

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Day everyone!
    It was a Fire drill day in Cairo. For some reason the alarm system kiept going off so we had atwo fire drills within 15 minutes of each other. It was a riot trying to keep the kids quiet during the second drill. They knew it was just a fake but they took the first one much more seriously than the second. I didn't know whether to disrupt the class again and go back outside with the kids or to just stay in the building and know that nothing was really wrong. something is crazy with our system so the alarm kept going off. Finally they just turned it off the rest of the day.

    I have not tried running with a stick but when I get near dogs I always slow down and that seems to keep them from attacking me. Once a pakc of dogs started to run after me and it scared me to death. That is why I usually run on the school track even if it is boring going in circles.

    So sad about the Boston Bombing and those that were hurt or lost famliy. CRAZY people. Need to just find something to do with thier time and quit making trouble. It is so sad.

    Well hope all is well with you and yours today.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think this is going to be a 'sick' day for me today. I can't pin point what it is. I know I am sniffing and sneezing a lot but that isn't very unusual for me. I slept terrible last night and I am really, really tired. So whether it is MS or not, I haven't eaten anything today except drinking my water
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I think this is going to be a 'sick' day for me today. I can't pin point what it is. I know I am sniffing and sneezing a lot but that isn't very unusual for me. I slept terrible last night and I am really, really tired. So whether it is MS or not, I haven't eaten anything today except drinking my water

    I am so sorry you're having a bad day. One of the frustrating things about MS is that it is hard to know whether you're coming down with something viral or simply having a bad day. DH thought his sudden "blind eye" was caused by MS and it took me over 24 hours to get him to go to the emergency room for his stroke. Yes, it was a stroke, not MS. (If he'd gone in right away they might have been able to save his right side sight. There is a "golden hour" in stroke treatment; if you catch it early enough, sometimes it can be reversed.) His MS symptoms seem to be highly responsive to weather conditions. He feels better when the sun is shining. He had a great day yesterday, and is off on a good track today. I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good Tuesday morning to the terrific pals today!

    Patti - welcome, you will love this thread, even though it is hard to keep up with all the members, there is so much going on!

    To all - Even those above the border are grieving for the families who suffered in Boston, don't forget that two thousand of those runners are from Canada and more from other countries too. The community strength of the Marathon and its positive outcomes stretches well beyond the city and country borders.....so many run for research and disease causes, for health and social issues. This hurts everyone, and yet I know that the strength of community and the positive social impact of this event will never be diminished!

    Well, we had ONE day of summer, and then the rain blew back in.. :sad: . raining .cats and dogs....and my dog is NOT impressed. He does not hate rain, he hates being held in the back hall while he dries off! :laugh:

    I have three main focusses this week - get my marking done; get my walking in every day; and, eat clean!

    I have a harder time finding a food with fat that I can add to breakfast....does anyone add an oil or something to their smoothies?

    Also, I just bought a bottle of Camelina oil that is high in omegas....has anyone else found or used this?

    Trying to keep Barbie's saying in mind today...keep what I WANT MOST , which is a leaner healthy body, over what i at the MOMENT!

    Best to all, BJ SWOntario

    BJ, I make an AB&B smoothie frequently: a scoop of protein powder, 1/2 of a banana, a tablespoon of almond butter, sometimes some ground flax seed (which is something you can add to all smoothies for a little extra fat and lots of nutrition), ice and water. You can add a spoonful of greek yogurt for extra creaminess if you want - but I like mine pretty much just like that. This is an easy one to make "green" too by throwing in a handful of spinach as the flavors hide any spinach flavor.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    cheryl - Love the ecard! :laugh: may be just what I need today!:wink:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Glad I could help :drinker:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a long chat with my fitness buddy today. We have both been doing very badly on both eating and exercise. So we decided to start fresh. Instead of weighing on Friday (which tends to really depress both of us and then we eat more) we are going for a walk together during that time. We threw away our old tracking sheets and will start fresh Friday. Not that we are going to try to be bad until then, we just both felt having a “start new” date would help us. We’ll see.

    The Boston bombing was too horrible to put into words. Prayers to all in Boston, all who were there, and all the first responders and first aid volunteers who helped.

    I had an odd phone call yesterday from a cousin I haven’t seen since I was a child and haven’t talked to in years. He called to say he found my phone number in a pile of stuff and wanted to know if I knew his brother in law (David) died in November. (no I did not). Then he says “you know I lost my sister (David’s wife) at the beginning of the month. (NO I did not!). Then he says “you know my brother Vernon Jr. fell over dead of a heart attack about 6 months ago (OMG NO I DID NOT). THEN he says “Did you know my wife Sally fell about 6 weeks ago and broke her neck?”

    Holy cow! I didn’t know that one either. Fortunately it is a stable fracture and she is wearing a brace and is able to walk and function. But OMG what a list of things to tell someone! I got off the phone and just shook my head. Wow. I didn’t know any of these people very well, probably hadn’t seen Vernon Jr in 30 years and I’m not sure I ever met Frances Ruth and David (she was my cousin; the sister to the one who called), or maybe just once. But she did call me when my mamma died which I thought was sweet. I wouldn’t have thought a thing about it if I didn’t hear from her since I hardly knew her.

    Glenda Hope you get unburied soon! It is supposed to be spring!

    Lucy: my ranting and shrieking is fairly well controlled on Zoloft!

    Mary: welcome to our group. I hope you find your way in resolving your issues.

    Yanniejannie: I have heard that too about runners. Very trusting; just leave their things around and no one takes them. I’m
    sure you have caught your fair share of backpacks and will think twice now! I was a swimmer all up through college and we were the opposite. Never let anything out of our sight!

    Michele: I was thinking (did I tell you all that DD#2 supposedly has friends who want her to come live with them?) that her doing that might be a good lesson. They will tire of her not contributing anything to the household and not paying rent, and then she will discover that we aren’t the only ones who will expect her to do things. Hmmmmm

    Liz: I don’t really think this daughter has that sense of entitlement; but DD#2 sure does. This is the one with all the cognitive issues and I seriously think she doesn’t understand much of what goes on around her.

    Lora: I agree about the taste of things changing as we get used to healthier choices. There are so many things (mostly sweets which I don’t really like anyway) that I really don’t appreciate anymore.

    Patti: welcome to our group!

    Barbie: I am sure you are so happy to have your sweetie home!!!

    Grandmallie: well said! Thank you for reminding us

    Cityjane: great nsv!

    M: oh my goodness, I’m so sorry for your losses! You are right…we need to treasure each day.

    Brooke: hahaha I keep telling DH that bowling is not a sport! Now I can quote you too!

    Phyllis: do you have lots of dog packs there?

    Carol: AMEN! Just what I needed!

    Jmkmomm: hope you feel better soon.

    Well ladies, I must run. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have more time. Take care to all Meg in kinda-nice Omaha
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    You are singing my song. :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Profile pic is me three years ago after I was successful on MFP. Its my St Maarten motivation. That was at 50 I can do it again at 53.

    Today was a bad day at work. The B was the worst. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. :wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake and I have been busy all day.......he came home with a firm resolve to lose the weight he gained over the winter......today he cut the grass at his friend's house, then joined the local gym, then bought a new pair of tennis shoes to wear at the gym :laugh: I walked dogs, did my weight training, did the laundry, and shopped for groceries (the cupboard was very bare).

    :flowerforyou: in a few minutes we'll be going for supper in celebration of our friend's newly acquired American citizenship----Chinese food and good company

    :flowerforyou: nuts have great fat and would be great in a smoothie
    I add walnuts to my Isagenix shake in the morning

    :heart: Barbie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HAPPY TUES.A QUICK POST.FOUND A 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR RENT.We can take our kitties with.
    Thanks for all your love and support.Will catch up tomorrow.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Boy, things have been somewhat hectic here Played mahjongg last night, didn't maj once! Iced the birthday cake for the gal who usually has the mahjongg, then Vince and I went to donate a TV we had that worked fine, but just wasn't brand new, had to go to the post office then picked up a prescription for Vince. Went to Lowe's Hardware for wire for the outlet. That was yesterday.

    Today I exercised on the elliptical at a much higher resistance (5 for me). Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then the deep water.

    Thinking of the Boston incident, there was something on the TV about how it seems April is the month for bombings. The bombing in Atlanta was something like April 20, the first time the WTC was bombed was in the middle of April and I think there was one other bombing incident. Boy, to think I know those places! It's been a long time since I've been to Boston, but that was always a great city. So very sad

    Lora - to me, the worst part of healthy eating is when you go out to eat. You can really taste how fake things are, how full of empty calories they are.

    Patti - welcome! I'm sure you'll get to your goal. You are so close!

    cityjane - great NSV, no matter how small it's still great! Thanks for sharing

    M - how horrible!

    It's supposed to be in the 80's here tomorrow. We have our last day of bowling for the winter league and we can bring a snack. So after the deep water class I'm going to stop at the store and get some cut up fruit. Don't have time right now to do it myself. Then, after this session, next week we have our organizational meeting for the summer league and find out our teams, we can practice bowl 3 games and the next week the summer league starts. I asked the secretary if during the summer we can have just 3 on a team so we can get out sooner, she said she'd bring it up at the meeting but I bet she doesn't. Evidentally, there are some people who feel that only 3 on a team makes you go too fast.

    Sue in SD - rain, snow ice????? My heart goes out to you.

    About the GS cookies - I was reading an article that they were "supposedly" trying to market a cookie that was "healthy" (the mango something) but in reality it isn't all that healthy. I just knew that I couldn't get those cookies since they had coconut in them.

    rj - you certainly CAN do it again! And you're so right, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You are already a very strong lady.

    Jane - I'm so so happy for you. Thanks for letting us know. Doing a happy dance for you.

    Cheryl - LOVE your post about juicing vegetables and then adding vodka. Made me really smile. Thanks.

    jmkmomm - hope you feel better

    Meg - sometimes it is best to just start over. I wish you guys all the best.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Eastexchis1
    Good for you. I hope you can hit those thrift shops soon. Keep up the great work.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    MEG, YES there are packs of dogs on the loose around some parts of my city. They used to go out int he night and shoot them and throw them in the back of a pick up and haul them out to the desert and dump them off. That was pretty mean but it did cut down on all the wild stray dogs. Now they just keep re-producing so there are packs of dogs around and I HATE it when I get chased!

    ROBIN love that quote.What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. wink It is true. I also and telling myself if I could do it BEFORE.. (lose weight that is) I can do it again. also kicking myself in the back side for gaining back after my hard work losing it.

    with my darling little grand daughter in Abu Dhabi by Phyllisali, on Flickr

    Notice I do love the stuffed animals (dogs) My son always called his little sister, "PUP", so when she had this little daughter he had to buy her a little stuffed puppy!. This the the little puppy that he just gave his niece when I was visiting over spring break.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    M- My heart goes out to you and your friends, I just don’t have any words. How very very tragic!:cry:

    Bj- I like to add one of these to my smoothies, it just depends on what I have on hand, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut oil, almond or peanut butter, cashews, almonds, and avocados.:tongue:

    Lucy- sending good Karma your way:happy:

    CityJaneLondon- WTG on you NSV!:drinker:

    Sue in SD- isn’t it wonderful all the things you can learn from this group.:smile:

    Phyllis- a pack of dogs! YIKES! I’m not so sure I’d have been that brave to slow down.:wink:

    Cheryl- I love the post about juicing and vodka!!! Thank you! :laugh:

    Joyce- I do hope you feel better, drink extra water!:drinker:

    Meg- I feel so badly for your cousin, that is a lot to bear!:cry:

    Barbie- make sure to drink extra water, That Chinese food is delish but, boy oh boy the sodium.:drinker:

    Janemartin- Oh what wonderful news! :smokin:

    Off to bed another long week for me
    Good night Friends:yawn:
    Peace ~N~ Love
    Carol in WNY
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    HAPPY TUES.A QUICK POST.FOUND A 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR RENT.We can take our kitties with.
    Thanks for all your love and support.Will catch up tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yeay sooooo pleased you have found somewhere at last :heart: :heart:

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Wessecg – LMAO (thank you I really needed that today) :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Jmkmomm – So sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, rest up and feel better

    Meg – I think you’re right about DD#2 and her learning from someone else that part of being a “grown up” is pulling your weight and contributing to the common good

    Jane – Yay!!!!! Great news for your and the kitties! Home sweet home to come:flowerforyou:

    Robin – Awesome picture, can see why it’s your “motivation pic”

    Brooke from Colorado

    “When I was 5 years old my mother told me happiness was the key to life. At school they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said happy. They said I didn’t understand the assignment. I said they didn’t understand life.” - John Lennon
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Any body else come to a crossroads or point in life when you felt as if you'd wasted the majority of your life??? Having worked since I was 13, and having been a hard-working (others said) over-committed, workaholic I find myself at 51 unable to even get a job asking someone it they "want fries with that". In my second marriage, I find myself wondering why I've committed time, energy and precious emotions in men who want something/someone other than me. I have a friend who has always been heavy, has gone through weight loss surgery, who said to me "I feel sorry for the girls who haven't always been fat" - - which is me. I was the same weight from 13 to 49, give or take a few. My weight gain coincided with my job loss, causing extreme self-esteem issues of a depth I'd never experienced. Couple that with a 'marriage' devoid of emotional or physical connection and I've lost my way. My compass is askew, I feel broken I feel as though I've put tremendous effort into my work and my marriage but am at this stage of my life completely empty, devoid of purpose or identity.

    “Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long.”

    Brooke from Colorado
    (who has been crying now for 29 hours, my eyes hurt)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sorry all, TMI . . . :blushing:

    “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails.” - - Elizabeth Edwards