Worst diet advice!!!!!!



  • LouiseDavis65
    LouiseDavis65 Posts: 30 Member
    hahahahahaha -- love some of these!!! Thanks for the laughs this afternoon !!!

    So many "experts" out there - it's crazy!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    If you don't drink any alcohol you can eat 1,000 calories a day
    If you want a glass of wine you can eat 500 calories a day

    Is a glass of wine 500 calories :O ;) ?

    You would probably only need one glass of wine to get drunk when you eat that little.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Gotta be the water fast diet. Up to a 30 day fast with water only and of course no exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Oh what the bleep?!?!?!
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, so this advice was not given to me, but to my sister:

    "If you want to lose weight, you need to smoke pot." Uhm.. Yeah, go ahead and pick up a disgusting and unhealthy habit so you'll be less fat, that makes sense. The person telling her to do this went from "plump but healthy" to "thin but haggish" in a year's time with her "pot diet".
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Okay, so this advice was not given to me, but to my sister:

    "If you want to lose weight, you need to smoke pot." Uhm.. Yeah, go ahead and pick up a disgusting and unhealthy habit so you'll be less fat, that makes sense. The person telling her to do this went from "plump but healthy" to "thin but haggish" in a year's time with her "pot diet".

    no expert but doesn't that crap give you the munchies (or is that just TV stereo type lol)
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    Apparently my style of eating is called "grazing", but I don't want to be compared to a cow to be honest.

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Oh, another favorite of mine is:

    "Let us wrap your body with these herbs and you will lose 25 lbs in half an hour"

    my SIL , whom i love is a sucker for every damming home party guru out there, from the new body wrap shiiip thats out to the adult party toys to food mix in a bag party to avon and etc etc etc...
    im like really, you dont think its going to last or work do you???
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I'm part of a group on Facebook, and a woman posted that she had lost 18lbs in 9 days by doing some ridiculous-sounding diet where you put beads behind your ears to lower your appetite.

    I tried to convince her that she lost water weight, since it would be physically impossible to lose 2 pounds A DAY, and tried to point her in the direction of healthy weight loss, and calories in vs. calories out, and MFP...

    Alas, it fell on deaf ears. Frustrating as hell.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    how about the lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup concoction! This will make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days...NOT

    Worst idea EVER
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    how about the lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup concoction! This will make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days...NOT

    Worst idea EVER

    Not if you marinate chicken in it ..

    Saw a liver cleanse that was Olive oil, Lemon Juice, Garlic and Hot Pepper .. never tried it as a cleanse, but frequently use it as a marinade
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, so this advice was not given to me, but to my sister:

    "If you want to lose weight, you need to smoke pot." Uhm.. Yeah, go ahead and pick up a disgusting and unhealthy habit so you'll be less fat, that makes sense. The person telling her to do this went from "plump but healthy" to "thin but haggish" in a year's time with her "pot diet".

    no expert but doesn't that crap give you the munchies (or is that just TV stereo type lol)

    That's what I thought!
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Yeah, Pot is supposed to give you the munchies. Everyone I've seen who smokes it ends up ordering kebabs or pizza's at 3am in the morning.

    Worst advice I had?

    - Drink soda before a meal and it'll fill you up. Nope, it just makes me burp a lot and feel a bit sick. I don't drink soda anymore.
    - Ignore carbohydrates. Nope, some are good - you just have to find the right ones.
    - EAT ALL THE FAT FREE PRODUCTS - Nope nope and thrice nope. When I did WW, I was eating ready meals once a week and yoghurts and cheese and all this crap that basically equated to SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR. When I embarked on this healthy journey, I really took notice not of the fat content or the calories, but the sugar. I used to buy yoghuts that were 70 calories but about 5g of sugar. Not good. The sugar I eat now, generally speaking, is natural.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Omg that's hilarious!!

    I've been told that toasted bread doesn't have calories. The act of toasting it incinerates the calories!

    If only this were true! Can it be?? PLEASE??

    If this was true I would find a way to put EVERYTHING in the toaster LOL
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    Another one I have heard: eat nothing but fruit before noon, and then a have a "normal" lunch and dinner. Simple as that, eh?
  • dfitz0321
    dfitz0321 Posts: 2
    I think your story of worst diet advice is going to be hard to beat ... where did she ever come up with that!? LOL

    What I have had good experience with is portion control, variety, good/heathy food choices, and eating about every 3 hours. My mom is a type 1 diabetic, and when she was recovering at my home after an accident, I prepared meals for she and I so that I was eating the way she should (which is just as I described at the beginnign). I lost 8 lbs in a month and wasn't even trying. It's pretty much what the old, 1970's Weight Watchers plan was:portion control of healthy choices. The in between meal food choice is something small like 4 oz yogurt, 2 squares of a graham cracker, or a piece of fruit, but it helps level out sugar. Uh oh, hopefully I don't end up on the list of passing out unwanted advice LOL
  • tierre1
    tierre1 Posts: 24 Member
    Benefits of Toasted Bread- this is the only way I will consume bread.

    http://benefitof.net/benefits-of-toasted-bread/Provides energy

    Similar to other carbohydrate sources, toasted bread contains significant amounts of starch that provides energy. Getting your starch from toasted bread is much better in contrast with getting it from the normal bread. Actually, eating some kinds of bread alone without toasting them can raise your levels of blood sugar because of their increased GI values. Toasted bread offers sufficient starch without any drawbacks linked to excessive starch intake.

    2. Helps weight loss
    It is advisable to toast breads that already have a low index so as to achieve any weight loss aspirations. Toasted breads add more fiber to the body, which is vital for digestion and general body health. A low glycemic index diet that includes eating toasted bread is great for healthy and fast weight loss.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    how about the lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup concoction! This will make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days...NOT

    I think I'm the only human in history who actually gained weight on this stupid thing.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    how about the lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup concoction! This will make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days...NOT

    I think I'm the only human in history who actually gained weight on this stupid thing.

    ummm did you only drink the maple syrup LOL ;)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    how about the lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup concoction! This will make you lose 10 pounds in 3 days...NOT

    I think I'm the only human in history who actually gained weight on this stupid thing.

    ummm did you only drink the maple syrup LOL ;)

    lol.. No. :laugh:
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Someone told me: Eat for four days of the week and drink nothing but milk the other 3 ... :sick:

    BARF! Lol!!! Well, if that's "true" I'm boned...I'm allergic to milk! :sick: