

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    still feeling yucky,fell asleep at 6 last night, had Chester stuffed in next to me under the covers and Homer squished next to my legs.did get up at 5 this morning and went to the gym,but wasnt feeling great so only lasted 20 minutes.
    DH will be flying in early tomorrow afternoon, so gonna come home from work tonight sweep and wash floors, and get things spiffy for his return..
    dont know why im feeling yucky,im guessing its allergies, ..Hope everyone has a sparkly day, stay safe the ones under nasty weather watches and we are going to get a soaker today..
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Shorts and tees yesterday, pants and sweaters today. That’s how we roll in PA. Temps dropped about 20 – 30 degrees overnight and now I’m hunkered down. Made it easier to work out today, but I really need to do more stretching – I can tell now it’s just a muscle in my back that’s cramped up on the left side, and it needs to be stretched out. The good news is I still have my flexibility, but I’m not as mobile as I was before and want to get back there. It feels good to be adding weights back in to my workout – I really enjoy cardio but need the weights too (as my arms are telling me even two days later lol).

    Grandmallie, I’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.

    DeeDee, shopping sounds like it was loads of fun for everyone. I love shoes – who doesn’t? When DD and I went into a DSW for the first time we both gasped and said it was like entering the magic kingdom. :bigsmile: You’re getting the bad weather that rolled through the south yesterday – I hope you’re safe today. I don’t expect they’re going to get a lot of golf in today – DH will be happy he didn’t miss a lot.

    Amanda, I remember how frustrating the tube travel could be – pop-up maintenance or scheduled strikes, it seemed like it was always something. Nothing you can do but go with the flow though. Everyone else is just as late.

    Viv, some people lack an empathy gene – my DH most definitely does. I just know not to look to him for that kind of support and it helps. If I need something and ask for it, he’ll totally do it for me, so I try not to be too upset that I have to ask. Be careful about the laser place – if it’s like here in the States they have fog machines that have always kind of bothered me if I had a respiratory thing going on. Hoping you see some warm weather – I know the UK needs it!

    JB, making me smile as always.

    Oooh, Carol, that looks delicious! I’m going to try that out this weekend. I have a big jar of red wheatberries in my pantry (I like to play with different grains and have a thought to try grinding my own flour sometime too).

    Barbie, before I read your last line of the paragraph I was thinking “you’re going to be dancing in your sleep!” :laugh:
    Michele, stay safe in this weather!

    Liz, lovely to see you :flowerforyou:.

    Brooke, love your new meme/pic!

    Sue in SD, as I’m sure you know the forecasters are right about the falling ice – and branches too – a lot of times the ice weighs down the tree limbs that are weak and they break off. I’ve seen that damage people and property more than falling ice (unless it’s hail). I hope the test results go well.

    Gail and everyone else in the south – I hope you’re all safe! We are having just thunder, wind and rain here but we’re further north. I have a friend in Alabama yesterday who was hunkered down in the afternoon already. Bad storms!

    Jmkmomm, I’m so glad you were able to relax and walk with DH and carry on a pleasant conversation. To me, walking should be the time that I’m most able to relax and enjoy – I would be upset if someone was with me who was disagreeable. However, having said that there have been a few times when DH and were in a tiff and would go out for a walk and not speak for the first 10 minutes or so, then one of us would spill and by the time we got back we had everything worked out. Congratulations on the great trip to the neuro! That’s wonderful.

    Katla, lol.

    Yanniejannie, busy day!

    Even though I keep my calories set at 1200, that’s the bare minimum for me. I totally agree with Barbie that every single one of those calories are for pure, whole food, not sugar, white flour or alcohol. I do have wine occasionally, but I make sure I have exercise calories for those days, and at my age and slow metabolism I simply can’t drink a lot (or overindulge in sweets or anything really) without severe consequences to my weight. It’s just not possible anymore. So I’ve embraced this new lifestyle, and it’s treated me well. I don’t get sick much if at all, and any colds are gone in a day or two. Anyway, my brief plug for a healthy lifestyle.

    Tari, remember that everything you’re doing is good for you. Regardless of how your body is responding, you are getting healthier.

    Robin, still sending positive thoughts for that new job. Your vacation just keeps sounding better and better – how big’s that suitcase?

    My cat was very restless last night, couldn’t get settled down and then once he did DH came to bed and it started all over again. Therefore I didn’t really get to sleep before midnight, then up with the birdies (that’s what wakes him up). Anyway I was out of bed by 5am, which is really what works best for me anyway. I used to just use my natural sleep rhythms to get me to sleep and awake, but now I use the alarm cat :bigsmile:.

    Have a wonderful day – stay out of the way of the twisters and falling ice!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Hello all you lovely women!
    I dropped my husband off at cricket today ( in the rain ) and decided to drop in on Marks and Spencers, a big British chain. When I was large I lusted after loads of clothes there, but despaired that none of them would suit my figure. Now I can fit into them I think they all look too frumpy! Couldn't see anything I really wanted. Mind you their sales figures have been falling so I'm not the only one. In the end I bought some jeans in a size 14 (10 USA ), the very same style that I bought in a 16 at the beginning of February! A true NSV! Until that purchase in Feb I hadn't worn jeans in 25 years.
    I am very lucky with my husband who is very encouraging, but also loved me bald and fat with my chemo. The only trouble with him is that he is super skinny and I have to make cakes to feed him up. He exercises with me in the mornings and I would never have stuck to it without him. In the same time as me he manages to do 600 or 700 calories when I am doing 400. That's why he is thin!
    I have his sister coming on Sunday for a couple of days and I am going to make those lovely lollies (popsicles) as the moulds have arrived. It will certainly make her laugh when I produce those for dessert! She is also my champion and so appreciative of my weight loss.
  • luvbuttons
    HELP!!! I followed the 1200 diet and most days were just under the amount of calories allowed. I also walked most days of the week and worked in the garden. I GAINED 1/4 pound this week. So discouraged. :frown:
    Sharon from Michigan
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Hello ladies ... have to bump reading until later; having a busy day. I woke up great this morning and did my morning exercises. I was able to stay on my stationery bike for an extra 10 minutes ... yeah! Did some strength training; cleaned and straighted out the house; now on my way to go shopping for a gift for my mother law's birthday party tomorrow. I am going to try and watch my calories today because I know for sure I will be partaking in the dessert category. You all have a wonderful day and to those who are keeping their stride; congratulations. Talk to you soon.
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Awoke this morning to... shovel show. The only bonus to this is that I have some of my exercise in already.
    NSV... wearing my size 10 pants daily now... WOOT!
    Come on SPRING!!!

    Happy Progress Everyone!!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Question and feedback needed. When I set up my account, instead of having MFP set my goals, I had set my own calorie goal at 1350. I selected Sedentary because I spend most of the work day sitting. When not at work I am usually busy and on my feet a lot. I also find that I am still hungry with the 1350 calories.
    I am not happy with my weight loss so far it's been 80 days and I have only lost a total of 13 lbs. However am now up 2 lbs. from some bad eating in the past couple weeks.
    I don't get in much exercise, I live in the sticks, no equipment here at home and limited to walking, but at mercy of the weather and my knees and bad ankle.
    I am thinking of dropping my calories to 1200, what do you all think.
    I would really appreciate some input on this.
    Thanking you in advance

    :flowerforyou: Just getting in on the conversation, Carol. I have my daily requirement set at 1500. That is the number of calories needed if I were to maintain a weight of 135 pounds - which is my goal weight - at sedentary. I choose the sedentary because I have an office job, and realistically I do not do enough exercising to allow for a higher activity level. I enter my exercises separately. If you set your level at another activity level the daily calorie requirements would change. It seems to me your activity is similar to mine.

    I agree with Barbie to ensure the calories are nutrition dense. I am working on that, because it remains a challenge. My weightloss did get a kick start when I started eating high nutrient foods (tons of veggies and more fruits), so that definitely helped.

    :yawn: I was awake way too early this morning. On the bright side, it gives me some time to check in with all of you and catch up on the posts. I am in transition from one position to another at work, plus dealing with some things that all of a sudden came to a head. It's all good, but it does make for more stress.

    :smile: Tomorrow morning I will be walking another 10K. It will be on the actual race route. I am looking forward to it.

    :drinker: Reminder: Has everyone stocked up on their fresh produce? I hope to post the 1-day challenge later today, so folks can get in on it for a day of their choosing.

    Have a great Friday!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    HELP!!! I followed the 1200 diet and most days were just under the amount of calories allowed. I also walked most days of the week and worked in the garden. I GAINED 1/4 pound this week. So discouraged. :frown:
    Sharon from Michigan

    Try your tape measure. Sometimes as we lose the fat but add muscle you will see a weight gain.
    Hang in there!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALs,
    Brooke, YES that is my grand daughter FAYROUZ, taken in Abu Dhabi over my spring Break!. Oh we had a blast with that little sweetheart. So much FUN I can't even believe how much I loved being there with her.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Carol, the Wheat Berry Salad looks delicious but not sure I can get Wheat berries over here. in fact I am not even sure what Whet Berries are! Have I lived over seas too long? :laugh:

    Finally have a minute to sit and read the posts and write a little. It has been an absolutely beautiful day today. NO work because it is Friday and so I set off early at 5:30 for an hour walk/jog around the neighborhood. I was thinking of all you who walk your dogs and I was trying to avoid dogs attacking me. That is my greatest fear to walking in the streets. Usually I just walk around the school tracks but it is so BORING to make circles all the time. The fresh air and lovely walk this morning set me off to a great day. Found some little shops that I had never noticed ( of course they were closed at 6:00 am ) but I can go back later on and actually see what they have inside.

    My husbands birthday is coming up on Sunday so I am thinking of some kind of treat to make to celebrate his big day. He'll turn 60! Wonder if he even realizes that!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: He has been a bit of a grump today but hopefully he will cheer up by Sunday or I might think of something not so sweet to treat him with!!! JUST KIdding. Really thoughm Why do men think they have a right to be GRUMPY OLD MEN??????

    Have a super Friday when you all wake up and start your days!! Phyllis in Egypt:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have a pretty morning and I hope they day is nice enough to lure DH outside for some exercise. He is having success with lowering his blood pressure and that is cheering both of us up. :bigsmile:

    We went to the library yesterday and I came home with gardening and recipe books. The garden books included one that is aimed specifically at the Pacific NW, and every page had good ideas for plant choices and design.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: The other two had pretty pictures of gardens, but were not helpful in plant choices. :tongue: The recipe books were by people whose names I see here on MFP; Jillian MIchaels and Bill Phillips. Both had recipes. Neither had calorie or nutrition information. :grumble: Phillips had pictures of brand name ingredients with every recipe and a bunch of before and after pictures of puff to buff adults at the end of the book. :huh: I didn't see a recipe in either book that I wanted to try.:noway:

    Have a good day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :grumble: Sorry to anyone on page 5 I might have skipped, the computer gremlins aren’t allowing me to see THAT page now :grumble:

    Gonzamm – What a great start to your day you had! Hoping the rest of the day is as positive for you

    LisainUP – Yep, what a weird “Spring” it is for sure! Last week we went from 69 high to 22 high in one day – yikes! Also, you are so right about the tape measure (or clothes) rather than the scale telling us what’s going on

    Renny – I’m all ready for the weekend challenge, my produce shopping day is Wed. and I loaded up (yum)

    Phyllis in Egypt – What a lovely walk you had this morning, hope you find something wonderful in the newly-discovered shops! You’re not the only one to have a (sometimes) Grumpy Old Man - - hence my previously noted motto! :wink:

    Katla – that is great news about DH blood pressure, I hope you do enjoy a nice walk together! I just LOVE your phrase “puff to buff people” :laugh:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “I never run with scissors.” Actually those last two words were unnecessary. :tongue:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    okay, I really need to get serious and get back to it. I have just been wallowing and floating by with modified bad habits. I need to get back to the dreadmill that I haven't touched for a couple of months. I think I am being motivated by St Maarten. I need to look less like a beached whale while sitting on the deck of the yacht.:noway: If I really get my act together I could lose 20 pounds by Christmas.

    GOOOOO ROBIN!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sorry I just had to convince myself:laugh:

    Dreadmill here I come

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    I don't know if you can get it in the States, but we have a book over here called The Hairy Dieters by the Hairy Bikers, a cooking duo who ride motorbikes. They went on a diet themselves and reinvented normal recipes to include fewer calories. It may be a bit British, but the recipes are yummy and everyone I know uses it a lot. It was a TV series. Calorie info etc. You can get it on Kindle. It feels like eating normal food, so you actually wonder if you are really dieting at all!
  • HikeThatMountain
    WHERE in Saudi do you work? I live in Egypt. Came to Saudi once for a visit when my daughter was there a few years ago.
    Do you live on a compound?
    Phyllis in Egypt

    Hi Phyllis, I'm working in King Faisal Specialist Hostpital and Research Center in Jeddah. Yes, I am living in Amoudia compound and thats were I'm running/walking around and around to get my exercise, I don't have to wear an Abaya in the compound, although there are a few ladies out doing just that..... way too hot for me :). Where was your daughter?
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It is raining and cool here today, but I have so much to do inside that it is probably just as well- no urge to go outside and play.

    janemartin- I am praying that you will find a place to live that is peaceful and just right for your family. I am sorry you are having to deal with the stress.

    Barbie- You are so right about being sure that all 1200 calories need to be nutrient dense. Great reminder!

    Jb- love your running blog. Very motivating for me. I am going to return to working up to a 5k unless I find it bothers my foot too much. If it does, I will work on increasing my walking speed for the 5k distance.

    DeeDee- Your shopping trips sound like so much fun! I am hoping to spend a day like that with one of my sisters this summer.

    Gail- Stay safe!

    Sue- Hope spring gets there for you soon!

    Meg- You are so busy! Hope things slow down for you soon.

    Lizmil- Your job is so important. I am sure it is also very difficult and stressful at times!

    Michele- Stay safe in the cray weather. My DD is usually in Raleigh but is currently traveling for a conference.

    Robin- My prayers are with you for a new job soon!! I too need to get back on the dreadmill!!

    Carol- Thanks for the wheat berry recipe. I found several others that sound good. Another good source of protrin!!

    Viv- Hope you feel better soon!

    Sharon- Could it be due to new muscle?

    cityjane- Congrats on the NSV!

    gozamm- Great job on the extra 10 minutes!

    Renny- Thank you for the reminders on fruits and veggies. I have been increasing my intake and have tried juicing. It is one way I can get myself to consume kale.

    Lin C- Missing your posts! Hope all is well with you!

    I need to get moving. Between reading and responding to posts as well as looking up recipes, I have been sitting too long!!
    Have a great day!!

    Deb in CNY
  • Kdenker
    Kdenker Posts: 5 Member
    I am in my mid 50s too and struggling with the scale. No metabolic issues yet but a recent knee surgery that the weight is NOT HELPING! I am determined and would love the support too. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can cheer each other on.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my pals here. Sorry I have been MIA but today is the last of the evening events and I only have 3 1/2 days of clinical left. I need to get back in control of my life and be here more. thinking of all of you. meg
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    My daughter was in Riyahd and not in a compound so it was really hard for her. We had to wear an abaya every time we stepped out side. it was the craziest country I have ever been in with all the WOMEN or FAMILY MALLS or only MEN MALLS or restaurants. we did go to some fun Women only parties where the ladies came all covered up but once inside the party they stripped off all the black and become completely different gals! They danced and had a grand ole time! It was a hoot!. She worked at a ALL GIRLS school. SPOILED girls didn't give a minutes care about their work since they all had money and pretty much could just get anything they wanted in life just from being born rich.Now she is in Abu Dhabi and it is much more civilized and she likes it a lot.
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who is keeping calories really low (1200-1400)....be sure that everything that you consume is nutrition dense...your body needs at least 1200 calories of nutrition
    not 750 calories of nutrition and the rest alcohol and sugar.

    Thought you were talking about me - but guess I would be the one who had 750 calories of alcohol (no sugar) :wink: Are you saying that chocolate and wine shouldn't be part of those 1200 calories?
  • HikeThatMountain
    My daughter was in Riyahd and not in a compound so it was really hard for her. We had to wear an abaya every time we stepped out side. it was the craziest country I have ever been in with all the WOMEN or FAMILY MALLS or only MEN MALLS or restaurants. we did go to some fun Women only parties where the ladies came all covered up but once inside the party they stripped off all the black and become completely different gals! They danced and had a grand ole time! It was a hoot!. She worked at a ALL GIRLS school. SPOILED girls didn't give a minutes care about their work since they all had money and pretty much could just get anything they wanted in life just from being born rich.Now she is in Abu Dhabi and it is much more civilized and she likes it a lot.

    Yes, I have to agree, the differences/rules here are pretty crazy, especially when compared to the west. Jeddah is a wee bit more relaxed than Riyadh, minimally. I don't have to cover my hair unless told to by a passing Motawa (religious police, for those not familiar), but personally have not been asked. But the family sections and men's sections do exist here in the restaurants too, so if you are just a bunch of females, you have to eat in the family section. I used to try to get some walking in on cooler days and walk to do my groceries and catch the hospital shopping bus back to the compound, but first, wearing the abaya is pretty hot and second, don't like the way I was looked at, there are never (almost 99.9% of the time) saudi women walking out of doors by themselves of with friends, so I pretty much stick to the compound for any exercise now.

    But, except for the fact that I really miss being able to just jump in my car and go do groceries whenever the mood strikes, it's okay here, I'm pretty much a homebody, so the restrictions aren't too bad for me.

    But regular things like going to do groceries are an experience in exercise anyway, as today, run down three flights of stairs, catch the bus, do groceries, lug said groceries onto the bus without tripping on your abaya and breaking your neck :), lug the groceries off of the bus, trying not to hit anyone as you inch down the bus isle, get back into your building, put down groceries, unsnap abaya and grab bottom corners, pick up shopping bags and drag them back up three flights of stairs. Then after putting my groceries away today, I grabbed up my dirty laundry and down three flights of stairs to put it in the washer, back up to collect my garbage, back down to dispose of garbage, back up to have some lunch, back down to change laundry to dryer, back uppp.....

    After all that, do you think I could, without guilt, log 10 minutes of stair running today?

    I would love to join a gym, I think that there are some Gold's Gyms here with female sections, but its kinda a hassle to get to them, besides, my intention when coming here was to save money for my retirement, so am trying to be frugal.

    I don't spend too much money here, I would say that my biggest expendature here is food, as I eat nothing refined, no sugar (honey if I want really sweet), so that means, meat, fish, eggs, lots of milk for homade yogurt and lots and lots of veggies and fruit :) which by the way, are pretty darn heavy groceries to lug on and off a bus and up three flights, hee, hee.

    Renny: I absolutely love your profile picture :) It makes my mouth water ((HOPE she doesn't change it in the next little bit to some "person picture" or this statement could look bad for me:blushing:

    Hope you all have a fantastic day! I did some running and walking this morning, but am trying to talk myself into a walk this evening, maybe not, I think I have been on the computer too long :wink: