Serious Question for MILFS (pics)



  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Sometimes use them on my 2yr old as he will run off as fast as he can and Il be pushing the baby and cant just let go and run after him. I have the reins on him but have a lose grip so he doesnt feel like his tied up and he doesnt mind them at all. I prefer him to wear them as then I know he cant run away in the blink of an eye!
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Never. But that's just my opinion.

    This. I have two children, now 15 and 10. I never "harnessed" them or put them on a leash. I held their hands or put them in a stroller or a cart. My honest opinion? It's dehumanizing and lazy. And, I'm not trying to offend, I'm just giving you an opinion...something we all have and which was asked for by the OP.
    I so agree with the lazy part...when we were raising our children(25 and 21) they were available but we chose not to use them and most of that reason was we felt we would be lazy if we did. I see people with the kids at the end of the leash while they are looking in store window etc. and totally ignoring the child. We didn't want to be those kind of parents and we felt the best way to do that was to always be engaged with our children when they were with us. This also included family gatherings etc. where we would be called the cruise directors cause we were always with the kids...all the kids while the other parents sat and drank and socialized. Just my opinion and everyone has their own way!!

    I actually sort of agree with the laziness factor here. It is HARD work to keep an eye on your kid at all times. It's much easier to strap them into a harness and look when you feel it tug. I'm certainly not saying that all people who use harnesses do this, but I feel that many parents do see it as an easier way to handle the kid and not as a necessary safety precaution.

    but isn't, like some have said on this thread "if they are likely to bolt, they should be in a stroller" just as lazy?

    What are you suggesting? When your 1-2 year old child is too young to understand the dangers of traffic, that you'd have no safeguard at all? just your own interaction with them, like warning a child that young not to run in the road and expecting them to listen? Or would you have them in a stroller (that would be just as lazy as reins, if not more so because you just have to push them...... you can't actually get anywhere if your child is going crazy on the end of reins, you actually do have to teach them to walk next to you unless you just want to stand around while they run circles around you)....?

    IMO it's no easier to control a child when they're wearing reins than when they're not. The only difference is if they're wearing them, they can't get as far as the wheels of a motor vehicle before you can stop them.

    I'm suggesting that people hold hands like we always have. As I've stated many times and will continue to state, just because the child doesn't want to hold your hand doesn't mean that YOU can't get a good grip on their hand. I raised my niece from 2 years old and onward and that was all it took. I just don't think it's necessary to strap a kid into a harness and pull them around, nor do I find strollers necessary. When they're old enough to walk, let them, but hold their hand.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    That's a rough question... I'm not going to lie, I have tried using one didn't work well for me.. But I think since each child is different , it's going to be different choice for each parent... Wish you the best of luck...
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I live in a small town in the uk, and I have honestly never heard of this being an issue at all. I view reins in the same way I do any other safety restraint. Seat belts, pushchair straps, highchair straps, safety gates etc. Every parent I know has reins, and most use them until the child is about 3 years old.
    I'm a pretty protective parent, but I want my children to learn how to behave around town, along a river, so I think reins allow the child to learn this. Keeping them in a stroller until they are 4 years old doesn't. Just my 2p worth :)
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    'As I've stated many times and will continue to state, just because the child doesn't want to hold your hand doesn't mean that YOU can't get a good grip on their hand. I raised my niece from 2 years old and onward and that was all it took. I just don't think it's necessary to strap a kid into a harness and pull them around,....'

    When I held my son by the hand, he would try to throw himself on the ground and then I would have to pick him up or put him in a stroller. When he was restrained, I didn't 'pull him around'. He walk by me, or wandered off or tried running away and I would follow him then take his hand like I would have if he wasn't restrained. If he was examining something, when the time was right, I would take his hand and bring him back to the sidewalk to continue on. I never 'pulled' him around, nor dragged him. The restraint was there in case I wasn't fast enough to catch him when he would bolt.

    Why do most people that are against these assume that because the child is restrained we treat him like an animal. I would not tug on my child harness like you would do like a dog to keep him in line. It was a precautionary tool, to stop him IF I was not fast enough to catch him. I am sure some parents use it in a way that even I don't find acceptable, but I also don't think it's ok to generalise that everyone would use them this way.
  • kabdu108
    kabdu108 Posts: 14 Member
    Depends on the child. My granddaughter is ok in a confined setting, but in a busy area with cars, I harness her. I always harnessed my kids when flying, especially internationally. They like it, it's NOT - if I could I would put a GPS on the harness...
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I had 2 small kids that were 17 months apart and I never put one on them. Even when we went to Disneyland I never did. I don't like them.
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    milfs? really.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm suggesting that people hold hands like we always have. As I've stated many times and will continue to state, just because the child doesn't want to hold your hand doesn't mean that YOU can't get a good grip on their hand. I raised my niece from 2 years old and onward and that was all it took. I just don't think it's necessary to strap a kid into a harness and pull them around, nor do I find strollers necessary. When they're old enough to walk, let them, but hold their hand.

    You can't judge all children by one.

    You can't judge 9-24 month olds by a 2 year old.

    I don't personally use a leash, but I also don't judge.
  • BeTheFire
    BeTheFire Posts: 102 Member

    or leashes

    Amen, miss them good ol days with scars all over your knees and elbows. Thx for keeping it vintage.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Never. But that's just my opinion.

    This. I have two children, now 15 and 10. I never "harnessed" them or put them on a leash. I held their hands or put them in a stroller or a cart. My honest opinion? It's dehumanizing and lazy. And, I'm not trying to offend, I'm just giving you an opinion...something we all have and which was asked for by the OP.
    I so agree with the lazy part...when we were raising our children(25 and 21) they were available but we chose not to use them and most of that reason was we felt we would be lazy if we did. I see people with the kids at the end of the leash while they are looking in store window etc. and totally ignoring the child. We didn't want to be those kind of parents and we felt the best way to do that was to always be engaged with our children when they were with us. This also included family gatherings etc. where we would be called the cruise directors cause we were always with the kids...all the kids while the other parents sat and drank and socialized. Just my opinion and everyone has their own way!!

    I actually sort of agree with the laziness factor here. It is HARD work to keep an eye on your kid at all times. It's much easier to strap them into a harness and look when you feel it tug. I'm certainly not saying that all people who use harnesses do this, but I feel that many parents do see it as an easier way to handle the kid and not as a necessary safety precaution.

    but isn't, like some have said on this thread "if they are likely to bolt, they should be in a stroller" just as lazy?

    What are you suggesting? When your 1-2 year old child is too young to understand the dangers of traffic, that you'd have no safeguard at all? just your own interaction with them, like warning a child that young not to run in the road and expecting them to listen? Or would you have them in a stroller (that would be just as lazy as reins, if not more so because you just have to push them...... you can't actually get anywhere if your child is going crazy on the end of reins, you actually do have to teach them to walk next to you unless you just want to stand around while they run circles around you)....?

    IMO it's no easier to control a child when they're wearing reins than when they're not. The only difference is if they're wearing them, they can't get as far as the wheels of a motor vehicle before you can stop them.

    I'm suggesting that people hold hands like we always have. As I've stated many times and will continue to state, just because the child doesn't want to hold your hand doesn't mean that YOU can't get a good grip on their hand. I raised my niece from 2 years old and onward and that was all it took . I just don't think it's necessary to strap a kid into a harness and pull them around, nor do I find strollers necessary. When they're old enough to walk, let them, but hold their hand.

    Sure, when a kid is two it is a bit different than when they are walking and less than a year old or even less than two. When my daughter was walking and less than a year old, I couldn't even reach her hand. Plus kids that age have very limited verbal skills and part of my fear was that she would either get lost (and not be able to tell anyone who she belonged to) or be snatched and not be old enough to realize to scream etc... Most of the people here have said that the upper end they used them was about 3 years old. A lot of others have said that 2 is the highest. All due respect, your opinion isn't completely relevant or formed by experience as you don't have the experience with children in that age range.
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    The only time we used them on our twins.. was when they were runners at a zoo... It I believe was the only time. But saved all our *kitten* in big crowds that day for kids who refused to stay in strollers!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I grew up in one and it did no harm. My mother used one on all four of us and we didn't care nor have we ever held anything against her for doing it. It meant she knew we were safe, we knew we were loved because she cared about our safety. I never used one for mine ONLY because I had twins and it was hard enough going places with two of everything WITHOUT the added tangles, being pulled in two different directions, etc.

    I would think as soon as the child is old enough to observe their surroundings and know what is dangerous, what to avoid, and listens well to parents, it would be time to remove the harness. Maybe 4 or 5? Certainly by kindergarten.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    No, problem with it. If your kid likes to take off and run. Times are different now, kids getting snatched up more these days.
    This is the opposite of true. Every measurable crime stat is down. And kidnappings by non-family members are incredibly low. Everyone has these imaginary crime stats in their head where things are soooo much worse these days. Things are better in pretty much every way imaginable.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    It depends, most of my siblings (I'm the oldest of twelve) never wandered nor were they slow walkers... HOWEVER there was ONE haha He was once so persistent on running from me in the mall I chained him to my Tripp pants(Don't judge me, I deserved those rebel days haha) At that time I think he was about five... I now have one of my own who has just learned to walk, I doubt I will need a harness for her though since she doesn't like to leave my side.. ever.....Needless to say though I did get a lot of looks of worry from parents of other children who passed me in the mall.. Do what ya gotta do to protect your young, if that means a harness (or chaining them to you Tripps) then do it and don't worry about how it looks.. Just don't gag and blindfold them too.... lol
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I don't have kids, but I do have a dog.

    The dog doesn't walk with a leash.

    He did until I taught him to walk by my side.

    (The previous owner had to use a halti and leash because he couldn't handle how much he pulled.)

    Would I have considered always holding on to him myself, or putting him in some kind of kart where he's restrained?
    No!... pretty 'dehumanising', I'd say ;).
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    I didn't have them with either of my daughters who are now teenagers. We didn't have that stuff. We taught our kids to hold a parent's hand when crossing the street or walking in a parking lot, and I never had a problem with them bolting on me.

    That being said, I know some children don't really listen. SOME children may need things like this. I prefer to teach, as a leash teaches them nothing.

    NOW, that being used one for my 2 year old son when we were at an outdoor concert. We knew we were going to be there all day and didn't want to just leave him in the stroller. It was quite full of people and, eventually, it got dark. So, special events and busy places, I can understand.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    They weren't out when I had my first 2, but my 3rd, 10 yrs later, was a bolter. And I was disabled and couldn't run after him. I gladly put a harness on him. They actually give a child much more freedom than being strapped into a stroller all the time- starting a sedentary life early, and it also leaves the child's hands free and he isn't being held up by his arm constantly. Hours of a child hanging on to a parent's tall hand will result in a sore shoulder, arm and hand on a young child.
    Also, kids elbows and shoulders do not have the end bone joints fully developed yet, and you can easily pull them out of socket when you pull on a child's hand/arm, or when they pull hard against your hand, trying to get away.

    And lets face it, it is impossible to keep a firm grip on your child's hand at all times. The minute you let go, just for a second, to get out your wallet, open a door, etc, the child can bolt.

    The old argument that your child is not a dog and shouldn't be on a leash is ridiculous. You leash your dog because you care about its safety. You should care even more about your child's safety. This is like saying you shouldn't put a baby in a baby bed because it is a 'cage' for animals.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I resent the insinuation that having my daughter in a harness means I didn't care to teach her the right manner and precautions. We taught her from very early on the importance of staying close to us, and we are not the kind that "spare the rod" either. I always held her hand, but I had the harness as a second line of defense. My daughter is very intelligent, physically strong, and rather rebellious by nature, so I take offense at the idea that only children with "special needs" wear harness.
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member

    ..... Seriously.... What kinda back assward world do we live in...?