My Online BF Dumped Me Because I'm Fat :( :( :(



  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    He seems like a wackjob. He did you a favor. Appreciate it.

    AGREED. I know for sure you can't be in the military being overweight.. I know someone that got kicked out for it.. maybe he was in trouble over his own weight.. don't worry about it. He sounds like he has his own issues!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    Maybe you had cilantro in your teeth?

    I don't feel like you came here to give serious advice.

    Can anyone take this serious? Honestly....if it was a real issue she would be talking to friends and family about how her internet boyfriend threw up all over her and ran away, not complete strangers. This is a thread that was created by someone to pass time, or maybe if they aren't a troll, but a real person, to have strangers tell them positive things about themselves to make them feel better. The story is way to elaborate and detailed to be true.I'm no internet expert....but just my opinion

    The last few times that I threw up on my dates, they were noticeably bothered by it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they vented about it online. The last time I did it, the girl wouldn't even get me a wet wipe. What nerve...

    WHAT??!!! then its totally not meant to be! I don't keep wet wipes, but I do keep special wipes if I think im going to get lucky on a date which I would have totally let you use to clean up your barf face! You should be dating more people like me lol
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    He is not a boyfriend and you are not a girlfriend.

    It is nothing to do with you being `fat`

    He is a jerk and you are needy...or the other way around?

    Think carefully before you get involved with someone on the internet.

    I met my husband on the internet 12 years ago and lots of other people have good relationships too. But you need to seriously look into and read into the stuff that you have both sent each other by email.

    Anyway not my problem hope you work it out and learn. You are 37 years old and need to get a grip. just saying x
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    His email on April 23:

    Im sorry for calling security but u should have really let me go and deal with this on my own. The fact u were chasing me scared me as any man. I never been chased like that before.
    Stop saying u will not recover. There is only one choice in life and that is to go up and stop bringing yourself down. I don't want to date seriously for awhile. I will just wait for a sign thats its time. I will prob go to boracay r bohol to just do homework an hang out at the beach.
    Good luck and get stronger. Stop looking for Mr. Perfect, cause u really asked alot of me. Just FYI. And keep going ot the gym. Im actually gonna try to lose weight myself cause now i have all these mirrors in the hotel and I dont like being this big. Hard to even find a pair of shorts my size.
    We can keep in email contact and stuff.

    That was his email which I didn't answer. So he sent this at like 3 in the morning the next day:

    hey, i hope u are ok.Not sure how to deal with this.Gonna leave here soon. maybe bora or go on a mini tour. just hope u are ok

    He's an illiterate jerk and you deserve better. I don't think his behavior had anything to do with your weight. I like how another MFPer put it: "he's given you a gift: upwrap that baby and RUN THE OTHER WAY". I've been there (sort of) and I know it's easier said than done. But you'll be glad in the long run to be rid of him. Just focus on yourself.

    Good luck <3

    ^^^This. And I would add that his email sounds passive aggressive and manipulative. He says he wants you to leave him alone then says you can keep in contact and gives you an idea where he will be. He is getting off on the fact that you are hanging on so hard. (I was married to an *kitten* like this, complete with the violent drunken episodes.) You are lucky you got away with only your feelings hurt. Move on.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    Maybe you had cilantro in your teeth?

    I don't feel like you came here to give serious advice.

    Can anyone take this serious? Honestly....if it was a real issue she would be talking to friends and family about how her internet boyfriend threw up all over her and ran away, not complete strangers. This is a thread that was created by someone to pass time, or maybe if they aren't a troll, but a real person, to have strangers tell them positive things about themselves to make them feel better. The story is way to elaborate and detailed to be true.I'm no internet expert....but just my opinion

    The last few times that I threw up on my dates, they were noticeably bothered by it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they vented about it online. The last time I did it, the girl wouldn't even get me a wet wipe. What nerve...

    WHAT??!!! then its totally not meant to be! I don't keep wet wipes, but I do keep special wipes if I think im going to get lucky on a date which I would have totally let you use to clean up your barf face! You should be dating more people like me lol

    You have wipes for getting lucky? Uhmm... why.... for what... I mean, is it in case he stops at 3rd base along the way or what? I gotta say, if I'm on a date and it's going downtown and neither have showered since the morning, I think both are best to shower prior. Plus a couple's shower is a great way to kick things off.
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they?
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Am I the only one here who loves Supernatural?

  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    Maybe you had cilantro in your teeth?

    I don't feel like you came here to give serious advice.

    Can anyone take this serious? Honestly....if it was a real issue she would be talking to friends and family about how her internet boyfriend threw up all over her and ran away, not complete strangers. This is a thread that was created by someone to pass time, or maybe if they aren't a troll, but a real person, to have strangers tell them positive things about themselves to make them feel better. The story is way to elaborate and detailed to be true.I'm no internet expert....but just my opinion

    The last few times that I threw up on my dates, they were noticeably bothered by it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they vented about it online. The last time I did it, the girl wouldn't even get me a wet wipe. What nerve...

    WHAT??!!! then its totally not meant to be! I don't keep wet wipes, but I do keep special wipes if I think im going to get lucky on a date which I would have totally let you use to clean up your barf face! You should be dating more people like me lol

    You have wipes for getting lucky? Uhmm... why.... for what... I mean, is it in case he stops at 3rd base along the way or what? I gotta say, if I'm on a date and it's going downtown and neither have showered since the morning, I think both are best to shower prior. Plus a couple's shower is a great way to kick things off.

    Its for when you go pee, sometimes at restaurants the toilet paper leaves if you have been dating this person for like a year stuff like that can be laughed off, but if the relationship is a few months in (or the first night, im not one to judge) then you don't want your man to see toilet paper flakes up in there
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    His issues...not yours. The 'why' doesn't matter. It is what it is. I don't believe your weight had anything to do with it, but even if it did, who cares? If that's the case, he's a shallow SOB and you deserve better. If it's his other 'issues' then best you found out now.

    I'll be honest, you sound a little emotionally immature and a bit needy too. That's not why he did this, it's just the way that you lay all of it out. Stop looking outside for someone to make you happy. You will never find it. Get healthy, focus on you and learn to be happy by yourself - then a good guy will come along. Men can smell desperation a mile away and they will run for the hills. At 37, you may be feeling an 'urgency' to find that relationship. Slow down and take care of you first, the rest will fall into place.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    Maybe you had cilantro in your teeth?

    I don't feel like you came here to give serious advice.

    Can anyone take this serious? Honestly....if it was a real issue she would be talking to friends and family about how her internet boyfriend threw up all over her and ran away, not complete strangers. This is a thread that was created by someone to pass time, or maybe if they aren't a troll, but a real person, to have strangers tell them positive things about themselves to make them feel better. The story is way to elaborate and detailed to be true.I'm no internet expert....but just my opinion

    The last few times that I threw up on my dates, they were noticeably bothered by it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they vented about it online. The last time I did it, the girl wouldn't even get me a wet wipe. What nerve...

    WHAT??!!! then its totally not meant to be! I don't keep wet wipes, but I do keep special wipes if I think im going to get lucky on a date which I would have totally let you use to clean up your barf face! You should be dating more people like me lol

    You have wipes for getting lucky? Uhmm... why.... for what... I mean, is it in case he stops at 3rd base along the way or what? I gotta say, if I'm on a date and it's going downtown and neither have showered since the morning, I think both are best to shower prior. Plus a couple's shower is a great way to kick things off.

    Its for when you go pee, sometimes at restaurants the toilet paper leaves if you have been dating this person for like a year stuff like that can be laughed off, but if the relationship is a few months in (or the first night, im not one to judge) then you don't want your man to see toilet paper flakes up in there

  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Am I the only one here who loves Supernatural?


    No one at all?
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    Maybe you had cilantro in your teeth?

    I don't feel like you came here to give serious advice.

    Can anyone take this serious? Honestly....if it was a real issue she would be talking to friends and family about how her internet boyfriend threw up all over her and ran away, not complete strangers. This is a thread that was created by someone to pass time, or maybe if they aren't a troll, but a real person, to have strangers tell them positive things about themselves to make them feel better. The story is way to elaborate and detailed to be true.I'm no internet expert....but just my opinion

    The last few times that I threw up on my dates, they were noticeably bothered by it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they vented about it online. The last time I did it, the girl wouldn't even get me a wet wipe. What nerve...

    I would get you one. But I surely wouldnt clean you up.. Thats your issue, you use the wet wipe Im going to find a shower!! Lol ;)
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650

    Trolling is happening right now
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I read the whole thing out of interest but at no point did he actually say he dumped you because you're fat. It seems like you're assuming things here.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.

    Just when I thought this thread had stopped being entertaining.... yowsa. I just snorted my coffee!
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.

    Just when I thought this thread had stopped being entertaining.... yowsa. I just snorted my coffee!

    Holly jesus what.. "No sex just feet" Oh thank god! really had me worried then... :O
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk
    Good Idea!! I am on meetme and that is seriously all i get!! people thinking I am going to send them picture just because they say I look cute or call me baby Seriously!! Idiots!
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.

    Just because you jumped out of an airplane sans chute and lived to tell the tale doesn't make it a great idea for everyone else to try. I'm happy it worked out for you, but really in most cases, more trouble than good comes from internet dating.

    Uh huh. Riiiiight. Because dating a person online is akin to an experience that should result in death?

    Yes, you're right, you must be totally 100% the authority on this! :noway:

    People are people. The only thing that changes online is the method of communication. You are JUST as likely to meet a serial killer out at the bar, or some other random "real" place, than online. So please take your ignorant cynicism elsewhere.

    My brother married a girl off the internet. She tried to attack him, got arrested for assault and their divorce is pending.
    My dad married a girl off the internet. She emptied our house and bank accounts 1 year in.
    My dad got married again off the internet, she and a cop tried to frame him in an attempt to get him arrested and take over all his assets. Cop was fired and they are now divorced.

    Internet dating IS akin to death.

    Not all of them. Just because you know a few people out of the thoasands (?) who have had successful internet relationships.

    I myself met my husband here on myfitnesspal while I was going through a painful divorce, moved across the country to be with him and we've been happily married for 13 months. Not a long time, but we appreciate what we have and HAVE a great relationship/marriage...nor are we crazy.

    When you go internet relationship crazy, kill your husband, chop him up and serve him in a stew to the volunteers in the search party combing the forest for your "missing" husband, his ghost will go "I should have listened to that wise cat..."

    Where are all you people meeting people online!! I cant meet anyone!! There was a couple Id start talking to but we just couldnt stay in touch! I would love to meet people online. I think meeting people online in today worlds world when everyone lives online is really not a bad idea. However key word "Everyone" crazies included but not everyone can be crazy can they? it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.

    Just when I thought this thread had stopped being entertaining.... yowsa. I just snorted my coffee!

    Holly jesus what.. "No sex just feet" Oh thank god! really had me worried then... :O

    Yeah, she ended it when he asked her to start coming to his place to walk/stomp on him. She wasn't down for that. They met on
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