40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Second 5x5 session tomorrow, squats, overhead press and deadlift, bring it on!

    this :smile:

    Happy Wednesday Cool Kids, what's on your workout menu today? I'm going for a walk/run during my lunch break and to the gym tonight for "tire dragging" how cool is that?

    Have a good day, enjoy the weather (if you're on the east coast) it's BEAUTIFUL today!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Good morning young ones :D How are we today? I would like your opinions....I hit a number on the scale this morning I haven't seen in a long time....when you achieve goals how do you celebrate? Do you buy yourself something special? Do you go somewhere? Do you do something? Or do you just recognize it, smile about it to yourself and check it off your mental "Movin' on" list? Just curious....
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sdereski - p90x on saturday and "shoveling buckets" on Sunday does not sound LAZY to me!!!

    cbj - I usually do the "smile ot myself" route, sometimes I will buy a new suit, occassionally I will celebrate with a food treat.

    Kelly - OMG, you had 12 pairs of jeans to try on? I only own two pairs of jeans! (LOTS of "yoga pants", though, which is what i wear for casual wear.)

    Stiggy - looking forward to hearing about your workout.

    GREAT workout this am. Ran a mile in just over 8 min (treadmill) and lifted. Upped most of my weights, which was cool.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    cbj - I don't really celebrate scale losses - I'm pretty skinny to start with. But, when I do hit my body fat loss goals, I do intend on getting a DXA scan! Woo hoo, lol!!

    lcuconley - a run AND weights?? I don't know how you do that, but YAY FOR YOU!!

    newbeg - I'm getting in my work-out at lunch, today. Lifting. Heavy. Things.

    kelly - 12 pairs of jeans?????????????? Holy cow!
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    Enjoyed the 2nd 5x5 workout this afternoon. Thought i'd struggle a bit with the overhead press as I broke my shoulder when I was a lad and that sort of exercise is not one I've focussed on in the past but it was actually a lot easier than I expected it to be.

    The squats and deadlift are lower weights than I've done in the past but I want to make sure I start from scratch and do it properly.

    Back to workout A on Friday, squats, bench press and barbell row but all with increased weight over Monday's session.

    Onwards & upwards!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon all! Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I, on the other hand, have been bitten by the stomach bug. Really not feeling well at all. Called in to work and cancelled my other activities as well. I am actually still in my PJs. Hoping it's just a 24hr thing.

    Beeps & Icuconley - told ya I have a clothing fetish! Lol! I do have to find some dress clothes, however. I can wear jeans to work only on days that I don't have meetings which sometimes is only a few times per month.

    Hoping tomorrow is a better day. :sick:
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    hello everyone ...how's it goin today?? I do my workouts before work around 2:30 am. About 15-20 min of high intensity cardio, then 45 min of strength training ..

    I can't wait until I am in better shape than my 23yo son again...he-he-he .....

    OH, I'm 46 btw .....
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    drfaw - wow...2:30am...is that the beginning of your day or the middle?

    Kelly - man, everyone seems to be getting sick...good thing we are on the computer!!

    stiggy - glad day 2 went well. I love the OHP.

    beeps - I run a mile to warm up before lifting. how was your lunchtime workout?

    So, the last three days have been lifting/sprint workout/lifting. Going to go to yoga tonight to try to assuage my tweaky muscles.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    stiggy - good for you to focus on FORM and realize that the weights will catch up in no time! Awesome!

    Kelly - we are a "jeans only" office. I actually only have 2 pairs of jeans that fit, though! (I have about 4 pairs that are too big - but I still wear them in my rotation, too.)

    drefaw - a 2:00 am workout sounds KOO-KOO!! YOU ARE MY HERO for getting up and getting THAT done. Wow!

    lcuconley - my work-out was awesome.

    My work-out was still 80 minutes long. Hmmmm...don't know how long I can keep that up before somebody notices I'm literally out-of-the-office for more than 2 hours M/W/F....
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    Yea, I get up @ about 1-1:30am, get ready, and drive to work(we have an onsite fitness center) workout from about 2:30 - 3:30, then go down to the shop and work 12hrs ......5 or 6 days a week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    that's impressive...do you have to be a "night owl" to handle those hours, or is it better for a "morning lark"?

    No exercise for me, today. So, will work extra-hard to keep my calories in check!
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    idk, I've worked midnights for about 17yrs ...And this funky shift for about 1 1/2yrs now. It's just my natural thing now I think. I go to bed around 6 or 7pm every night .....some nights after a heavy workout, and a busy day I will pass out around 5pm .......
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Still a bit under the weather today, but I did make it to the gym before work for a shorter work out. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • dsimpson67
    My fitness goal today: 60 mins or more on my elliptical, and 40 mins of weight training. This is my routine 5 days a week.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    howdy gang!

    welcome dsimpson. what is your lifting routine?

    Kelly - good job getting to the gym...hopefully you are 100% tomorrow!

    drefaw - that's a wild schedule! Sounds like there is almost no time to see anyone on a "normal" schedule.

    beeps - I would take a rest day today and follow your low cal approach, except that date night is tonight. That means a little food indulgence and a little drink indulgence...I have GOT to burn some calories!! Could not get away at lunch, so I am going to have to try to hit spin class post-work. I almost never do that...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    spin is too frickin' hard! But, you've also reminded me to put "date nights" back on the calendar! we got pretty lazy after Xmas and the kids had too many activities. Date night (usually Tuesdays) is going BACK ON THE CALENDARS, starting Tuesday!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!

    Great job on your workouts everyone!

    Kelly - sure hope you are feeling better.

    Beeps - a jeans only office?! Very cool. Not at all what I pictured.

    dre - welcome! That certainly is one funky schedule you've got going on. But, as you said, it works for you. :drinker: 17 years of N/S?! Wow! I did it for 7 years and it was brutal. Once I started working days again, my family told me how horrible I was to live with during that time. I had NO idea I was so *****y all the time. :noway:

    I weighed myself again this morning and I am up another freaking pound! that is up 6lbs since last Tuesday. How is that even possible when I work out every day? :explode: :sad: Yes beeps - it makes me crazy!

    Welcome dsimpson! :flowerforyou: 100 min of exercise 5/days week is fantastic!!

    Ran my 10k (6m) again yesterday but didn't have time to get my P90X in. Had an evening meeting. It was almost 9 by the time I got home and then hubby walked in the door. We had a cup of tea and toast together and then it was time for bed. (that was my dinner. :tongue: )
  • stiggy64
    stiggy64 Posts: 40 Member
    Nearly came unstuck for tomorrow. I've got my final 5x5 session of the week and will be working from home instead of the office so won't be able to go to my normal gym.

    Fortunately i've spoken to the gym local to home and they do a pay per session offer so i'll be able to go there instead :)

    This will bring my first week of 5x5 to an end and if when i weigh myself on Saturday i haven't lost 7lbs and 10% body fat then i'm giving up as it's plainly not working :)

    Joking aside, i have noticed that i'm suffering from SBS quite badly now. Although there's been very little in the way of proper medical research carried out into it I can honestly say it's having quite an impact on me. Saggy Bum Syndrome is not fun, my suit trousers look like they were made for someone else!! Time to go shopping me thinks :)

    Have a good day all.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Stiggy - way to be resourceful...dedication to working out is all about finding a way. I have never suffered from SBS...but it sounds like you are on the right track!

    sdereski - hmmm...have your eating habits changed? That sounds really strange...certainly not a "real" weight gain.

    beeps - you are so funny...you lift HEAVY weights for 80 minutes. In the eye of the beholder, I suppose. yay for date night!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    "heavy" is ALL relative....I'm not pulling the >100 lbs numbers (like I did when doing NROL4W). Well, on deadlifts I am, but nuthin' else.

    I only have 2 pairs of jeans that even fit me....it really IS time to "go shopping".

    Well, I did some online shopping today....I just HATE shopping SO much, it isn't even funny.

    I did buy:

    1. 1 x size 8 joseph ribkoff dress....this is more like a work dress ($100);
    2. 1 x size 10 joseph ribkoff dress....this fits "small" according to the website. This is a $200 dress that I want to wear to my parents' 50th wedding anniversary (scheduled for mid-July, 2013). And, I can wear my BELOVED purple peep-toed 5" pumps!
    3. 2 x size 8 capri jeans....fine, these I should be able to wear to work....once the snow melts. (Each pair was $85)
    4. 4 x tops. (total = $120)

    There. That's enough. I'm pooped. All this *kitten* better fit!!