Grocery Store Snob??



  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    No, I mind my own business. I try not to judge others like that. No one is better just because they are slimmer and have vegetables in their grocery cart.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Give the cashiers a break. They are just trying to make conversation. You try standing in place for hours on end. I would rather have them make awkward conversation with me than chatting with the bagger the whole time as If I weren't there and when there is an issue, they finish their conversation before addressing the issue. Let them know that you always eat this way, and maybe they will learn to adjust their conversational skills.

    We almost always shop together, roly poly little me and string bean partner, so I guess they just puzzle it out in silence.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Children will NOT starve themselves (excluding those with medical conditions of course) and eventually will eat. I will be damned if my girls become overweight because I've fed them crap for my convenience. If I can teach them anything at all, it is that they are to take care of their bodies properly via nutrition and activity. I can only hope they learn by the example of my struggle with obesity and never do to their bodies what I have done to mine.

    Nothing makes me more sad then overweight children.

    So what makes you fat, the food choices or an overall caloric surplus, regardless of food choices?

    Well you can only eat so many calories before you start to gain, so if you only have 1800 to work with and you eat 1/2 of those in garlic bread then where are the things your body NEEDS TO BE HEALTHY going to come from. You'll either overeat or be undernourished. Both are not good options for various reasons.
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    No way, judging others carts is just plain rude. They can do whatever they want with their own food, money, and body.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    My son is super picky... he has missed a few dinners in his short lifetime but he's never missed a healthy breakfast and his lunch box is usually empty. Most of the time he will eat dinners I prepare and if not, no sweat. Be hungry for tonight. He will be starved for nutrients for the rest of his life if I feed him what he wants to eat, better he go without for the day instead.

    What? Please tell me this is a sarcastic comment.

    No it isn't . If my son misses a meal I don't sweat it. He will eat at the next meal. Missing a meal isn't a big deal.

    True story. If I didn't like what my mom cooked, which was often because she wasn't a very good cook, I didn't get any alternatives and no dessert.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Children will NOT starve themselves (excluding those with medical conditions of course) and eventually will eat. I will be damned if my girls become overweight because I've fed them crap for my convenience. If I can teach them anything at all, it is that they are to take care of their bodies properly via nutrition and activity. I can only hope they learn by the example of my struggle with obesity and never do to their bodies what I have done to mine.

    Nothing makes me more sad then overweight children.

    I have been fighting to find a polite way to say this

    Don't be polite when it comes to your opinion, I am so sharp and blunt with my opinions I am surprised no one is bleeding when I talk lol I see it as if you don't like what I say, take it with a grain of salt and move on :)
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I totally do. I am a grocery cart judger. The person in front of me..if they have all processed crap, ice cream, etc. and i look at them and see them and know they are grossly overweight I want to shake them by the shoulders and say "stop killing yourself with evil food! Don't you know this is keeping you unhealthy?!?!!?" but that's not cool to do and everyone makes their own choices so I zip my lip. I do think, though, that when people see a mix of 90% healthy and 10% on the border, they judge me back. Especially the gluten free stuff. I assume they think I'm one of "those" people who only "think" they are allergic. (yes, I have heard this before, it's like they don't believe me when I tell them I get stomach cramps so painful I am floored for a couple of hours after eating the stuff). The rest is all fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. With that stuff I'm hoping I am setting a good example.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My children do and always have eat (with joy and gratitude) whatever I put in front of them. Trust me, I eat and drink some really weird stuff over the years--super yucky (but good for you) green veggies juices and vegan/vegetarian meals and literally anything. Do they like it--not necessarily, but they do. On my healthy journey, the children follow and eat what I do. So does my hubby. They still eat junk, but as time goes by, and they see I MEAN BUSINESS, they just go along with me and for this I'm super thrilled!

    Last year, when went to an authentic Chinese restaurant and they ordered some things that would blown the average adult Westerner's minds. One of the dishes I remembered they spefically ordered was pork belly fat with lots of other "unAmerican" type of dishes. THEY ordered this...I didn't. The Chinese waitress was in shock, and asked my young children how come they eat that--and that she's NEVER seen American children or even adults order nor eat the dishes they ordered...

    You know what they told her ????

    They said..."Our mother has always made us watch various historical documentaries and war, slavery, Holocaust and real life documentaries and films about other cultures and things...we learned at an early age to eat whatever is placed before us, and with gratitude and now we like to eat various different things--because just because we live in peace and security today doesn't mean we always will--we think about how those people and children lived during wars and in impoverish nations and will always eat what's before us and never complain--because we're just glad we have some food".
    :noway: :embarassed: :wink:

    She patted their heads and smiled...I looked at them half smiling and half feeling like a mean/bad mother. I am a mean mother (as most in our Western Society would count as mean/old school). We don't believe in having/living/raising and running a "child-centered" home. We believe that our children are a blessing from God and that they are super blessed to be our children and they are to "follow-us", rather than call the shots and lead us in our home life--once they get grown, they can do what the jolly well feel like, but as long as we are paying the bills--we're calling the shots, not them. This sounds cruel and evil, I know most will think. But our children are the happiest, well-mannered, most well adjusted, super creative, slim and trim, healthy and coolest children I've EVER met or seen--people are constantly telling us that--especially neighbors and strangers--so something must be kinda right, it is for us anyway.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Also I do stare in other peoples carts and don't think shesh I wonder why they are fat or skinny. I wonder shesh I wonder if they looked at the nutrition label and know how bad that food really is for them. Or I wonder if they know they can get way more fruit and veggies for that little bit of processed junk they are over paying for :).

    I try not to be judgmental because I use to be in that same boat, until I started reading and learning what I was putting in my body, sometimes it always just becomes our habit because we grew up around it. I grew up around junk food and when my parents got divorced, my mum brought me to a nutritionist to help me with the weight i always tried to get rid of by starving myself. I <3 my mom for this step in my life every single day, I might be fat still to this minute, but I wont be fat forever knowing what I know :) and if I still am then its just my own stupidity showing.

    Oh look :D my stupidity is showing lol
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Children will NOT starve themselves (excluding those with medical conditions of course) and eventually will eat. I will be damned if my girls become overweight because I've fed them crap for my convenience. If I can teach them anything at all, it is that they are to take care of their bodies properly via nutrition and activity. I can only hope they learn by the example of my struggle with obesity and never do to their bodies what I have done to mine.

    Nothing makes me more sad then overweight children.

    So what makes you fat, the food choices or an overall caloric surplus, regardless of food choices?

    My struggle with binge eating, bad food choices and an overall caloric surplus have made me fat. I've been yoyo dieting since I was 13 and hit an all time high of 283 lbs at 22 years old. My mother had a habit of allowing us to eat as much as we wanted of anything we wanted. No one practiced portion control. I wasn't aware of how big I was until I heard a school mate call me fat in gym class. That started the yoyo dieting. I would drop the weight quickly and then resort back to my old ways and gain it back plus some. I had a relatively rough childhood (parents struggling with mental illness, alcoholism, domestic violence, eventually divorce) which ended with being disowned by my mother last year. At times I felt I had a pretty good handle on controlling the binge eating, but when things got really rough with my mom, I resorted to food for comfort.

    It's only now in the last 9 months that I've been able to loose some of the weight, keep it off & keep going. That has been through portion control, better food choices and physical activity. I've also acknowledged recently that I have a problem with binge eating. It has been 21 days since I last binged. And for the record, I don't blame my parents for my issues, because at some point I became and adult and should have started making better choices on my own. It's my demon now & I'm doing my best to deal with it one day at a time.

    And when I see an overweight child, I wonder why. Picky eater? Busy parents? Things not going well at home? Medical condition? I fell I have a responsibility to mind my own business with this as well as with what other people put in their carts, but I can't help but feel it tug at my heart strings when I see a child who may struggle for the rest of their lives, especially when I'm trekking through the same waters a couple of decades later.

    So that is why seeing an overweight child makes me sad, if you must know.
  • jjgirl76
    jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
    After I started MFP I had a check out line encounter with a similar snob. He says to me "great choices!"
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    It would be hard for me to care less, just do not pay with a check. It is 2013!!!
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I more focus on being happier with myself that my cart (which used to have junk and processed food) now has healthy stuff. I do think it is sad when I see obese children shopping with parents that have a cart full of junk.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    It would be hard for me to care less, just do not pay with a check. It is 2013!!!

    LOL!!!!! *high five*
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member

    This makes no sense. What makes you think your children will starve if you feed them healthy food?

    My son is super picky... he has missed a few dinners in his short lifetime but he's never missed a healthy breakfast and his lunch box is usually empty. Most of the time he will eat dinners I prepare and if not, no sweat. Be hungry for tonight. He will be starved for nutrients for the rest of his life if I feed him what he wants to eat, better he go without for the day instead.

    What? Please tell me this is a sarcastic comment.

    No it isn't . If my son misses a meal I don't sweat it. He will eat at the next meal. Missing a meal isn't a big deal.

    True story. If I didn't like what my mom cooked, which was often because she wasn't a very good cook, I didn't get any alternatives and no dessert.

    If they are hungry they will eat. If you cook decent they will def eat. My son wouldnt touch mashed potatoes so I found a way to make him touch them...bacon bits. It is your responsibilty as a parent to teach your child that this is whats for dinner you eat it or you go hungry. BUT, you also teach them how to meet you half way and allow them to contribute by giving ideas that would help them to eat what is available. WIN, WIN all the way around not only for you and the "Battle of Dinner Hill" but for society in general. Any child that learns there is a medium to be met in disagreements will make for a healthy less angry adult.
  • newjojie
    newjojie Posts: 291 Member
    It's a little hard to pass judgement when your carts full of condoms and vodka.

  • passionflwr1
    passionflwr1 Posts: 31 Member
    I am only about 2 weeks into this and all 4 times I have been to the store the cashier (different person each time) has asked me "Starting a diet?"
    So, cuz I am visablely fluffy and buying awesome healthy food with no junk I must be starting a 'diet'.
    I guess I am, but still, I am so focused on changing my lifestyle and not 'dieting' it annoys me. Besides that I enjoy the foods I'm eating, why are bell pepper strips and hummus 'diet' food? I think they are tasty, period, diet or no.

    Sorry, I got my rant on.:grumble:

    Tell them you got a rabbit... And good for you! Mmmmm hummus!

    This made me laugh. I actually have two rabbits and two aquatic turtles so you can imagine my cart from the produce section. 5 bunches of romaine, some cilantro and 2 bunches of green leaf lettuce every week just for the pets alone.
  • Jsperez94
    I've actually changed grocery stores b/c the checkers for three weeks, I kid you not, would ask if I was making soup or having company over because I had so many veggies. I told them that I was just prepping for our family of 3 for the week. They each stated that they wouldn't eat 1/2 the stuff. They also had to look up some 'difficult' radishes, sugar snap peas, etc. SO, I no longer shop there and drive two miles farther where the produce is better priced and I don't get the third degree regarding my purchases. I'm happy with my decision.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I've actually changed grocery stores b/c the checkers for three weeks, I kid you not, would ask if I was making soup or having company over because I had so many veggies. I told them that I was just prepping for our family of 3 for the week. They each stated that they wouldn't eat 1/2 the stuff. They also had to look up some 'difficult' radishes, sugar snap peas, etc. SO, I no longer shop there and drive two miles farther where the produce is better priced and I don't get the third degree regarding my purchases. I'm happy with my decision.

    :laugh: 'difficult veggies':laugh: