Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aprilpieger
    aprilpieger Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. Forgive me if I'm not posting in an appropriate place - just logging on for the first time - feel free to guide me on how this site works! My name is April and I'm turning 44 this month, 2 great kids, husband, and spent the last 6 yrs in a job that was extremely demanding and the environment was really depressing. I'm super active in our community am currently in transition re: jobs. So, the important part for this post - I gained way too much weight over the past 6 yrs :( I need to lose 60 pds. I've been "eating healthier" for one week and just started to walk. I'm dying without diet soda, comforting pasta and trying to limit my delicious light coffee. I'm already sick of salad. Looking forward to gettin' skinny!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @laurie--I'm watching Amazing Race right now trying to get ideas of where to go--it all looks so beautiful it's kind of overwhelming! My friends who live there are visiting in May--they have traveled all around, so I'm hopeful they'll have some suggestions about where we should go.

    Right before my senior year in high school (many, many years ago), I had the opportunity to go to Europe for 2 weeks. Germany was one of my favorite stops especially in Switzerland. Simply breathtaking. I had one of the most amazing dishes. It was like soup with these noodles, but I think they me it was thin strips of pancake. It was so yummy!! Scenery, people, food, chocolate, jewelry, etc. . . were some of the things I remember. Of course, you could burn some calories by rolling the cheese down the hill. That was hysterical!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    In honor of Sunday sharing, I will formally introduce myself!!! My name is Marca married for 27 years and we have 5 kids(2 married, one living on his own, and 2 at home) and one grandson. My husband retired from the military a few years ago( mostly National Guard but 3 overseas tours in all) and I am a FertilityCare Practitioner with the Creighton Model System. We live happily in the backwoods of the Ozarks, with wood heat, solar power and plenty of critters like chickens and goats, etc. I have had a weight problem for many years now but started out my adult life very healthy and active. My weight is an indirect result of of poor stress management (military wife and mother of 5 gives PLENTY of that!!!) and I have also had other health issues from stress. The biggest health issue I struggle with is persistent vertigo caused by nerve damage from a blood clot that went to my inner ear. REALLY hinders exercise!!!
    I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and getting to know you all!!! This is a really great thread!!!

    5 kids? WOW is all I can say. I wasn't planning on being a single parent, but my son needed a chance to be a better adult than his dad was turning out to be as a husband and father. After almost 10 years of marriage and my son was only 2, I had to break away. Our life is in such a better place and I know I made the right decision for both of us. His dad proved it a few years ago when he didn't show up to court for our custody hearing. I was awarded sole custody and do everything (no support whatsoever), but I'm OK with that. Life definitely takes us in different directions than we probably had planned that's for sure.

    My best friend who lives in Columbus, OH, actually had to go to the emergency room last week for vertigo. She's never had it before and was out of work all week. It sounds just awful. She feels better and is back to work this week, but it definitely was a wake up call. She's also a big girl who has never really taken good care of herself. She's single, no kids. She hasn't been to a doctor, gyno, etc. . except probably in high school when her mom made her go. It's been well over 25 years. I told her she has to start seeing someone on a regular basis.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi. Forgive me if I'm not posting in an appropriate place - just logging on for the first time - feel free to guide me on how this site works! My name is April and I'm turning 44 this month, 2 great kids, husband, and spent the last 6 yrs in a job that was extremely demanding and the environment was really depressing. I'm super active in our community am currently in transition re: jobs. So, the important part for this post - I gained way too much weight over the past 6 yrs :( I need to lose 60 pds. I've been "eating healthier" for one week and just started to walk. I'm dying without diet soda, comforting pasta and trying to limit my delicious light coffee. I'm already sick of salad. Looking forward to gettin' skinny!

    Welcome April!! This post is perfect. If you go to page 1, you'll see some basic notes regarding this thread. It's just a guideline, but gives everyone a topic each day or you can post whatever you need to say. You did just fine.

    I'm 44 now and turn 45 in October. I've got just one son, 10 1/2, and let go of the husband about 8 years ago. This is the only group I follow because of their support and dedication. Everyone just keeps it real. We all share the good AND the bad. There's no negativity and if someone starts we "gently" tell them to shape up or ship out! LOL!!! You'll really enjoy the group. Try to post at least once a day if you can, which will help you on this journey plus the thread does move a lot so don't feel like you can't do personals with everyone. I hardly every do, but some are really good about it.

    I take it just one day at a time. Great job eating healthier and starting to move too. I haven't completely given up my Diet Coke, but have really reduced my consumption. I have maybe 1 or 2 cans each day if that. I get sick of salads too so I try to only eat them every other day. Yesterday I threw a bunch of spring mix on my turkey sandwich so I try to squeeze it in other places. Do you like fruit? I really enjoy strawberries, oranges, etc. . . in my salad to change things up. You can do this!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi to all of you working on getting healthier!

    I am going to up my calorie intake by 100 and start doing more exercise and see if that will get me losing again.
    Hope you all have a healthy day!


    Quote of the day - "My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today."
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    If anyone knows anyone in the Boston Marathon my heart and prayers go out to all of you.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Monday check-in: I messed up my back on saturday and the dog park throwing a ball for another dog (at least i think that's how it happened). I have been in pain since Saturday afternoon. My wonderful boyfriend babied me when he was and home and could. My poor puppy didn't get to get out and do a lot of exercise on sunday but he did plenty saturday. I felt so bad for him i had to keep putting him back in his kennel through out the day sunday because he just wanted to get into everything and i just couldn't get up to play with him or stop him. he didn't seem too upset with me about it because he was still kind of tired from the dog park on saturday. So needless to say with a hurt back i laid around and played COD and Halo.

    I got walk away the pounds with leslie sanson on wednesday and did it thrusday with my sisters best friend (he is over almost everyday) and man just the 1 mile kicked our butts! We went full out. We had a blast doing it too. Hopefully my back gets better so I can do it regularly and hopefully get my mom doing it. She has been complaining about being in pain all over. She refuses to go to the doctor though.

    I am making a menu tonight so I can go to the store and get what I need for my breakfasts and lunches tonight. Or rather I can drive my sister to the store and she can go get the stuff for me. I know it won't be much.

    Have a good day.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Monday all. I hope everyone had a great day. The scale showed a miniscule loss for the week this morning. I didnt bother to record it but I'm not upset. As long as there are no gains right:laugh: I just wanted to say ty to all you wonderful people. Your support and being able to hear your stories helps me make it through each and every day. You are all truly wonderful:heart::heart: I decided to mix the workout up a little today and timed the gym when the pool shouldn't be so crowded. I swam and did water calisthenics for just over an hour. I am going to try and do this at least a couple times a week. I found it was a lot easier to keep my core engaged when I was in the water then it is when doing the machines. Well we finally got some sunshine so I am off to pick up after the dogs and get the lawn mowed. I might even putter around in the flower beds. Have a great day everyone. Dont forget to grab a big glass of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all your kind words. This forum has an amazing group of women on it. Today, I'm feeling inspired to get back in shape. This is crazy, but I had another incident last night. I fell last night (heading to the bathroom) and fractured my nose. I went to emerg...boy, am I familiar with that place...good news, had a cat scan and saw doctor in under two hours...hardly anyone was there. I'm fine, but I don't like being in hospital and all of the rigamarole that goes along with it. People are great there, but I'm going to do everything I can to avoid it in the future. My husband says it was a wake-up call for me concerning my was.

    Ouch! Glad you are okay!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Such sad news coming out Boston. My thoughts and Prayers to all. :flowerforyou:

    I tried a new water exercise today water Zumba . It was silly fun I sure looked silly for sure. On dry land no way could I do Zimbabwe but in the water I did something that sort of looks like it. :wink:

    @Jtvost I am trying to change op my workouts too.

    @Helen ouch sorry about your back feel better soon.

    @Susan i agree if your goal is too get into 100's by Christmas time I believe you can do it. I think its good to have goals. I know lately I haven't set up challenges for myself other than get healthy. That's a great goal but too broad. So I am really setting down to come up with long term goals and short term.

    @Tom good luck with your goals. I like your quote.

    Wishing everyone a good day. Time to get dinner started for my family.

    Liz from.Idaho
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    paige - WOOT & Happy Dance - in happiness over your weight loss and inches lost -hooray!

    SusanThin - congrats to you on your weight loss too even if its not your official weigh in day!

    Mel - So sorry to hear about your broken nose - that is just frightening - I've had falls before and can sympathise - yes, listen to hubby, you must work on your overall health.

    April - welcome and sounds like your making a good effort getting started here. The most important thing is to get used to logging your food, every bite you eat, even if you go over your calories, you must log every bite. It helps you learn your eating habits. It will help you learn to cut back as well.

    Morgori - love your quotes, Tom.

    Dobarber - I share your concerns and sympathies for the BOSTON MARATHON runners and observers. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Helena - I hope your back gets better. Isn't it funny how only one little move can cause so much trouble? Glad your BF was nice to you and babied you.

    Liz - water Zumba sounds fun. I love how your spell checker changes words - unintentionally funny!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    What a DAY!!! Woke up with a headache and not feeling great.... but then Mondays are often like that when the weekend has been busy. So I was lazy all morning. When the sun came out this afternoon, my 20YO DD and I went and gave the garden an initial tilling (I have the blisters to prove it!!!). I was feeling pretty accomplished but tired and came in to the news of the bombings in PA.... and I think my life gets tough at times.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone. Such a sad day today with the Boston bombings. :cry: I have friends there--one ran the marathon and his wife and their brand new baby was with as well. When I heard about the explosions, I immediately checked facebook, and fortunately the wife had posted that they were all okay and in lockdown at a restaurant. I have never been so thankful for facebook! I breathed a sigh of relief but not really b/c so many people were hurt along with a few who were killed. I know a lot of others weren't able to breathe that same sigh of relief...

    Will be back later to post check in/do personals.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In::: Well I worked out in the yard all weekend and it was lovely! I started clinicals today and ended up not getting any exercise in. But I hadn't had a rest day since last Friday over a week ago :) So I think it's ok. Went over on calories, but tomorrow is better! Going to get up and work out :D

    I was down 4lbs from last Sunday! Not sure how I lost so much, but I am very happy about it :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a really fun day. Two of my daughters took me shopping for some new dresses. I came home with 4 new outfits. They are all 16W. Before I started this journey I was lucky if a 24W fit me! The funnest part was when I got a nice skirt (size L) at CJ Banks and they told me that I would have to go to the Christopher and Banks store to get tops that fit. Theirs were all too big for me.:happy: I should have plenty of clothes now until I am down another 20# or so.
    I was pleased to see another drop in the scale this week, too.
    We ate lunch/dinner at Red Lobster. It was kind of a calorie heavy meal, but not horrible. I'm only over a little, and I haven't taken very many "vacations" since I started this.
    I'm sad to hear about the bombings in Boston.
    It sounds like most of us are off to a good start for the week. Here's to healing and hard work for everyone. Kaye
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    @Kaye-- that's fantastic you found clothes especially in "normal" sizes. Sounds like a lot of fun! Keep up the good work.

    Just ready for this day to be over. This day is always hard on our family as my sister died 11 days before I was born. I also have a friend who lost her infant son on this day 9 years ago. My dad found out today his niece died on Thursday, through an email. Then all the devastation in Boston.

    I will be glad to have this one out of the way.

    Congrats to all that are doing well and for the rest of us hang in there we can do this.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Well, this week has been a bit of a mess exercise wise, what with the holidays. And my parkrun had a 40 minute pace runner on Saturday -- which should have got me home in less than 40 minutes to break my PB, but didn't. Oh well. Another time. However, good news, I have lost another pound! This one has taken me about six weeks. But still, it's progress. And today, I'm going out just for a run, not a parkrun or other organised run. That's the first time since the half marathon I've done that.

    Meanwhile, I'm still shopping. I pulled together an outfit, with some difficulty, for our museum trip on Friday, and wore a casual jacket that's a great favourite of mine but far too large now. It's the one in both the first two pictures on my tracker in fact. On a whim, I headed off to eBay, and have re-bought the same jacket ("new... tags removed but a genuine item... less than half price...") three sizes smaller. Yay for eBay.

    Quick personals:

    @Kris -- love the buggy! MowMow will adore it I'm sure.
    @Karen -- Oh, the British Museum is great, but Shakespeare and other books are now in the permanent galleries of the British Library. And what a great pace for your 5m run!
    @ebailey -- So glad to hear that your sister is on the mend. That must have been very scary for you.
    @Robin -- I found the Wii Step brilliant if I was a bit short of exercise in the evenings because I could step up and down on it while watching TV. At first I'd set it up in Wii Fit but after I bit I concluded that was a bit pointless and just did the stepping and logged it here. Golf sounds brilliant though!
    @Marca -- Changing your eating habits is a big change, but exercise is really important too. Could you switch up your day so you just get a few minutes of walking into it? Because even if you did five minutes a day, it's a place to start from. Or are there things you can do that the vertigo doesn't interfere with at all?
    @paige_eloise -- well done for doing all that walking, even in the rain! And what an awesome SV! You'd think they were linked, right?
    @Tammy -- my daughter made chocolate chip cookies yesterday! Oh gosh they were yummy...
    @Melancholy -- such a scary event with the stroller -- but of course the baby was fine because the seats are designed to keep them safe. Just working as intended.

    Obviously I'm sad about the news from Boston, what a horrible thing to do.

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    My prayers go out to people in Boston. Anyone on the form from their I hope you, your family and friends are ok.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    So sad about the bombings at the Boston Marathon yesterday :cry:, I was obsessed with the news coverage when I got to the gym yesterday. Another senseless act - I hope with the evidence the FBI has been able to collect they can bring whoever is responsible to justice.

    @Tina~That is an awesome loss!
    @Kay~You’re doing great – more clothes, smaller sizes, AND the scale was down. All great victories!!!

    Tuesday Goals~No new goals this week, just keep on doing what I’m doing and hope that the increase in calories has a positive outcome this week.

    Exercise Goals:
    Monday~Bike DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Most likely none, getting hair done after work
    Saturday~Long Workout – elliptical most likely

    Have a great day!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Just a note to say " my prayers are with all the people at the Boston Marathon and their families". I too, couldn't stop watching the news yesterday and I was stunned! I cried the whole time. It's just horrific!