Cheat days - Worst idea ever



  • I eat the same amount of calories no matter what day it is.. Holidays are for fat people to get fatter.

    What a horrible thing to say! I allow myself a "Cheat Day" on holidays and seem to be losing weight just fine. Having a day to allow yourself a treat is more likely to keep you on track then depriving yourself of all things you enjoy.
  • I eat the same amount of calories no matter what day it is.. Holidays are for fat people to get fatter.

    Ummm... NO. People get fat for overeating all year long, not just on holidays. Pretty ignorant remark.

    Agreed! Very ignorant!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I have one meal, per week, where I eat anything my heart desires. Usually chicken fettucine alfredo and tiramisu (if they have it - that stuff goes fast!). 43 pounds in 3 months seems to be a pretty good amount, somehow I don't think that one meal per week is derailing me all that much!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I don't allow myself cheat days where i go "F*** it, I'm eating whatever I want in whatever amount I want", because that just wouldn't make me feel good at the end of the day.
    I do however allow one or two "cheat meals" during the weekend, and that is when I eat out and order whatever I like, even if it"s not healthy. I do however log it and try to be good the rest of the day.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    I don't necessarily believe in cheat days, but I do have once a week cheat meals. when you're dieting and cut out certain foods in your diet for weight loss, your body feels deprived. I think enjoying a cheat meal (or 2) once a week lets your body know that you're not depriving it.

    Some people can handle cheat days and still have an overall healthy calorie intake for the week despite the one high calorie day. If a person can't handle their cheat meal or cheat day in moderation and go crazy each time, then maybe they shouldn't cheat at all and try to learn moderation. But so far, I've been handeling my cheat days pretty well. I don't go to crazy, and I manage to stay within or sometimes below my caloric intake for the week. You gotta live life, and understand that there are holidays, going out to a restaurant with friends and family. It doesn't hurt to enjoy a meal that you don't eat everyday. Just do it in moderation. I think "Cheat meals" are awesome..if you can handle it.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GAIN WEIGHT BY HAVING ONE LOUSY "CHEAT" DAY ONCE IN A WHILE. It takes an insane amount of calories to actually put on fat. If you "cheat" every single day, yes you will gain fat. Indulging and eating whatever you want on Christmas day is not going to ruin any success you've made. I ate like a cow on Easter, scale was up 3 lbs the next day, and was right back off the next day after that. Its water, salt, food going through your would have taken 10,500 calories over what I already burn to gain 3 lbs of fat. If you don't enjoy what you want sometimes, you'll just gain everything back eventually when you get sick of eating salad and water. Happened to me about 5 times in the last 10 years til I learned better and realized I can eat what I want and still lose weight.

    "..If you don't enjoy what you want sometimes, you'll just gain everything back eventually when you get sick of eating salad and water"
    LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I love the "salad and water" comment... I mean really, could you imagine not allowing yourself to indulge here and there with good moderation by having a cheat meal?! I would be the crankiest person if I only had salad and water:sad:
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    I don't understand the concept of 'cheat days'. Whoever made the term up and promoted the idea has a lot to answer for.

    I understand 'No exercise days' (rest days) but 'cheat days' I don't. I don't understand why someone would work hard all week then set aside a special day to blow it. I personally dont think going over calories on ANY day while staying within your weekly calorie goal is a cheat... that's just balancing your calorie intake over a week. But for the life of me I can't understand why someone would be on a 'diet' but set aside a day where they can eat whatever they want and think they are 'entitled' to it because they've been 'so good'. I mean who are they kidding?? Isn't that like telling an alcoholic they can drink as much as they want one day a week???

    Look... I know this post will have already come across as all 'judgemental' but if there's any 'cheat day' advocates out there I'd love you to explain to me why cheat days are a good idea and how cheat days don't become 'cheat weeks' and how cheat weeks don't become blown diets.

    Adherence, some people will better adhere to a diet knowing they have a free day ahead of them.

    Cheat days don't become cheat weeks or a blown diet if the person wants to reach their goal and they have some measure of mental fortitude to get back on their diet the next day

    This....I agree completely! Love my Free Meal (as I call it) and if I crave something during the week I don't feel deprived because I know I can still have it.
  • Everyone's on a different journey. Some people's journeys include cheat days. Yours doesn't. Case closed :tongue:
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Setting up overly rigid expectations is likely to lead to a person abandoning efforts.

    Personally I don't buy this and I think it's just giving yourself permission to fail.

    Change your mindset, be disciplined, succeed.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't understand the concept of 'cheat days'. Whoever made the term up and promoted the idea has a lot to answer for.

    I understand 'No exercise days' (rest days) but 'cheat days' I don't. I don't understand why someone would work hard all week then set aside a special day to blow it. I personally dont think going over calories on ANY day while staying within your weekly calorie goal is a cheat... that's just balancing your calorie intake over a week. But for the life of me I can't understand why someone would be on a 'diet' but set aside a day where they can eat whatever they want and think they are 'entitled' to it because they've been 'so good'. I mean who are they kidding?? Isn't that like telling an alcoholic they can drink as much as they want one day a week???

    Look... I know this post will have already come across as all 'judgemental' but if there's any 'cheat day' advocates out there I'd love you to explain to me why cheat days are a good idea and how cheat days don't become 'cheat weeks' and how cheat weeks don't become blown diets.

    Adherence, some people will better adhere to a diet knowing they have a free day ahead of them.

    Cheat days don't become cheat weeks or a blown diet if the person wants to reach their goal and they have some measure of mental fortitude to get back on their diet the next day

    ^^^This is pretty close, for me anyway. I am committed to better health and major fitness so it will take ALOT to knock me off my game.

    I give myself one 'free/cheat' whatever you want to call it MEAL once a week. I do this to help curb cravings and it has worked well FOR ME. If it's Monday and I'm craving a taco supreme I tell myself I can have it Friday night. Most Friday's come and go and the item I had craved is far out of mind. The idea that once a week I can eat outside of my macros, without guilt, has saved me from many a binges. My cheat meal generally falls on date night with my husband when he finally gets a choice as to what and where we eat. He is my biggest supporter and hasn't complained once about the change in the types of foods/meals I prepare at home so I love the idea that we can go out once a week, to a place he loves (he has absolutely no weight issues). Most times I attempt to stay within my calories, most times I do. MOST times. :)

    On the opposite side of this - I used to be a 'free/cheat' whatever you want to call it DAY once a week and I bombed with that. I woke the next morning with MAJOR cravings and it was very hard to keep the binges away after an entire day off plan.

    All of this, is of course, my story, my opinion.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GAIN WEIGHT BY HAVING ONE LOUSY "CHEAT" DAY ONCE IN A WHILE. It takes an insane amount of calories to actually put on fat.

    3500 calories = 1lb. That's not that insane.
    If you "cheat" every single day, yes you will gain fat. Indulging and eating whatever you want on Christmas day is not going to ruin any success you've made.

    The OP made a point of saying if it levels out for the week it isn't a cheat day. Christmas Day is easy enough to spread out over the week with exercise and eating a little less on other days. Indulging on Christmas day is not an excuse to have a cheat day (e.g. a day where you eat whatever you want with no regard to your diet)
    If you don't enjoy what you want sometimes, you'll just gain everything back eventually when you get sick of eating salad and water.

    It's a real shame if your diet consists of salad and water. I eat far better foods now that I follow a healthy lifestyle than I did when I was fat. Salad and water is actually laughable.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    A couple of fairly common attitudes on cheat days:

    First is that some people find it easier to have most of the week dedicated to very strict and rigid rules that they will not deviate from (not as much as a single potato chip or M&M, or absolutely no alcohol, or perhaps no bread or pasta, or not going over any of the limits for calories, sugar, sodium, fat grams, etc.) if they know that some their cheat day or cheat meal, they can loosen up a little and have something they have been craving. Once they have that day or meal where they treat themselves, then they can go right back to their clean eating routine for a while knowing that at the end of the week is another day/meal when they can enjoy something they otherwise can't have.

    Another is that when someone does the same exact routine day after day without a change, the body can stabilize and reach a plateau and that having something to break up the pattern can cause a response where the body starts losing again.

    I for one try not to have any cheat day (where I can be bad for an entire day) but have the occasional cheat meal, tending to do so for special events (such as a birthday party or perhaps a family night out to dinner).
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    people are losing weight a little bit slower so that they have a weekly treat to look forward to??

    oh noes!! i'll get the ducking stool if you gather the kindling.

    First off it's "dunking stool." Secondly, the above comment is simply hatred and contributes nothing of value to the topic at hand.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    agreed. They just continue the cycle of emotional eating and sugar addiction. If you break those bad habits you are home free. Why put yourself through it every week?
  • I can not afford a cheat day im just trying to stay on the healty train lol
  • gregwhitley
    gregwhitley Posts: 26 Member
    I am a fairly good sized guy, and have always had a big appetite. Before I got serious about logging and making an effort to lose weight, my "normal" lunch was 1500-2000 cal. A large (16") sub from Firehouse, Lenny's, or wherever. A giant cookie (or two), and a 32 oz (diet) drink, with a refill. At 220-240 lb., I could eat like that at every meal, every day.

    I do go over my (aggressive) calorie goal several times a week. However, I don't think I have gone over maintenance since I started logging a month or so ago. So I don't sweat it. If I only lose 10 pounds this month instead of 20 like last month, I'll still be smiling....and drilling new holes in my belt! Hell, I ate half of a large pizza today for lunch :D I'll just settle back in and take care of it next week :)

    Having said all that, I really hate the term "cheat meal/day". It isn't cheating if you are still doing what's healthy for you. As for the alcoholic comment - I find it to be an excellent analogy. IF you are someone who has a food addiction/disorder, I think a day of eating whatever you want with no repercussions is EXACTLY like telling an alcoholic to drink as much as they want one day a week. If you are NOT one of those people, then that comment wasn't meant for you.

    I gotta say, I pretty much agree with the OP here. I am also finding this board a bit difficult due to the thin skinned nature of most of the members. Perhaps I can find a group on here that is a little more rough and tumble that would fit my personality better.
  • It's pretty simple. Do what works for you and maybe quit worrying about judging what other people are doing. I don't have cheat days because I eat how I want to eat. I go out to eat when I want to and eat what sounds good. Some days I go over my calorie goal, some days I run 8 miles and I'm way under. It's worked pretty well for me, but my way could be a disaster for someone else.

    There seems to be a large amount of self-hate going on in this thread. If you don't treat every meal like a make-or-break proposition, derailments become a lot less common.

    The most important thing is to do what works for you and maybe stop with the thinking that you know the best way to lose weight.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm going to have two cheat days this month because of the nature of my job. I cover media events, some of which involve food. I posted a thread about it, and the responses were in two camps: just take a little taste of everything or give yourself the day as a cheat day. I write about the food, so I have to at least taste it. I decided that since it's usually only a couple of times a month, I'll give myself permission to eat what I want (but certainly not to gorge myself).

    I don't think it's going to hurt my overall eating plan. I know that those are special occasions, and they'll be treated as such. I'll log them to remind myself that I had a splurge, which is all the more motivation to behave the rest of the time. I think that will work much better for me than just taking little nibbles and feeling deprived.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I am a fairly good sized guy, and have always had a big appetite. Before I got serious about logging and making an effort to lose weight, my "normal" lunch was 1500-2000 cal. A large (16") sub from Firehouse, Lenny's, or wherever. A giant cookie (or two), and a 32 oz (diet) drink, with a refill. At 220-240 lb., I could eat like that at every meal, every day.

    I do go over my (aggressive) calorie goal several times a week. However, I don't think I have gone over maintenance since I started logging a month or so ago. So I don't sweat it. If I only lose 10 pounds this month instead of 20 like last month, I'll still be smiling....and drilling new holes in my belt! Hell, I ate half of a large pizza today for lunch :D I'll just settle back in and take care of it next week :)

    Having said all that, I really hate the term "cheat meal/day". It isn't cheating if you are still doing what's healthy for you. As for the alcoholic comment - I find it to be an excellent analogy. IF you are someone who has a food addiction/disorder, I think a day of eating whatever you want with no repercussions is EXACTLY like telling an alcoholic to drink as much as they want one day a week. If you are NOT one of those people, then that comment wasn't meant for you.

    I gotta say, I pretty much agree with the OP here. I am also finding this board a bit difficult due to the thin skinned nature of most of the members. Perhaps I can find a group on here that is a little more rough and tumble that would fit my personality better.

    Thank you :drinker:
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I guess it should have been obvious the thread might be a little melodramatic when the title was "Worst idea EVER". I mean there HAVE been worse ideas... Invading Iraq?... The 'Ab Circle Pro'?...

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. Debate on :drinker: