

  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126
    My bf thinks I work out too much, eat too much, eat gross food, and wants me to eat more junk food
  • FromFat2Phat2013
    I dont think my partner is for it although he tells me he is but he keep bringing tempting foods to the house and sometimes i cant help myself. I cant blame all that on him cause i do know how to say no but i believe my weight is the cause we dont have sex he tells me its not me but im not stupid i have saw some of the things he put on facebook pictures of women that are way smaller than me.....anyway im getting way of subject but yeah!:cry:
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    I don't want to look like I am the lucky one, but I really am. My partner is also my work out buddy and the best support team a gal can ask for. We do it all together from the cooking, to the working out and the brain storming on how to make this more fun. We love the changes in how our bodies and energy levels. Our boy is more hesitant and would prefere to be the couch potato video game loven teen that he is. On occation he will make it out to the gym with us, but mostly rolls his eyes when weigh in day comes around. He would love to hide behind a McChicken sandwich, cleaning out the fridge and find any excuse not to move...hmmm, does that count?
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    Girl, you are gorgous!!! Are you sure this guy is for you? I read your post and could feel my heart breaking... Don't mind him, do good to yourself and be happy!
  • Brianna72994
    My boyfriend is proud of my progress. He talks about joining the gym with me all the time. Never happens though!
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    i don't have any spouse or partner but my parents are extremely proud of me:laugh:
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    My hubby does not care as long as I am happy...he supports me no matter what i wanna do...he's sweet....however sometimes its hard because he LOVES his junk food and so do the kids....sometimes he acts like if he ate veggies he'd die lol haha...but over all he's all about whatever makes me happy!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    divorce ... oh well
    It means a Better You!!!
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    Says he is happy for me but the more weight i lose the less sex me have. :-(
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    My husband wants me to lose the weight but doesn't do anything to help. He complains when I ask him to watch the kids when I want to workout and has a hissy-fit anytime I cook something healthy. He is always telling me how fat I am and says that should motivate me to lose weight.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    My partner loves it. We both put on a lot of weight when we started dating 4 years ago. He is a professional athlete but had time off when we met and eats loads. I joined him and we both became the heaviest we have been. We moved to the other side of the world and in together 1.5 years ago. This has been great for us. Have our own kitchen,buy our own food,do a workout DVD at 2am in the morning if we feel like it lol. I started counting cals with mfp and the weight started coming off. He didn't count cals but comes to the gym with me and eats what i eat and never has complained once because that was his way of supporting me. He has lost over 50 pounds. I think what helped was I didn't sit him down and say right we have to do this. I just did my own thing and he joined in along the way.

    Sneaky sneaky :laugh:

    ^^^^ Good job. Leading by example

    Aw thank you :blushing:
    Never thought of it that way. I knew if I sat him down and made a big deal he would run the other way. Lol
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    My husband is thrilled with my results! He is very sweet to me, very nice and kind to me so over the years as I ballooned into obesity he never said one mean word to me about my weight. I know he does not find fat women attractive so I'm sure it was VERY hard for him to have an obese wife, but he never said one bad thing about it. When I first started wanting to lose weight, he got us a membership at the YMCA (this was in 2007). I lost some weight...but then put it back on. He never said a word, even when I ate my way back to that starting weight and MORE. He kept paying for the gym and he and our kids would go. This time, in 2012, when I started losing weight he was supportive at first, but not excited or enthused about it. But as the pounds started dropping off he got more and more excited!

    He doesn't mind the gym time because he often goes with me. And he sees the positive results! He loves me and he's happy for me :love:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My husband wants me to lose the weight but doesn't do anything to help. He complains when I ask him to watch the kids when I want to workout and has a hissy-fit anytime I cook something healthy. He is always telling me how fat I am and says that should motivate me to lose weight.

    I don't know what to say, that really sucks.
  • sidewinder76
    I honestly don't care about what he thinks about it. He can either join me, or continue to sit on the couch.

    That's how I am, unfortunately She HATES me doing anything involved with exercise. Hence this site is my safe haven, filled with like minded peeps. life is good!
  • sidewinder76
    My husband wants me to lose the weight but doesn't do anything to help. He complains when I ask him to watch the kids when I want to workout and has a hissy-fit anytime I cook something healthy. He is always telling me how fat I am and says that should motivate me to lose weight.

    I don't know what to say, that really sucks.

    Agreed, no one should treat you like that, least of all your Husband. Hugs
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i think it encourages him to be healthy. and he doesn't stop complimenting my body when i am eating healthy and working out. really inspiring.
  • AspiringPinkPinUp
    Mine has been 100% supportive from day one. He's seen me try & fail a couple of times over the last year or so but when I started again 5 weeks ago, he stated to me that he saw a "spark" and that he knows and can feel this is it for me. He's constantly complimenting my successes, and gives me a little push if I'm in a "I don't want to...." kinda mood. I've inspired him to better his health in a sense he had his last cigarette yesterday morning!! He doesn't have weight to loose but is going to start strength training with me at the gym to bulk up a little more. He's on a fire dept with no gym in the fire house so he's pretty excited!
  • delilahcherry
    He is helping me loads, eating the same things as me, he has also started watching what he eats to, helping me do kickboxing again as i still have all my pads so i can use him as a punch bag for good :smile:. To be honest I don't think I could of done it with out him. x
  • CandiceScott69
    CandiceScott69 Posts: 81 Member
  • jaymesjourney
    My husband is in the Army so of course he has to stay in shape! He's tired by the time he gets off work and doesn't really want to workout with me when I am off which I can completely understand but when i workout at home he always pushes me and tells me I'm doing amazing! Hes very supportive of what I want to do but tells me he loves me no matter what I look like. The way I see it is he wanted me at my worst now he deserves me at my best!