Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    WELCOME to all the new folks! I've only been here a couple of weeks and these folks are motivating! Since I missed yesterday I'll do a Sunday Share:

    My name is Tracy. I turned 40 yesterday and am proud to say I weigh less today than I did on my 39th birthday (probably 38th too)! I have been married to my husband for 17.5 years (mostly happy but we've had our trials -- infertility, birth of a child (11 years now), adoption process, adoption of daughter (6 years now) and his downward spiral to alcoholism). We continue to work through things and he's doing well now and for the first time in a long time is being very supportive of my weight loss journey. In the past, he wouldn't step up as a parent and now he does to allow me time to focus on my exercing and health.

    I have two very active kids (you name a sport, we've probably at least attempted it!! :noway:) Basketball for my daughter starts tomorrow and baseball for my son starts next week. My husband works overnights at the post office. I work for a life insurance company based in South Dakota. I've been with them for 15 years now and they allow me to work from my new home in ND in a new capacity. Working from home has its plusses (no pay decrease, keeping my vacation and work flexibility) but I'm struggling with making friends in the area. Luckily, I have my Mom and two of my sisters here and its been wonderful to get to know them as adults since I've been 'gone' for 20 years.

    I've started a gazillion different diets over my lifetime and MFP works for me. The logging of food is so easy it's not a problem to do and the support from other MFPers is wonderful. I'm down 24 pounds since January 7th and while I have a lot to go, I'm okay with taking it slow and easy. I set little goals for myself and reward myself every 10 pounds.

    Monday check in: I celebrated hard on Saturday night and recuperated on Sunday. :drinker: :blushing: After missing two weeks of water schedule got in the way...I'm back at it tonight. Luckily my daughters basketball is at the Y so I'll be able to work out while she's learning her new skills with the bball. :laugh:

    Well, back to work. i'll catch up on some personals later.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    I am not new to MFP, but I suffered a set back and have recommitted myself to the pursuit of a healthier, happier, better ME. I think that having buddies with similar goals would help me along the way. I try really hard to do what I need to do in order to see my goals fulfilled, but I do at times fail. I commit myself to getting back up and trying again with each failure, though.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @jtscont - good job on prepping your fruits/veggies ahead of time. While it's a time commitment, it pays off.

    @grandmakaye - way to get that scale moving

    @mnwalkingqueen - Ugh. Leaks are awful. The first year my husband and I were in our first home (didn't know it at the time, but the town was basically built on a swamp!), we went to the basement the day before Christmas and the sump pump was still runing but the pipe had frozen and burst -- all into our basement! Good luck with that headache!

    @sharrell -- mix up the workouts. variety keeps me interested (not to say I haven't had some off weeks)

    @tootsanderson -- good luck to you and your husband

    @RobinsEgg -- Yes, taking time for yourself is important. AND congrats on 4 pounds!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Tracey Happy 40th Birthday Yesterday . I am turning 40 in september and not looking forward to it at all !
    Everyone is doing a good job !
    I lost 4 pounds this week ! Descided last week that i am going to loose 40 pounds by the end of September when i turn 40 ! I have 36 more pounds to go ! Then i have another 40 some to loose but i am excited to be motivated by everyone !
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    survived my ride to the library and back but it was a bit chilly
    Talking about avacado has made me want one.....i am going to have it for my after dinner snack....yum
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I dug up a rock garden by hand for 30 straight minutes....Any ideas on how to log....please don't tell me to buy HRM monitor I can't afford that right now.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hello Happy Monday! I made horrible choices this weekend and didn't log anything. I was too ashamed to see how many calories I really went over. :blushing: I do have to remind myself that there was a lot of walking involved with my weekend though as I spent about 8 hours total shopping. :noway: I'm still afraid to step on the scale this Wednesday. Anywho, jumping back on the wagon as of today and not letting it get me down. Not much time for talking but I wanted to check in quickly. I'm glad to see so many of you guys are taking advantage of the great weather and really getting some exercise in. Gives me more motivation to try and do the same.

    @ jconst - I keep my avocado fresh by spraying the exposed areas with PAM spray and keeping it in a tight container. Works wonders.
    @ walkingqueen - I'm pretty sure there is an exercise in the database for gardening. I remember using it back sometime ago.

    Hoping to spend more time catching up soon!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I dug up a rock garden by hand for 30 straight minutes....Any ideas on how to log....please don't tell me to buy HRM monitor I can't afford that right now.

    Holly~Under cardio search for gardening - there is a gardening, general exercise listed.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I dug up a rock garden by hand for 30 straight minutes....Any ideas on how to log....please don't tell me to buy HRM monitor I can't afford that right now.

    Courtney is right that "gardening" is in the MFP database--I use it all the time. You can also check this website for a comparison:

    If health status and MFP are far apart, I usually split the difference.

    FYI--Digging up a rock garden is probably a mix of cardio and strength, so I'm not sure an HRM is useful in this case. HRMs are great, but if you aren't doing true cardio, they aren't really any more accurate than these online calculators.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    wow, a lot of new people. I still haven't gotten to know all the "old" people yet. Welcome to all the newbies.

    Monday check in-- I always weigh in on Mondays and Fridays--don't know why I weigh in that often. I guess if I had a good weigh in on Monday, I can't wait to see if there is a further loss on friday and if it is a bad weigh in, I keep hoping for better. Oh well, I am resigned to weighing in twice a week I guess. Anyway, I weighed in this morning and was tickled to have lost another pound. That now puts me at 35.2 since Jan 4.

    Baseball season has arrived, and I have had the hobby of taking pictures of the players during the game and sharing with them and their families. They are minor leaguers in A ball and their families are scattered throughout the USA and other countries (especially Venezuela and Puerto Rico). Since finances are tight, I have not been able to afford to go to the games, so assumed that I would not be doing much baseball photography this summer, but have already had some offers of free tickets start coming in, so getting my exercise in may start becoming a challenge. Between work, Bible Study and baseball, this summer is shaping up to be a really busy one. It was fun going to my second game today and renewing acquaintances with a few returning players and getting to meet a few of the new ones. (I still did get my exercise in today--the video anyway)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people.

    Vickie- Happy Belated Birthday- Best wishes for the year ahead.

    Monday checkin-- Well, I wish I could lose weight again- the scale is refusing to budge. I was also hoping that after I finished with TOM the weight that did not come off before would have come off by now it has not. I am not sure what my body is doing right now, I hope it is just going through a major change and this change is due to water weight. I am thinking about buying a new scale on that includes BMI and muscle mass. I know that it should not make a difference but if I can track percentages then it make a difference.

    I had a very active weekend which felt great and an ok workout with my trainer. It was a beautiful day here so the work out was outside. It was nice but there were to many eyes that could watch so that does not make me comfortable. I am still self-conscious about people watching me workout. I will get over it but it will take time.

    Goals for this week:
    Sunday- Bike DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout- climb (3rd wall to conquer) DONE- Still need to conquer the 3rd wall
    Tuesday- GYM
    Wednesday- REST or walk around Kinder park after work meeting
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Rock Wall
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check in: I've been living in the land of denial so long, I was afraid to get on the scale. And rightly so. Yikes! And me 6 days from meeting my sis in Cancun! No wonder all my clothes hurt.

    If there's one thing I know, I can't fool my body. Exercising every day does not make up for what's been going in my mouth. So after I gave myself a thorough chewing out (no pun intended), I dragged self back on the logging wagon and had a decent day. Workout and weight training in the a.m., accountability all day, lots of H20, and a stroll with son's dog this evening. One day at a time. I'm signing up for a wellness class that explores the whys and wherefores of boredom/anxiety eating. Starts after I get back from my trip and before one more go at that blasted ablation.

    I've steadfastly avoided the mirror because I know what I'll see and it's not pretty. The "blinders" come off now. Arrrggg.

    Marsha the Ostrich
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Marsha and others who haven't been doing so great lately... HUGS to all of you.

    I keep thinking I must have posted this weekend, though I obviously didn't. Intended to. Ah well.

    In the Good News department, I actually got more than 8 hours of sleep for 2 straight nights (yay, hubby and kids, for letting me). I went roller-skating yesterday, briefly, and may go again tomorrow with DH. (I can't quite believe he wants to go; he's not great at it and usually doesn't volunteer. I am getting back into loving it recently, after a 25+ year hiatus, and bringing my oldest girl along for the ride.) I also found a dress and shoes for my brother's wedding later this month. The dress will need a little altering -- straps are ALWAYS too long on me -- but I found that I needed to buy 2 sizes smaller than I'm currently wearing. Let's hear it for vanity sizing.

    In the Bad News department, I'm doing a terrible job with my own April challenge! Succumbed to multiple cravings for Food I Do Not Need this weekend. I managed to work off one day's worth with a Zumba DVD, but not three. So, Marsha, you're not the only one who's getting a stern talking-to. I'll be signing up for one of those as well.

    Tonight, as usual for a call shift, am doing fine on calories. Let's hope that I actually get some half-decent sleep, as I have a presentation to give in the morning! (And, with any luck, a couple of hours of roller-skating, 1980s style, with DH tomorrow evening!)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sarah--the roller skating sounds like a fun calorie burn. My friends and I used to go religiously as teens, and a few of us got together a couple of years ago to try it again. It was fun, but there's really no one for me to go with regularly. I may try to organize an outing with friends again though.

    @marsha--sorry you are having a rough go of it lately. I've also been trying to compensate for bad eating with lots of exercise but it's not working well for me either. This morning the scale said 189--yikes! :noway: I'm okay with fluctuating up as much as 5 lbs from my lowest weight, but that's 8 lbs up which is just too much! I hope the ablation works out this time around. Enjoy your trip to Cancun--when do you leave?

    @laurie--every couple of months groupon sells the escali body composition scale for pretty cheap. It's an $80 scale and they recently had it for $25 or so. I have it and really like it. Sorry you are struggling--it sucks when you are working really hard and the scale still won't budge. At least I know why my scale won't go down (and seems to be going up instead). :ohwell:

    @wendy--nothing wrong with weighing in twice a week--I've seen numerous study that say people who weigh themselves regularly do better at losing and maintaining weight. I try to weigh myself most mornings to keep tabs, but I only check in on MFP when I drop below my previous lowest weight.

    @kris--congrats on the 4 lb loss--10% done! :drinker:

    @tracy and vickie--Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!! :smile:

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I haven't been doing great with my food and the scale is screaming at me to get it together. As I mentioned above, I'm 8 lbs above my lowest weight which is just plain unacceptable. :grumble: Time for this girl to stop trying to out-exercise the junk food. If some of you remember, I raised my calorie allowance in early March. Clearly that is not working for me :blushing: , so starting tomorrow I will lower my daily calories back down to where I was in Feb.

    I'm doing ok with exercise--ran outside yesterday and walked gunner today. Tomorrow is a gym day--I will lift, run, and ride the stationary bike.

    Virtual Trans America Trail-- I'm at 265 miles since 1/1/13--just passed the 100 mile mark cycling (I also count elliptical and arc trainer as "cycling" b/c the website only allows running ,walking, and cycling as options). I'm currently in Rockbridge County, VA--7 miles to Lexington.

    I am on Day 26 of The Hobbit trail--Weather Hills are getting far behind me now. On LOTR trail, I'm on Day 15--Frodo was recently attacked by the Nazgul on Weathertop.

    April Fool's Challenge: Fool myself with e-cig. So far so good! :smile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just drop in to say hello and catching up on the posts. Almost there to. Getting ready for bed now. Will posts more later.

    Have a good night.


  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    at this point there's some talk between his primary care providers, the veteran's administration and the military doctors that this may actually be a case of 'gulf war syndrome'. for those that don't know 'gulf war syndrome' is the umbrella name they gave to mysterious sudden onset and chronic problems in men who served in the middle east that are likely caused by exposure to biological, chemical or nerve agent warfare.

    Wow. Big hugs doll. As much as he likely doesn't want to admit it, the physicians are probably on the right track. I've had several friends diagnosed with the same syndrome (in various different symptom clusters) - there is hope, but life will probably change.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok. I need some suggestions on how to give up the diet dr pepper. I will never get enough water intake while I am drinking it. I really feel like it has some sort of addictive property and I know it's bad for me.. I'm open to anything.

    To all that are struggling know someone cares and I hope things get better soon.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I had to chuckle that MFP must have "****" out my friends name because they think I'm saying a bad word. Give me a break. This is their last name that happens to be the nickname of Richard. Serious??!! I ask for thoughts and prayers for the family not calling someone the short name for Richard. Wow!!!

    Just had to make that little note and it has nothing to do with weight loss. LOL!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Ok. I need some suggestions on how to give up the diet dr pepper. I will never get enough water intake while I am drinking it. I really feel like it has some sort of addictive property and I know it's bad for me.. I'm open to anything.

    To all that are struggling know someone cares and I hope things get better soon.

    I was addicted to Diet Coke. I would drink one at 6:30 a.m. and ALL day long. I can't even fathom how much I use to drink. I haven't quit cold turkey and I pretty much ignore those people who tell me how bad it is for me. I have reduced my intake by huge numbers though. I now drink water, Crystal Light, or Unsweetened Tea (with Trulia or Stevia) in the AM. If I've had at least 40-60 oz of water in the AM, I may have one Diet Coke with lunch. I basically use a Diet Coke as my treat. Today I had 1 can with dinner and that was it. I go some days without one. It really is a HUGE accomplishment. Will I completely stop? I don't know. I might and I might not. To each their own in my opinion. Baby steps to change a habit.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Suzee: I weaned myself off diet pop with sparkling flavored water (60 cents for a quart bottle), herb tea and drinking 3 to 4 cups of water while at the gym. My city's water tastes especially nasty in warm weather and I needed to disguise the aftertaste. Kroger sells bottled, flavored (dark cherry, white grape, lime, lemon-lime, etc) sparkling water under their own label. In fact, so does Target, Safeway and Market Street. Celestial Seasons has some yummy caffeine-free herb teas and I can steep 16 ounces with one pouch/bag. When I go to the gym, which is located in a neighboring city, I take an empty 24 oz. water bottle and fill it there as their water source is different and filtered. Now I might have just one diet pop a day, but usually not that often. My consumption is up from zero ounces of water to 80-96 ounces daily.

    There are a variety of reasons increasing water consumption is good for you, especially when reducing calories and increasing activity, and I won't begin to list them all. The most important is that your vital organs must stay hydrated or you risk some serious side effects. My anatomy and physiology teacher used to say, "A dry cell is a DEAD cell." So true.