5'6 Ladies: what's your goal weight?



  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Ladies..I have no goal weight...there, I said it.

    For those of you who might be interested WHY....i direct you to this thread.

    It may help some of you focus on other goals besides the scale...i personally find the scale a dirty, lying...

    well anyway,


    Concrete girl quoted me around halfway down the page...I am the post that starts with SQUAT, BEEP.

    Guess how much I weigh at 5' 11.:smile:

    I think MORE women should NOT have a goal weight. We should have goals that revolve around feeling healthy, happy, and doing things with our bodies that make us proud. Run if you like running, lift heavy crap if you like lifting heavy, and screw the scale.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    See my ticker below. :)
  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    I am at 135 would like to be125. DR. says 150. Decided if I lose it I lose it. Not going to worry about It as I have lost 64 lbs already and eating healthier and exercising.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    My only New Year resolution was to never read or respond to another thread entitled " insert height" ladies what is your goal weight. And YET ...here I am.

    Not even 5'6. I have a 5'4 1/2 inch skeleton instead.

    Not even here for the train wreck ...and indeed ...it's a train wreck. I'm here to represent to women that NUMBERS are arbitrary. People are people. Every human is different. Otherwise we'd be ... THE SAME. How boring.

    I know it's tough to "get" but I will be at approx 20% BF and size 6 at 168-172. i currently wear size 8 jeans, medium tops.

    The smallest size I'd ever worn in my adult life ( for about 35 minutes) was a size 10. i weighed 135.

    2 years ago i weighed 238. size 18.

    I discovered the barbell. I figured out that I needed to get my food right. Getting it right didn't mean giving food the power. The power to make me miserable. I took control. I eat. I eat well.

    I am fit ( resting heart rate is 49) , sleek and yes toned. I can ROCK OUT whatever I choose.

    'm pushing 50. Zero meds. Zero health issues. If I went for under 130 I'd have to lose SERIOUS LBM and be a very unattractive skeletal " old lady" in appearance. Last time I checked: NOT a great look. At least not for ME.

    The point of this? Make your goals about something other than weight or a # on a chart. Go for Healthy. Go for Happy. Go for what makes YOU happy, healthy and totally FAB. I've found that happy and Fab isn't found in a NUMBER. Certainly isn't found in someone else's number. It's total package. Self confidence in your own skin: priceless . TOTAL PACKAGE is what folks see.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    First of all, I want to apologize to everybody in this thread who has a goal weight of over 130 lbs at 5'6". My first reaction was to agree with the original poster as many times I do think people pick goal weights that are too high and end up selling themselves short. However, I jumped the gun on this one though, and I am sorry. Many of you have lost a lot of weight and made many wonderful accomplishments. For me to undermine any of that was REALLY bad on my part - I'm truly am sorry so please accept my apologies.

    However, those of you who now want to pick apart my own goal weight (which I've maintained now for two years btw) are full of rubbish too. I am at the tip top of my health both physically and mentally and feel awesome. Read my profile - I've never felt better. I LIFT HEAVY. I do cardio. I have a six pack. I eat at maintenance, which is roughly 2200 to 2300 calories a day. Wtf would I eat at a surplus? It's called maintenance for a reason. Thanks to those of you who stood up for me on that note. You guys are great!

    We only have our own experience regarding weight loss to go by, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand when others goals are different from our own.

    And you guys are right - the person who I initially jumped the gun by agreeing with is a 39 year old male. WTF does he know?!!?
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    First of all, I want to apologize to everybody in this thread who has a goal weight of over 130 lbs at 5'6". My first reaction was to agree with the original poster as many times I do think people pick goal weights that are too high and end up selling themselves short. However, I jumped the gun on this one though, and I am sorry. Many of you have lost a lot of weight and made many wonderful accomplishments. For me to undermine any of that was REALLY bad on my part - I'm truly am sorry so please accept my apologies.

    However, those of you who now want to pick apart my own goal weight (which I've maintained now for two years btw) are full of rubbish too. I am at the tip top of my health both physically and mentally and feel awesome. Read my profile - I've never felt better. Thanks to those of you who stood up for me on that note. You guys are great!

    We only have our own experience regarding weight loss to go by, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand when others goals are different from our own.

    And you guys are right - the person who I initially jumped the gun by agreeing with is a 39 year old male. WTF does he know?!!?

    I think that most of us are more upset about what this man said. Then the fact that you, a woman, who also used to be heavy at one point, agrees with him. That was a little hard to swallow. However, who knows. Maybe several of us will keep going once we reach our "goal weight". You look great and if you feel as good as you look then that's all that matters,
  • ScottishMrs
    ScottishMrs Posts: 254 Member
    First of all, I want to apologize to everybody in this thread who has a goal weight of over 130 lbs at 5'6". My first reaction was to agree with the original poster as many times I do think people pick goal weights that are too high and end up selling themselves short. However, I jumped the gun on this one though, and I am sorry. Many of you have lost a lot of weight and made many wonderful accomplishments. For me to undermine any of that was REALLY bad on my part - I'm truly am sorry so please accept my apologies.

    However, those of you who now want to pick apart my own goal weight (which I've maintained now for two years btw) are full of rubbish too. I am at the tip top of my health both physically and mentally and feel awesome. Read my profile - I've never felt better. I LIFT HEAVY. I do cardio. I have a six pack. I eat at maintenance, which is roughly 2200 to 2300 calories a day. Wtf would I eat at a surplus? It's called maintenance for a reason. Thanks to those of you who stood up for me on that note. You guys are great!

    We only have our own experience regarding weight loss to go by, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand when others goals are different from our own.

    And you guys are right - the person who I initially jumped the gun by agreeing with is a 39 year old male. WTF does he know?!!?

    Way to man up like he hasn't :). You look great and it's a totally fine goal for some, including you. You certainly look happy and healthy in your profile pic. Rock that body, girl!
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I want to add that one should be happy with themselves and their current shape on the way to their goal, but why not set a goal that is what you truly want to look like. Anyone who says they wouldn't want a firm, toned body that turns heads in a bathing suit is lying to themselves.5'6" 145 is not firm and toned. It's just "good enough" to not look fat in clothes. No offense. Just trying to be honest.

    Who are you to say 145lbs at 5"6 isn't firm or toned lol
    Where are you getting your facts!
    Slim and healthy is the way to go!

    That's a idiotic post very shalllow demeaner!

    Something's are better left unsaid and this one of them!

    Sorry not trying to be mean just stating the obvious
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    First of all, I want to apologize to everybody in this thread who has a goal weight of over 130 lbs at 5'6". My first reaction was to agree with the original poster as many times I do think people pick goal weights that are too high and end up selling themselves short. However, I jumped the gun on this one though, and I am sorry. Many of you have lost a lot of weight and made many wonderful accomplishments. For me to undermine any of that was REALLY bad on my part - I'm truly am sorry so please accept my apologies.

    However, those of you who now want to pick apart my own goal weight (which I've maintained now for two years btw) are full of rubbish too. I am at the tip top of my health both physically and mentally and feel awesome. Read my profile - I've never felt better. I LIFT HEAVY. I do cardio. I have a six pack. I eat at maintenance, which is roughly 2200 to 2300 calories a day. Wtf would I eat at a surplus? It's called maintenance for a reason. Thanks to those of you who stood up for me on that note. You guys are great!

    We only have our own experience regarding weight loss to go by, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand when others goals are different from our own.

    And you guys are right - the person who I initially jumped the gun by agreeing with is a 39 year old male. WTF does he know?!!?

    Thank you for apologizing. I hope you realize now though that people *can* have a six pack, be in great health, have a low BF% and be significantly heavier than 130lb. That is a slightly different thing than realizing that it is uncool to dis people's goal weight.
  • sparkleberries
    sparkleberries Posts: 19 Member
    It is good to have a goal, something to work towards mine is not so much a number as a feeling & being fit & healthy.

    I am 5'6 & no way would I want to be 130 or less, it does not appeal to me, it is not the look I want & that's not a cop out & saying everyone this height should be is just stupid , look past the number..
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    125 and then re-evaluate to decide whether I want to lose or tone.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    First of all, I want to apologize to everybody in this thread who has a goal weight of over 130 lbs at 5'6". My first reaction was to agree with the original poster as many times I do think people pick goal weights that are too high and end up selling themselves short. However, I jumped the gun on this one though, and I am sorry. Many of you have lost a lot of weight and made many wonderful accomplishments. For me to undermine any of that was REALLY bad on my part - I'm truly am sorry so please accept my apologies.

    However, those of you who now want to pick apart my own goal weight (which I've maintained now for two years btw) are full of rubbish too. I am at the tip top of my health both physically and mentally and feel awesome. Read my profile - I've never felt better. I LIFT HEAVY. I do cardio. I have a six pack. I eat at maintenance, which is roughly 2200 to 2300 calories a day. Wtf would I eat at a surplus? It's called maintenance for a reason. Thanks to those of you who stood up for me on that note. You guys are great!

    We only have our own experience regarding weight loss to go by, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand when others goals are different from our own.

    And you guys are right - the person who I initially jumped the gun by agreeing with is a 39 year old male. WTF does he know?!!?

    Thank you for apologizing. I hope you realize now though that people *can* have a six pack, be in great health, have a low BF% and be significantly heavier than 130lb. That is a slightly different thing than realizing that it is uncool to dis people's goal weight.

    After reading this thread all the way through, I absolutely understand that. We are all very different, and this thread shows it. It's also not just in terms of weight and body composition. Certain strength moves that I find easy will be difficult for another, and one's I find hard will be easier for others. Interesting stuff...
  • originalcookiemonster
    F**k. 130! My goal is to look like you Sara!!!!!!!:)


    Me too Sara!!!!!!!!!!! If you're fat, then I would gladly be fat for the rest of my life! :flowerforyou: :laugh: :drinker:
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 120 and goin for 115
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I do think ideal measurements are the way to go though.

    I'm currently


    Would like to be:

    34 - 24 - 36

    but that will probably end up being

    33 - 24 - 37

    because of how my body distributes fat.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Crap..I weigh 188...darn charmer wouldnt like me...i R SO disappointed.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Check out this 140lb fat-*kitten*...

    Yeah. Think about it.

    I'm just under 5'7 and I'd be happy to get to 70kg (154lb). I'm hella curvy - big boobs and hips/butt - and I'd look ridiculous at my "perfect" BMI weight of 62kg.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    this thread got crazy! but my goal is 130. It was 140 to start, which I reached and was happy with, would've been just fine at that weight. but my overall goals have changed since then. I am kind of shocked at the number of women who want to be 115ish. I can't really imagine being 15lbs lighter, I would be skin and bones! :/
  • rebeccawwalters
    rebeccawwalters Posts: 37 Member
    I agree!
  • bugazoo
    bugazoo Posts: 1
    I could agree with you more. Starting tomorrow morning, I am starting my weight loss mission. By September I want to be 35 lbs lighter.