Bad things that have happened since I starting losing weight



  • diva_kate
    diva_kate Posts: 54 Member
    1. I can no longer blame acting like a b**** on my clinical depression since I naturally have a sunnier disposition.
    2. My exercise bike's pedals are squeaking because I use them so much. Very noisy.
    3. I don't burn my lovely, expensive scented candles as much anymore because I'm too busy exercising or being outside instead of sitting on my butt all day.
    4. My husband, whose chore it is to take out the trash, has to make more trips to the compost bin because we're eating a lot more fruits and veggies.
    5. Poor Campbell's soup! I no longer buy their cream-of-whatever-crap soup to make fattening recipes anymore. Same goes for Pillsbury and their pizza crusts in a can.
    6. I now eat weird things like quinoa, chia seeds, hormone-free milk, and organic fruits and veggies because I actually care about what goes in my body.
    7. Olive Garden breadsticks taste like CRAP now! They are soooooo not worth their caloric content.
    8. And worst of all, my daughter will have to suffer the embarrassment of having a MILF.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    1: I was told by an Aunt that I needed to *stop* losing weight because I was too skinny! (yet I'm back where I started? o.0)
    2: My boyfriend complimented me on the six-pack I was forming (which I think he's kinda jealous of)
    3: I think my boyfriend might be jealous of my (developing, before falling off the bandwagon) six-pack
    4: The lovely skirts I bought over the winter keep getting looser on me
    5: Its harder for me to stay warm
    6: Which sometimes makes it harder to sleep at night.
    7: I feel bad when circumstances force me to find foods at Dollar General or worse, fast-food places.
    8: I wonder if I really should be eating that slice of my favorite cheesecake
    9: I felt guilty buying that last box of s'more pop-tarts
    10: Which just didn't taste as yummy as they used to, even toasted.

    #?: When I make my short-term goal and then my long-term goal for fitness I'll have to go through my wardrobe!

    I also bought some Poptarts the Cupcake flavored ones & realized I didn't care for them as much as I used too.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member

    8. And worst of all, my daughter will have to suffer the embarrassment of having a MILF.

    Lol! This gave me a little giggle
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    1) No longer have to worry about sitting at a both at a restaurant.
    2) Not afraid to sit in those plastic or folding lawn chairs.
    3) Don't have to pay that $2 extra charge on bigger clothes.

    oooohhhh... I hate paying extra for clothes..
  • haha the soap one was my favorite, The only downside I have found is it looks like someone let the air out of boobs, they are a little sadder these days.... my butt however is a little higher so I will take it!
  • Hollyhobby22
    Hollyhobby22 Posts: 114 Member
    I cant stop checking myself out and thinking wow i look good!
  • sakassab
    sakassab Posts: 34 Member
    I can't date guys who are into BBWs...
    And I get mistaken for my (petite) sister a lot more often.
    I get cat called and hit on more often.

    :( Life is tough.

    I'm veryyy sorry to hear about your misfortune! how do you handle just hardships? :P
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Hahaha, I love this!

    1. I lost my pants at work because I was too cheap to shop for more clothes.
    2. I decided to buy dresses thinking I'd get more use out of them than pants, and now I look like a girly girl (HURL)
    3. I've gotten tired of explaining "how I'm losing the weight".
    4. I'm getting groped by coworkers grabbing my ribs, waist, and hips while exclaiming, "You are shrinking!!!"
    5. A female coworker spanked me on the *kitten* and said, "Damn, your *kitten* is looking smaller."
    6. I liked getting spanked by a girl
    7. My food is rotting and I keep throwing it out, because I can't eat it fast enough

    HYSTERICAL !!! :)
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114

    2. I decided to buy dresses thinking I'd get more use out of them than pants, and now I look like a girly girl (HURL)

    OMG, it's not just me! I was so sick of (and broke from) buying new clothes for work every 2 months that I bought a bunch of skirts and dresses that I'm hoping will last me the summer... but it is SO WEIRD to have a friend comment on "all my cute skirts and dresses" and have people tell me "you look beautiful today". I'm SO used to being invisible in dark slacks and a dark top!
  • zephryne
    zephryne Posts: 1 Member
    1. I didn't recognize myself in the gym mirror the other day during my workout.
    2. My hubby had to do a double take to recognize me at a wedding that we arrived separately to (he was in the wedding and I didn't want to sit around for 3 hours while they did pictures)
    3. A coworker threatened to take me to the thrift store to buy me clothes that fit - everything looked like potato sacks on me.
    4. I got nasty looks at the gym when I showed up on crutches in a knee brace 3 weeks after surgery... apparently I was crazy or something.
    5. Clothes shopping takes far too much time and is overwhelming with all the options.
    6. I am apparently in denial when I do go shopping, because it takes at least 3 trips to the fitting room with progressively smaller sizes to find what actually fits now...
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    This thread is hilarious and I love it!

    Here's my list...

    1. I have to buy all new clothes every 2-3 months, it is getting super expensive! Serves me right for giving up on ever losing weight, 3 years ago, and donating all my "skinny" clothes when we moved!
    2. BRAS. OMG. I have already had to donate 8 or 9 really expensive bras because they don't fit anymore, and now my band size is so small (and cup size so huge) it's really hard to find bras that fit right!
    3. Cold, cold, cold. I used to be totally comfy at 48F in a tshirt, but this morning I was shivering at that temp in a 1/2 sleeve cardigan! Winter is gonna be tough...
    4. My wedding band is so big it spins on my finger! My engagement band is smaller & keeps the wedding band on, but soon it will be too big too!
    5. My formerly favorite foods, fried chicken and other fried/greasy things, are wayyyy too greasy now and make me sick.
    6. I look less & less like my driver's license photo and work ID photo every day... scared people will think it's a fake!
    7. People willingly sit next to me on the bus even if other seats are open. They used to always sit by thinner people to have more room, but I'm thin enough now that I don't scare them off with how much space I use up.
    8. I can't float as mindlessly in water anymore and soon I'll actually have to tread water like my husband does!
    9. I am getting close to as thin as my "thin" friends and might get thinner than them, which makes me feel super super guilty :( however some of them have started working out because I've inspired them, which is awesome!
    10. I have SO much less free time now, because I spend so much time working out and going to yoga classes. I miss my hobbies!

    oh and 11. shopping takes SO much longer because I can wear "normal" sizes now, and the selection is 3-4 times the size of the plus size selection. And suddenly there are about 10x more stores I can even walk into because they actually carry a size I can wear!
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Not knowing which size to wear because of the weight I lost from my pregnancy. I'm anywhere from a size 7-11 depending on the piece of clothing. I feel so odd not knowing which size to get.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i got men crawling all over me, all the time.
  • JaysonMS
    JaysonMS Posts: 2
  • JaysonMS
    JaysonMS Posts: 2
    Gaining weight here

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  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    My list:

    1) Spending a small FORTUNE on reusable plastic containers for my lunch.
    2) Spending more for laundry detergent (now wearing TWO sets of clothes per day - work clothes + gym clothes)
    3) Spending more on dishwashing detergent.....since I'm cooking more at home. Lots and lots of dishes to wash now.
    4) Foregoing new work clothes in favor of cuter WORKOUT clothes.
    5) Making time in my weekend schedule to a) make a menu and grocery list and b) grocery shopping.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    My list:

    1) Spending a small FORTUNE on reusable plastic containers for my lunch.

    Thanks for reminding me, I need to buy more containers!!!!!!!!
  • BruffStuff
    BruffStuff Posts: 9 Member
    1. A genuine bad thing ... my chebs have shrunk! *shove socks in the bra* ok ready to go out now!
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    i have to sit on the hump in the back seat cuz i'm "the small one".
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Id rather not view any of it negatively.
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