Grocery Store Snob??



  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Just got back from the store. How did I do?

    Focaccia Bread
    Giant Fudge Brownie
    Microwave Pancakes
    Walden Farms Pancake Syrup
    Tofu Noodles
    2 Bags of Tilapia
    2 Bags of Frozen Vegetables
    And of course some Mrs. Dash


    No ice cream or pizza?


    I ate most of the focaccia bread with olive oil instead of pizza for my carbs and fats. And I got the giant brownie for sugar. They were the the bakery items that didn't sell so they discounted them. I'm a sucker for a deal.
  • CatMcCheesey
    Nope. I mind my own business.

    This. I get in there and get my shopping done as quickly as I can because I have stuff to do! I'm really surprised that so many people spend time in their day thinking about people that they don't even know. That's funny.
  • Kitpurr
    Kitpurr Posts: 26 Member
    I have a great fruit and veggie shop up the road where I do all my healthy shopping but it has expensive junk food so whenever I want some I go to the regular supermarket and that is all I buy.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I have a great fruit and veggie shop up the road where I do all my healthy shopping but it has expensive junk food so whenever I want some I go to the regular supermarket and that is all I buy.

    Yeah, I buy all the crap at Walmart but I buy my meat at a small farm (locally raised on pasture) and I buy my veggies at Zehrs or the farmers market depending on the season. I have a typical "people of Walmart" cart some days!!! lol
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have a large family and some days I go in to buy "meal items" (veggies, dairy, spices etc) and other times I go in to get "snack items" (sweet cereals they eat for desserts once in a while, cheese its, lunchables (they get one ever few months as a snack), frozen pizzas, wine for me, fruit snacks (i used them a lot to potty train my 3 yr old) etc. SOme days my cart is pure healthy and the other days it is all junk food. I am sure I get looks.

    We don't drink soda very often in our house, (the kids are allowed 1 soda on the weekend and it cannot have caffeine) But I think about the times that I have stocked up for a party (2 or 3 12 packs) and It is embarrassing to have all that soda in the cart.

    Just remember- someone could be buying all of the junk food to last a month or all of the soda for a large party. My husband and kids eat junk for snacks but healthy unprocessed meals are mandatory. My vice is the starbucks (i get a kid size to cut calories) or the almond ring at the bakery.

    This is me. Sometimes my cart is almost exclusively "good" stuff (produce, meats, etc). Sometimes it is heavy on the "junk" like cookies and crackers. I buy soda when it is on sale, 4 cases for $12 is a DANG GOOD price here, but you have to buy 4 (it's something like buy 3 get the 4th free), and it lasts us at least a month. I do the same with ice cream, crackers and cookies, I stock up when it's a good price because I won't pay the "full price." I even buy Ramen a case at a time, but again, that lasts us about 2months. That's with 3 kids who eat it (the 4th doesn't yet). I would be mortified if I felt like someone was judging me, or even feeling superior, because my cart doesn't measure up to their standard. I've stopped shopping at stores where a cashier acts that way. I prefer to go somewhere where they will chat and be friendly, regardless of what I buy. And if we treat a skinny or "average" person with that respect, we darn well better treat everyone with that respect.
  • janiesue101
    janiesue101 Posts: 84 Member
    I check out others carts too. When I see someone that is very overweight and all they have is a cart full of junk I just want to put it all back on the shelves and help them shop for better options. I'm convinced if I could just show them how to they can eat healthy on a budget and that it doesn't have to be all rabbit food that they'd change their ways and be healthier and thank me for it.
    They would probably run you over with their electric cart. ;)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    well duh,. we all do it
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am a little weird. Ok I am very weird. I don't really worry about what is in other people's carts all that much. Yeah, I will notice a cart if all it has is cookies, doughnuts, and chips I rarely notice who is pushing the cart though it sort of makes me blank out when I see that kind of stuff. But, I am very self conscious about my cart. It's usually full of what a lot of people would think is healthy stuff. I keep thinking they are going to look at this and wonder how I got so fat.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    I am super oblivious to other people, so no...I don't notice healthy carts or junk food carts. I'm in my own little world.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    If I have junk food in my cart, it might be something I'm buying for my boyfriend, or maybe we're having a party.

    But since I'm still obese, you'd probably chuckle and gloat to yourself about how AWFUL my choices are and then lecture me and try to teach me about food because I would be ever-so-thankful.

    Meanwhile, I've lost 60 pounds, and you don't realize that because you've judged me based on the contents of my grocery cart without knowing why those foods are in there and who's going to eat them.

    Additionally, you will cackle internally at the sugar-free items "balancing out the junk", not realizing that I have insulin resistance and drink diet soda on the rare occasion we have a party and eat sugar-free and low-sugar foods. So, haha, here's a fatty buying taco ingredients and Diet Coke. LOLOLOL OMG ROFL.

    Get a life.


    I think you've said it very well. And kudos on losing 60 pounds so far :drinker:
  • pnubn1
    pnubn1 Posts: 339 Member
    Nope..not me. I'm too busy making sure the cashier doesn't ring up the same item twice. Who cares what's in the next person's buggy...I have a few "not so healthy" items in my own...they're just hidden well :^)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Yep, that's me. What's really hard is to bite my tongue when other people feel the need to comment on my healthy choices while their cart is filled with junk. This has happened to me a few times.

    Really, what teasing you about the lettuce and turkey burger???? I would have a hard time not returning the favor and asking about their cheesy poofs, oreos and the ever balancing option of gluton free Chex cereal (yes I saw this in the same cart)
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I hate when people stare at all of my grocery items. If they start staring at my food, I curiously stare at their face until they look away.
    It's rare I see this happen, and I usually won't notice if it's the person behind me, though.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im the person who buys turkey meat, fresh veggies, fresh fruits, bags of beans, and $200 worth of beer. I LOVE when people ask me if im having a party & i just look at them & blink my eyes & say....


    with no expression whatsoever on my face.

    They have no idea what to say after that! LOL! The truth is.. i buy it every week for my husband and brother to party it up on the weekends!! I dont drink a drop of the stuff! I used to! Lord when i first came to MFP.. i was drinking 24+ beers A NIGHT! but ive stopped! Once in awhile, i will have a few mixed drinks, but thats it!

    but boy do i love those cart lookers.... judgemental btiches! :laugh:
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    If I have junk food in my cart, it might be something I'm buying for my boyfriend, or maybe we're having a party.

    But since I'm still obese, you'd probably chuckle and gloat to yourself about how AWFUL my choices are and then lecture me and try to teach me about food because I would be ever-so-thankful.

    Meanwhile, I've lost 60 pounds, and you don't realize that because you've judged me based on the contents of my grocery cart without knowing why those foods are in there and who's going to eat them.

    Additionally, you will cackle internally at the sugar-free items "balancing out the junk", not realizing that I have insulin resistance and drink diet soda on the rare occasion we have a party and eat sugar-free and low-sugar foods. So, haha, here's a fatty buying taco ingredients and Diet Coke. LOLOLOL OMG ROFL.

    Get a life.

    Can I hug you? I don't think anyone could have said it better.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Options cart is usually half and half lol...i buy processed junk for the hubby and kids because they still eat it and refuse to be like me and avoid most processed foods...and i have my little sides of fruits and veggies and stuff...yep i get embarrassed because people see the processed foods...i feel like people are looking in my cart and judging me saying "oh yep thats why shes so fat."..i cook every day for pretty much every meal...but a lot of times i will have to make separate meals for the kids and sometimes the hubby..they tend to avoid the healthy husband acts like he's allergic to vegetables sometimes...haha..Plus my oldest (almost 3) horribly under weight and her doctors actually suggested giving her fatty foods and putting butter on everything...just so she can gain weight...but no i do not judge others...i wouldnt want someone doing that to me so i dont do it to them..
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    No I have never looked at what other people are buying. I just never think to do that. Usually to busy trying to get grocery shopping over with. It is my least favorite thing to do.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I do this all the time. But I'm a generally snarky/judgemental/terrible person so meh
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I have been grocery shopping large family sized orders since I was 12. Every Saturday I would get a list and be dropped at one of the 3 stores while my mom and dad hit up the others. Budget shopping before that crazy couponing stuff. It drives me crazy when people say it is expensive to eat healthy. I eat fast processed food because its yummy and convenient when I crave it. Eating healthy requires planning nothing else. Example avocados although 2 for a dollar (still mot bad)this week were 5 for a dollar 2 weeks ago at a store called sprouts. Freezer bags + shelled avocados + a well managed freezer= cheap good fat for months. Cabbage always cheap even when it's not on sale its cheap. Onions cheap cheap cheap. Per ounce box items cost a lot. That said yes I always look at other people's carts in line. And also mine. If I have junk in the cart I get self conscience about the sugar cereal. Or that frozen pizza. Luckily I shop like my parents taught me and start on the outer of the walls of the store. I.e. meats dairy fresh veggies move on to frozen veggies than if I have room the canned and process area. So i tend to always have green items next to them.. I do this less for the diet of my family but the savings. Now that we are watching what we eat, and cutting bad fats out. My shopping process is practically the same. We just have eliminated the over priced ready in minutes food I would buy for the heck of it.