30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    Finished Day 3. Oddly feeling much stronger, I did not expect to feel stronger so soon. And - I can jump! I thought I had lost that ability a decade ago! Jump, jump, jump!:happy:
  • meghanmaeandrews
    meghanmaeandrews Posts: 53 Member
    Finished day 2 today. Much more sore today than I was after Day 1, but was able to not take as many breaks.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I started 30DS on 4/6 so today was day 14 for me. I LOVE that I can actually keep up now! The first couple of days KILLED me! And, I haven't taken any rest days yet. i'd love to actually do it 30 days consequetively--not sure if I can, but so far, so good. I've had 3 babies and my body is not what it once was...but I'm getting stronger! By day 5 my soreness was easing, and now I just die during cardio, but "finish strong!"--Gag!

    Jumping rope and my knees are a bad combo, but I'm pushing through!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Hey every one :) I'm starting this tonight wish me luck lol, just wondering what do I put in the excersize section of the app for here as I can't seem to find anything about the calories burnt doing the 30 day shred?

    Someone on here told me to log it under Cardio at "circuit training" So, that's what I'm doing!
  • Dieting_Jen23
    Dieting_Jen23 Posts: 29 Member
    The DVD arrived yesterday, so this morning was L1D1. My strength isn't tooooooo bad, but my cardio is pretty shocking. I definitely felt like I'd had a workout when I was finished...sweat was lashing!

    I'm determined to see this one through. Hope the reviews I've read keep me motivated! Good luck to all the other 30DS-ers out there.
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Just finished day 6. I started on Sunday 14th but needed to take a rest day on Thursday as my achilles tendon and calves were really sore. They were fine after the rest day, but yesterday doing the jump rope and butt kicks made it flare up again, even though I stretched for 3 times the cooldown and did some other calf stretches on top of that. Today they were so sore in my achilles tendon again doing the cardio. I've done extra cooldown again but I'm getting worried.

    Would it matter if I did some different cardio instead of the jump rope and butt kicks as I really worry I'm going to tear my muscle, the cardio itself I find ok but this pain is ruining my form. Any suggestions of what I could do instead that would target the same area but keep my calves safe?

    Edit: not sure if it is my achilles tendon or not, it's just below the bigger bit of my calf, but not directly above my ankle. Either way, if I don't change something I think I'm going to hurt myself and I really want to complete the 30DS
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Just to add, could it possibly be my shoes causing the problem? I didn't have any proper trainers at first (I thought I did when I planned on starting) so I'm wearing some kind of shoes that aren't meant for sports I don't think. Could this be giving me less support and therefore more pressure on my calves?
  • springbokkii
    springbokkii Posts: 28 Member
    well day 4 didn't go well for me, worked late and it is now 10.24pm and I haven't done day 4 :(

    so, I am taking this as a rest day and have arranged to leave work at 2pm tomorrow so I can get day 4 done

    sounds strange but have kinda missed Jillian today!

    Same here couldn't fit day 4 in yesterday and not sure I'll be able to today and while I don't miss jillian I missed the feeling of success and being proud of myself that I did it. Didn't expect it too affect my cheerfulness that much.

    I didn't expect it to make me feel so much better emotionally and mentally either. I'm not sure whether it's those chemicals sent to the brain from exercising, or whether it's because I feel myself getting stronger and think, "I DID THAT"!!

    Sorry day 4 didn't go well for you guys, busy schedules often get in the way, please don't let it get you down to the point that you don't go through with this if it's something you really want to do!!

    Thanks for the kind words Leerox. I finally got day 4 in which should have been day 6 oh well Back on the happy track!
    On the plus side it was nice to do the exercise without being sore from the day before :)
  • 8897
    8897 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 10years in with a hip replacement. I always modify activities to accomodate for that. My question-would the C25K be appropriate for the eliptical? Could the guidelines be incorporated for that machine?
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm on L1 D7. Again! I'm doing it with a rest day once a week, and I may prolong the levels for a few days/weeks too. It's only now that I'm strong enough to do any of the moves in a proper form and actually feel the burn at all! And I only do wall pushups, I can't even manage the knee ones.

    I had a go at level 2 once, and I was like "Hey, mountain climbers are easy!" No, just turns out I don't have the strength to get anywhere close to the proper form!!

    I think I'm going for the 60 day shred with rest days! Though, I know Jillian's dialogue off by heart now... If I think I'm gonna die, I follow Anita!!
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member

    I have two very damaged achilles. I hurt them about 15 years ago carrying heavy loads and running too many trails in boots as a backcountry ranger. As a result i know what a pain achilles can be. I modify the jumps. Jump very low, or just bounce up and down without leaving the ground. I have found that strengthening my hamstrings and quads has helped my achilles.

    Don't stretch your achilles.
    Don't put your leg way back on lunges.
    Don't do any calf raises.
    Don't go barefoot or wear flip flops or flats.

    Do wear running shoes for the workout. Get runners that are designed for those with achilles problems.
    Do strengthen your legs overall.
    Do easy stretches when you are warmed up over your whole body.
    Do easy ankle circles. Not stretches, just move your ankles around.
    Do ice your achilles after a workout for 20 minutes.

    Swim. Practice flutter kick, it really helps with ankle flexibility.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    That's okay...don't feel bad. I did Day 1, Level 1, and my legs got really sore the next day, so I just did my walk/running. Then, I developed hip bursitis in both of my hips. Aaaargh!!! So, it may take me forever to do this program, but I will do what I can do WHEN I can do it! For now, I'm being forced to rest...at least my legs...until the inflammation goes down. So, just keep doing what you're doing! You're doing GREAT!
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    Started 30DS today. Feeling good!
  • juliasays77
    juliasays77 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 7 done, in my hotel room! 10 push ups straight today, 15 total. Yea! Think I'm going to have to do day 8 early tomorrow morning to be sure I get it in. Feeling good!
  • durshley
    durshley Posts: 73 Member
    Just finished the first day and wow am I unfit! had to stop a few times...
  • Zimt1
    Zimt1 Posts: 1
    I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow (Monday) :) i have a question tho...can I do 30 day shred and ripped in 30 in the same day one in the morning one in the evening? Or do you think it's too much? i would like to start killer buns and tights + 6 week 6 pack but i would exchange those 2 every day. Do you think it is too much?
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    Just finished 30 day Shred today (day 30 yay!)! Woooh I feel so accomplished! Can't wait to weigh and measure myself tomorrow morning! I've definitely gone down a dress size at least! Ripped in 30 here I come! :drinker:
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow (Monday) :) i have a question tho...can I do 30 day shred and ripped in 30 in the same day one in the morning one in the evening? Or do you think it's too much? i would like to start killer buns and tights + 6 week 6 pack but i would exchange those 2 every day. Do you think it is too much?

    Oops I forgot to quote you >_<

    I was thinking about doing that next month, but I think it might be too much cardio. I want to create a hybrid programme with both cardio and strength training.
  • RunnerDude2013
    RunnerDude2013 Posts: 56 Member
    Count me in! Did day 1 level 1 today. Not a easy workout! Hopefully it'll get a little easier as the days progress.