Eating breakfast is making me hungrier



  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Only thing that changes metabolism is MOVING!!

    Also false. Eating more and increasing lean body mass increase your metabolic rate.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Only thing that changes metabolism is MOVING!!

    Also false. Eating more and increasing lean body mass increase your metabolic rate.

    Moving is the only thing that increases metabolism in the short term.

    Incerasing muscle mass and upping average caloric consumption can increase it in the long term.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    If you don't eat breakfast, when do you eat pancakes? And bacon? Sounds like a horrible existence. ;-)

    Bacon is welcome at any meal :bigsmile:
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Everything I have read says more little meals seems to let your body release fat - I have no idea if it is true. What I can say is that I am older than most of you - and over the years I have skipped breakfast most of my life. My metabolism is crap and I work hard everyday to try to speed it up with cardio and weight training and the right macros and it is still crap. I am still looking into what else I can do to jumpstart it - but something caused this metabolic nightmare...
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Breakfast does nothing for your metabolism, But it is important to eat in the morning for good brain function. Does not have to be alot. Only thing that changes metabolism is MOVING!!

    Studies show significantly better brain function/learning and productivity amongst those who have breakfast.
    That's why there are now program's in New Zealand to fund breakfast for students from poor communities.
    Increasing protein at breakfast will reduce those earlier hunger pangs. Especially once your body gets used to having breakfast. Oh, and I you don't wake hungry, try reducing your evening consumption or eat dinner earlier.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    The whole 'breakfast is a must' thing is a myth. If you don't want to eat breakfast, then don't eat it :) I usually break my fast at 11am and that schedule works great for me.

    Yup, eat when you're hungry.
    Yesterday I had a huge breakfast (yummy chili), today I had a scoop of protein with my coffee. Listen to your body.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    If you don't eat breakfast, when do you eat pancakes? And bacon? Sounds like a horrible existence. ;-)

    Bacon is welcome at any meal :bigsmile:

    I have eggs and pancakes for dinner at LEAST 2-3 times a week. (Reason #495862 it's awesome being single)
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Breakfast does nothing for your metabolism, But it is important to eat in the morning for good brain function. Does not have to be alot. Only thing that changes metabolism is MOVING!!

    Studies show significantly better brain function/learning and productivity amongst those who have breakfast.
    That's why there are now program's in New Zealand to fund breakfast for students from poor communities.
    Increasing protein at breakfast will reduce those earlier hunger pangs. Especially once your body gets used to having breakfast. Oh, and I you don't wake hungry, try reducing your evening consumption or eat dinner earlier.

    I understand that you are coming from a place of encouragement, and that you know what you are talking about. However, I've tried all of that to make myself be hungry in the morning, and it just doesn't happen. Maybe if I skipped dinner entirely, but then I would just be hungry all night and either break down and eat in the middle of the night or just plain not sleep. That is purely from my experience. I still get up at the same time I did while I was in the military, which is 4:30 am. I don't drink coffee, usually just water and maybe tea, but I don't want to eat then. I'm also definitely at my most focused and productive before noon. I guess what I'm saying is, I get my nutrition. Usually, if you are foggy at any time of day it is because you are not sleeping well or are deficient in nutrients to begin with. Oh, and I'd appear to be a hypocrite if you read my food diary, because I've been eating breakfast lately. I'm just uber pregnant and I am hungry for breakfast at this point, so I eat me some breakfast!
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    I an miserable it I don"t get a small breakfast. And I take it out on everybody! My teenager, however, can"t bear the though of breakfast and my hubby can go either way.

    Everyone is different. Listen to your own body and it will tell you what it needs.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    If you don't eat breakfast, when do you eat pancakes? And bacon? Sounds like a horrible existence. ;-)

    Bacon is welcome at any meal :bigsmile:

    Yes to this :)

    My current favorite meal is bacon with banana/egg pancakes-great for any time of day :D
  • kyyliejohnson
    kyyliejohnson Posts: 8 Member
    I have had the same problem. I would wake up every morning and eat a good healthy breakfast like I have been told to, even though I wasn't hungry. I found myself eating throughout the whole day. And badly too! I started to not eat breakfast. I got up and went to the gym instead! Then I'd come home in time to eat lunch. It allows for more calories if I did want to eat all through the day, which was my idea, but I find myself actually eating better!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I agree with most of the posters. Eat what you want when you want. I like to have a late breakfast for me at 8:30 or 9 am (I get up at 4 am) and I like to have 5 or 6 mini-meals during the day rather than 3 "normal" meals, including one just before I go to bed. This works great for me as I manage to never be really hungry. I get hungry about 3 hours after a meal, any meal, whether it was a 1200 calorie one or a 200 calorie. This works for me.

    My little brother has, since he was quite small, wants to eat a huge meal when he wants to eat and then goes for hours even 24 hours, not hungry or interested in eating at all. This works for him and he is healthy and fit.

    I don't care what the "studies" say. I'm doing great with what I'm doing now and would do no differently. No fasting for me! On the other hand I would never tell my brother to eat like I do because it's better or healthier. It's not, for him.
  • wrentrotter
    wrentrotter Posts: 36

    Studies show significantly better brain function/learning and productivity amongst those who have breakfast.
    That's why there are now program's in New Zealand to fund breakfast for students from poor communities.
    Increasing protein at breakfast will reduce those earlier hunger pangs. Especially once your body gets used to having breakfast. Oh, and I you don't wake hungry, try reducing your evening consumption or eat dinner earlier.

    There are also studies that show the complete opposite.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Breakfast does nothing for your metabolism, But it is important to eat in the morning for good brain function. Does not have to be alot. Only thing that changes metabolism is MOVING!!

    Studies show significantly better brain function/learning and productivity amongst those who have breakfast.
    That's why there are now program's in New Zealand to fund breakfast for students from poor communities.
    Increasing protein at breakfast will reduce those earlier hunger pangs. Especially once your body gets used to having breakfast. Oh, and I you don't wake hungry, try reducing your evening consumption or eat dinner earlier.

    Do you have a link to the study? I'm going go go out on an limb and assume that the research was funded by some company who has a financial gain in the breakfast market. I could be completely wrong of course but I'm just more interested in seeing what they found. :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    People lose weight in a variety of ways, and every one has a montage of anecdotes and "studies" supporting.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    As to the "must have breakfast" study. Yes, I think that if you are a kid who had very little to eat at night, or just junk food, and then had no breakfast, then I bet it would be very difficult to concentrate on schoolwork until you got something to eat. Generalizing that to the entire population is a bit of a stretch.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I have breakfast everyday, mid morning piece of fruit, lunch, more fruit mid afternoon and a good dinner in the evening. I wake hungry so need to eat before work.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I have to eat breakfast now because I workout in the morning and Im starving afterwards. I changed what I was eating and I seem to be able to go to lunchtime without snacking.
  • dippsydoodle
    I haven't chowed down on breakfast for years. I do have a glass of soy milk however. I practise intermittent fasting, and find that if I listen to my body, and not the clock, that I eat less. I also find that, if I stop eating after 6pm, I also loose weight in the long run. Surprisingly, if my last meal was at 6pm, I often don't feel hungry when I awaken at 7am. I think that is very weird, but it seems to work for me.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Yeah I am ravenous the whole day and cant stop thinking about food even when eating at TDEE. Who knows, maybe it's a psychological thing. I'm sure technically, it's supposed to work for people, but some people are different. In my case I am a LOT less stressed and better able to handle life in general when I skip breakfast. Is it healthy? If you are eating enough and balancing your meals so you don't have too much sugar at once and you're getting good protein and fiber for lunch and supper, there's no reason why you should eat breakfast just because the TV and the general populous says you have to.

    The hunger *could* be your metabolism firing up earlier in the day, which is a good thing. But if you know eating breakfast makes you tend to overeat the rest of the day like I do, I'd say just have coffee, without sugar, and with some sort of dairy free milk that has a little protein, like almond milk, and get enough nutrition and vitamins later in the day to make up for it. Don't feel weird just because you have to do things differently, it's good you discovered the connection between breakfast and hunger, some people never even try to understand the 'why's' of their hunger cues! :)