5 things you have cut out!



  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    there's nothing I've cut out completely, but many things I now modify or have only occasionally. Because this is a lifestyle change, I have to eat now the way I want to eat for the rest of my life. That means going out for fast food or to another type of restaurant on occasion. So, now, i try to make the best choices i can but because i don't see the point of having food if I don't enjoy it, it still has to be something I like.

    Mostly, I've modified foods that I cook for myself to be lower in sodium. It means I make a lot more stuff from scratch. Because my BP is high, I choose to watch my sodium intake. There are some meals that I used to make that I would rarely make now because of the sodium content, but there are some that I won't give up, no matter what - homemade mac & cheese is one. But I eat a smaller portion and serve it with half a plate of veggies of some kind - and I don't go back for seconds!

    Everyone will find a way to eat that works for them - but cutting out a food just makes me want it more, so knowing I *can* have something, as long as I fit it into that day's macros, helps me not splurge too often.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    Takeaways (& Ready meals)
    Fizzy/Sugary Drinks
    Chocolate (& Sweets)

    I've cut most bad things for now. I still indulge in healthy sweets, cacao covered gooseberries is a fave. Looking to see what some clean energy feels like!
  • glyndaab
    glyndaab Posts: 1
    Just two things:

    White Potatoes (they process once they are cooked as 100 % sugar)
    Sugar drinks (juice, sodas, etc)
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    Fast food, soda, juice, mystery meat (hotdogs, cold cuts), red meat down to once a week.
  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    1. Fast food
    2. Soda
    3. Candy
    4. White Potatoes
    5. Sugar in coffee
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    1 Ice Cream
    2 Ice Cream
    3 Ice Cream
    4 Ice Cream
    5 Worrying about Ice Cream ... Lift Harder!!!

    I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! :noway: :frown: :grumble: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
    black bean burgers
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Nothing is off limits. I just make it fit into my macros.

    Stuff that usually doesn't fit and I don't mind doing without:

    coffee creamer

    Stuff that I'll never give up:

    ice cream
    rick astley

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
  • spunkyjen7
    spunkyjen7 Posts: 22 Member
    I can only think of 3 things that I'm pretty strict about....

    I gave up fast food about a year and a half ago....don't miss it at all.

    Pop - empty, sugary calories are not needed, thank you.

    Recently, I've given up red meat and chicken.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I haven't cut anything out, but I have learned just how much sodium I was taking in recently, and I am drastically cutting back... and trying really hard to increase my water.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    fried food
    I eat very little fast food.
    everything that has high carbs
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    The only thing I've cut out entirely is soda.

    Everything else most consider "bad" I've either cut way back on, like eating out, or watch my portions, like sweets and ice cream.

    I found that if I deny myself anything, especially when I'm craving it, I usually end up eating way, way, way too much of it. I have my my Reese's cup, or dark chocolate squares, or ice cream every night in appropriate portions which keeps me from eating a whole bag or carton in one sitting.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    The only thing I've cut out is soda - otherwise, everything in moderation.
  • anubhavsharma18
    anubhavsharma18 Posts: 63 Member
    Less Sleep
    Binge Drinking
    Watching idiot box for hours
    Negative self-talk
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    - chips (any type)
    - fried chicken (don't know when enough is enough)
    - french fries
    - ice cream
    - some of my favorite thai (too much fat and calories)
  • srallen98
    srallen98 Posts: 8
    Not really eating all you like. It is measuring the amount of food I take in. For example, I used to eat a bagel with sausage and cheese for breakfast. Now I only have just a bagel on days when I have a big cardio workout so I still burn more than I take in...
  • kcamp79
    kcamp79 Posts: 24 Member
    1. soda
    2. dairy
    3. fried food
    4. sweets
    5. meat
  • I've only cut out fast food. I don't consider my diet a diet. I make healthy decisions and incorporate more fruits, veggies & whole grains into my diet. I eat WAY less processed junk. I feel like denying myself anything is setting myself up for failure. I tried skipping soda but I am sadly addicted to diet coke. Instead of drinking two a day, I allow myself one at lunch and that's it.
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    1. Soda
    2. Added sugar
    3. Artificial flavors/colors
    4. low-fat, reduced fat products
    5. bleached flour
  • kgoodman0108
    kgoodman0108 Posts: 158
    - fruits that are high in sugar (everything but berries)
    - bread
    - pasta
    - rice
    - candy/junk food
  • Beabell73
    Beabell73 Posts: 3 Member
    5. Butter

    I have to cut first 2 items because I binge on them if I have any at home.
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    The only thing I've cut out entirely is sugared soft drink.

    I've reduced eating pastry treats to almost zero, but not from "banning" myself from having them--just that every time I'm tempted I think about whether I want to spend all those calories on a Danish, and it turns out that I don't :)

    Still having chips, chocolate, fast food on occasion, but less often and in the context of an otherwise low-calorie week. This is turning out to be less difficult than I expected (yay!)
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    Nothing - the weight comes off slower but i can stick to a moderation diet for life, the minute i say i'm not eating something i want it more than ever. I've binged and dieted most of my life, not any more :)
  • MsShorten
    MsShorten Posts: 20 Member
    Okay I realized that there were many things that over indulged in so I had to cut them away. I have replaced them with stuff though. I do not drink soda or sugary drinks. I no longer fry anything, so no fried foods. I do not eat chips or candy either. there are other things that I just try and reduce greatly like pastries, bread, and other processed foods.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Nothing in particular...BUT I have stopped eating any food that I find I don't thoroughly enjoy--for example, if the "old me" went to a restaurant or a party and had an item she didn't particularly like (a pie that was too sweet or tart; some BBQ that wasn't quite up to par, cold french fries) she used to continue eating it until she finished the item. Now if "New Me" gets an item I don't find delicious, I STOP EATING IMMEDIATELY and either send it back or trash it. I don't want to waste a single calorie on sub-par food or snacks.

    ^^^ This. I haven't given up anything for the sake of losing weight, but am not going to eat something that isn't very good simply for the sake of eating it.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I haven't cut out anything.

    In fact, I eat more "junk" than I ever have.

    It must be magic, or moderation, but I'll have an easier time convincing some people it's magic.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    less fried foods and that is about it.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I don't cut out anything, I eat what I want and exercise MORE!
  • ac_boubou
    ac_boubou Posts: 28 Member
    Nothing special, like most of people here, just check out my portions and try to eat healty most of time.

    If I want something less healty, than I wait before I eat it. Most of time, I pass out and don't eat that scrap. If it's still in my mind after a while, I go for it and don't feel guilty at all.

    The only thing I cut out is sodium because of healt issues. I also keep in mind to eat good fat like extra virgin olive oil, salmon, trout, nuts....in right portion of course.

    I prefer fresh food but if I buy something else I read all ingredients list to make sure it's a good choice