My Online BF Dumped Me Because I'm Fat :( :( :(



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    He keeps saying I have a good heart and he hopes I find the happiness I deserve. But if he really thinks that, then why did he end things with me? :(

    Because he is sure (for whatever reason) that he can't provide the happiness that you deserve. This is not about you, it's about him- and he has issues. Big ones. Don't carry his issues forward with you, because you have plenty of your own stuff to work out. Worry about you, take care of you, make YOURSELF your priority. You'll be just fine, and he'll still be a crazy person and a terrible drunk.

  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    All you people saying this story is fake deserve a good, hearty slap in the face.

    That is all.

    I think this is a fake reply.

    /pinches cheek

    You're adorable. :tongue:

  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Edited to add: I hate cops.

    My dad married a woman from the internet, and while I think she is a conniving, gold-digging beyotch, my dad likes her well enough. She certainly isn't a criminal.

    I have gone on many, many dates with people whom I have met online, and I was engaged to my ex who lived her entire life in California. I am still alive, healthy, assault-free, and have not had anything stolen from me.

    Actually, the ONE time I hooked up with a guy who approached me at a hotel pool, he tried to put it in my butt. And was far more of a creep than anyone I've met online.

    Your dad and brother got unlucky, plain and simple. (And no offense but your dad is kind of thick for marrying a person from the web AGAIN when that didn't work out for him the first time around...)
    Because see... the thing is... like I said... you are just as likely to meet the crazies "irl" as online.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."


    Edit: You realize that this entire argument you're making? Is not only implying that EVERYONE online is a psychopath (which means you and me, by the by), but also means that everyone who uses the internet has intent to deceive. Got something you'd like to share with the class?
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    I cant help but you know for sure that he IS military??His weight makes me wonder if he truly is..sorry sweetie..but you are so much better off with out him!!
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Edited to add: I hate cops.

    My dad married a woman from the internet, and while I think she is a conniving, gold-digging beyotch, my dad likes her well enough. She certainly isn't a criminal.

    I have gone on many, many dates with people whom I have met online, and I was engaged to my ex who lived her entire life in California. I am still alive, healthy, assault-free, and have not had anything stolen from me.

    Actually, the ONE time I hooked up with a guy who approached me at a hotel pool, he tried to put it in my butt. And was far more of a creep than anyone I've met online.

    Your dad and brother got unlucky, plain and simple. (And no offense but your dad is kind of thick for marrying a person from the web AGAIN when that didn't work out for him the first time around...)
    Because see... the thing is... like I said... you are just as likely to meet the crazies "irl" as online.

    You mean there are people who DON'T put it in the butt?
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I just read that whole thing and I don't understand why you think he ended it because of your weight?? I think you are self conscious and maybe you want to blame the weight on why he ended things because weight is something you can change (it takes time, but it's possible). What you can't change though (and what is the REAL reason it ended) is him. Not you, it's HIM. He's obviously got some issues he needs to work out. That's probably why he pushed you away. He did it in a poor way and should have explained himself, but blame that on the alcohol!....

    So where do you go from here? You focus on YOU. Take all that energy you were putting towards him, and put it towards yourself :) Once you become happy with yourself and have confidence again, then you'll attract a great guy who will TRULY appreciate you :)
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Edited to add: I hate cops.

    My dad married a woman from the internet, and while I think she is a conniving, gold-digging beyotch, my dad likes her well enough. She certainly isn't a criminal.

    I have gone on many, many dates with people whom I have met online, and I was engaged to my ex who lived her entire life in California. I am still alive, healthy, assault-free, and have not had anything stolen from me.

    Actually, the ONE time I hooked up with a guy who approached me at a hotel pool, he tried to put it in my butt. And was far more of a creep than anyone I've met online.

    Your dad and brother got unlucky, plain and simple. (And no offense but your dad is kind of thick for marrying a person from the web AGAIN when that didn't work out for him the first time around...)
    Because see... the thing is... like I said... you are just as likely to meet the crazies "irl" as online.

    You mean there are people who DON'T put it in the butt?

    Yep. My boyfriend tried to rim me once while I was drunk and I hated it. I do not judge the actions of others, and I have heard it can be quite pleasurable for men, but my personal butt is exit-only. :tongue:
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    Wait - he's a soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5"? did anyone else stop there knowing this was all a BS story?

    YES! THANK YOU. and the fact that he asked for wet wipes... What man asks for wet wipes?

    like i said my brother in law is in the army...he is a lifer and there is no way this story is true and people are gulliable

    Actually, I gotta jump in and say that that's the only part of this story that's remotely believable! My husband is Canadian Infantry and they use baby wipes all the time when they're out in the field. Gotta keep your parts clean some how when there's no water!

    Ok for starters... i am active duty and i see over weight people alllll day long... i dont know people assume that just because your active duty means your in the best shape of your life and you are a stick bug, people really need to get that thought out of their heads! **** happens, military members get hurt and cant work out and PT. Just b/c your active duty doesnt mean you arent human! please people get your facts straight!

    Thank you.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Edit: You realize that this entire argument you're making? Is not only implying that EVERYONE online is a psychopath (which means you and me, by the by), but also means that everyone who uses the internet has intent to deceive. Got something you'd like to share with the class?

    How long have you been using the internet? I THOUGHT EVERYONE KNEW THIS ALREADY!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    7 pages later, the OP only came back to state that it was a Metallica song.

    I'd freak out and cry too if my SO chose a Metalica song for us. Not very romantic!! Unless you like old 80s metal songs to "cuddle" too. LMAO still

    What bar/lounge singer would be singing metallica? If the story didn't convince you of a troll, the song choice should
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Edited to add: I hate cops.

    My dad married a woman from the internet, and while I think she is a conniving, gold-digging beyotch, my dad likes her well enough. She certainly isn't a criminal.

    I have gone on many, many dates with people whom I have met online, and I was engaged to my ex who lived her entire life in California. I am still alive, healthy, assault-free, and have not had anything stolen from me.

    Actually, the ONE time I hooked up with a guy who approached me at a hotel pool, he tried to put it in my butt. And was far more of a creep than anyone I've met online.

    Your dad and brother got unlucky, plain and simple. (And no offense but your dad is kind of thick for marrying a person from the web AGAIN when that didn't work out for him the first time around...)
    Because see... the thing is... like I said... you are just as likely to meet the crazies "irl" as online.

    You mean there are people who DON'T put it in the butt?

    Yep. My boyfriend tried to rim me once while I was drunk and I hated it. I do not judge the actions of others, and I have heard it can be quite pleasurable for men, but my personal butt is exit-only. :tongue:

    Well rimming is just unsanitary. Ever hear of Hepatitis?
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Edit: You realize that this entire argument you're making? Is not only implying that EVERYONE online is a psychopath (which means you and me, by the by), but also means that everyone who uses the internet has intent to deceive. Got something you'd like to share with the class?

    How long have you been using the internet? I THOUGHT EVERYONE KNEW THIS ALREADY!

    Well... if that's how you feel...

  • I don't have really anything different to say. Did at any point he tell you the weight was his problem? I'm not making excuses for him but it sounds like to me he may have some deep issues that he needs to work on. My best friend's husband came home from Iraq a completely different person and it nearly caused a divorce. Hugs! Hope it's all better soon for you.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Edited to add: I hate cops.

    My dad married a woman from the internet, and while I think she is a conniving, gold-digging beyotch, my dad likes her well enough. She certainly isn't a criminal.

    I have gone on many, many dates with people whom I have met online, and I was engaged to my ex who lived her entire life in California. I am still alive, healthy, assault-free, and have not had anything stolen from me.

    Actually, the ONE time I hooked up with a guy who approached me at a hotel pool, he tried to put it in my butt. And was far more of a creep than anyone I've met online.

    Your dad and brother got unlucky, plain and simple. (And no offense but your dad is kind of thick for marrying a person from the web AGAIN when that didn't work out for him the first time around...)
    Because see... the thing is... like I said... you are just as likely to meet the crazies "irl" as online.

    You mean there are people who DON'T put it in the butt?

    Yep. My boyfriend tried to rim me once while I was drunk and I hated it. I do not judge the actions of others, and I have heard it can be quite pleasurable for men, but my personal butt is exit-only. :tongue:

    Well rimming is just unsanitary. Ever hear of Hepatitis?

    Using a public bathroom is also unsanitary, and yet somehow people seem to survive it. That being said, I do personally find rimming disgusting and do not see how anyone could enjoy it, as well as all sex acts involving the butt. But we'd better stop talking about this particular subject before someone flags my posts as sexually vulgar or something.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I think you were very fortunate to end the night with only your heart broken. He sounds like a very unstable and potentially dangerous person. I'm sorry this happened to you.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm sorry....if no one else has the most hilarious visual of a Michael buble-esque person rocking out to enter sandman at a local bar then I don't think you are human
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    rebelate has the best ticker ever! haha

    Grumpy cat sums up my feelings! Hahaha. Thank you. :blushing:

    I love cats, but I'm sorry. My ticker is definitely better.

    Add a cat chasing the donut, and I think yours will be the best of them all.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm sorry....if no one else has the most hilarious visual of a Michael buble-esque person rocking out to enter sandman at a local bar then I don't think you are human

    If this can happen, so can your mental image. :tongue:
This discussion has been closed.