What do you all drink?



  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I have 2-3ltrs of water a day and no more than 2 cups of tea a day - I'm irish so we can't survive without tea for long!
  • samr73
    samr73 Posts: 440 Member
    Loads of strong black coffee - no sugar, flavoured mineral water and still water when I'm working out/exercising. Wine or vodka when I deserve it :wink:
  • gogosyss
    gogosyss Posts: 8
    I was completely obsessed with soda, I was drinking 3 or 4 cans of Cola every day...I realized that it was more an addiction and I had to stop it...not to mention the sugar intake...So I am 2 years free of Cola now and it was soooo hard to do it...I switched to Diet Coke and try to reduce it...then what I did and really worked for me, I replaced my need of sparkling stuff with sparkling water... whenever I craved for it I just drank sparking water...IT REALLY worked for me, might work for u too guys... Now I don't drink it at all and I just drink water, sparkling water, green and mint tea, wine of course and rarely whiskey...
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Oriental teas.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    Lots of black coffee, lots of water, lots of red wine :drinker:
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Plain water, distilled water and Bragg apple cider vinegar drinks with cinnamon.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    water/green tea/coffee plain.:drinker:
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    In rough order:
    Peppermint tea
    Coffee x2 a day
    Ribena (blackcurrant cordial) x2 typically a day
    Protein shake on lifting days (typically twice a week)
    Wine/beer/full-fat soft drinks on evenings/weekends when out.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Water all day, up to a gallon most days. I've been "treating" myself with coconut water the past few days though. :)
  • achonator
    achonator Posts: 32 Member
    Mostly water and when I crave something sweet some diet soda.It helps me.
  • ntatbeeq
    ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
    can't even think to live a day without coke.
  • kentsyl
    kentsyl Posts: 3
    a lot of water, and I still have a couple of drinks a nite mostly brewed tea and vodka (maybe 2-3) a night, or bourbon and diet cola or sprite (the new BV caramel and diet sprite is awesome), V8 low sodium, Weekends I may have a couple more but then I try to offset it with a little more workout.
  • hayley9914
    hayley9914 Posts: 80 Member

    And then some more wine.

    And when I'm really thirsty.... wine.

    This ^ plus Twinings Green Tea with Pear and Apple, black coffee, and lots of water (someone once told me you've got to 'drink it to shrink it'!!)
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Water or unsweetened tea...you should try vitamin water. Its flavored but no sugar and low to no sodium.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    water, coffee, almond milk, diet coke, white wine, sugar free red bull, vodka- changing this to-
    water, coffee, almond milk. for the next 3 months.
  • hmd529
    hmd529 Posts: 1 Member
    I drink about 3 20 iz bottles of water throughout my work day and at lunch 1 12oz diet coke. I usually don't drink anything at dinner unless we are dining out but I will drink another bottle of water with my workout.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Coffee and all kind of teas and herbal infusions.
    Always without sugar. I never added sugar, I hate the sweet taste spoiling coffee or tea. I didn't add sugar not even in my worst eating days. I guess I was lucky in this way... cause I am not tempted by any sweet drinks. I have other temptations. :laugh:
  • make_it_so
    make_it_so Posts: 40 Member
    Unsweet tea, water, coffee with splenda and creamer
  • speckledpebble
    speckledpebble Posts: 7 Member
    Tea and coffee with no sugar and a little semi skimmed milk
    Fresh orange juice
    Occasionally herbal teas
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I drink coffee, water, water, water, water, protein shakes, water, water, water, water, coffee, water, water, and a a few beers a week. Then I follow that up with water.