the real reason low calorie diets dont work for everyone



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    don't give me platitudes of:

    what is insulin resistance? It is when a body grows immune to insulin. it is a vicous cycle. the more a person spikes their sugar levels, the more extra insulin the body makes. and when theres too much insulin in the blood, the body becomes even more immune to insulin. so the next time the person spikes their sugar, the body will have to make EVEN MORE insulin.

    usually this leads to diabetes if not taken care of :( and yes, it happens when a person doesn't eat healthy and eats too much cake and chocolate (like me) lol.

    so no, trolls out there
    Just because someone can use Google does not mean they understand biochemistry. I'm afraid this post proves it

    I don't even think google has this many erroneous platitudes.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I lose weight better when I eat carbs. Without them, I feel like I'm starving and have no energy, and I become really irritable. Plus, meat and vegetables are my least favorite food groups so you can imagine how deprived I feel only eating them. That is not a life-style change for me. Even when I cut carbs out, my weight loss stays at the same rate. I guess I'm one of the lucky morbidly obese people who aren't effected by them.

    Plus, in many THIN countries, carbs is a staple, and they don't have an obesity epidemic... hmm.

    I remember fat and dairy use to be the 'banned' macro once upon a time, so I don't bother with cutting anything out.

    With that said, there are people whose bodies handle carbs differently, so I'm not saying what you posted isn't true.

    I am the same way. I feel much more satisfied when I let myself eat the carbs my body wants. It does not seem to effect my weight loss either when I do higher protein and lower carbs. I actually feel more hungry when I do higher protein. I have been losing fine eating the way I have been. Meat and vegetables are my least favorite food groups too.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    Skimmed the thread... seems like a lot of anecdotes and self-diagnoses being passed off as hard science. You know... the same way how EVERONE who is overweight and unhealthy (before coming here and learning to count calories and exercise right) was just big-boned, or had a slow-metabolism, or had a thyroid problem. Or heck, didn't have enough time to work out. But we know that's not the case.

    Anyway, while these threads are always amusing, at the end of the day what's the difference? If you're eating low carb and it's working for you: GREAT! If you want to tell your friends that eating low carb works for you and that they should try it too: THIS IS PROBABLY ALSO OKAY!

    More than that is overreaching though. Especially if you don't have any empirical evidence for the methodology.
  • aims_86
    aims_86 Posts: 74
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.

    You would fare much better by speaking to an endocronologist and dietician than getting ill-informed opinions on mfp.
  • aims_86
    aims_86 Posts: 74
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.

    You would fare much better by speaking to an endocronologist and dietician than getting ill-informed opinions on mfp.

    100% agree. Seeing as Insulin Resistance and PCOS/Hypothyroidism is linked I just wonder sometimes.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    ive been overweight my entire adult life, and i had alot of weight to lose! low cal worked great for me, 8 months, 72 pounds... i believe your post has some merit, however, there are always special circumstances for a small few... however, i believe the majority of people can simply lower thier calorie intake and exercise to lose weight.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    ever wonder why low-carb diets are so freaking effective? and NO its not bc u eat 'fewer calories.' don't give me platitudes of: 'energy in, energy out'. none of this calorie garbage.

    YES counting calories work for people who are healthy and just have a lil weight to lose, or who have not been overweight their whole lives. even some obese people, who, lucky for them do not have insulin resistance.

    what is insulin resistance? It is when a body grows immune to insulin. it is a vicous cycle. the more a person spikes their sugar levels, the more extra insulin the body makes. and when theres too much insulin in the blood, the body becomes even more immune to insulin. so the next time the person spikes their sugar, the body will have to make EVEN MORE insulin.

    usually this leads to diabetes if not taken care of :( and yes, it happens when a person doesn't eat healthy and eats too much cake and chocolate (like me) lol.

    so no, trolls out there, i am not saying it is 'not their fault they are fat'. i'm just saying that its now harder for them to lose weight.

    some people are insulin resistant just because, but a lot of times its a genetic predisposition. ].

    people who have insulin resistance have to be careful not to spike sugar levels. meaning, not eat foods that will be absorbed too quickly.

    this means dropping processed sugars, flour, and carbs that the body processes too quickly.

    seeds, nuts and vegies are amazing but not the starchy vegies like potatos cuz those have too much sugars that the body gets to too quickly.

    fruit is ok because it has a lot of fibers the body breaks down to get at the sugars, ensuring sugar gets release slowly. fruit juice r though is already broken down, and goes straight to the blood stream and spikes it.

    the reason low-carb high protein diet works on obese people so magically, is because they are not eating foods that are spiking their blood sugar and causing them to resist their insulin.
    not only does this help lose weight right away, but as insulin resistance is reversible with proper diet, slowly but surely they 'fix themselves' long as they stay on the program.

    by slowly reintroducing carbs that come from healthy, wholesome sources, weight loss can then be maintained.

    i'm so sick of hearing this garbage about how CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT is the only logical explanation, and that a twinky diet is the same as eating brocolli.

    NO. IT. ISN'T.

    because if you stick to that twinkie diet long enough, even on 1200 cal a day, eventually lots of people will become insulin resistant and start gaining weight.


    i am writing this to try and reach out and help pple who are having trouble losing weight counting calories. i have been in the same boat for 6 mos living on low cal not dropping weight. first i was told i was hypothyroid and put on synthroid. now i found out that it was insulin resistance effecting my bodies ability to produce hormones :( not only that, but i'm at risk for diabetes now.
    i was so so stupid. thinking i could eat pizza and chocolate as long as i 'counted my calories' and it would be fine.

    putting garbage calories in out body is not the same as putting nutritious, unprocessed ones.

    we play around with natures bounty and expect our bodies to process it the same way as it process natural things?

    would you put leftover chicken soup in your car and expect it to run? you need to put the right fuel in or the car breaks down, no? my diet consisting solely of processed chocolate-flavored foods and breaded, deep-fried veggies isn't good?

    Okay, let's get some stuff out of the way:

    1. Do you eat 100% clean? (Sorry if you mentioned in your post...I got tired of trying to read your condescending/ranty post in shorthand/text-speak) If not, then you don't really have a right to be lecturing other people on eating poorly, because anything that isn't found in nature is considered bad for you in some way by someone.

    2. Ignoring the fact that you chose a semi-extinct Hostess product, do you actually know anyone who eats a full 1200 calories in Twinkies every day? Do you know anyone at all who thinks that a serving of cake is as healthy as a serving of broccoli? Then why do you equate not eating low-carb with eating a box of Twinkies every day?

    3. Some people struggle to floss every day - yet you expect them to give up cake and pizza? :noway: These are not only comfort foods, but they're social foods; I've never heard of anyone throwing a Superbowl party with a salad bar.

    4. Your assumption that going low-carb is good for people is not entirely true; our body needs carbs for fuel, which is why LOW blood sugar is also not good. When my diabetic friend's blood sugar drops, guess what she does? EATS A CANDY BAR. She's been diabetic for over 30 years now, and is managing it quite well, so I think she knows what she's doing. I'm not even diabetic, but low-carb dieting gives me headaches and makes me tired and dizzy - therefore, it is NOT "so freaking effective".

    If I had to eat that way, I wouldn't be very happy. In fact, I'd probably become a violent and intolerable b*tch. That doesn't mean that I eat 1200 calories in crap every day; it simply means that when by birthday comes around, I'm eating some damn cake. You assume what works for you would work for everyone...but how do you know it'll even work for you? A couple months or years from now, the diet that you're pushing may actually make you sick; it may work for you now, but the long-term effects may not be so great. Why don't you worry about yourself instead of making wild claims about what will or won't "work for everyone"?
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member

    Okay, let's get some stuff out of the way:

    1. Do you eat 100% clean? (Sorry if you mentioned in your post...I got tired of trying to read your condescending/ranty post in shorthand/text-speak) If not, then you don't really have a right to be lecturing other people on eating poorly, because anything that isn't found in nature is considered bad for you in some way by someone.

    2. Ignoring the fact that you chose a semi-extinct Hostess product, do you actually know anyone who eats a full 1200 calories in Twinkies every day? Do you know anyone at all who thinks that a serving of cake is as healthy as a serving of broccoli? Then why do you equate not eating low-carb with eating a box of Twinkies every day?

    3. Some people struggle to floss every day - yet you expect them to give up cake and pizza? :noway: These are not only comfort foods, but they're social foods; I've never heard of anyone throwing a Superbowl party with a salad bar.

    4. Your assumption that going low-carb is good for people is not entirely true; our body needs carbs for fuel, which is why LOW blood sugar is also not good. When my diabetic friend's blood sugar drops, guess what she does? EATS A CANDY BAR. She's been diabetic for over 30 years now, and is managing it quite well, so I think she knows what she's doing. I'm not even diabetic, but low-carb dieting gives me headaches and makes me tired and dizzy - therefore, it is NOT "so freaking effective".

    If I had to eat that way, I wouldn't be very happy. In fact, I'd probably become a violent and intolerable b*tch. That doesn't mean that I eat 1200 calories in crap every day; it simply means that when by birthday comes around, I'm eating some damn cake. You assume what works for you would work for everyone...but how do you know it'll even work for you? A couple months or years from now, the diet that you're pushing may actually make you sick; it may work for you now, but the long-term effects may not be so great. Why don't you worry about yourself instead of making wild claims about what will or won't "work for everyone"?

    ^^^ This
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Excellent information here...bumping to continue to read later...
  • littlewitch1973
    OP - I also noticed that when I eat carbs (for me, anything processed, really) I dont lose weight. If I eat high protein, and only natural carbs and lots of veggies and some fruits, I can lose weight, and I feel better.

    I tried "eating wiht in my calories" for 6 months - I ate whatever I wanted in that timeframe. I lost 20 pounds.

    I changed my way of thinking, and ate high protein, low carb, and added in veggies as snacks - I lost the rest of the weight you see on my ticker. I went back to eating some carbs and processed foods - maintanance. Now, I want to lose that last pesky 50 pounds, so , its back to high protein, low carb, as well as kicking up my exercise routine as far as I can handle it. Not losing pounds right now, but lost a TON of inches!! If I were still consuming the carbs like I was before, I know my body wouldnt look and feel as good as it does now.

    There will always be people who think their way is the "right" way... one thing I have learned the last 1.5 years, is that something different works for each individual person - we all have our own genetics, and our own issues... by learning what works for you, will make you successful. Trying on everyone else's diets can help, but in the end, take what you need and leave the rest.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.

    You would fare much better by speaking to an endocronologist and dietician than getting ill-informed opinions on mfp.

    100% agree. Seeing as Insulin Resistance and PCOS/Hypothyroidism is linked I just wonder sometimes.

    hypothyroidism will be linked with many things.Diabetes, heart disease, etc
    It is the same concept of eating more than your body needs, getting fat, and then getting insulin resistance from higher circulating blood sugar and adipose tissue.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Options expect them to give up cake and pizza? :noway: These are not only comfort foods, but they're social foods; I've never heard of anyone throwing a Superbowl party with a salad bar.
    Cake at a Super Bowl party? Odd. Do you also serve biscotti and crumpets at your Super Bowl party?

    Buffalo Wings, nuts, veggies & dip. I suppose you would call these low carb options anti-social foods.

    If I'm going to burn through a bunch of carbs I'm saving them for the beer.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member

    Cake at a Super Bowl party? Odd. Do you also serve biscotti and crumpets at your Super Bowl party?

    Buffalo Wings, nuts, veggies & dip. I suppose you would call these low carb options anti-social foods.

    If I'm going to burn through a bunch of carbs I'm saving them for the beer.

    Don't forget the meat and cheese tray!
    And I'm with you on the beer!
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    ever wonder why low-carb diets are so freaking effective? and NO its not bc u eat 'fewer calories.' don't give me platitudes of: 'energy in, energy out'. none of this calorie garbage.

    YES counting calories work for people who are healthy and just have a lil weight to lose, or who have not been overweight their whole lives. even some obese people, who, lucky for them do not have insulin resistance.

    what is insulin resistance? It is when a body grows immune to insulin. it is a vicous cycle. the more a person spikes their sugar levels, the more extra insulin the body makes. and when theres too much insulin in the blood, the body becomes even more immune to insulin. so the next time the person spikes their sugar, the body will have to make EVEN MORE insulin.

    usually this leads to diabetes if not taken care of :( and yes, it happens when a person doesn't eat healthy and eats too much cake and chocolate (like me) lol.

    so no, trolls out there, i am not saying it is 'not their fault they are fat'. i'm just saying that its now harder for them to lose weight.

    some people are insulin resistant just because, but a lot of times its a genetic predisposition. ].

    people who have insulin resistance have to be careful not to spike sugar levels. meaning, not eat foods that will be absorbed too quickly.

    this means dropping processed sugars, flour, and carbs that the body processes too quickly.

    seeds, nuts and vegies are amazing but not the starchy vegies like potatos cuz those have too much sugars that the body gets to too quickly.

    fruit is ok because it has a lot of fibers the body breaks down to get at the sugars, ensuring sugar gets release slowly. fruit juice r though is already broken down, and goes straight to the blood stream and spikes it.

    the reason low-carb high protein diet works on obese people so magically, is because they are not eating foods that are spiking their blood sugar and causing them to resist their insulin.
    not only does this help lose weight right away, but as insulin resistance is reversible with proper diet, slowly but surely they 'fix themselves' long as they stay on the program.

    by slowly reintroducing carbs that come from healthy, wholesome sources, weight loss can then be maintained.

    i'm so sick of hearing this garbage about how CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT is the only logical explanation, and that a twinky diet is the same as eating brocolli.

    NO. IT. ISN'T.

    because if you stick to that twinkie diet long enough, even on 1200 cal a day, eventually lots of people will become insulin resistant and start gaining weight.


    i am writing this to try and reach out and help pple who are having trouble losing weight counting calories. i have been in the same boat for 6 mos living on low cal not dropping weight. first i was told i was hypothyroid and put on synthroid. now i found out that it was insulin resistance effecting my bodies ability to produce hormones :( not only that, but i'm at risk for diabetes now.
    i was so so stupid. thinking i could eat pizza and chocolate as long as i 'counted my calories' and it would be fine.

    putting garbage calories in out body is not the same as putting nutritious, unprocessed ones.

    we play around with natures bounty and expect our bodies to process it the same way as it process natural things?

    would you put leftover chicken soup in your car and expect it to run? you need to put the right fuel in or the car breaks down, no?

    THANK, YOU for making this so clear...too many people on MFP dont understand this concept. a calorie is a calorie is NOT a it says, this calories in vs out works for healthy induviduals for a certain period of time. i have tried a long term deficit and its f***ed up my metabolism to the point where anything above my usuals would result in fat i started to simply slowly add in more healthy calories and come up with substitutes for cheat foods and viola, back to feeling good, looking good and lifting great!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.

    You would fare much better by speaking to an endocronologist and dietician than getting ill-informed opinions on mfp.

    100% agree. Seeing as Insulin Resistance and PCOS/Hypothyroidism is linked I just wonder sometimes.

    hypothyroidism will be linked with many things.Diabetes, heart disease, etc
    It is the same concept of eating more than your body needs, getting fat, and then getting insulin resistance from higher circulating blood sugar and adipose tissue.

    The cells of the body become resistant to insulin through changes in their surface receptors.

    Simple answer:
    One of the major risk factors for insulin resistance is being overweight which is also one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
    Insulin resistance contributes to the development of PCOS.

    Hypothyroidism-> overweight-> insulin resistance-> PCOS
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    OP - I also noticed that when I eat carbs (for me, anything processed, really) I dont lose weight. If I eat high protein, and only natural carbs and lots of veggies and some fruits, I can lose weight, and I feel better.

    I tried "eating wiht in my calories" for 6 months - I ate whatever I wanted in that timeframe. I lost 20 pounds.

    I changed my way of thinking, and ate high protein, low carb, and added in veggies as snacks - I lost the rest of the weight you see on my ticker. I went back to eating some carbs and processed foods - maintanance. Now, I want to lose that last pesky 50 pounds, so , its back to high protein, low carb, as well as kicking up my exercise routine as far as I can handle it. Not losing pounds right now, but lost a TON of inches!! If I were still consuming the carbs like I was before, I know my body wouldnt look and feel as good as it does now.

    There will always be people who think their way is the "right" way... one thing I have learned the last 1.5 years, is that something different works for each individual person - we all have our own genetics, and our own issues... by learning what works for you, will make you successful. Trying on everyone else's diets can help, but in the end, take what you need and leave the rest.

    Apparently my body works the same way yours does, because I've had the same results. :)
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    OP..... That's a cool story bro.

  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    I only feel comfortable eating a certain amount of calories only because I don't like to feel full. My calories are at 700, i never feel like im starving. Thats just all my body can take really. I don't like eating too much, 2 meals a day and a snack is fine with me.