jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
I am a complete and total failure. I have given into temptation. I ate a bite off of my daughter’s pancakes. She was done and i just could not resist. I just don't have what it takes to do this. How can i possibly expect to lose weight when i don't have the strength to say no to a carb covered in sugar and fat? I will never be able to do anything right. Carbs for crying out loud, flipping carbs, i know better. I have been carb free for 3 months and now this. I am a complete and total failure. I shall go now and suffer the wrath of destruction that must become of someone like me.


  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Hey dont sweat it babes....fall down 8 times get up 8 times...keep pushing and moving forward. FAILURE IS NOT A OPTION....Now LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • Jorda626
    Jorda626 Posts: 4 Member
    Its alright man it happens its not the end of the world just a minor setback and tell yourself you can only move forward don't give up trust me I did that and I gained 50 lbs just keep going :)
  • Ginnytiger
    Ginnytiger Posts: 2 Member
    NO!! Don't give up! One bite is not a big deal in the big picture. You need to get right back on your eating plan. Right now. I know you've been carb free for a long time, but you are not a complete and total failure! What you've already accomplished is a big step toward reaching and maintaining your goal. Just start right back up and keep going. I've only lost ten pounds -- you've lost three times that much. Don't give up and don't give in!!
  • Vera145
    Vera145 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow. Why so hard on yourself? Aren't you human? If you were to get a flat tire, would you chuck your whole car? Now stop beating yourself up, and get back to work! You've lost 33-lbs for crying out loud! How does a bite of a pancake destroy THAT?
  • beckyb1031
    beckyb1031 Posts: 19
    You're obviously not a failure if you have lost 33 lbs! Don't deprive yourself and the cravings won't be so uncontrollable. If you want a pancake, eat one, count the calories, and move on. Forgive yourself when you feel you have gone off track and get right back on. And by the way... everyone needs carbs!!
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    Ok, I'll bite. You are not a failure. You've lost 33 pounds, carb free for 3 months! So you took a bite. Of course don't let this be the end of your journey. You are obviously much stronger than you are saying. I have very little self control and cannot have certain foods in the house as when I am alone I consume them and then get mad at myself and consume more. If the evil food is at work I have better control because there are other people around to see me eat the unhealthy foods.
  • leecharlesworth7
    You have lost an amazing 33 lbs! You should be so proud - it is a big big ask to have no carbs for so long, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You can still lose weight with carbs in moderation. Don't beat yourself up, you are far from a failure and you are not going to suddenly gain that weight back over night on a wee pancake :noway:
    Have faith in yourself. :happy:
  • christy7322
    christy7322 Posts: 31
    Whoa!!! Put the carbs down and slowly step away from the table....
    Seriously though, don't beat yourself up. In the span of a lifetime do you think you will never, ever, again touch a carb or a sweet? Don't make yourself miserable, just get back on track. You've done an amazing job!! You're so close to your goal, focus on all the things you've done right so far and not on the one little pancake :)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    I love you!! u just made my dayyyyy...yes sending the fat police to your house:)) you ROCK!!!!
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh Posts: 363 Member
    "My daughter and wife
    My well being
    My extremly sexy future body. : )
    to increase my awesomness beyond normal human limits"

    These are YOUR inspirations!

    Taking a bite of a pancake does not affect your awesomeness! Do NOT let it define the rest of your day!

    You are not going to give up! :noway:
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    If that is the biggest sin against food you have committed while losing 33 pounds you have nothing to worry about.....

    The flesh is weak.... We all have failures.... Live through the pain and learn...
  • Jessieamoore
    Don't feel bad. My son had a tastykake last night after dinner and instead of him eating the two in the package, he ate one. He put the other one back in the pantry. Well.....I ate it. I shouldn't have, it was wrong and I hate that I did, but it was yummy and at that moment I was weak. I pretty much NEVER have sweets, so it was a one time set back. No worries:happy:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    My sarcasm meter hit the roof on that one.
  • Race2the9
    Race2the9 Posts: 77
    Sweet4Tee said it best!!! we fall, we get back up! simple as that! Dont beat yourself up emotionally, do it physically by adding weight on the bar or by doing an extra set of reps! that'll keep you going! your body wants to give up but the mind is what controls the body! You have already made that important decision NOT to live the way you used to . there will be battles that you lose ahead, so long as you keep pressing forward, you will WIN THIS WAR!!!!

    Be Strong mentally and you body WILL fall in line!
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Maybe it's a little too early in the morning for sarcasm... people ain't gettin' it.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous. You really call that failure? Come on! I've had many days where I've eaten anything that isn't nailed down, especially chocolate!
    There, there.....
    If you're looking for sympathy, forget it.
    Just get on with it or regain the weight and get fatter.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    One bite doesn't mean the end of the world..... We all give in to temptation occasionally..... Don't worry about it and you will be ok!!!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Yes, you should give up trying to be funny.
  • Lobster_Lover
    Lobster_Lover Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe it's a little too early in the morning for sarcasm... people ain't gettin' it.

    True story lol
  • 72maureen
    72maureen Posts: 21 Member
    don't beat yourself up over it, it happens. don't let food defeat you!!! get back in the race, ok?