21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,469 Member
    Day 1 - 4.23 miles in 62 minutes w/Bean; 60 minutes spent on other challenges...squats, jumping jacks, burpees, etc.
    Day 2 - 4.0 miles in 75 mins w/my daughter and Bean then we went shopping! Lots of walking at the mall!
    Day 3 - 4.35 miles in 63 mins, 70 mins on other challenges jacks, squats, crunches
    Day 4 - no walking today...doc appt...60 mins on challenges push-ups (modified), squats, Russian twists, mountain climbers.
    Day 5 - 4.34 miles in 62 mins, 50 mins on challenges jacks, burpees, leg lifts, hammer curls.
    Day 6 - is a REST day!

    Thank you for your kind words, Trish.

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Like you Tazmac, I'm at day 21, but not stopping.

    Was supposed to be a lifting day with the trainer, but they nixed due to the back. So, 2.85 miles between campus walk and treadmill (slow! 1.21 hours) then at home some work with resistance bands, knee exercises, and chasing the cat around the room. (Changing weather = TONS of feline energy!)

    Glad to here you are sticking with it K!

    Good that you take it slow with your back .... :smile:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 4 - no walking today...doc appt...60 mins on challenges push-ups (modified), squats, Russian twists, mountain climbers.
    Day 5 - 4.34 miles in 62 mins, 50 mins on challenges jacks, burpees, leg lifts, hammer curls.
    Day 6 - is a REST day!

    Thank you for your kind words, Trish.


    Good for you Chris!!

    Tell me about your challenges.... are they a video? home work out? gym?

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    DAY 38 - 11 April 2013

    Walk at lunchtime today. Wind was brisk but the sun was shining.... looks like I might be able to be doing this more often!!

    37 min walk around my work area. Stretched it out a bit more - but my pace must be increasing - cause I was surprised that it didn't take longer!


  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    DAY 38 - 11 April 2013

    Walk at lunchtime today. Wind was brisk but the sun was shining.... looks like I might be able to be doing this more often!!

    37 min walk around my work area. Stretched it out a bit more - but my pace must be increasing - cause I was surprised that it didn't take longer!



    Great day for you! Isn't it nice the weather's finally deciding to let spring in the door?

    Still on "light duty", so only got in 45 minutes of walking today for day 22. Mostly around campus.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Day 23 - FINALLY got to the pool when it was open! 800 meters each in freestyle and back stroke, and 1600 meters in breast stroke, since I don't dare try the butterfly with my back on the blink. And, toss in a "measly" 20 minutes of slow walking. Mostly around campus or the house. (Really proud of the swim - first time I've managed to hit the 800 meter mark in over 2 weeks!)
  • Vegas_nurse12
    Vegas_nurse12 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting my 21 day challenge today! I'm going to put in at least an hour of movement a day and attend a cardio class 3x a week.
  • Foggy7640
    Foggy7640 Posts: 56
    Can I join ? (I'm from France)
    Today, would be my Day one...
    So today ....I did 6 miles = about 90 mn (with the Leslie Sansone dvd)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    tasmac will probably be checking back through in a few hours, but if she doesn't catch you, I'll definitely be glad to help out with kudos! Glad to have you both on board.

    @vegas_nurse - that sounds wonderful, and I look forward to seeing your updates!

    @ foggy - feel free! And, that was a great first day! Keep up the great work.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member

    Great day for you! Isn't it nice the weather's finally deciding to let spring in the door?

    Still on "light duty", so only got in 45 minutes of walking today for day 22. Mostly around campus.

    Thanks K! Good thing you are on light - still a longer walk than mine! lol

    Congrats on DAY 22!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    tasmac will probably be checking back through in a few hours, but if she doesn't catch you, I'll definitely be glad to help out with kudos! Glad to have you both on board.

    @vegas_nurse - that sounds wonderful, and I look forward to seeing your updates!

    @ foggy - feel free! And, that was a great first day! Keep up the great work.

    I agree with K!! Welcome aboard! Glad to have you with us!!

    Way to go K... we are all here to welcome and encourage each other! Thanks for that!

    Trish :flowerforyou:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    DAY 39 - 12 Apr 13

    TM walk this morning - 47 min @ 3.5 pace. (31 min with incline and 16 min without incline)

    Keeping it going! Looking to double my initial 21 day challenge (creeping up on DAY 42!)


    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 23 - FINALLY got to the pool when it was open! 800 meters each in freestyle and back stroke, and 1600 meters in breast stroke, since I don't dare try the butterfly with my back on the blink. And, toss in a "measly" 20 minutes of slow walking. Mostly around campus or the house. (Really proud of the swim - first time I've managed to hit the 800 meter mark in over 2 weeks!)

    Really great accomplishment K!! :drinker:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,469 Member
    Day 1 - 4.23 miles in 62 minutes w/Bean; 60 minutes spent on other challenges...squats, jumping jacks, burpees, etc.
    Day 2 - 4.0 miles in 75 mins w/my daughter and Bean then we went shopping! Lots of walking at the mall!
    Day 3 - 4.35 miles in 63 mins, 70 mins on other challenges jacks, squats, crunches
    Day 4 - no walking today...doc appt...60 mins on challenges push-ups (modified), squats, Russian twists, mountain climbers.
    Day 5 - 4.34 miles in 62 mins, 50 mins on challenges jacks, burpees, leg lifts, hammer curls.
    Day 6 - is a REST day!
    Day 7 - 4.14 miles in 62 mins w/Bean; 70 mins on challenges.


    My challenges are all from MFP. Today the mini challenge was 3 minute HITT workout which was 10 each - JJ, high knees, push-ups, squats, alternate lunges, burpees, Sumo squats, and squat jumps. (changes daily)
    Another was 100 burpees but I could only get 50 done...50 for tomorrow!! (changes daily)
    Another - 110 squats (increases daily)

    Another weekly challenge is:
    65 JJs
    50 squats
    15 burpees
    20 push-ups
    50 mountain climbers
    This is done twice. We've been doing this challenge for 6 weeks. It'll increase next week

    I do a 6-Pak challenge from March
    75 sit-ups
    25 push-ups
    45 sec plank
    This one increases every day or two.

    I also do one called Waist Trimmer that has 16 short exercises in it...I do 13 of them. I'll list the exercises if you are interested. It's a fun one and fairly short.

    And I did a new one today called Pyramid. It has Arms - Legs - Core - Fitness at Home exercises. I did Arms today...
    10 push-ups
    20 chair dips
    30 bicep curls (8 lb)
    40 sec plank
    50 mountain climbers
    40 sec plank
    30 bicep curls (8 lb)
    20 chair dips
    10 push-ups
    Repeat twice.
    This was hard. To do chair dips AFTER bicep curls was killer...then push-ups...It wasn't a pretty sight.

    I've been working pretty hard since the first of the year to get rid of the belly fat. It's slowly disappearing. I've lost the ripples from my back! I had three fat ripples on each side of my back under my shoulder blade to my waist. They are pretty much GONE!!!!

    I write everything I'm going to do that day in a journal. After work I check the exercises off as I do them. If I don't do them I cross them off and try to write a reason. It's a motivator to have them written down and have to face those pages everyday.

    I'm sorry this is so long. I don't know the names of all the challenges, but if you want them, I'll get them.

    Now it's time for sleep!

    See you all tomorrow!
  • Foggy7640
    Foggy7640 Posts: 56
    Thanks :happy:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member

    You are AMAZING!

    I joined in on one of the mini challenges a while back and unfortunately - I did not follow thru.

    I am really motivated for my daily walks now and know that I want to add more for toning - but haven't gotten there yet.

    I like the idea of the the back rolls disappearing - have that too. I am really slimming thru the belly (someone even commented the other day :smile: )

    Thanks for taking the time to share!! - I may check into it more as I progress along!!

  • Foggy7640
    Foggy7640 Posts: 56
    Day 2 for me 5 miles 75 mn
    My 21 day challenge is to walk every day.....10 000 steps/day (at least)
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 2 for me 5 miles 75 mn
    My 21 day challenge is to walk every day.....10 000 steps/day (at least)

    Congrats on DAY 2!!! Great to set a goal too ..... good way to challenge yourself!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    DAY 40 - 13 Apr 13

    TM walk today - woke up to snow... then rain - now a heavy mist! .... Glad I'm in this fitness mode !!

    47 min - @ 3.5 pace (30 min with incline - 17 min without incline)

    Friends over for dinner tonight - so I needed the extra calories!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    DAY 40 - 13 Apr 13

    TM walk today - woke up to snow... then rain - now a heavy mist! .... Glad I'm in this fitness mode !!

    47 min - @ 3.5 pace (30 min with incline - 17 min without incline)

    Friends over for dinner tonight - so I needed the extra calories!


    Great day 40, and a wonderful victory for you to have done the walk DESPITE the tantrum nature was throwing.

    @ Foggy - Great day! That's a wonderful walk.

    Day 24 - cleaning for 3 hours solid, and miscellaneous house chores. Nothing to break a sweat over, but not standing still either.

    Edit: correct the day count - I've lost track now. ::Shakes head::