Abercrombie and Fitch CEO "hates fat chicks"



  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    There are many many many companies that do this... they just don't advertise it.... WHY do you think Lululemon only goes to size 12??
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.

    You just equated imprisoning criminals to mocking someone's personal appearance for a shallow remark that he made. Its not making him bulletproof, its holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Boycott his business, that's way more of a stance than attacking his personal appearance which sometimes people have no control over.

    You have got to be kidding me. I did not equate the two at all. There was no point where I said that shallow people who mock someone's personal appearance should be treated like criminals. All I was doing was showing that not all asymmetrical situations are born from hypocrisy by means of analogy. I can't for the life of me imagine how you could not have gotten that.

    You haven't achieved some higher standard simply because you choose not to point out this *kitten* for being a hypocrite. I agree that boycotting his business is a more powerful stance and I do. That doesn't mean we shouldn't call a duck and duck. Before you get confused I am not actually calling the CEO a duck.
    Oh, bless her heart. Your words are too big. It confuses people.

    You're right, I'm a moron...

  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    The irony is that all of this outrage seems to be coming from Lane Bryant customers. If only Casual Male XL would sell smaller jeans in my size. *feign outrage*

    I know, it must be so hard to have dozens of clothing stores with CUTE clothes to shop at for every one plus size store you want to shop at.

    Besides, most "trendy' plus size stores do have 'regular' sized clothes. Torrid is part of hot topic, Forever 21 sells both average and extended sizes, Lane Bryant is the sister company of Fashion Bug. .

    Meh... I kinda find the irony of the CEO's statements hilarious. Mind you, I will never spend a dime in their store even IF/WHEN I can fit in their clothes... they are overpriced and poorly constructed, but anyway... the irony comes when a 68 year old man says that he wants only cool, good-looking people can buy/wear/sell his clothing. I guess that means he can't wear his own clothing brand then, huh.

    ETA: By the way, I don't care if they don't cater to people in the double digit clothing sizes... there are clothing stores that do and plenty of them... hell, I don't care that virtually no store caters (or recognizes) short people either, where even "short" lengths are too long, that's what a tailor is for.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member

    a picture is worth a thousand words. If my kid wanted to model for this guy, i'd draw the line. seriously.

    it appears that he has had quite a few failed plastic surgery attempts. Yet he only hires attractive people to work in his stores
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    i don't understand how this is such a big deal just because he finally said it... have you never been in a A&F store? it's obvious they hate bigger people...
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.

    You just equated imprisoning criminals to mocking someone's personal appearance for a shallow remark that he made. Its not making him bulletproof, its holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Boycott his business, that's way more of a stance than attacking his personal appearance which sometimes people have no control over.

    You have got to be kidding me. I did not equate the two at all. There was no point where I said that shallow people who mock someone's personal appearance should be treated like criminals. All I was doing was showing that not all asymmetrical situations are born from hypocrisy by means of analogy. I can't for the life of me imagine how you could not have gotten that.

    You haven't achieved some higher standard simply because you choose not to point out this *kitten* for being a hypocrite. I agree that boycotting his business is a more powerful stance and I do. That doesn't mean we shouldn't call a duck and duck. Before you get confused I am not actually calling the CEO a duck.
    Oh, bless her heart. Your words are too big. It confuses people.

    You're right, I'm a moron...

    Hey, you said it.

    His point was very well worded, and you misconstrued what he was saying. It was just some friendly teasing because of that. No need to get so defensive.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    My 13.5 year old is seriously sad I will not allow her to shop there anymore. But I will not support an organization that is ran by an dumb@SS like him!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    This is Mark Jefferies...clearly he was NOT part of the cool kids, and is trying way to hard to be one. Sorry buddy, your time has passed.


    Wow, he looks as if Dr. Frankenstein did his cosmetic surgery......becuse operated he is....jejeje
  • sassygamma
    sassygamma Posts: 84 Member
    he can suck big monkey balls, when im thin, i will never wear his cloths.....
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.

    You just equated imprisoning criminals to mocking someone's personal appearance for a shallow remark that he made. Its not making him bulletproof, its holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Boycott his business, that's way more of a stance than attacking his personal appearance which sometimes people have no control over.

    You have got to be kidding me. I did not equate the two at all. There was no point where I said that shallow people who mock someone's personal appearance should be treated like criminals. All I was doing was showing that not all asymmetrical situations are born from hypocrisy by means of analogy. I can't for the life of me imagine how you could not have gotten that.

    You haven't achieved some higher standard simply because you choose not to point out this *kitten* for being a hypocrite. I agree that boycotting his business is a more powerful stance and I do. That doesn't mean we shouldn't call a duck and duck. Before you get confused I am not actually calling the CEO a duck.
    Oh, bless her heart. Your words are too big. It confuses people.

    You're right, I'm a moron...

    Hey, you said it.

    His point was very well worded, and you misconstrued what he was saying. It was just some friendly teasing because of that. No need to get so defensive.

    You insulted my intelligence and understanding of average vocabulary, how is that not offensive?
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I walk a wide circle around that store in the mall because the stench is enough to incapacitate an elephant. I don't know how the skinny kids who shop and work there can do so without gas masks.

    The smell is obnoxious! I read the article but I still like some of their women's clothing. When I was super skinny I wore them a lot. Now my shoulders bust out of everything. If I get bigger sizes to fit them, it looks like maternity wear.

    Agreed it's awful.

    I for one, don't are to spend $70 on jeans that are ripped to *kitten*. The shirt fabric is so flimsy, and of course sizes run small and pants run long. So unless you're 5'10 and 100lbs, shop elsewhere.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.

    You just equated imprisoning criminals to mocking someone's personal appearance for a shallow remark that he made. Its not making him bulletproof, its holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Boycott his business, that's way more of a stance than attacking his personal appearance which sometimes people have no control over.

    You have got to be kidding me. I did not equate the two at all. There was no point where I said that shallow people who mock someone's personal appearance should be treated like criminals. All I was doing was showing that not all asymmetrical situations are born from hypocrisy by means of analogy. I can't for the life of me imagine how you could not have gotten that.

    You haven't achieved some higher standard simply because you choose not to point out this *kitten* for being a hypocrite. I agree that boycotting his business is a more powerful stance and I do. That doesn't mean we shouldn't call a duck and duck. Before you get confused I am not actually calling the CEO a duck.
    Oh, bless her heart. Your words are too big. It confuses people.

    You're right, I'm a moron...

    Hey, you said it.

    His point was very well worded, and you misconstrued what he was saying. It was just some friendly teasing because of that. No need to get so defensive.

    You insulted my intelligence and understanding of average vocabulary, how is that not offensive?
    I just explained how... Because you misunderstood something so I made a joke about that. As I just said, it was friendly teasing. I have nothing against you; I don't even know you.

    Furthermore, I never said you were stupid. I said that his well worded response confuses people which could be the reason behind your misunderstanding of what he was saying.
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Who cares? I mean do you really care? I sure as he!! don't. I haven't bought, won't buy, and my kids (targeted age of A&F) cannot stand those that wear the clothes because of this (and other) viewpoints.

    It's the same argument that was had for Hooters. Until people realize(d) that their food is not that great, the coverage gives them free advertising.

    A&F - clothes are poorly constructed...and the image of the people buying/wearing them is such a small % that its not worth it to fall into their trap for coverage - advertising - sales.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    it's a marketing strategy, annoy people and they talk about you more, and more people become aware of your brand. I had barely noticed the existence of aberzombie and filch before reading this thread about this controversy

    if he's really astute at marketing, he'll also have lots of investment in plus size clothing stores which will then launch a counter attack marketing strategy, i.e. appealing to all the "fat chicks" that he greatly upset, and set them up in some unofficial fat v skinny war via social media, and profit from the clothes sales from both sides.

    Yes I'm very cynical. But all of this is about money and trying to drum up sales, that is it.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    it's a marketing strategy, annoy people and they talk about you more, and more people become aware of your brand. I had barely noticed the existence of aberzombie and filch before reading this thread about this controversy

    if he's really astute at marketing, he'll also have lots of investment in plus size clothing stores which will then launch a counter attack marketing strategy, i.e. appealing to all the "fat chicks" that he greatly upset, and set them up in some unofficial fat v skinny war via social media, and profit from the clothes sales from both sides.

    Yes I'm very cynical. But all of this is about money and trying to drum up sales, that is it.

    I think you are right! I had also never given this company a second thought until hearing all of this. And everyone was talking about the small sizes and for a brief second I wondered if they might have bikinis that would fit me. Not that I actually plan on shopping there now (I would need to drive to the states anyway). But, now I know more about the existence of this company than I did before.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    As a fat chick, I don't give a rats *kitten*. He is entitled to his preferences. Why do people think that they are the only one who is allowed to have an opinion? Get over it.

    Just like this OP and everyone else is entitled to their oppinion and are allowed to verbalize that. People definitely need to know about his ignorant opinion, so it can hit him where it hurts...in his bottom line. It amazes me that people buy that stuff anyway. If you don't care that's fine, get over it.