

  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    my partner is supportive, encouraging, realistic, supportie, wonderful!!!! I can't ask for more! I'm so lucky to have him!

    You're "supposed" to have a best friend in a partner....someone who will support & encourage you....lift you up....if you don't have that i'm sorry....you deserve it!
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    while I wish I could get my husband to join me on my journey, I will say this. He is very supportive and encouraging, very caring and has a load of compliments on a daily basis. I have earned myself a brand new car this summer and it is time to go shopping for one : ) yup - he's buying
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    how does ur partner react .to ur fitness journey? Results?New look? Time spent at the gym... ?

    She LOVES the way I look. This last week she has constantly complimented me, which feels amazing. I think it makes her feel a bit depressed because she isn't working out like I am and doesn't feel 'fit' right now, so I am trying to support her and her interests.

    As for time, I squeeze in my workouts and such around everything else so I don't take time away from the family. Makes it a bit of hell on me, and a lot less sleep, but it's worth it.
  • juliana813
    juliana813 Posts: 67 Member
    My boyfriend is really really supportive of me :-)
  • MissFitRocker
    We motivate each other so it's all good.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I get complaints about "My Vanity", about how I'm all about me, and "Who am I doing this for? (doing it to improve my health & fitness apparently is NOT an acceptable answer) combined with deliberate interruptions during a workout and complaints about not spending enough time her because of my workouts. No compliments, no encouragement, just bit**ing.

    Normally I joke around, but seriously... break up.
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    I get complaints about "My Vanity", about how I'm all about me, and "Who am I doing this for? (doing it to improve my health & fitness apparently is NOT an acceptable answer) combined with deliberate interruptions during a workout and complaints about not spending enough time her because of my workouts. No compliments, no encouragement, just bit**ing.

    Normally I joke around, but seriously... break up.

  • chelrae23
    over 100 lbs and not a word??? how is that possible? that is wonderful, good for you, he should notice!
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    My Husband is awesome. He supports my health goals and never complains about the healthy versions of food I now prepare. He is great :-)
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I've lost over 100 pounds and have become much more fit and healthy in every way. My spouse hasn't really ever commented on it. sigh/shrug/WTF

    sometimes guys are terrified to say ANYTHING good or bad about our weight.... LOL He may have noticed and is thinking
    "If I compliment she might think I think she looked bad before" Or something. Just sayin! :smile:
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    My boyfriend's just started running again because he's preparing for Zombie Earth next week o_O

    Anyway, since then I've been more open about me working out and dying afterwards and he's been a lot more supportive than ever - even though he always says that I don't need to lose weight. Lol I'm about 15lbs lighter than him (he doesn't know that), and my thighs are the same size as his! I've got thighs of a dancer; his came from bodybuilding.

    I've been helping him as much as I can with his running prep, just need to see if he can outrun zombies for three hours now!

    It feels good to talk about getting healthy, because he's already a fit fella, I suppose I just had to step up a bit lol
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    Eh my hubby is and isn't supportive. He compliments me constantly! ( he has only ever known me fat and fatter) As many of you have said though he has seen me diet and fail SO many times before. I get comments like oh is this the eat dinner for breakfast diet or is this the eat that crappy soup and drink lemonade diet?
    OH and don't even get me started on the oh your going to lose all the weight and leave me topic. He is very insecure when it comes to me "looking good" I am lucky to be with a man that thinks I AM the most beautiful women he has ever seen and loves me unconditionally BUT at the same time he thinks I will cheat on him. I really wish he would get on this bandwagon and eat well with me too. He has lost some weight but not by trying. He got a job after being laid off for a very long time and it just kinda started to come off. I just wish he cared about his health. Even after having cancer I can't get him to get up and get moving and eat right. SURE he will go for a walk with me here and there but its not enough to be consistent.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    My partner loves it. We both put on a lot of weight when we started dating 4 years ago. He is a professional athlete but had time off when we met and eats loads. I joined him and we both became the heaviest we have been. We moved to the other side of the world and in together 1.5 years ago. This has been great for us. Have our own kitchen,buy our own food,do a workout DVD at 2am in the morning if we feel like it lol. I started counting cals with mfp and the weight started coming off. He didn't count cals but comes to the gym with me and eats what i eat and never has complained once because that was his way of supporting me. He has lost over 50 pounds. I think what helped was I didn't sit him down and say right we have to do this. I just did my own thing and he joined in along the way.

    Sneaky sneaky :laugh:
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    My SO is into the mud runs and races we do together, but hes never once been to the gym with me in our 7 yrs together. But he would also never attempt to discourage me from my 'Me' time, its that me time that keeps me happy when im at home lol
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    My partner loves it. We both put on a lot of weight when we started dating 4 years ago. He is a professional athlete but had time off when we met and eats loads. I joined him and we both became the heaviest we have been. We moved to the other side of the world and in together 1.5 years ago. This has been great for us. Have our own kitchen,buy our own food,do a workout DVD at 2am in the morning if we feel like it lol. I started counting cals with mfp and the weight started coming off. He didn't count cals but comes to the gym with me and eats what i eat and never has complained once because that was his way of supporting me. He has lost over 50 pounds. I think what helped was I didn't sit him down and say right we have to do this. I just did my own thing and he joined in along the way.

    Sneaky sneaky :laugh:

    ^^^^ Good job. Leading by example
  • CharlotteTheCoffeeLover
    CharlotteTheCoffeeLover Posts: 1,205 Member
    He's supportive to a degree... He constantly is asking me if I'm going to leave him now....
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Mine is very supportive always says I look great and gives compliments about my muscles. Only complaint he has had is food is a bit more expensive now eating healthier foods and he has said fruit and veggies are really expensive when we buy groceries and why do we need so much of that sometimes cuz its expensive. But we compromise I still buy him the snacks he likes and mountain dew and then we're ok. :)He can actually afford to gain weight and I need to lose some more weight so it works out all good.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    He supports me and goes walking with me daily but has made it clear I'm not changing his diet (he's like 130 pound soaking wet 6'1) He can eat an entire pizza and 20 wings - Thought it may slow down but he's almost 30! Lucky him
  • FromFat2Phat2013
    My husband has been so supportive. He has joined MFP, gotten us a family membership to a gym, goes to the gym with me, he Celebrates my successes, and pushes me through my failures. I can even depend on him to check the labels when he runs to the store for me!That said... He wants this because I want this. He has never thought of me as anything but beautiful, he would just be happy for me to see what he sees. I am a pretty lucky girl! :love:

    You have a good man embrace it! (him)
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    Mine will ask me to go for a walk--and I always say yes. And he doesn't complain about the meals. He doesn't like me getting up at 5 am..and in fact just got us a puppy as he figured I was up anyway to let it out. hmmm. I've only lost 2 lbs so far--so there isn't much for him to compliment me on yet...getting there. He didn't complain about me buying the DVDs tho either.