STOP Under-Eating Folks!!



  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I know a lot of people are already saying this but seriously.
    1200 calories is fine for a lot of people.
    I am 4'11" and weigh 104.4lbs (as of this morning). I eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. I am VERY sedentary, I only workout in the evening. When I eat over 1200, my weight goes up, every time, no fail.

    The people who are "starving" on 1200 calories are not eating the correct foods. I can eat a lunch of just 200 calories and be STUFFED! Different foods are going to fill you up differently.

    It's more about what you are eating rather than how much.

    True ~ here's an example of a typical lunch I eat (292 calories) ~ very filling and tasty too ;)

    Cabbage - Cole Slaw Mix, Plain, 2 cups 27 calories
    Egg - One Egg Over Easy With Pam, 1 egg large 70 calories
    Perdue - Ground Chicken Burger Pattie, 4 ounces (112g) 160 calories
    Victoria - Marsala Sauce, 1/4 cup 35 calories
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I know a lot of people are already saying this but seriously.
    1200 calories is fine for a lot of people.
    I am 4'11" and weigh 104.4lbs (as of this morning). I eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. I am VERY sedentary, I only workout in the evening. When I eat over 1200, my weight goes up, every time, no fail.

    The people who are "starving" on 1200 calories are not eating the correct foods. I can eat a lunch of just 200 calories and be STUFFED! Different foods are going to fill you up differently.

    It's more about what you are eating rather than how much.

    True ~ here's an example of a typical lunch I eat (292 calories) ~ very filling and tasty too ;)

    Cabbage - Cole Slaw Mix, Plain, 2 cups 27 calories
    Egg - One Egg Over Easy With Pam, 1 egg large 70 calories
    Perdue - Ground Chicken Burger Pattie, 4 ounces (112g) 160 calories
    Victoria - Marsala Sauce, 1/4 cup 35 calories

    It's not about what foods you eat ladies, it's about the amount of calories you burn from your lifestyle and activity compared to how many you are putting into your body. The type of calorie makes no difference when it comes to having enough calories to burn for your daily activity.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the minute I saw starvation mode I stopped reading...

    this is either troll thread, idiotic, or both...

    i also don't do well with people trying to tell me what to do ..

    also if my TDEE is 1700 and a 500 deficit is 1200 then 1200 is right for that particular person....
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I know a lot of people are already saying this but seriously.
    1200 calories is fine for a lot of people.
    I am 4'11" and weigh 104.4lbs (as of this morning). I eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. I am VERY sedentary, I only workout in the evening. When I eat over 1200, my weight goes up, every time, no fail.

    The people who are "starving" on 1200 calories are not eating the correct foods. I can eat a lunch of just 200 calories and be STUFFED! Different foods are going to fill you up differently.

    It's more about what you are eating rather than how much.

    True ~ here's an example of a typical lunch I eat (292 calories) ~ very filling and tasty too ;)

    Cabbage - Cole Slaw Mix, Plain, 2 cups 27 calories
    Egg - One Egg Over Easy With Pam, 1 egg large 70 calories
    Perdue - Ground Chicken Burger Pattie, 4 ounces (112g) 160 calories
    Victoria - Marsala Sauce, 1/4 cup 35 calories
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Your post makes a lot of sense

    prepare to have hangry people yell at you over it.

    ^^^ this!

    I don't understand why people are so quick to defend 1200 calorie diets against the advice "you know, the vast majority of people can eat more than that and still lose weight, and lose it more easily without the risk of bingeing, and actually maintain their goal weight more easily when they get there". but they are. maybe they enjoy self-deprivation.

    a small minority of people, e.g. short, small framed, sedentary older women, will find that 1200 cals/day is the right amount to lose on, because their TDEE may be very low. But it worries me when 20 somethings who are doing loads of exercise are eating only 1200 cals/day

    im short and small framed but i workout a lot im in my 20s and i eat 12-14 a day and im not hungry so i dunno why you feel like everyone needs to eat more then that and i dont binge if i want something i eat it i just eat a smaller portion of it!

    I eat 2500 a day and I still think the original post is BS ....
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I know a lot of people are already saying this but seriously.
    1200 calories is fine for a lot of people.
    I am 4'11" and weigh 104.4lbs (as of this morning). I eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. I am VERY sedentary, I only workout in the evening. When I eat over 1200, my weight goes up, every time, no fail.

    The people who are "starving" on 1200 calories are not eating the correct foods. I can eat a lunch of just 200 calories and be STUFFED! Different foods are going to fill you up differently.

    It's more about what you are eating rather than how much.

    True ~ here's an example of a typical lunch I eat (292 calories) ~ very filling and tasty too ;)

    Cabbage - Cole Slaw Mix, Plain, 2 cups 27 calories
    Egg - One Egg Over Easy With Pam, 1 egg large 70 calories
    Perdue - Ground Chicken Burger Pattie, 4 ounces (112g) 160 calories
    Victoria - Marsala Sauce, 1/4 cup 35 calories

    It's not about what foods you eat ladies, it's about the amount of calories you burn from your lifestyle and activity compared to how many you are putting into your body. The type of calorie makes no difference when it comes to having enough calories to burn for your daily activity.

    Yes, and I totally agree your point is great info for this forum.

    Though I did notice the poster I responded to explained she is quite petite and is "VERY sedentary". Similar for me ~ I am short and fairly sedentary. So less calories can work fine for those like us. And I think it's important to share this info too.

    But YES I totally agree 1200 calories/day probably would not be optimum for those with a more active lifestyle, etc.
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    ^^this! To the OP, go you.. I didn't read any kind of tone in your post. Congratulations on your success. And may you continue to have much success!
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    I never eat Folks, so maybe that's why I'm not losing? I do say, however, I don't think cannibalism is kosher, let alone legal.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Like I always say... If there was a thing as starvation mode then anorexia wouldn't be a problem ... Obviously you lose weight if you just don't eat. NO it's not healthy just a fact.

    I've been saying that too. I swear they try to scare people into doing what they want.
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    Yeah? And what about us who's calories are automatically set at 1200 or in my case 1250 bc of my height and weight and how much I need to lose?? Did you not take this into account? I can easily eat 1800 cals and still be under because I love to workout. If someone is consistently eating only like 1000-900 cals then call them out on it..not those of us who know what the f*** we're doing.

    Done rant :grumble:
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    You see a lot of posts on it because everyone who is new here sets themselves a 2lb per week loss on the site, sets themselves at sedentary and then gets given a 1200 calorie goal. Then they post on here when it doesn't work or they are starving because they can't follow 1200 cals as it's too little or they are denying their body by only eating 1200 cals and therefore not losing anyway.

    Almost every time I log on here I see posts on it, people just don't know any better and the whole point of these forums it to educate people. Whilst your post is helpful, you are coming across a little like everyone should know this and not very understanding about it.

    Finally, there is a select % who DO need to 1200 cals per day to lose, it's just a minority.

    18 pounds down in two months with the above settings. I beg to differ that it isn't working. By the way, it's not just how many calories you eat but what you eat.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    One thing I've learned also is that the starvation mode thing is a myth, but depends on who you ask or what you read.

    I agree!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Why would you assume that if you eat 1200 calories you are starving your self. If you eat healthy then your food would have less calories!!! I rarely go over 1200 and i am always full!!! You cant speak for everyone!! And I do not believe in the starvation mode!!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    One thing I've learned also is that the starvation mode thing is a myth, but depends on who you ask or what you read.

    this and i dont believe in force feeding myself when i am full :flowerforyou: but i also dont support those crazy 500 cal diets that will never last eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full thats what i am trying to learn so i can keep that up for the rest of my life without having to log every bite i take

    I agree!!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You see a lot of posts on it because everyone who is new here sets themselves a 2lb per week loss on the site, sets themselves at sedentary and then gets given a 1200 calorie goal. Then they post on here when it doesn't work or they are starving because they can't follow 1200 cals as it's too little or they are denying their body by only eating 1200 cals and therefore not losing anyway.

    Almost every time I log on here I see posts on it, people just don't know any better and the whole point of these forums it to educate people. Whilst your post is helpful, you are coming across a little like everyone should know this and not very understanding about it.

    Finally, there is a select % who DO need to 1200 cals per day to lose, it's just a minority.

    18 pounds down in two months with the above settings. I beg to differ that it isn't working. By the way, it's not just how many calories you eat but what you eat.

    I lost 7lbs this way when I first joined. But then I stalled, had to up my calories and hit a plateau whilst my body settled into a new way of eating. I was also starving ALL. THE. TIME.

    And I am well aware that it's what you eat as well as how many calories you eat, I do not even count now but maintain and continue to improve my form through eating what I know to be good for my body. I don't think in my post I stated anywhere that you can eat whatever the hell you want?

    Edit: If you are referring to my other post, you've taken what I said out of context. For the sake of calories in vs. calories out, a calorie is a calorie.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    You see a lot of posts on it because everyone who is new here sets themselves a 2lb per week loss on the site, sets themselves at sedentary and then gets given a 1200 calorie goal. Then they post on here when it doesn't work or they are starving because they can't follow 1200 cals as it's too little or they are denying their body by only eating 1200 cals and therefore not losing anyway.

    Almost every time I log on here I see posts on it, people just don't know any better and the whole point of these forums it to educate people. Whilst your post is helpful, you are coming across a little like everyone should know this and not very understanding about it.

    Finally, there is a select % who DO need to 1200 cals per day to lose, it's just a minority.

    18 pounds down in two months with the above settings. I beg to differ that it isn't working. By the way, it's not just how many calories you eat but what you eat.

    I lost 7lbs this way when I first joined. But then I stalled, had to up my calories and hit a plateau whilst my body settled into a new way of eating. I was also starving ALL. THE. TIME.

    I haven't plateaued, and don't expect to. I am never hungry. If I'm hungry, I have something to eat. I plan my days so I can have healthy food available to me when I'm going to be hungry--and a back up just in case. Being hungry is an invitation to either binge or eat crap food, neither of which is good.
    And I am well aware that it's what you eat as well as how many calories you eat, I do not even count now but maintain and continue to improve my form through eating what I know to be good for my body. I don't think in my post I stated anywhere that you can eat whatever the hell you want?

    Edit: If you are referring to my other post, you've taken what I said out of context. For the sake of calories in vs. calories out, a calorie is a calorie.

    I agree with you. Allow me to clarify. If a person on maintenance at 1600 calories eats lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains daily, they won't be hungry and they'll maintain the weight. If they eat 1600 calories of Mc Fries every day, they'll starve--and possibly gain weight due to all of the gross fat.
  • rose_gian
    rose_gian Posts: 43
    Your post makes a lot of sense

    prepare to have hangry people yell at you over it.

    Hangry, nice!
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I personally believe you should fully eat folks. If you're gonna be a cannibal, might as well go all the way.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Your post makes a lot of sense

    prepare to have hangry people yell at you over it.

    Hangry, nice!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah look at all the hangry people..... ahhhhhhhhhhh look at all the hangry people.....

    All the hangry people, where do they all come from?

    All the hangry people, where do they all belong?