623lbs, Trying to Get Going Again



  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt Posts: 226 Member
    Baby steps are what got me going in the right direction here, too. I know it's overwhelming when you know the road is so long and have so much to lose. I had 200 to lose, and it seemed so hard, so I started with not even dieting at all, but just learning to be honest with myself about my food choices and logging everything - even the bad days - on here. Once logging wasn't as much of an emotional challenge, I started weeding out one unhealthy habit after another, and now I'm making significant progress and feeling better for it. Get all the emotional support you can, especially from people you know can relate to what you're going through. Follow other success stories to inspire you (I friended a guy named Earl Kennedy on facebook, for instance, since he started at over 900 lbs and has managed to lose 400+ at this point. https://www.facebook.com/earlkennedy913 (and it doesn't hurt that he's also a really nice guy)). It also helps to try and think of it just one day at a time. Don't worry about the days ahead, but just being healthy for today, and challenging yourself a little bit more with each new day. It'll happen for you - honest!
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there!!

    Congrats on getting back up and continuing the fight. Even though it might seem overwhelming right now, it is just a day to day process that we are all working on regardless of if we have a few pounds or a few hundred pounds to lose. Just think about today and making today the best day that you can. Tomorrow will take care of itself!

    I didn't look at your diary but I did take a look at your pictures. I see real beauty in you. I hope you do too. Remember that you are worth the fight.

    My biggest tip to you is to try to have a positive relationship with food. Food is nourishment and fuel...it is not a crutch when you are sad, it is not a reward when you are successful, it is not an activity to do when you are bored. Eat because it does your body good and makes you feel good.

    I really look forward to hearing about your progress and I want you to know that you have a lot of people in your corner cheering for you!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    first off congrats on coming back and continuing what you started!! as for tips, id say even starting small helps. one thing that helped me was stopping the use of the word "diet" in a traditional sense. it really is a lifestyle change and it HAS TO BE if you want to keep the weight off long term. starting now your life is changing and your eating lifestyle is changing for the better. start small. small goals helped me get back on track after stuffing my face with junk for a solid 5 months out of stress and depression. last week my goal was to track what i ate and make healthier choices, whatever those might have been for that week. this week i've had a lot easier time and i've challenged myself not to eat any fast food for a week (which for me is reaaaally hard because the last thing i wanna do after an 8 hr shift on my feet is cook and clean). so maybe small goals will help you get "there" and really once you establish a good routine just stick to it until it becomes second nature. good luck! i'm excited to see your progress!!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Chair exercise might be a good option for you to increase your physical activity and work on mobility, without stressing your joints.


    What she said.

    Well Dania, I have to tell you from experience this is really good advice. I have bad knees and my ankles aren't so hot either. So, mobility is a bit of a problem. I can walk, but I realize my knees can buckle at anytime or my ankle can lock up on me or any number of embarrassing things can happen. But, I am not ready for a cane or a walker yet. So, what to do. One day I was watching tv sitting in a swivel chair and I though hey I can just keep moving in this chair it would be like really low impact aerobic. So I do that for exercise. I also march in place in front of the tv if it's yucky out or my knees are twingy, if I fall down inside it's not as big a deal, I will eventually be able to get up and if nothing else my SO will be home at some point in the day. It's also not as embarrassing for me. I really struggle with that issue. I am just under 300 lbs now and I feel like people stare at me when I am out walking. I walk my dog occasionally, it's something I wish I could do everyday I am just not emotionally ready for that plus pain issues.

    But, chair exercises are the best. I can watch tv and exercise at the same time. I think you could even do some from a sofa which would be even better IMO its comfy and when you get tired you just stop. There are lots of places on the net that will explain how but here is one site I have this one book marked because so far I am just free styling it


    It really does work.

    I started dieting accidentally so here is what I found out. That whole grains like oatmeal keep me full a really really long time. I have no will power and eating more whole grains means I don't need it. I have no desire for candy bars or things like that anymore. I try to swap things out like if I want crackers I will have crackers, but my crackers are Triscuits instead of those Cheezits that I love. But, I love my Triscuits now and they are a bit healthier. So, it's not like I am giving up a food, I am just eating a different better for me version. I haven't given up diet sodas and I don't care what people think about that. I don't crave candy or cake so what they think is their problem not mine. I do drink more water though and I would say drinking more water is good advice, because I found out that at my weight it's harder on the kidneys and water helps them. Anyway, by eating oatmeal for breakfast I found it helped me cut about 500 calories a day from my diet and I didn't feel deprived mostly cuz I didn't know I was on a diet.

    Also I started a journal about 2 weeks after I started "dieting" and I didn't do it to record what I was eating, but it ended up that way because I was also starting to make homemade food and I was really excited about that, so it was about 2 weeks into the journaling that I started that. I sort of noticed I was eating a little less when I did that, but didn't really think much of it. I wasn't counting calories, but I was becoming calorie aware. I also noticed that I was eating about 3 bowls full of food and that sort of told me volume was important. So, I started adding fresh veggies for volume that resulted in me never feeling deprived, because my tummy was full. To be quite honest a 600 calorie meal makes me feel stuffed for hours. So, I eat about 3 times a day and make sure my food has a lot of volume.

    I also switched to a plant based diet. Again it's pretty much about volume. I can fit a lot of volume in a bowl and it will be much lower in calories than just about anything from what my omni diet would have been. I love it, but it took me almost a year to give up cheese, I gave up eggs one day when I ran out, I just didn't buy anymore. Anyway I didn't get to where I am today overnight. Both my size and where I am as far what I eat now goes. I took a whole lot of baby steps a couple of leaps and a couple of bounds. And I think someday I will be trading my walking shoes for running shoes if I ever figure out my pain issues.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Keep going. It's great that you want to lose weight and it's great that you are getting your diet under control. When you lose this weight it will change your life, keep that in your mind . You can do this! It does take time , just be patient and keep trying and I'm sure that you will start to get results! Good luck :)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wow Dani!

    Look at all the support you're getting.....shows what an amazing site this is & how we're all rooting for you!!!!

    Not sure that I can add anything to what has already been said. Take baby steps.....make gradual changes, like swapping just one glass of soda for a glass of water or one cake for an apple.....every little bit helps. A little exercise each day.....whatever you can manage, even if it is from a chair. Be honest with your food diary....you're only kidding yourself otherwise. Keep your diary open and listen to advice given. There are SO many people here who want to help you.

    It won't be an quick journey....after all, you didn't gain the weight overnight......and a slow, steady loss makes it easier to keep off.

    Look how far you've come, not how far you have to go :flowerforyou:

    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!
  • elove89
    elove89 Posts: 33
    Just take it one day at a time. One meal at at time. Yo can do it. Don't give up... Stay focus .... I
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    1) Swap your full sugar soda for diet soda / water / green tea / crystal light.

    Try that for 2 weeks and I guarantee the weight will start coming off.

    If you can manage it then

    2) Every day eat a 3 egg omlette or source of protein you like (chicken, oily fish, steak, whatever) with a huge serving of salad and / or green leafy vegetables (as much as you can physically handle eating...)

    That's it.
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Maybe a good book that will unravel the emotional eating thing step by step? I can definitely recommend Linda Spangles 100 days of weight loss. She has written other books on emotional eating too which are probably just as good, I just happen to know that one
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Maybe a good book that will unravel the emotional eating thing step by step? I can definitely recommend Linda Spangles 100 days of weight loss. She has written other books on emotional eating too which are probably just as good, I just happen to know that one
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    :smile: Good luck!
  • ghostlyy
    ghostlyy Posts: 16 Member
    Its so inspiring to see not only that you've shared your story, but that so many people have come forward with inspiring tips and tricks and encouragement. I would love to be a part of your support system! You CAN be an inspiration, all you have to do is remember that this whole time, you've been treating yourself badly. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! And your body DESERVES to be healthy, so start treating it right! The one day at a time thing is the best way to go about it. BRAG about your small successes! Stay motivated! Add me on here or check out this MOTIVATIONAL blog I have: theskinnypanda.tumblr.com
  • Shellbug75
    Shellbug75 Posts: 74 Member
    Glad you are back. You cannot think of this as a diet. You have to think of it as a lifelong change. It is hard in the beginning. Nobody wants to give up the food they love. I know I didn't. Your self esteem is pretty low right now. I guarantee once you start losing the weight, you will start feeling better about yourself. Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery? If so, maybe you should think about that too. It may help get you started on losing the weight on your own.

    Try and think of some of the foods that get you into trouble. There are usually recipes out there that are a little healthier. I am a huge chocolate lover. Now when I crave chocolate, I eat a Fiber One 90 calorie brownie. I didn't care for them at first, but now I love them.

    Try to watch your salt intake, drink more water, and keep your portions smaller. Log everything. Even if you go over your calories. You will only cheat yourself if you don't log it. And don't give up. We have all fallen off the wagon at one time or another. You CAN do this! Good luck!
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    wait, i'm confused.....if you want to loose weight...why eat ice cream for breakfast? Can you seek therapy? A counselor? learn to love you & realize that you deserve to be respected ? your body....your mind...your heart.....seek peace.......pray. Sending light and love your way.....best of luck to you on this journey.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    You are starting on the right path Dani! You will find lots of love and support here. Don't be afraid to ask for help or encouragement. We all want you to succeed! You CAN and WILL do this! Take the advice you've received and put it to good use!

    Best of luck! Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    At this point it would seem like you choices are to lose weight or be incapacitated or dead.

    Which do you choose? If you choose the former get rid of the ice cream and all the other garbage you are eating (I mean throw it away and don't buy it again) and start eating like you intend to live.

    Others can support you, but they can't make you do the right thing. That has to come from you. Good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    I think the others have given you great advice, I just wanted to say I'm seriously impressed and inspired by you and I think you are amazing for starting this journey!! Good for you, Dani! I was kind of sad myself the day I realized I couldnt' eat whatever I wanted to all the time anymore, so I totally get that feeling. I just started doing it little by little and that worked and now I'm eating fairly healthy. You can do this, Dani. Post wheenver you need support and friend people that inspire you and will help you - it will get easier, promise. Good luck, we're rooting for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • MusiKat54
    MusiKat54 Posts: 4 Member
    it's small things. You can do it but you have to realize you didn't gain the weight overnight, so making overnight lifestyle changes are hard! As a girl who still weighs over 300lbs, despite 23lbs of weight loss, I have learned the following things:

    1. Swap things out. If chips are your weakness, try snack crackers like Goldfish. They have tons of flavors and you can eat between 50-60 of them for under 150 calories. Triscuit thins are another great option. I do still occasionally eat Cheez Its but I portion them out as it is easy to eat 3 portions at once without realizing!

    2. Substitute bread/rolls. I only eat those 100 calorie sandwich thins. I toast them, I make grilled cheese with them. I don't eat any regular bread.

    3. You can make a great lowfat pizza using the low carb Flat Out wraps. A small amount of sauce, low fat cheese and lots of veggies. You can also make low fat taco salad using those tortilla strips for salad (instead of a shell or taco bowl) and 95% lean ground beef or ground turkey or chicken.

    4. Don't beat yourself up if you do cheat. Allow yourself treats every now and then and if you do go a bit overboard, try to do something simple like walking in place for 20 minutes. You can burn between 100-200 calories depending on your pace.

    5. Reduce the amount of sweets but don't feel like you have to fully cut them out. Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers both have a variety of treats that are better choices.

    Lastly, realize that this is a long road and that you will have to make changes to lose a significant amount of weight. Focus on portion control. If you are going to have something, keep it to one serving and read packages to understand what a serving for that food looks like. You can do it!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^or just stop eating processed foods altogether and watch the weight fall off you.
  • cwmp
    cwmp Posts: 29 Member
    believe in yourself. you are your biggest critic. its hard and can be no fun at times but remind yourself that the only thing that matters in it all is how you feel about yourself and only you can change it. baby steps. I am not at my goal and still see myself as bigger than people around me but what keeps me going I knowing I am doing the best that I can do for where I am now. I hope I made sense. I tend to babble. goods luck with it all and congrats on making the first steps.