623lbs, Trying to Get Going Again



  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member

    I cannot fathom how difficult this life style change must be for you. Obviously, the weight did not creep on over the course of a year, so you really need to make changes to the way you approach food and the food choices you make. I went over your diary and noticed that you went over by 1,800 cals the other day (Monday, I believe) which is the exact number of cals that were in your morning muffins. I think if you gave up the muffins in favor of scrambled eggs with some veggies, you will fill fuller longer, be able to stay under your caloric goals, etc.

    Whatever you do, don't give up. Make small changes each day - switch out that ice cream for something lighter (it can still be sweet) such as some pudding/frozen yogurt with lots of fresh fruit.

    Good Luck.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    So much good advice. What I found works for me is to realize this is not a diet, but a life style change. Also I find logging what I eat helps me think about it and see what I can do to make it better. We did not get here overnight and will not lose overnight. I have been heavy since I can remember and find it hard to think of myself as smaller. But I find I do better weighing once a week on Mondays or Tuesday and first thing in the morning. Good Luck and friend me if you want.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    One final thing - you will have a phenomenal amount of muscle, because you're carrying around 600lbs on a daily basis. There are professional weightlifters who can't move that much weight! Don't lose it! Walk. Bend. Pick stuff up and put it down again. You don't have start full on resistance/weight training now, but you'll have so much lean mass compared to most women that if you can hold onto it you'll look great as the fat comes off!

    Welcome back! I agree with this ^^^. One of the things I try to do for myself is MOVE. Every time I have a choice of whether to sit still or move, I move. When waiting for the bus, I pace back and forth. When reading the paper, I pace back and forth (in the hall so I don't bump into things). Yes, I get weird looks, but after a while, people have become used to me. And when I tell them I have a pedometer app on my phone, they nod knowingly.

    I read on another post where someone said to put the laundry basket on the floor and bend to pick up each item one at a time as you fold it. You get the picture. Little things add up and as you get used to moving, your body will become stronger, more fit, more flexible and it'll feel GOOD to move.

    Best wishes and GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:

    this is good advice
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    I am not in your shoes, but what I can say is don't look at it as a diet but a Journey to Good Habits. Start by setting small goals and when you reach them make more goals. Try walking around your house for 5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Measure your success not only by the scale but by your measurements, goals, etc. Document everything. You will learn as you go as to what makes you successful at this. You can do this and we are all cheering for you.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I don't know if anyone already said this or not, but you don't have to do a whole lot of exercise to drop a lot of weight. All you have to do is probably start eating below 4000 calories a day (not sure how tall you are) and you will see the weight start to drop off. Maybe try cutting a lot of your liquid calories to start with ( I notice you drink a lot of soda). Even just doing that can make a huge difference. Good luck to you with your weight loss and keep logging!
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    You are one step ahead by just thinking you want to lose weight.
    I would do 1 thing at a time. Start drinking water or plain tea instead of any sodas or sweet tea.
    You will start making your taste buds crave different tastes.
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
    If you want to be my friend I would love to support you all the way..
    Thanks for sharing.
  • clori982
    clori982 Posts: 1 Member
    Just take it one step at a time. :)

    You can make the change.
  • crewsocks
    You can do this!!!!!! I know you can! I recently struggled with weight loss at the 2lbs/week rate. I felt like I was starving at the end of the day. So I did myself a favor and slowed it down to 1.5/week which gave me approx 300 more calories per day! Guess what, I am still losing at the 2lb rate because I wasn't so hard on myself and find that some days I don't eat the extra. Give yourself the break for you recent weight gain. It's all apart of the journey, love yourself and keep at it. Everyday you keep at it, moves you closer to the goal! :heart:
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Best of luck girl! I agree with others to try to cut out the soda. Doing that alone will get you much closer to your daily calorie goal.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member

    1. It might not hurt to have some professional help in order for you to move forward: having a dietitian or even someone close to you who will hold you accountable for your diet, maybe even see a therapist to get to the bottom of why moving ahead is so difficult. <<THIS

    2. I checked out your diary and there are a lot of missing days. Be honest and consistent, even if it isn't pretty. That right there will give you something to start with. Where can you change/switch things out? There were a lot of responses mentioning making small changes to start with ie. swap out the soda with water or the chocolate milk with regular milk. Add more fruit and veggies in gradually. <<DANI MAKE YOUR DIARY PRIVATE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE BUT LOG EVERYTHING EVERYDAY
  • katherinehum
    katherinehum Posts: 1 Member
    Long term success is something I've always battled with my weightloss/ and or maintenance. I think you can only take things one day at a time, and one meal at a time. It helps me to think that even if I eat one bad meal, I can make it up at the next or the next time I exercise. For so many years I was the girl who would eat bad at one meal and then that would turn into the entire day, but I've found that if I turn it around at the next I don't feel better about myself, the control I have, and the scale doesn't have drastic increases, but more of a steady decrease. Just take it easy on yourself, do your best, and take it one day at a time.
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    Dani - when I first signed up for MFP I did it because I was "going to loose weight this time". Then I didn't make friends or journal or really even come back on for about 6 months - when I did come back I had gained 15 pounds so I said I was "going to loose weight this time" and nothing happened again. I had a doctor appoint with my diabetes doctor and found out I wasn't doing myself any good and I needed to get started so, I decided this time I "WAS going to loose weight". This time I found friends who had similar goals and about my age and medical issues. Then I started a journal and am being brutally honest about everything I eat. Log everything you eat regardless of what it is and how much it is. Also put in the notes portion how you are feeling or if something triggered you wanting to eat something in particular.

    Change is never easy and when it's something (like food) that we are so attached to it seems unfair to have to do things differently. Like people have said, baby steps, think about what you are eating and try to make 1 change a day that is healthy.

    If you would like to add me as a friend I would enjoy talking to you and seeing how you are doing - good days AND bad!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Well done for sticking to 4000kcal Dani! I had a few thoughts for you:

    1) 4000kcal gives you a lot of flexibility. You can eat everything you are used to eating, just in smaller quantities, AND lower calorie density foods (salads, soups, veggies etc) on top of that. I eat a bit of everything, and over time I think the balance has been getting better and better.

    2) Find out your maintenance calories, and on days when 4000kcal really doesn't feel enough, make sure to stay under them.

    3) Try to look into WHY you have gained weight from a psychological perspective. I read Fat Is A Feminist Issue before successfully losing weight. It's a bit outdated, but it went into the reasons why extra weight can make us feel good (less attention from the opposite sex, don't seem weak, etc) and helped enable me to lose weight FOR ME, not to be more attractive to anyone else. There are similar books out there, or perhaps some professional counselling would help.

    I wish you all the best :flowerforyou:
  • Ihalla
    Ihalla Posts: 7 Member
    I just want to say that I think its awesome that you are losing this weight. I will be here to support you 100 percent. If you need any motivation, you let me know.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I agree with others. Don't think of this as a "diet", but yet a lifestyle change. You are here to change your life and be healthy right? Well, think of it that way. You are doing this for life and it may take a few falls, but you can always get back up. You have amazing support with the community here and I think you are an amazing woman for stepping up to take control and take your life back.

    Small changes are key so you don't burn yourself out and end up giving up. You GOT THIS!
  • Mrsjaccij
    YAY!!!!! all your victories big or small should be celebrated. It's more than a notion to try to loose weight. so KUDO'S TO YOU KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Something that helps me is my faith Philippians 4;13 says I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me,. Call on God all day every day. If you don't believe I would suggest getting to know God He can make things happen.
  • soniablack1650
    Dani, can you get to a swimming pool for water aerobics? Walking can harm your joints, hips, knees, ankles, feet and spine. You are going to lose the weight but please protect your joints on the way down.

    Try windmills with your arms while sitting. Hold them straight and circle them around 10 times each.
    Bend your arms at shoulder level so your hands are near your head and then lift your hands straight up over your head. Don't drop them down below your shoulders for a count of 10.
    Still holding your arms at shoulder level extend them straight out to the side from the elbow, in and out, keeping them at shoulder level for a count of 10.
    Lift one arm over your head straight then the other, 10 times each arm.
    Later on, as you get more active you can punch straight out with your arms.

    While sitting, lift your legs by simply straightening them out at the knee and replacing it, one at a time 10 reps each leg.
    While sitting, alternate lifting one knee up at a time, just enough to lift your foot off the floor. 10 times each leg.
    While sitting, squeeze your butt cheeks together as tight as you can and hold it for a count of 10, do this 10 times.

    While sitting, push your rib cage forward and then back to center. Push it backwards which will make your shoulders round and then back to center. Do this 10 times. Next, push your rib cage to the right then back to center and to the left and back to center. These are very small movements.

    While laying flat on your bed, keeping your leg straight, lift one leg up as high as you can. It's okay if it's just a few inches then set it down. No letting it flop down. Now dot he other leg, same thing, 10 times each leg.
    While laying flat on your bed raise your arms up over your head keeping them straight and then bring them back down beside you. 10 times together then 10 times each arm.

    If you do all these exercises one right after the other it will raise your heart rate and burn fat even if it seems easy. Every week you can add one more rep, 11, 12, 13, etc..

    For cool down, turn your head slowly to the right and then to the left. Then drop your head slowly forward and bring it back to regular position. Lift each foot off of the floor and slowly circle it to the right and then to the left. Do the same for your hands, circle at the wrist forward and backward.

    Try and find water aerobics to do once a week if you can. Maybe the local YMCA?
  • angelsingin4jc
    I'll be honest., this short little dude has it right...

    Remove the mental obstacle of TRY.


    If you allow yourself the option to fail...you will. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, but I've taken control and FEEL so much better! You CAN do it. You just have to DECIDE to do it!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You have two choices.
    Do or die.
    It sounds harsh, but it is true.
    You are at a weight where your life is very much at risk.
    You can still enjoy food, and lose the weight. You just need to want it badly enough, and to have your will and mind set on getting your life back and not letting food take that from you. Find healthier ways to deal with your emotions. Take some time to analyse your relationship with food, how it began, where it is getting you, how you can change it. It will take work and effort, but your life is in the balance here.

    Work on pausing before you eat that next cookie, or that next unhealthy food, to actually think of what you are doing.
    work on loving yourself. You deserve to live. And to live, you need to regain your health and lose this weight.

    Forget 'trying'. You have to do it. There is only so much strain the body can take.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Dani,

    So good to see you are not giving up on you!!:flowerforyou: Welcome back friend! The 1st thing I recommend is just logging it all each and every day.

    Work on one thing at a time so you are not over whelmed by it all.

    And the next thing I recommend is not looking at this as a diet. Look at is is changing your lifestyle and saving your life so you can have a better quality of life.

    One day at a time....
    One meal at a time....
    One bite at a time...