Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Katlyn! I've heard a lot of people have great success with the 30 Day shred. I hope you do to.

    Barbie - Hang in there with the knee. Don't rush it. It will take time. PS: I'm still a Yankee fan.

    Choco- When the Yanks aren't playing, Boston is next in line. lol I grew up halfway between both cities and we got both sets of home games.

    I did an hour on the stationary bike trying to sprint every minute or so. Try as I may I've not been able to get to the Tuesday Spining class yet.

    This weekend we are going to Carlsbad Caverns and we should get to see the bats! Not much to do there besides the Caverns, but there will be a lot of hard walking and hotel pool.


  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy hump day! As everyone is aware I've been working from home for the past 6 weeks and yesterday right in the middle of my morning snack I got blindsided by my supervisor. She called me on my agency cell phone and informed me that I had been requested to assist another unit with an assignment that was going to require me to work out in the field for th next week. While I was thrilled that other supervisor's recognize my hard work and want me as part of their team I was not mentally prepared to head back into the field just yet. I had an hour to get my things together and head out of the door. Here's were being organized really came in handy. Since I was already showered and my clothes are ironed for the week it didn't take much for me to throw my lunch and afternoon snack together and get out the door.

    So, today I had to get up at 5 am in order to get the workout in, eat breakfast, shower and head out the door. Today is week 12, day 3 of the P90X program which means it's a shoulders and arms day. Since I worked my arms on Monday completing all the push-ups that are apart of the chest and back routine and I worked them yesterday b/c of Billy Blanks total body cardio bootcamp my arms were already sore but I was still able to bring it. I felt really good after today's workout.

    Jam: You know there's a hate/hate relationship btwn the Yanks and Red Sox fans....LOL

    Katlynx: Thank for the support. It did feel really good to be able to rock out so many push ups.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am very excited to report that my knee did well on a walk with my friend on the Discovery Trail.....we walked a little slower than usual and for a little more than an hour instead of our usual two hours and I have ice on my knee now as a precaution, but things are looking up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been checking in every day. It's been busy here (as usual! lol).

    Allibaba, glad you had a good picnic lunch over the weekend, that sounds fun. Sorry you didn't lose, but I'm sure you are right that it's because it's that TOM. I hate that time! Good luck losing this week and getting your BMI down! What is the 200 situp challenge?

    Barbie, yup the sodium is a killer! I'm sure you'll get back to normal within the week if you are eating well. I'm so glad that your knee felt good during a walk on the Discovery Trail! That is great news. :-)

    katlyn, the 30 day shred sounds so interesting, I am hearing of so many people trying it that I may try it myself! A friend of mine has the DVD so I think I may borrow it from her.

    JAM, great job for an hour on the bike! That's a great workout. Have fun at the caverns! I think seeing the bats sounds like so much fun.

    choco, how exciting that your hard work is being recognized! Awesome that you are so well organized and were able to get up and go. That is dedicating getting up at 5am to get your wokrout in!

    I have to shamefully admit that I haven't gotten in one single good workout this week. I went on a mini walk on Monday but it was a wash. I usually walk for 2 miles but I barely made it a half mile. Without my friend's kids along for the walk my son just cried and tried to get out of the stroller the whole time. I had to strap him in (almost never need to do that) and I couldn't handle the screaming so we just went around the block. I suspect my son is going through a growth spurt because he's 1) super hungry 2) super tired and 3) super needy! Yesterday was better than the last couple days though. I have to stay on top of him all day long making sure he's got enough food in him or he has what I swear is a low blood sugar meltdown.

    Today I'm taking the kids to the park this afternoon with my friend, so while that's not technically a 'workout' I'll be very active. I'm looking forward to next week when I can borrow my friend's little girl in the morning again and get back on the treadmill. Oh, and tonight is a pizza party at a friend's house so wish me luck! I plan on only having 1 piece of pizza but I know that the calories and sodium are going to kill me unless I'm good for breakfast and lunch.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Jam: You know there's a hate/hate relationship btwn the Yanks and Red Sox fans....LOL

    Choco - I got to see them play each other once. I wore my Red Sox cap and my Yankee shirt. My friends made it very clear I was on my own protecting myself from being hassled. Getting to my seat was interesting, but after that most people just laughed about it. The Yanks won. I'm glad it was at the old Yankee Stadium. I think it was easier there than it would have been in Boston.

  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi ladies! I am moving up to level 2 today on the 30 day shred, and I'm nervous/excited about the challenge. Level 1 was tough at first but after only 5 days I'm wanting a little bit more, so it must be working! Thanks for all the support and inquiries about it :) I was skeptical but after hearing so many good things I decided to try it and I'm definately loving it, especially since the workouts are only 20 minutes so I can easily do them at the gym after work (I put the videos on my iPod), even after a long day in my cubicle. I usually pair it with about 20 minutes on the elliptical. This afternoon at lunch I made the choice to get a healthy wrap instead of chicken tenders and fries... not an easy decision! I've been eating pretty healthy but I was definately craving some fried food! I can not wait for it to be Friday, my boyfriend is coming to visit for the weekend so hopefully I'll be able to stay on track over the weekend. He's very supportive but is not on a diet, so it is sometimes hard especially if we go out to eat! I'm thinking that we'll drive down to the ocean on Saturday so perhaps being in a bikini will serve as a motivator :smile:

    Choco - I am very impressed that you have stuck with p90x for so long! I have alot of friends at school that started it but barely got past day 3, never mind week 12! wow!

    Barbie - thats great that your knee is doing well! Its good that you're still able to get in some exercise despite it, and I hope it continues to improve!

    Leah - everyone has those days when you can't get in a workout, but I'm sure you get plenty of exercise having a young son! And good luck at your pizza party!!

    Jam - Sounds like you have a great weekend to look foward to. I hope you have fun & that it is good weather for you!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday but work was pure chaos. My team and I had a deadline to meet which meant working late Thursday night and getting in early on Friday.
    I was able to get the workout in prior to heading into the office.

    Yesterday was week 12, day 5 of the P90X program so I completed the leg and back routine.
    I rocked that workout so much I can feel the soreness today, I love the feeling of knowing you rocked out a workout.

    Today is week 12, day 6 of the P90X program which means its a Kenpo X day but since I'm not at home I had to improvise.
    I completed 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and burned over 300 calories so I'm feeling GREAT!

    Katlynx6: Great job w/moving up to level 2 of the Shred. It's amazing what our body will do when we push it and how quickly it adjusts which is why you have to keep it guessing. Thank you for the support re: P90X. I can't believe I stayed w/it for 3 months. It's actually been longer than 3 months b/c I had to redo a few weeks b/c I couldn't complete it in its entirety due to being out of state. I'm considering Chaleane Extreme next.

    Jam: I've never been to a Red Sox vs Yankees game but I have a lot of friends and family from NY so there's always a battle going on.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: congrats to all you high achieving workout champs.......I am still working at half speed but grateful that I am able to do anything at all :bigsmile: today we had an all day meeting with a two hour drive each way so my knee got a rest.....i took a walk at lunchtime but ended up eating the pizza and salad so I'm way over on calories (and sodium)----a temporary detour that will be corrected by my cleanse day tomorrow.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today I recorded a one pound loss that puts me at my goal and I won't be lowering my goal I will concentrate on maintenance, getting my knee healed and adding more upper body workouts
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is week 12 day 7 of the P90X program so I completed 70 minutes of stretching. My body really needed and appreciated today's stretch. My work assignment is due tomorrow by 10 am so I've been working on it the entire weekend and today will be no different.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just checking in to see if we've started an August thread yet. I didn't see it in the recent posts...........................

    Barb - It is so awesome that you are at goal. I hope your knee keeps improving and is back to normal soon.

    Carlsbad was fantastic. We got there Saturday, went to see the bats then went to the caverns on Sunday. The bats were amazing. They look like a dark cloud that reaches out across the horizon forever. They think there are about 250,000 of them. Carlsbad is considered a nursery site for several of the species. The babies stay behind the first year and don't fly out with the colony until their second year. This is the 2nd time I've seen the caverns, but the first time I've seen the bats.

    I was able to stay within my calories, but had to use my exercise calories both days.

  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Happy Monday ladies :wink:
    The weekend was far too short! On Saturday I went to the lake with my boyfriend & spent about 1-2 hours swimming/floating around, so that constituted my exercise for the day. Later that night we went out with friends to a couple bars so I definately consumed some calories there but thats what I get for being newly 21. Sunday was a relatively lazy day but I did complete day 2 level 2 of the 30 day shred, so I did get in some workout. I hopped on the scale this morning and was not happy with what I saw but it's probably to be expected; as much as I hate Mondays it means I'm back on a schedule which helps me with my diet, since I'm not around a stocked refridgerator all day. Today I will be making many trips to the water cooler and drinking as much water as possible! And then this afternoon I will be able to get to the gym to use the elliptical & shred again :smile:

    Barbie - congrats on reaching your goal! that is fantastic news.

    Jam - glad to hear that you had a good weekend, it sounds really fascinating

    Choco - wow a 70 minute stretch much have felt great! I know I should start spending more time stretching, I'm sure my body would appreciate it.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy Monday! Today starts my FINAL week of the P90X program. The last week is a recovery week so I'm going to take it easy. Today Yoga was on the schedule and I'm happy to report that I did complete a yoga routine. I opted for Denise Austin's Yoga burn dvd because it was a lot shorter. My lower back has been bothering me since yesterday so I plan on doing some more stretching before the day is over.

    I can't believe I completed the whole 13 weeks. I know I improvised w/different routines when I got bored but overall I stayed with it and am happy with my results. I don't have numbers report (weight & inches lost) but I can clearly see definition over my entire body especially the back, biceps and quads. I'm really proud of myself and so happy to have found a website that has such supportive people.

    I ordered the Chalean Extreme program today so I'm hoping it will be here by early next week I also hope to improve on the progress I made and lower my body fat %

    Barbie: Congrats on reaching your goal weight. You're dedicated to this lifestyle change so I have no doubt that any goal you set forth you'll reach great job.

    Jam: Glad enjoyed your weekend.

    Katlynx6: Seems like you had a great weekend. I remember being 21 and with all the late night studying while in college and partying and drinking there's no way I could have managed a lifestyle change so kudos to you for starting this journey early. If you continue this route by the time you're my age (37) balancing your workouts and eating along w/your everyday life will be easier. Great job.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hey ladies! So yesterday I did day 3 level 2 of the 30 day shred, and it felt really good to be back in the gym. I also drank a ton of water and was feeling really good. I did get on the scale again this morning (side note: I know I shouldn't weigh everyday - I don't freak out if the scale fluctuates a little, I just use it as a gauge to make sure I stay on track) and was down a pound from yesterday, hopefully taking off some of my weekend lbs! I'm also feeling (i.e. - hoping) that a couple of the pounds I've put back on may be from muscle. The 30 day shred incorporates strength training along with cardio so I'm probably putting on more muscle than when I was doing strictly cardio. Overall I'm feeling more toned and my waistline feels loose today so I'm not going to let the number on the scale dictate how I'm feeling!

    Choco - congrats on completing the whole program! :flowerforyou: I think the fact that you improvised is really good actually, since it kept you interested. what is chalean extreme? I haven't heard of it.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Hi all fit-n-fun sized! I was on this group like forever ago.but got lost in my weight loose life! I am back and ready to loose this weight(again) I am 5' 2.75" according t dr. yesterday(I grew) I weighed in at 191.3...not happy! I have done everything to loose weight but I get tuck and I get frustrated quickly! The Doctor yesterday suggested that I try to change up my meal plan every time I get know go from low carb to low fat to low cal. not allowing my body to settle in to anything! So we will see how this works for me! I have 51.3 lbs to loose so by my next physical I should be at my goal weight!

    Hope everyone has a great week and that it cools down(expected to hit 103 today heat index of the air is not working right!)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Choco, congrats on doing yoga----I know you don't like yoga so doing it was a great accomplishment for have been so faithful to all the hard cardio and upper body workouts that you do.

    :drinker: katlyn, I weigh twice a day every day to keep myself accountable.....that way there are no lets me see the effects of sodium and the gradual downward trend.....I hope there will never be an upward trend but it would alert me to that,too

    :drinker: breezy, welcome's never too late to start again (it took me until I was 63 to get serious, I hope you'll do better than that) helps me to log my food and exercise every day and to check in with my friends on MFP.......I participate in three different threads so I have lots of people to give me good ideas and encouragement

    :drinker: my knee continues to improve and I am resisting the urge to exercise I am going to explore how many upper body exercises I can do with and without hand weights that can be done sitting down.

    :drinker: JAM, I've never been to Carlsbad but it sounds fascinating

    :drinker: we're going to the movies tonight for the first time in ages so I'll be resting my knee but also resisting the million calorie movie popcorn :laugh:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My summer vacation is officially over b/c tomorrow I begin working in the office again. My team and I will report to one of our locations tomorrow and will be there until late fall. Therefore, I will have to begin getting up at 5 am in order to get those workouts in.

    Today is week 13, day 2 of the P90X program which means it's recovery week. I rocked out 40 minutes of Core Cardio & Balance from the Insanity program. This is a full body workout and my upper body always feels it when completing the level 1 drills, walking planks and the shoulder burners.

    Katylnx6: Great job w/getting back into the groove and i'm glad you're liking the 30 day shred. I've never done that program but have other Jillian Michael's workouts that have been great. Chalean Extreme is another beachbody program that focuses on strength training. I've read good things about the program and I was sold when I learned the workouts are not as intense as Insanity and not as long as P90X. I've done both of those programs and while I had great results the intensity and duration sometimes took a toll on my body. I'm looking forward to doing something different.

    Breezy: Welcome back. As Barbie stated, it's never too late to get back in the groove. Hopefully your dr's advice will work. Stay focused.

    Barbie: Enjoy the movie this evening and thank you for the continued support.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am exhausted right now, so this will be brief. It wasn't exercise that wiped me out, but loading my vacation meals into MFP through Sunday! One good thing about going camping on a boat is that all the meals are planned. Each day is planned at about 1200-1300 calories not counting desserts. We will be swimming hours every day and hiking on two of the days.

    The other thing about being on a boat is that all you have is what you packed. There are no vendors around to sell you stuff except when you go to get gas.

    Still, I will watch what I eat that is not planned and I hope to come back a pound lighter.

    Have a great week/weekend everyone and chat with you next week.

  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Jam, I hope you have a wonderful time!!

    Last week was a bit rough since I had a bad cold, but luckilly it came with a low appetite as well. I know it is not good to not eat enough, but I will take what I can get. I made an effort to stay healthy and on Friday my weigh in put me down into the overweight BMI category! I am now aiming to be in the 160s club, I am at 175 now so I am not too far away.

    The weather here has still been staying nice so I have tried to get out as much as I can, this month I am focusing on toning, I am doing the 200 situps challenge and on the off days I am doing the 200 squats challenge. I am also making an effort to get in the pool before the weather turns cold. I am having surgery in a month and a half so I would like to lose another 10 lbs before then. I am headed to disneyworld in 2 months so it would be nice to be 165 when I go, that was a goal I set a while back. I am going to do my best to get there.

    I hope you are all well and healthy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I went to the advanced line dance class today for the first time since I hurt my knee....I danced about two thirds of the class and quit early just to be careful.....later I walked with my friend for over an hour at a slower pace than usual.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Glad you are getting back to normal Barbie!!!

    I am going to start a bootcamp class with a friend on Monday, I am pretty excited and maybe a little scared too, hehehe