Grocery Store Snob??



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do look at what is in other peoples carts, I don't think bad thoughts, I do wonder what people think about my cart when half the stuff I buy isn't healthy....I don't want to starve my kids they are already skin and bones and I have to get things they will eat, chicken nuggets, fries, chips, so its really hard for me to eat healthy in a house full of un-healthy food :/ But I manage!

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    they will not eat it. they don't eat, they starve. I make them taste things and sometimes they eat healthier food sometimes not. My 8 year old has a major texture issue and will actually vomit if food texture isn't right. but they are all very active and not even close to being overweight.

    Children do not have the mental capacity to starve themselves. They may complain, but when hungry enough, they will eat whatever is available. Weight is not the only thing that affects health. Most diet related ailments other than weight take years to develop.

    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with your children having these foods occasionally, or even as staples depending on how they are prepared. But saying your children will starve if you feed them healthy food is ridiculous.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I just bought a box of Raisin Bran and shampoo at CVS. I am almost done the box of Raisin Bran. Am I a snob?
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    I do look at what is in other peoples carts, I don't think bad thoughts, I do wonder what people think about my cart when half the stuff I buy isn't healthy....I don't want to starve my kids they are already skin and bones and I have to get things they will eat, chicken nuggets, fries, chips, so its really hard for me to eat healthy in a house full of un-healthy food :/ But I manage!

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    Huh, they'll starve. Highly doubtful, kids can go a long time before they starve. It's all about parenting, you are the one that sets the rules and whats to eat, not the kids. But i'm sure this will fall on deaf ears as it usually does on over-indulgent parents.
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    I do look at what is in other peoples carts, I don't think bad thoughts, I do wonder what people think about my cart when half the stuff I buy isn't healthy....I don't want to starve my kids they are already skin and bones and I have to get things they will eat, chicken nuggets, fries, chips, so its really hard for me to eat healthy in a house full of un-healthy food :/ But I manage!

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    agreed, buy healthy food, and they'll eventually eat it. even if it is chicken nuggets have then eat veggies/fruit with it. i don't know why people think that kids can pick what crap they want to eat and make their own decisions. if they're hungry enough, they'll eat it

    YES YES YES!!!! Thank goodness for good old fashion common sense. Why if we are choosing healthy for ourselves but not for our kids? I don;t want my kids to be fighting this same fight down the road. I would rather they learn it now!
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I look at other carts and only think about what would happen to me, physically, if I ate some of that stuff. I'll have a fleeting thought of "oooh I wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom for a week if I ate that way!" Sometimes I'll look at all the "naughty" foods and think yummmmmm too.
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    To be honest each to their own.
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    I look at other carts and only think about what would happen to me, physically, if I ate some of that stuff. I'll have a fleeting thought of "oooh I wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom for a week if I ate that way!" Sometimes I'll look at all the "naughty" foods and think yummmmmm too.

    Oh, dear! I have had that mental conversation so many times. And I wonder why I used to have 'digestive issues'. Yikes
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    The crap in my cart is only for hubby... he's an adult and he can eat what he wants (literally and figuratively) My kids and hubby get dinner and lunches the healthiest way I can prepare them using things I choose. If hubby asks for "snacks" *eyeroll* I usually get them for him. His body, his choice. My kids? Eat what I cook and if not, eat it tomorrow. I'm not a short order chef. lol

    ^^ Agree. My son is away at college and it's just me and hubs for now. I am not my husband's mother or keeper. There are snacks and foods he likes that I don't, and vice versa. We pretty much agree on the meals, but the snacks are pretty different. I think it would be passive agressive for me to deliberately not buy foods he requests (we have a list on the fridge that we both add to throughout the week for food/tolietries that we need). He wants Doritos, I am buying Doritos. I don't have to eat them.

    Haha, modern day wifely submission?

    DIrected at me? (the one who mentions Doritos) "Wifely Submission"? Um, no. It's called mutual respect. It's called treating my spouse as an adult, not a child. He treats me the same-as a person with feelings, desires, wants, needs, interests of my own. If he needs to stop by the store for something, he'll call and ask me if I need/want anything. It's being considerate of each other. We are more like Claire and Heathcliff Huxtable than Archie & Edith Bunker. We've been married 30 yrs, so I don't know, you think it's working for us?
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I have plenty of crap so I don't judge. I do cringe when I hear wrong information though. Someone saying a medium size bag of chips had 180 calories (or whatever) in the whole thing- she didn't understand there were multiple servings in it. It just angers me the lack of education we have in food. I don't judge carts though. it is like having a toddler- easy to judge a public tantrum until your kid is in the ground freaking out!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    It's a little hard to pass judgement when your carts full of condoms and vodka.

    but its all "fruit " flavored... so thats gotta be healthy
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This would be different than having a cart full of nothing but Cocoa Pebbles, ice cream and pop tarts.

    Hmmm, good idea, maybe I'll get all 3 - the trifecta.

    If I ever saw anyone with a cart like that, I would assume that they were going to have an awesome sleep over, & be hurt that I wasn't invited.

    Point is, get over yourselves. It's not like a person's cart is a window into their soul or a measure of their value.

    Says the woman who likes to feel superior to everyone NOT buying treats because obviously they all think they can never have them. :wink:

    I think you are confused about my point. I don't care if people buy treats or not. Seriously, I don't. But, I do think that it's silly to look at another person's cart, see poptarts and Cocoa Pebbles, and assume that they can't be healthy while eating it. Or that they know anything about that person's situation or reason for filling their cart with whatever it is that you find unacceptable.

    I agree that thinking treats can't fit into a healthy diet is wrong, but that's also not what the OP or most of the replies have said.

    And MY point was that you giggling at people who look at you buying only treats is no different than those who are looking when you don't know their situation either. Maybe they are just thinking "Hmm, those look tasty".
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    My son is super picky... he has missed a few dinners in his short lifetime but he's never missed a healthy breakfast and his lunch box is usually empty. Most of the time he will eat dinners I prepare and if not, no sweat. Be hungry for tonight. He will be starved for nutrients for the rest of his life if I feed him what he wants to eat, better he go without for the day instead.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Same for me. I have never had someone comment on my cart though.
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Its just as bad as someone ordering a double cheeseburger, large fry and then a DIET COKE!! uGH.....:smile:
  • sjklaus
    sjklaus Posts: 59 Member
    Hahahahaha, yep I also do this.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    My son is super picky... he has missed a few dinners in his short lifetime but he's never missed a healthy breakfast and his lunch box is usually empty. Most of the time he will eat dinners I prepare and if not, no sweat. Be hungry for tonight. He will be starved for nutrients for the rest of his life if I feed him what he wants to eat, better he go without for the day instead.

    What? Please tell me this is a sarcastic comment.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    oh, i forgot last week ,
    i went to the store for 2 things
    greek yogurt and frozen veggies
    (please keep in mind i have a family of 9)
    so i go up to the register with 30 some yogurts and about 30 bags frozen veg,
    and some fresh lettuce and everyones fave at my house carrots and spinach

    and i was told it "looked weird" by the lady who was standing behind me kid- and my Darling 7 year old looked at this kid and straight to her face said I LOVE my brussels sprouts, you should try them..

    yep smart kids,

    (oh yes , 9 people eat about 3-4lbs of veggies for dinner every night)
  • phdiva12
    phdiva12 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't spy on anyone else's food-lol! However, looking in my basket and seeing veggies, proteins, yogurts, and other healthy stuff is an NSV everytime. Seriously, I've taken pics of my grocery cart before :)

    However, I'm slacking and I need to do a better job of avoiding the processed stuff and cooking my own meals.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Nope. I'm usually way too busy trying to figure out 1) what to make my family for dinner all week 2) how to keep my 10 year old son in check while shopping and 3) how to satisfy everyone while also making food choices that satisfy my own dietary goals. Plus, there's the whole weighing price options while shopping, and if I do happen to peek into someone else's cart, I usually just take in mentally what they have and wonder what is for what and / or analyze what I would or would not use / eat out of it.

    Lots of people, like myself, shop for more than just themselves. I buy strawberries for my husband, but I hate them. I buy skim milk for myself, husband hates it. Twinkies for him and my son, I don't touch them. So yeah, judging someone by their grocery cart is kind of pointless.

    Thank you!

    This absolutely!

    I couldn't care less what someone else has in their grocery cart and I find it extremely pretentious and judgmental of those who do! That is just a snapshot of one hour of someone's life and is absolutely no indicator of how they live their life. Besides that, who makes me judge and jury of what someone else chooses to buy? I certainly don't appreciate someone else judging my purchases, so why should I judge theirs? I usually have a mixed bag of healthy and not so healthy - some of it mine, some my husband and son's. Sometimes, my cart is full of junk only - also some of it mine and some my husband and son's. I'm sure some people (like some in this thread) are judging me for it since I still have a ways to go to get to my goal weight, but as I said - it's NONE of their business and they should just absolutely get over themselves and find something better to do with their time.
  • toni_myers0915
    toni_myers0915 Posts: 50 Member
    Nope. I mind my own business.
