
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Just checking in....I am off today, and you'd think I'd be happy, but I am just feeling down. It took all I could muster to do my 2 miles on the treadmill. I have no energy. I couldn't even get through all of the posts because my attention span is just about nothing. There is no reason for this. Everything is fine on the homefront. I am feeling hurt about something tiny that my daughter said that would normally not bother me at all, but for some reason, I just feel like crying. I couldn't find my armorall shirt that I wanted to have in case I need it when we go to see the Phillies next week. I looked everywhere and was getting more and more upset. I tore apart drawers, but nothing. Then DH comes upstairs and finds it in a minute! What is wrong with me? I stopped taking my Permarin about a month and a half ago and I have been having terrible night sweats, which prevents me from getting a good night's sleep. Maybe this is the problem? Not sure, but I want to get out of this funk! This is just not like me! I am always upbeat. OK....vent over. I need to get some work done around here. I am having company on Sunday, and just can't seem to get anything done. I hope everyone is having a better day.

    Lucy in Delaware:cry:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Lucy- I have had days like that! I rarely get a good night's sleep- have tried just about everything- but have learned to deal with it. It does make for a bad day now and then. Hope yours gets better!!
    Deb in CNY
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hoping that you will be feeling better soon. We all have days like that. That's life . Just don't let it keep you down. Life is good and might as well be happy and enjoy the good things in life.
    I can just imagine all the stairs and fighting with the abaya and all. Crazy Saudi days. I know exactly what you are talking about. You have to be there to know how it really it. I couldn't imagine it until I actually saw it all. I think you for sure deserve the 10 minutes of stairs on your counter. Are you working there or is your husband? and if so what is your job?
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Warning - whining ahead. This has been a tough week for me. Met with my dad's estate lawyers and doing the final clear out of my parents condo has drained me and I feel like an emotional wreak. Work is also hectic. I feel like all I've done is deal with the estate and work. I've managed to get back into exercising again. I've really been pushing it and feel very sore. Jackie Warner and Jillian Michaels are killing me :laugh: The problem has been my eating. I put on the weight after my mom's death - using food for comfort. This week haven't had time to cook so going out a lot and feeling like throwing all my great effort to the wind and eating to feel better. Of course when I got on the scale this morning and saw I'm back over my threshold again I was not feeling better. I'm trying to add in more yoga at the ends of my workouts to help me deal with all this stress. I've got to get back under control!!!!!

    Thanks for letting me post my rant. Hopefully I can find a bit of time this weekend to unwind and relax. that should help

    No time to post individually (again), but I'm trying to keep up with all you wonderful ladies and know I'm thinking of you, congratulating you for your accomplishments and routing for those seeking comfort and help (like me right now). No more time. Have a great evening. Jodios
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    Sue – Like you, I would not want to do that colonoscopy prep again. At least it is better than it was 10 years ago – but that isn't saying much. I didn't drop a pound doing it, but it would be a good starting point.

    Sharon – I hear you about exercising and staying under and gaining. It's very frustrating.

    CityJane – I have never figured out why designers think that larger sized clothes need to have a frumpy factor built into them. Why do they think that if we are overweight, we want to look frumpy? For me, it's just the opposite – I want to have flattering, stylish clothes to take the emphasis off the weight.
    I am going to look for the Hairy Biker book.

    M – I am keeping that healthy thought in the back of my head. I know that is the real goal, but would like to see some physical changes.

    Robin – I have the same feelings about travel – it is a priority for me. Can't live without it.

    Melanie(?) - Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your daily life.

    Lucy -Hope you get out of your funk. How about doing something fun or treating yourself to something?

    Finished 30DS for the day. I am not sure that I even really like it, but just do it. I can tell that I am building some endurance - one rep:happy: but that is at least an improvement. Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I am not looking forward to it. I will also measure myself, but really haven't seen much change there although I mentioned before that it is hard to know if I am measuring in the exact same spot.

    I ate some low-nutrition foods last night, but in the end, it didn't put me very far over my calorie limit. I for one will never eliminate certain foods from my diet, but I can cut back the quantity and the frequency. Going without wine for so long is not like me at all.

    My water intake is a bit easier since I add lemon to the glass. Much more palatable that way.
    Have a good weekend everybody.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My MS can be so frustrating:angry: yesterday my walk was wonderful. Walked a mile before I found my gait to be quite unsteady. Today after .3 mile I realized it wasn't going to be a good day. My arms are so heavy they pull me down, no energy to talk. And it is up to me to keep a pleasant conversation going with my husband. Today he was upset that this failing mall was having a baseball card show. It messes up his walking space. Well to bad Charlie, they are paying to be here. The mall is trying to stay open so that it can benefit every one. Right now it is mostly doctors offices, CPA, antique stores and three retail stores. So he wasn't pleasant to walk with. So we stopped walking together and I got in .6 miles. .5 miles is my goal that I can't go below
  • Sorry ladies

    Been AWOL for awhile as I am away visiting relatives and could not get onto their Internet connection. Finally managed it, but cannot stay on for long enough to post individually. Not forgotten you all!

    So all of you who are struggling with adversity I send a big hug. To those who are achieving success- congratulations!

    I am staying in a town near Dartmoor National Park an area of outstanding moorland scenery! Think of Conan Doyle hounds of the baskervilles - so will be wearing my hiking boots!

    Offered to cook today so I could at least control what I ate for one day! But I need to eat mor as I am under my Target weight and am using my HRT (Holiday Replacement Therapy ) calories! Lol!!

    Take care and keep smiling
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Geez I haven't been posting much lately but didn't expect a new thread and one already on page 6!!! I don't even recognize half the people posting. I guess I've been gone so much because I'm following my diseased grandmother's advice, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything." Well I've not been being good at anything lately except for logging how bad I've been. And I think I even skipped logging a couple of dinners because I couldn't bare to see the ugly total.

    Monday I have a colonoscopy so I am going to weigh myself that morning and make that my official weight :laugh:

    Jodios - sorry to hear things are stressfull - rant away :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Good afternoon ladies -

    Another *interesting* week in my tiny little world. Glad to have some things taken care of. It was a week of lots of household repairs. Hoping everything just goes along smoothly for a while and I have no additional surprises around here requiring calling more repair services.:wink::wink:

    Wishing everyone well----lots of people not feeling up to par. Hugs to my Vitamin F friends. Sending you all best wishes........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm trying to get ready for an appointment with my dad's attorney next week. My dad is in nursing home care and I'd worked out a plan for spending down my dad's assets in conjunction with his accountant. However, a monkey wrench just got thrown in the works and I may have to sell his acreage before I want to (which will cause some havoc with the tax planning). Anyway, I'm getting together cost basis for the house/land, new assessed value and am trying to write down all the points I want to cover with him and some background. I don't want to miss anything! Attorney time is both expensive and difficult to get so I want to be uber prepared.:ohwell: :laugh: :noway:

    Back to sorting through papers and files! :grumble: :grumble:

    Lin in Central Iowa (yep, it's cold, cold, cold!!)

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Robin – Yes You Can Do It!!!!!!!! You’ve got St. Maarten dangling like a delicious carrot in front of you :happy:

    Kdenker – Welcome, join us and read/post often. You’ll get loads of great information and support.

    Meg – Virtual hugs to you while you are sooooo busy! Hope you are feeling much better and not maximally medicated any more and that there is a light at the end of your tunnel (feel sure it is NOT an oncoming train) :ohwell:

    Lucy – So sorry you’re dealing with a case of “the funkies” today. Hoping it is gone in a flash and you’re feeling back to your usual upbeat self.:drinker:

    Jodios – Hopefully the estate process is coming to a close so you can put that part behind you. It’s understandable that you’re feeling so stressed. Be kind to yourself, it sounds as though you are exercising as much as you are able to fit in. Count that as a victory :flowerforyou:

    Tari – Good luck tomorrow, I agree with you about not eliminating any foods but trying to moderate their quantity/frequency if they are “low nutrition” :smile:

    Jmkmomm – good for you for surpassing your walking goal despite DH being a sourpuss and your MS acting up. Kudos to you for sticking with your health plan :wink:

    Jo in Wales – Enjoy your holiday, glad you were able to cook at least one meal for yourself. Take advantage of your HRT :happy:

    Wessecg – Don’t beat yourself up, the fact you’re still logging is what you should focus on. Monday you will kill two birds with one stone - - get the colonoscopy off your list and renew your determination! :wink:

    Lin – Good luck, I’m sure your preparation will pay off (both in tax savings and peace of mind) :smile:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Life is better when you’re laughing.”
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Well Ladies thank you to all for your most interesting lives and stories and sharing them with us. Today we got to shovel SNOW yet again, I'm counting as weight training at this point it was so heavy and wet. One morning we will wake up and it will be summer I no longer expect spring. Hugs for all those who are in need of one and congrats to all the achievers!!!

    Juanita in snowy yucky Sudbury
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    well here it is 20 after 7 at night and im just sitting down.what a day.. im tired and I have to work tomorrow,but the DH will be home tomorrow afternoon..
    I did go a tad over my 1200 cal today,but wont worry to much.. I have been on my feet alot today and my heel is killing me...
    So I am sitting resting the foot, and waiting for the dryer to finish..
    Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend...:flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lucy: I hope tomorrow is a better day. Actually, I hope the rest of today is a better day, too.:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Losing a parent is bad enough, but dealing with the estate issues as well can bring anyone down. If you need an antidepressant for a while, ask your doctor for help. It would be better for you than eating binges. Tell DH he needs to baby you.:heart::flowerforyou:

    jmkmomm: DH also has good and bad days, seemingly at random. MS is frustrating. :grumble: I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.:flowerforyou:

    Jo in Wales: I look forward to a future where I’m below my target weight. I hope you have a chance to cook and that you have a good time.:flowerforyou:

    wessecg: Welcome back. You’ve been missed.:bigsmile:

    Lin in Central Iowa: I hope you get an appointment and your attorney time gets everything done that you need.:flowerforyou:

    We spent the afternoon power-washing our deck. It looks much better now. :bigsmile: I’m thinking about a hot bath to soak away the aches and chill. It was overcast all afternoon, but it didn’t start to drizzle until after we finished. Yay! I try to appreciate the good things.:wink:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    NSV......10,000 steps yesterday AND today!!! This is a first.

    Out the door by 5:30am today; picked up a friend and drove a couple hours to help set up an expo of running gear and clothes that's attached to a half marathon; visited some of that town's stores, spent way too much and ate out breakfast and lunch........so once again estimates are rough. Storms in the area but we only hit one on the drive back.......and it was short-lived.

    Barbie: Alcohol? Who has calories for alcohol???? I'd much rather have my hot chocolate (dark, of course) every night even if it puts me over...and the occ. Magnum Carmel Bar. Actually, except for the every night hot chocolate, I think I eat prety healthy.

    Viv: hope you made that birthday party

    jmkmomm: it's GOOD to keep our drs. happy!!! I'd say that's an nsv

    Michele in NC: I'm sure you could do some of the k-bell moves with free weights; not all, but quite a few.........so sorry you are having such ongoing stress with the upcoming wedding, no answers here, but wish you peace with it

    Lucy: I've had days when an oldie on the radio will bring on the waterworks.........

    Dead tired.......hot chocolate time.....g,nite all

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I've had a very indulgent day and am way over on every category, but it was all delicious! DH and I had haircuts tonight and then went to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. Now we have meals for the weekend as well. Tomorrow morning is a massage at 9a, so I should get up early and walk before, but we'll see... I do have to work some this weekend, yet have the option to bring it home so I'll have to decide. DH works all weekend, so that is helpful.

    Sweet dreams to all,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    My dear mom went to her heavenly home today. We are grateful since she was in so much pain for the last couple of weeks...No more pain for her. I am also SO glad I went to Wisconsin to see her last week. She was in good spirits when I was there and still smiling when I left as you can see in my status picture. It's hard, but was not unexpected.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    My dear mom went to her heavenly home today. We are grateful since she was in so much pain for the last couple of weeks...No more pain for her. I am also SO glad I went to Wisconsin to see her last week. She was in good spirits when I was there and still smiling when I left as you can see in my status picture. It's hard, but was not unexpected.

    Eileen near San Diego

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Eileen, so sorry to hear about your mom.....how great that you were able to have a satisfying last visit.

    Hugs :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: I have a day off on Monday, and not telling anyone :wink: :wink: well, you guys will know of course. Just want to savour the weekend!

    DH made pea soup for dinner. Oh my, quite delicious. Not sure how that's gonna affect me though :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    At work I am still trying to physically move between spots and keep getting interrupted by urgent matters :ohwell: :ohwell: Good thing my replacement is not coming until the 29th. I can take advantage of two spaces, hahaha. But meanwhile, try NOT to do double-duty. Keeping a balance is a focus for me right now.

    To that end, I say good evening to you all and have a great weekend!!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Now that all the stressful stuff is over, I'm exhausted and will be going to bed as soon as I walk the dogs one last time. The line dance class this morning went great. I taught two hard dances today and took a lot of time going over the steps and it went very well.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."