Cheat days - Worst idea ever



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Actually most people who are successful at being in recovery from alcohol DO go to support groups. It's clear your knowledge of addiction, no matter the substance, is limited. Harm reduction is a model, however research has shown that while it may effective in the short term that it is not effective in the long term.

    Being an alcoholic is *nothing* like eating too much food very day. Nothing at all.

    Having a physical addiction is a completely separate issue from struggling with a bad habit.

    Food Addiction exists.

    It's not a physical addiction.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cheat day, don't call it that way ... It's reward day.

    I don't reward myself with food and I'm pretty gosh darn happy about that.

    There's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself. How a person chooses that reward is a personal decision. I don't reward myself with expensive trinkets, and I feel pretty darn good about that. But for others, expensive toys/trinkets might be the very reward they need. And that's ok.

    True. I reward myself plenty, but never with food. That is a no go for me. I have rewarded myself with a couple cute shirts I wanted to buy. I have rewarded myself with a cute little necklace I wanted. I rewarded myself with running a 5K. I rewarded myself with getting to goal.

    I'm not into clothes and jewelry. Boring. :laugh:
  • Cheat meals, I agree with...days...not so much. I think newbs (those newer to losing weight/your stereotypical yo-yo dieters). Sunday is mine. I however, am at church all day and almost never eat breakfast that day - so I'm fasting till lunch/dinner time where we usually have unhealthy food. I eat 2,000 calories a day and STILL lose weight, but I'm extremely active. At my activity level, a little extra won't bother me...but I think some people really need to make sure there doing more than laying on their back doing pilates before they induldge.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I do cheat days, I eat whatever I like and don't log my food. I feel no guilt and am back on track the next day. I hit my goal weight in 15 months, am maintaining and yes I still have cheat days.

    Cheat days work for me.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I think the word "cheat" implies a psychological break/reward. I can see why people think that doing a "cheat day" reinforces the idea that eating well is punishment. But there are good reasons to do a planned and controlled "refeed", and I plan on doing that when I get a little further along.
  • To tell you the truth. I do have a "CHEAT" day. But I do try not to go over my cals. I take a bite of this and that of what I have been craving. I may have a whole bagel and real cream cheese. Nothing to crazy or my tummy will really hurt and feel really bloated. I just like a day if I want a kids size soft serve it's ok. I work hard all week making great choices so one day of a little something bad is ok.
  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    Maybe it is a personal need to approach differen, or human nature, not sure. But all I know is that "cheat" anything becomes an increasingly slippery slope for me. Example - Chewed snuff from age 13-36. Tried quitting and made it 2 years. Then I figured since I had this thing licked, I could start up "just" doing it while cutting grass. Then it was "just" while I was doing outside work. Then it was "just" outside of work. Then it was.... well, I fell back into full time. Luckily the second try was better luck. Cold turkey and have been off it for 8 years.

    Food wise, I am a yo-yo. I go from highs of 299 to lows of 225. This has typically been a 5 year cycle. I am now on my downward swing and hopefuly at 48 a tad wiser. I dislike cheat day approach... Why? because it scares me. So, when I know things are going to be challenging with food, beer, etc on a specific occasion, I pre and post work my tail off. I have burnt as many as 4400 calories in a 24 hour period (thank you BMF) to prepare for a party. Just last night we came into pittsburgh for the hockey game. Worked out double before we left and i drank what i wanted and had some not normal food to me. Post game, I walked Duquesne campus (hilly) three times and a toal of 18,600 steps for the day. So high intake, but even higher burn.

    Be careful of "cheat" anything.... if you are not of 100% strong conviction, it will bite you in the *kitten*.

    Just my .02 cents.

  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I more have cheat meals. Yesterday was one, I had a couple of (very small) beer battered fish filets and TWO baked potatoes with sour cream and butter. I was under my calories, but I still consider it a cheat because I normally wouldn't eat something so fatty and with as much butter as I did. I tend to agree with people that are saying it's a way to feel like you're not depriving yourself. I also agree with the people that are saying I cannot imagine caring this much about what other people are doing with their diets.
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    I don't plan 'cheat days'. I allow myself to eat a treat everyday (assuming it fits into my goal) so I don't need to go all out and eat 2500 calories of rubbish on one day. Only time I won't log is a family/special occasion like weddings etc (simply 'cause it's awful trying to even GUESS what they put it in wedding food!).

    Some people have that little bit more willpower than others - they can allow themselves to have just one serving of chocolate per day, whereas others can't stop at that one serving so they save up calories or whatever they do for their 'cheat days' and then eat whatever they want on that day.

    If they work for some people - and they do seem to - then I say go for it!
  • Jess102979
    Jess102979 Posts: 98 Member
    I don't believe a cheat day means over indulge yourself. I usually pick a Saturday or Sunday for that day. Now That doesn't mean eat whatever the hell i want all day long and I don't do it all the time. i happen to like the way healthy things make me feel, but if I want to go to DQ and get an ice cream cone then that's what I'm going to do on that day. I also still incorporate my exercise. I don't see a big deal with it as long as you don't gorge yourself all day long, but then again I'm sure cheat days means something else to other people.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I rarely have a "cheat" meal as I eat everything and eat portions that fit within my calorie allotment. so there is no need to feel deprived. Some days I eat a bit more and some days I eat a bit less. I ate what I wanted on vacation but tried to eat as healthy as I could for eating out 3 times a day. I needed to change how I looked at eating not just how much I ate. If I did not change how I felt about food I will not maintain my weight loss. I am not deprived by my diet but feel better for it.
  • IMO, I believe 'cheat meals' should be meals that will put you at calorie surplus. People blow it out of proportions to have 'cheat days' and 'cheat meals'. If you have to use the term 'cheat meal', then obviously you are trying to lose weight. And by losing weight, all it is really is being in a calorie deficit, hit your macros and exercise consistently. I don't see the purpose in having a day or meal of 'cheats' to waste that hard work. Eat whatever you want. If it fits your macros and keeps you still in a calorie deficit, go for it. But we all know, that will slow the process. Eat clean, be in a calorie deficit, exercise consistently and be honest with yourself/meals is the EASIEST way to lose fat/weight.
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    I want to learn how to eat like a normal person, I don't want to diet! I want to make a lifestyle change, I want to be able to go to a holiday dinner or birthday party and not feel like I am cheating on my diet! So portion control is what I need to learn! As far as a cheat day, whatever works for you! We each have to find our own way, what works for one person, may not work for another. Unfortunately it's usually by trial and error, as is life!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Actually most people who are successful at being in recovery from alcohol DO go to support groups. It's clear your knowledge of addiction, no matter the substance, is limited. Harm reduction is a model, however research has shown that while it may effective in the short term that it is not effective in the long term.

    Being an alcoholic is *nothing* like eating too much food very day. Nothing at all.

    Having a physical addiction is a completely separate issue from struggling with a bad habit.

    Food Addiction exists.

    It's not a physical addiction.

    Yes, it is.

    Sorry, but that's ridiculous. The only withdrawal syndrome that's comes with refraining from eating is death from starvation.

    Alcoholism vs. food "addiction" = apples vs. oranges
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I don't understand the concept of 'cheat days'. Whoever made the term up and promoted the idea has a lot to answer for.

    I understand 'No exercise days' (rest days) but 'cheat days' I don't. I don't understand why someone would work hard all week then set aside a special day to blow it. I personally dont think going over calories on ANY day while staying within your weekly calorie goal is a cheat... that's just balancing your calorie intake over a week. But for the life of me I can't understand why someone would be on a 'diet' but set aside a day where they can eat whatever they want and think they are 'entitled' to it because they've been 'so good'. I mean who are they kidding?? Isn't that like telling an alcoholic they can drink as much as they want one day a week???

    Look... I know this post will have already come across as all 'judgemental' but if there's any 'cheat day' advocates out there I'd love you to explain to me why cheat days are a good idea and how cheat days don't become 'cheat weeks' and how cheat weeks don't become blown diets.

    I've never understood it either. You're setting yourself up to fail because you likely will overeat. I make an exception for major holidays and family birthdays, but don't consider them cheat days.
  • Ntsocial
    Ntsocial Posts: 2
    It's weird to call them cheat days. There's no test, nobody's giving me a grade, I'm doing this for me. There are days where I realize I'm not going to be under my goal. That's life and I'm not going to get too hung up on it. One a week isn't going to kill me. I'm still making progress and I still make sure I record even on the days where I don't make the goal.

    Have I ducked outside for fifteen minutes extra with the jump rope if I'm over but still close, or if I want another beer? Sure. But I'm not going to obsess about it if I'm a couple hundred calories over occasionally. I'm making smarter choices and the information on this site/app are more clearly reminding me of where the dangerously high calories are, but if I can't enjoy myself, I'm probably not going to stick with it.

    I eat what I want. But I know what the consequences of that are.

    Also, back into size thirty four pants as of today.
  • My diet is so clean six out of seven days of the week that I feel (and know) that one day a week I can have a meal or two that isn't so healthy. I have been doing this for months and continue to see improvements in my body as I move forward. I like eating healthy but it is always nice to have pizza or something like that if I am feeling in the mood for it once a week. "Fat guy" saturdays - best idea ever :glasses:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I try not to do cheat days and include my favorite foods within my calorie limit. I have found that if I don't let myself have an occasional pizza slice, ice cream cone, or chocolate bar I'm going to go overboard and totally binge.
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    Can't say I disagree with the concept or the logic....

    However, one meal a week, I don't "log" into MFP. It's usually the post-church trip to Red Robin.
  • losingit413
    losingit413 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree. I feel terrible when I use a cheat day because I eat high sugar foods. I never realized how bad they made me feel before I quit eating them. I also have a hard time getting back on track and crave sugary foods for a few days after eating them. It is just easier to stick to healthy eating and feeling good.