Black men prefer...White men prefer...



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Well, lets try this. In my opinion white women who don't date white men are confused and should be treated for a mental disorder.

    Opinions can absolutely be offensive, as you can see above. Good thing that opinion was hypothetical (pulled from the fact that you prefer latin men, nothing more), and in no way really represents how I feel. It was simply to make a point.

    Anyhow, in general...I agree with you, a stated opinion is one thing, and should be acceptable within reason. A blanket statement saying 'this body type isn't womanly' just inconsiderate. I mean seriously, in just called half the healthy women on MFP 'manly'.

    Okay so you are saying that my opinion on a sampling of the population is wrong; however, by saying that I just offended half the women on MFP, you are speaking for the population as a whole? That seems contradicting to your argument.

    Also, if I choose to like a certain type of man, regardless of race or ethnicity, it shouldn't matter if I disregard the rest. It's called a preference and opinion. To make a valid point, it's as if you told me that you prefer to drink Tropicana Orange Juice and found disdain in all the rest. Because you don't drink Florida Natural, should all the people who do drink Florida Natural get offended? I think not!


    For a second earlier, I almost thought you understood, then you posted this ^^^^.

    First, I was using your 'sampling of the population' as an example of an offensive opinion, not saying it was actually my opinion. It was hypothetical. Meaning not real, used ONLY for explanatory purposes.

    Second, your point below that doesn't make any sense either. A more valid point, would be if I said 'I prefer to drink Tropicana Orange Juice, I just can't stand all the others'. This would be completely ok. However, to liken it to your statement...if I said 'I prefer to drink Tropicana Orange Juice, anyone who doesn't is an idiot'.

    See the difference?

    Symantics... gotta love em. Anyhow, if you want to make a valid point, the last time I checked they were made on facts... not hypotheticals. Do me a favor and take a survey of all the "manly" women on MFP and then get back to me with how many people I offended.

    I can think of at least three in this thread alone lol. And the hypothetical was to explain something that clearly went far, far over your head.

    It's ok've clearly outwitted us its all good :).

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
    Also, if you feel that a morbidly obese BF% is the epitome of sexy, and you're so confident in yourself, why are you trying to lose weight?

    So you are saying that your 21% is the right BF percentage? You clearly define 35% as morbidly obese yet saying that I'm trying to lose weight when I am simply just watching what I eat for dietary reasons not dealing with weight loss. Not everyone on here is here to lose weight, some people just want to eat right.

    It's a medical industry standard, not her 'opinion'.

  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
    Oh hunny.

    Oh hunny, no. Now you're just spewing nonsense.

    What I said in no way implied whether or not I'm confident in myself. Believe me, confidence is not something I lack. I was merely pointing out how ludicrous your "opinion" is.

    However, I will concede that you're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.

    Now shoo. Back to the deep, dark hole from whence you came.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Black men must hate me. *runs off and cries*
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I have some latina cousins who were born with gorgeous faces and nothing else. Theyre all sedentary and fat with pear shaped silhouettes but amazing faces. They are so convinced that black men like "fat thick women" that theyd rather date a black dude than lose weight. Thats some pretty hardcore cognitive bias but given what I see in los angeles it seems to hold some currency. I rarely see a moderate weight asian or white male with an obese woman of any color in LA. I see thin, cut up, even muscular black dudes with fat girls that have flat rears. I seen one today in fact. Ive heard all sorts of psychosocial explanations. Google "do black men like fat women" and your gonna fall over all the threads. Its hilarious. Considering black america is the fattest population in the country with latinas right behind(bizarre on a per capita basis given their are more latinos in the US than blacks..hmmm) its seems that perhaps its nature VIA nurture.....theres not other disease that people openly gravitate towards or fethishize . "ohhhhhh im so hot over his IBS" or "mmmmmph, your diabetes arouses me..."....

    OMG "your diabetes arouses me...". I just tinkled.
  • BluLotus2
    BluLotus2 Posts: 87
    I want my 15 minutes back.

    me too!!
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    I work in a mens prison. All straight (and some not so straight) men prefer a woman with a vagina. One that is available to them.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I read a study in college that found most men prefer and seek out porn where the women are size 12-14 (ETA: USA sizes). I can't find it now. It was interesting though.

    I have also heard that men (ethnicity aside) are just like people and have individual preferences. Probably a load of hooey, but thought I'd share.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I work in a mens prison. All straight (and some not so straight) men prefer a woman with a vagina. One that is available to them.

  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member

    I can think of at least three in this thread alone lol. And the hypothetical was to explain something that clearly went far, far over your head.

    It's ok've clearly outwitted us its all good :).

    It's a medical industry standard, not her 'opinion'.


    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I mainly attracted guys that prefer thicker women, because I am a thick woman. I have found that skin color is irrelevant, especially since I've attracted men from all races except for Asian Americans.. That's only because I never lived near a large Asian American populations, and never had the opportunity to be around them.
  • Why bring up race at all? This reminds me of all the times I've heard white men ask "how do I hit on a black girl?" UM, WHY SHOULD YOU TREAT A GIRL DIFFERENTLY BASED ON HER SKIN? Why should a man's sexual preferences be defined by his skin? We are all human and diverse, with an ability to desire many different traits.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    Am I wrong?


    Yes, you're wrong.

    My personal experience tells me black guys are not mainly attracted to thick women. I've always been slim...apart from pregnancy and after for short while.

    Mine too. I'm pretty skinny and that never stopped guys of either race from chasing after me. That's just a stereotype. Every guy has his personal preference.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Black men love me. Black women do not. LOL! But in all seriousness, I have curves and it can get hairy when I enter a club or something that is heavily populated with black people.

    This thread will be interesting. I'm scared.

    I'm a black woman... I love you. I don't however do clubs. I am too old for smoke machines, and strobe lights. Also one time a guy had his way with his "Member" right next to me. It was a sad sight...his member.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    I can think of at least three in this thread alone lol. And the hypothetical was to explain something that clearly went far, far over your head.

    It's ok've clearly outwitted us its all good :).

    It's a medical industry standard, not her 'opinion'.


    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    You're welcome!

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
    Oh hunny.

    Oh hunny, no. Now you're just spewing nonsense.

    What I said in no way implied whether or not I'm confident in myself. Believe me, confidence is not something I lack. I was merely pointing out how ludicrous your "opinion" is.

    However, I will concede that you're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.

    Now shoo. Back to the deep, dark hole from whence you came.

    Okay so since you are saying my free speech of an opinion is wrong, I guess you don't live in the United States. Or maybe you are one of those people who live in the United States but bicker about how much you hate the fact people can freely say what they want.

    My opinion is based on my life experiences, now if I based my opinion on pure speculation, then I could understand deeming my response as "ludicrous". You don't walk into the ghetto and freely walk with all your jewelry out and money hanging out of your pocket. You walk with caution based on previous experiences that the ghetto isn't a safe place to be in. So if you are talking about that deep dark whole to crawl back in. You know where it is. The ghetto.
    What the..

    What does the ghetto have to do with anything. What on Earth are you even talking about? What the hell does free speech have to do with what I said.

  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I saw this a couple of hours ago and can't believe it has 10 pages / hasn't been locked. Cool!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I saw this a couple of hours ago and can't believe it has 10 pages / hasn't been locked. Cool!

    It's because of me hun. They're waiting for me to slip up and post partial nudity or insult someone so they can give me a strike.

    It's entrapment I tell you!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
    Also, if you feel that a morbidly obese BF% is the epitome of sexy, and you're so confident in yourself, why are you trying to lose weight?

    So you are saying that your 21% is the right BF percentage? You clearly define 35% as morbidly obese yet saying that I'm trying to lose weight when I am simply just watching what I eat for dietary reasons not dealing with weight loss. Not everyone on here is here to lose weight, some people just want to eat right.
    Cris already beat me to it, but I still want to know where I said my BF% was the "right" one.

    Also, I'm just going off your ticker, sweets. You say you're doing it for "dietary" reasons, yet you want to lose 25 lbs.

    Sooooo, if you don't want to lose weight, why do you have a lose weight?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    I can think of at least three in this thread alone lol. And the hypothetical was to explain something that clearly went far, far over your head.

    It's ok've clearly outwitted us its all good :).

    It's a medical industry standard, not her 'opinion'.


    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    You're welcome!

    And a second thank you from me.
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
    Oh hunny.

    Oh hunny, no. Now you're just spewing nonsense.

    What I said in no way implied whether or not I'm confident in myself. Believe me, confidence is not something I lack. I was merely pointing out how ludicrous your "opinion" is.

    However, I will concede that you're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.

    Now shoo. Back to the deep, dark hole from whence you came.

    Okay so since you are saying my free speech of an opinion is wrong, I guess you don't live in the United States. Or maybe you are one of those people who live in the United States but bicker about how much you hate the fact people can freely say what they want.

    My opinion is based on my life experiences, now if I based my opinion on pure speculation, then I could understand deeming my response as "ludicrous". You don't walk into the ghetto and freely walk with all your jewelry out and money hanging out of your pocket. You walk with caution based on previous experiences that the ghetto isn't a safe place to be in. So if you are talking about that deep dark whole to crawl back in. You know where it is. The ghetto.
    What the..

    What does the ghetto have to do with anything. What on Earth are you even talking about? What the hell does free speech have to do with what I said.


    Ok, I'm glad it's not just me that has no idea what the f%$# she's talking about...
This discussion has been closed.