

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can't eat some things I used to enjoy anymore, but only because I don't like them anymore. Like spaghetti-o's. Loved them. Tried some yesterday, they were disgusting. The same cannot be said for McDonald's fries though, sadly. Still love those buggers.

    I can't believe that I used to feed Spaghetti-o's to my kids. They loved them but that should have made me suspicious to start with. They are essentially library paste with ketchup sauce. Yuck!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Yep. A little bit of arsenic won't kill you immediately. But I lost two friends (husband and wife) to bowel cancer last year because their well was tainted with arsenic. They died within six months of each other when they perhaps could have had more years to enjoy their grandchildren. A poison may not kill you immediately, but like arsenic, it could be carcinogenic.
    okkkk...you are equating pizza to arsenic.

    The old ladies in the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace" laced their fellow's food with arsenic. Don't knock it - could be a real concern if you stay in lots of hotels run by creepy old ladies.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can understand certain foods making you feel bad, but I cannot understand this concept of clean/dirty as applied to food.

    Grease made your pizza "dirty"? Or what, exactly?

    Preservatives and white flour are considered dirty. The meat on pizza is loaded with preservatives and nitrates. It makes you feel crappy and bloated. I don't believe everything is ok in moderation.
    If you want to indulge that is fine, but do not fool yourself that it is ok for your body. That's like me saying cigarettes are fine in moderation. They aren't! They are addictive and will kill you. The same with preservatives....

    Yep. A little bit of arsenic won't kill you immediately. But I lost two friends (husband and wife) to bowel cancer last year because their well was tainted with arsenic. They died within six months of each other when they perhaps could have had more years to enjoy their grandchildren. A poison may not kill you immediately, but like arsenic, it could be carcinogenic.

    okkkk...you are equating pizza to arsenic.

    Um. No. You are jumping to conclusions. I was speaking to the point made by that poster about food preservatives. While they are GRAS, ("Generally Recognized As Safe") by the FDA, no one really understands the long-term consequences.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    Yep. A little bit of arsenic won't kill you immediately. But I lost two friends (husband and wife) to bowel cancer last year because their well was tainted with arsenic. They died within six months of each other when they perhaps could have had more years to enjoy their grandchildren. A poison may not kill you immediately, but like arsenic, it could be carcinogenic.
    okkkk...you are equating pizza to arsenic.

    The old ladies in the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace" laced their fellow's food with arsenic. Don't knock it - could be a real concern if you stay in lots of hotels run by creepy old ladies.

    LOL. I don't.
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Sorry your pizza sucked. I'll think of you the next time I'm enjoying a cheesy crust pepperoni lovers with extra cheese and a side of garlic bread...

    I use to love it so much but after eating clean for 5 months it's made me realise how dirty and greasy it is! Lesson learned looks like I'm never gaining weight again hhaha

    It's a shame you have to cut out food you love to lose weight. i have decided to eat in moderation - the 80/20 rule. Works for me and I can eat pizza with my friends and not be ill.

    Pizza doesn't have to be dirty or greasy. You're clearly eating the wrong pizza. No food is evil, good luck never indulging. I choose to learn from your post that moderation is far more sensible than cutting out foods I love.

    ^ Well said.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I can understand certain foods making you feel bad, but I cannot understand this concept of clean/dirty as applied to food.

    Grease made your pizza "dirty"? Or what, exactly?

    Preservatives and white flour are considered dirty. The meat on pizza is loaded with preservatives and nitrates. It makes you feel crappy and bloated. I don't believe everything is ok in moderation.
    If you want to indulge that is fine, but do not fool yourself that it is ok for your body. That's like me saying cigarettes are fine in moderation. They aren't! They are addictive and will kill you. The same with preservatives....

    Yep. A little bit of arsenic won't kill you immediately. But I lost two friends (husband and wife) to bowel cancer last year because their well was tainted with arsenic. They died within six months of each other when they perhaps could have had more years to enjoy their grandchildren. A poison may not kill you immediately, but like arsenic, it could be carcinogenic.

    okkkk...you are equating pizza to arsenic.

    Um. No. You are jumping to conclusions. I was speaking to the point made by that poster about food preservatives. While they are GRAS, ("Generally Recognized As Safe") by the FDA, no one really understands the long-term consequences.

    Yeah, and you're saying that they might kill you in the end just like arsenic does.

    Not so much.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    The only thing evil and dirty in this house is my mind :devil: other than that I eat everything in moderation but I do make most of our food including pizza.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had pizza for dinner last night. And again for breakfast. No stomach problems.

    That's because your body is so unhealthy. If you actually got healthy you couldn't eat pizza anymore. Duh.

    Actually, Johnny, there is some truth to this. I have been eating a pretty good diet for many years but what I noticed when I went to visit my (VERY) unhealthy relatives and ate what they eat, I felt sick during and after. I think that they don't notice because they feel sick all the time anyway....Either that or all the preservatives that they are eating has "pickled" them to some degree...I once saw an item defending the use of preservatives. It said that the use of food preservatives has probably been responsible for the drastic decline in cancers of the stomach. :tongue: :ohwell:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    ..Either that or all the preservatives that they are eating has "pickled" them to some degree...I once saw an item defending the use of preservatives. It said that the use of food preservatives has probably been responsible for the drastic decline in cancers of the stomach. :tongue: :ohwell:

    I like preservatives. But then again, I don't like spoiled meat and milk.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can understand certain foods making you feel bad, but I cannot understand this concept of clean/dirty as applied to food.

    Grease made your pizza "dirty"? Or what, exactly?

    Preservatives and white flour are considered dirty. The meat on pizza is loaded with preservatives and nitrates. It makes you feel crappy and bloated. I don't believe everything is ok in moderation.
    If you want to indulge that is fine, but do not fool yourself that it is ok for your body. That's like me saying cigarettes are fine in moderation. They aren't! They are addictive and will kill you. The same with preservatives....

    Yep. A little bit of arsenic won't kill you immediately. But I lost two friends (husband and wife) to bowel cancer last year because their well was tainted with arsenic. They died within six months of each other when they perhaps could have had more years to enjoy their grandchildren. A poison may not kill you immediately, but like arsenic, it could be carcinogenic.

    okkkk...you are equating pizza to arsenic.

    Um. No. You are jumping to conclusions. I was speaking to the point made by that poster about food preservatives. While they are GRAS, ("Generally Recognized As Safe") by the FDA, no one really understands the long-term consequences.

    Yeah, and you're saying that they might kill you in the end just like arsenic does.

    Not so much.

    I was NOT equating food preservatives to arsenic which is clearly toxic. But the introduction of foreign substances into our food supply may or may not have long-term consequences. We have only had a lot of that for the past half-century or so. At the same time, cancer rates have surged (and not all of it can be attributed to the aging population--the rate of children with cancer has surged as well).
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I can tell OP is on the other side of the pond--she ate pizza with CORN on it. This is simply wrong. The Pizza Gods frowned and rained sickness down upon her.

    I run, and make sure to eat pizza the night before races so I can be well-fueled for the morning...and so I can have a couple of slices cold for breakfast to top off. Resulting in not only a Yum! factor that goes to 11, but PRs in every race so far this year.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I had pizza for dinner last night. And again for breakfast. No stomach problems.

    That's because your body is so unhealthy. If you actually got healthy you couldn't eat pizza anymore. Duh.

    Actually, Johnny, there is some truth to this. I have been eating a pretty good diet for many years but what I noticed when I went to visit my (VERY) unhealthy relatives and ate what they eat, I felt sick during and after. I think that they don't notice because they feel sick all the time anyway....Either that or all the preservatives that they are eating has "pickled" them to some degree...I once saw an item defending the use of preservatives. It said that the use of food preservatives has probably been responsible for the drastic decline in cancers of the stomach. :tongue: :ohwell:

    The reason my pizza last night didn't make me sick is because I'm unhealthy?!

    I hope this post was humourous... if not, then give me an effing break....
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone saying that a food is evil just because it caused you pain is naive. Of course if you go cold turkey and quit something i.e. bread/carbs for an extended period of time and then introduce it, your body will go into shock and so it will make you sick. It doesn't mean it's a bad food. Everything is good in moderation.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Hard lesson to learn but good for you for learning it! As for me I'm slowly catching on. Slow learner, I am. I'm also learning, though, that I can have some of my favorite "junk" foods, just with a tweak or two. But the healthier I eat --more veggies and fruit and lots of water, the less likely I am to crave them. Keep up the good work!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I had pizza for dinner last night. And again for breakfast. No stomach problems.

    That's because your body is so unhealthy. If you actually got healthy you couldn't eat pizza anymore. Duh.

    Actually, Johnny, there is some truth to this. I have been eating a pretty good diet for many years but what I noticed when I went to visit my (VERY) unhealthy relatives and ate what they eat, I felt sick during and after. I think that they don't notice because they feel sick all the time anyway....Either that or all the preservatives that they are eating has "pickled" them to some degree...I once saw an item defending the use of preservatives. It said that the use of food preservatives has probably been responsible for the drastic decline in cancers of the stomach. :tongue: :ohwell:

    Oh, so maybe in reality I just feel sick all the time because I'm so unhealthy. If I actually got healthy one day, I wouldn't be able to eat pizza and hamburgers anymore.

    Is that it?
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    I can tell OP is on the other side of the pond--she ate pizza with CORN on it.

    It's very common here in the UK to have corn on pizza... Chicken and sweetcorn. Not a fan of sweetcorn myself, but a lot of people have it.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    "...The reason my pizza last night didn't make me sick is because I'm unhealthy?!..."

    To all appearances, you are a very healthy 20-year old. The ravages of bad eating tend to show up later (if it continues). And I'm not saying that pizza and Chinese buffets are "bad" eating. You get a lot of veggies at a Chinese buffet and for those who don't have a problem with wheat, and who are very active, pizza can be a pretty decent food. Even better if you make it at home with your own healthy ingredients. :smile: The biggest problem I have with restaurant food, in general, is their excessive use of salt, sugar, chemically-altered fats, and low quality ingredients (because high quality ingredients cost more).
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I can tell OP is on the other side of the pond--she ate pizza with CORN on it.

    It's very common here in the UK to have corn on pizza... Chicken and sweetcorn. Not a fan of sweetcorn myself, but a lot of people have it.
    Er, yes. That's why I said OP must be over there. You people even eat tuna and [sweet]corn pizza, and I'm surprised the Pizza Gods haven't sunk you miles beneath the sea for that atrocity.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    This thread has more nutty goodness than a snicker's bar.
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Is it possible to be on both sides of this conversation? Well, I'll try.

    I agree with the person starting this, it's possible to feel sick because of something you ate that you haven't had in a while. I think it has something to do with stomach/intestines/all those enzymes getting used to burning one thing and then getting something completely different - round peg and square hole. This is quite a different thing, but I have several (ex)-vegetarian friends who have said they got really sick when they started eating meat again and had to do it very gradually to get their systems "eased into it". (And no, it's not about them being grossed out with texture or taste). Same thing has happened to me, but not that intensely, with fatty and sugary foods. I have a lot less of them these days, and I can't stomach as much at a time as I used to.

    I also agree with you guys that there are no dirty and clean foods, one can definitely eat whatever they want (=also, if somebody chooses to only eat whatever fits to their perception of clean, then so be it). There are foods that are better for you and foods that are worse for you, but seriously people, everything in moderation. Otherwise it's easily a) boredom that leads to slipping/binging/quitting or b) only eating certain food types and missing out on some nutrients.
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