Most ridiculous serving size?



  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Not the most ridiculous, but annoying: those frozen veggies that steam in the bag. Why does it say 3.5 servings when clearly there's only enough broccoli for two people? Veggies should take up a good portion of the plate but really, it's not like I'm stacking it a mile high, either.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Popcorn and rice. Oh and noodles. It's the whole dry vs. cooked debacle. By the time I think I've figured out how much I can eat, I give up and throw the box back in the pantry. Not worth it.

    ^^^THIS^^^ It drives me insane.
  • cpuag01
    cpuag01 Posts: 6
    I hate cans on vegetables/beans/etc with "about 2.5" servings. I do carb counting and I know I am going to eat a whole can of CiCi Beans (garbanzos), so here I am in the store with the cans flipped around trying to do decimal math in my head. I eventually just give up and don't buy beans.

    that and juice/soda that is 2.75 servings per bottle. -_-

    Or some of the frozen vegetarian meats that have a serving size of so many ounces - sometimes there is a bunch of ice crusted up on that thing so I have to cook it to know how much is a serving, but then if I cook too much I'll just eat what I cooked anyway.

    I'm sorry, but what are "vegetarian meats"? I believe that is what is called an oxymoron.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    i dont see why everything isnt just measured pre cooked in grams!!
    oh also tinned fruit
    1/2 tin of drained fruit is so and so calories
    WHAT ABOUT THE JUICE?! not having any wastage
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Who eats three tablespoons of trail mix, anyway?
  • amsibert
    amsibert Posts: 7
    I've been skimming through here - has anyone mentioned tuna?

    My tuna can is 5 oz (142 g)
    serving size is 2 oz drained, 56 g
    servings per container **about** 2

    I have another brand that says it has 4.5 oz per can, and also 2 oz serving, w/ about 2 servings per can.
  • amsibert
    amsibert Posts: 7
    I just bought some little goldfish crackers. Serving size is 30g or "approximately 51 crackers" (so, er, 50?). And the package contains 187 g. Yup.

    50 crackers, plus part of a broken one?
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    A few years ago, I bought a Chobani that listed 6 ounces as the serving size and said that there were 2 servings per container. But it was a 6 oz container...
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I generally make pizzas completely from scratch, but I got lazy the other day, and I discovered -

    Pre-made pizza base - 6 servings per pizza base.
    Pre-made pizza sauce - 7 servings per jar.
    Grated mozzarella cheese - 8 servings per bag.
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I have a bag of croutons in the cabinet... serving size 2 tablespoons. How are you supposed to measure that when most of the croutons won't even fit properly in an actual tablespoon? Why not just say "serving size about 2 croutons"? On top of that -- while it's obviously healthier to go with none anyway -- what kind of salad that includes croutons only uses two of them?

    ^^^OMG THIS^^^
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    This is why people give up, you know. Not only do you have to research the database or internet or packaging for nutritional information, you have to use practically every measuring tool know to man to get the right serving, then you've got be able to log it in accurately. Every meal, every day. After a while it gets to be too much. People get burned out. They just want to eat. No hassles. It takes real commitment to do what we are doing. I just wish that I could all be simplified somehow, but i think this is as close as it's going to get.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    This is why people give up, you know. Not only do you have to research the database or internet or packaging for nutritional information, you have to use practically every measuring tool know to man to get the right serving, then you've got be able to log it in accurately. Every meal, every day. After a while it gets to be too much. People get burned out. They just want to eat. No hassles. It takes real commitment to do what we are doing. I just wish that I could all be simplified somehow, but i think this is as close as it's going to get.

    That's pretty much the weight watchers business model, right there.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    haha we used to have pop tarts as dessert as kids, and we were only allowed one. the second one would go in the butter compartment in the fridge!
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    I have a bag of croutons in the cabinet... serving size 2 tablespoons. How are you supposed to measure that when most of the croutons won't even fit properly in an actual tablespoon? Why not just say "serving size about 2 croutons"? On top of that -- while it's obviously healthier to go with none anyway -- what kind of salad that includes croutons only uses two of them?

    THIS!!! drives me bonkers! I like croutons but come on 2 tablespoons when the things are square! And there is no way 2 croutons is going to cut it for me in a really big bowl of salad.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator

    I agree about the part where they don't want you to see the ridiculous amounts of calories. I do not agree on the MISLEADING though. If you do simple math, it is easy to figure out.

    Except that it IS very misleading when they "choose" the serving size so that they can put 0 grams of fat...
    Calories from fat
    21 CFR 101.9(c)(1)(ii) Less than 0.5 g fat "Not a significant source of calories from fat"

    Less than 1/2 gram fat per serving when the container has 3 servings... you can "do simple math" to it all you want but if they say 0 grams of fat and you triple it... you're still thinking 0 grams of fat when its from 0 up to 1.4 grams for that food item. Do that across all your foods...

    One particular example "butter or butter replacement sprays"
    That means that in the entire bottle there are 813 total calories from 90 grams of fat. Now you may be wondering why it is they can list it as 0 calories.
    The FDA labeling law says that if there’s less than 1/2 gram of fat in a serving, a food can be labeled “Fat-Free.” The catch is, nobody regulates what the food companies refer to as a serving size.
    That's where the 100 gram serving size nutrition standards are "more helpful" if they have to present as if you were having 100 grams instead of 28 grams 3.6 servings 1.8 grams of fat.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Looking at a box of cookies last night, one servicing size was 7 1/2 cookies...little, itty, bitty cookies (think animal cracker size). Who would just eat 1/2 a cookie.

    Cereal is the one I can't do. I was one of those growing up that would use an old butter tub for a cereal bowl. 1 little cup as a serving size...can't do it.

    YUP Cereal is a *kitten*! One cup! ONE! One freakin cup is supposed to do the trick?! NO! I REFUSE! Must..have..two..or..more..

    I have a cup of Kashi Go Lean almost every day. I add fruit to it, either about 10 blackberries a good handful of blue berries. 6-8 strawberries or maybe a half banana. IT's the 4oz of milk you are supposed to have with it that is just too small. I have 6oz...
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    I know, right? You'd leave one lonely Poptart and no one wants that. :<

    I tried the other morning I was like 'I'm already cheating and eating a poptar which i sbad for me' then I just stared at the other one and justified eating it by going 'well it's going to go stale and I don't have any ziplock bags so I HAVE to eat it or I'm a horrible person'...and thus both poptarts end up in my belly.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    1/4c of granola.

    Are you kidding me? Is this serving size for a hamster?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Worst thing I came across were vegetarian meatballs. I figured 38 Kcal for a serving was ok.
    Wasn't until I got home and looked at the back that I noticed 1 serving was 1 meatball. And the packet has 12 of the suckers. And you can't store it for more than a day or two once it's opened.
    Like, wtf?
    And who only eats 1 meatball anyway?

    I did once. Granted, it was the size of a softball, and I didn't finish it, but it was only *1*.