... and what I came here for was settled.... which was teh OP quoting alan aragon as saying things he never said....

    My final stance:

    Orthorexia is quite real and growing due to misinformation in the fitness realm

    i dont wish to debate orthorexia because I dont see any debate to be had.... ive met orthorexics...
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member

    i respectfully disagree.... IMO, if you are scared to eat particular foods you are borderlined orthorexic... you can choose to exclude whatver you want, but, at a certain point, it becomes orthorexia...

    are you scared not to mop your floor? i didnt think so

    dont butcher my words and leave things out... espescially with the quote right there.... you cant just respond to half the sentence or act as if i didnt word it the way i did

    I think it is silly and messy to always include eveybody's entire quote but, if it bothers you, I'll do it. I have no idea what you think I butchered, though.

    There are people who are scared to not mop their floors. Yes. Normal, rational people who feel like the cleanliness of their house reflects on them and somebody might drop by and see a dirty floor and they would feel bad so they mop their floor.

    People are weird and we are allowed to have weird reactions to things. Actual mental health professionals (read: NOT YOU) understand this and know how to differentiate between somebody just being human and somebody developing a dangerous obsession.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Actual mental health professionals (read: NOT YOU) understand this and know how to differentiate between somebody just being human and somebody developing a dangerous obsession.

    How dare you insult the work of internet psychologists! How very dare you...

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This is boring.. ive made my point... displayed my opinion..... and what I came here for was settled.... which was teh OP quoting alan aragon as saying things he never said....

    My final stance:

    Orthorexia is quite real and growing due to misinformation in the fitness realm

    i dont wish to debate orthorexia because I dont see any debate to be had.... ive met orthorexics...

    i've met moon monsters. really. i swears it.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Chicken stew 50 to 60 yrs ago was not made with MSG. It was made by butchering a chicken you probably raised yourself and which was not fed growth hormones. Veggies were from the garden. And the broth came from adding vinegar and bones to the stew. The vinegar drew out the calcium from the bones and the chicken meat also added to create the broth. The bones were then removed and you had stew. Now days, ppl add bullion cubes to make broth. It's time to get back to the basics.

    Cancer cases have risen every year for the past 30 years. There is a reason for that.

    Really? I'm 55 and my parent's didn't raise chickens. Nor did we ever have any kind of vegetable garden. There were actually grocery stores back then where many people bought their veggies and fowl. And my mom always used bullion. Maybe you were thinking of my grandma? It's possible she did it the way you describe as my mom did grow up with chickens and a veggie garden but I have no idea if grandma used bullion or vinegar. Maybe my mom learned to use bullion from her.

    Sure, there were a lot less processed foods back then but I grew up on eating mainly the following two dinners: weiners/boxed mashed potatoes/cranberry sauce and spaghetti with the sauce from a can. Except Sunday dinner when my mom would usually make a roast.

    I actually grew up on more processed foods than I normally eat now as an adult and fed my own kids when they were growing up.