the real reason low calorie diets dont work for everyone



  • aims_86
    aims_86 Posts: 74
    Funny really because I was diagnosed with PCOS when thyroid levels were 'normal'.

    Bottom line is, im working my butt off to lose weight & nowt is happening!!!
    Don't mean to be negative, I'm genuinely making a point here and wanting feedbavk on anyone who has experience with this...

    Okay so I read this thread as I have PCOS AND hypothyroidism as well as IBS when eating the wrong foods. I've read tons and tons on the right foods etc - and came to the conclusion that LOW GI is the way forward.

    Most of the foods on my 'Low GI' diet plans I've been researching are 'black' and 'red'.

    Confused is an understatement.

    You would fare much better by speaking to an endocronologist and dietician than getting ill-informed opinions on mfp.

    100% agree. Seeing as Insulin Resistance and PCOS/Hypothyroidism is linked I just wonder sometimes.

    hypothyroidism will be linked with many things.Diabetes, heart disease, etc
    It is the same concept of eating more than your body needs, getting fat, and then getting insulin resistance from higher circulating blood sugar and adipose tissue.

    The cells of the body become resistant to insulin through changes in their surface receptors.

    Simple answer:
    One of the major risk factors for insulin resistance is being overweight which is also one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
    Insulin resistance contributes to the development of PCOS.

    Hypothyroidism-> overweight-> insulin resistance-> PCOS
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    OP..... That's a cool story bro.

    When I get old and I have grand kids, I am going to pull up a picture OP and tell my grand kids... Now this Bro told Cool Stories
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Eating healthy does count but... CALORIES IN VERSUS CALORIES OUT!!!!!!!!!!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    One year ago I was on Metformin for pre-diabetes as well as blood pressure medication. I changed my life and started eating VERY LOW carb. within 3 months I was off the Metformin, in 6 months I was off the blood pressure meds. The nice thing: I eat an almost "normal" diet now. I don't go all out and eat a burger and fries and dessert every night but I have learned how to control myself and the food I eat. MY blood work is still all fine and I am still losing weight; very slowly now, but I have bgeen at this for a year now and am pretty much where I intended to be.

    The point is I made the changes, fought the emotions, battled my demons and I won. ME! I did not let FOOD win. I have learned how to enjoy food as a meal and NOT let it destroy me. I might WANT that piece of garlic bread but do I need it? Have I given myself any other "treats" today where I can justify eating it and not feeling guilty about it? If you feel guilty after you have eaten something I would say one of two things are at play: Either you are just starting or not even mid-point in your journey and are having issues with self control OR you may have lost your weight, reached your goal and now have such a fear of re-gaining that you forbif yourse;f to live and enjoy life eating as the averge person should.

    Sweets and carbs and specific foods are not against you and will not sabotage you. You must learn to do what works for you WHILE ALLOWING YOU TO BE HAPPY and not feel like you are on a permanent, life-long "Diet".

    I never would have started if I truly believed my insulin resistance meant I would never again enjoy chocolate. I would have rather died then. BUT I was willing to give it up for a time... How long? Until I know I am healthy again and have learned to control ME because I am the one who shoved it in my face in the first place. Baby steps. Yes, this approach has worked rather well in my case.

    371 days later I have nomal glucose, cholesterol, and A1c levels. I am also free of heart palpitations and an inability to breath after taking 6 swift steps. Things have definately changed BUT I still eat sweets and breads. JUST IN SERIOUS MODERATION.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    I think some of you are really over-thinking this...
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I think some of you are really over-thinking this...

  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    What an eye-opener! Thanks, OP.

    Best. Thread. Ever.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    want to read later
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Glad to see that silly old First Law of Thermodynamics being defeated at last. Perpetual motion machines are just around the corner. Bro-science rules!
    not sure if serious

    It's intended to be ironic. This whole thread is full of nonsense and confusion between the calorie as a measure of energy and eating healthily. Low calorie diets, if followed correctly, DO work, if you expend more energy than you eat, the energy has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is fat, or in the event of no fat being left, muscle, bones, etc, so you lose weight. Insulin resistance is something else entirely. Oh, and a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, ie a measure of heat (energy), there are no such things as good or bad calories, just as there are no good or bad inches, an inch is just a measure also.

  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Peer-reviewed articles, please. Otherwise all I hear is "blah, blah, blah. I think I know more than the scientists who actually studied this because I read some mumbo-jumbo somewhere. Blah, blah, blah."
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    OP - I also noticed that when I eat carbs (for me, anything processed, really) I dont lose weight. If I eat high protein, and only natural carbs and lots of veggies and some fruits, I can lose weight, and I feel better.

    I tried "eating wiht in my calories" for 6 months - I ate whatever I wanted in that timeframe. I lost 20 pounds.

    I changed my way of thinking, and ate high protein, low carb, and added in veggies as snacks - I lost the rest of the weight you see on my ticker. I went back to eating some carbs and processed foods - maintanance. Now, I want to lose that last pesky 50 pounds, so , its back to high protein, low carb, as well as kicking up my exercise routine as far as I can handle it. Not losing pounds right now, but lost a TON of inches!! If I were still consuming the carbs like I was before, I know my body wouldnt look and feel as good as it does now.

    There will always be people who think their way is the "right" way... one thing I have learned the last 1.5 years, is that something different works for each individual person - we all have our own genetics, and our own issues... by learning what works for you, will make you successful. Trying on everyone else's diets can help, but in the end, take what you need and leave the rest.

    Apparently my body works the same way yours does, because I've had the same results. :)

    thats funny.

    cause every morning I jumped 2 times and spun around.
    and I lost weight

    Therefore jumping 2x and spinning around is a proven way to lose weight
    forget the fact i was moving more than I was taking in.
  • emilysuelemus
    emilysuelemus Posts: 66 Member
    I'm type 2... I started eating clean mid Feb. No processed carbs or high carbs blood sugars stable at 85-210 cut half my meds hoping in July when see doc I get off them. Lost 50# since mid Feb no exercise as my back has issues currently!!! Thanks for posting!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    no exercise as my back has issues currently!!! Thanks for posting!

    strong irony
  • aims_86
    aims_86 Posts: 74
    Fantastic loss :)

    As for exercise, Walking? Pilates (you'd have to amend to be suitable for your back)? Trampoline?

    Strength exercises? So squats? Bicep curls? Leg raises?

    I'm no expert but there's plenty to do so you don't aggravate your back.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Late to the thread, but always appropriate:

  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    this is not new information OP. I balanced diet = health.

    I have PCOS. I'm healthy, lost weight and not insulin resistant. and surprise! I eat lots of carbs.

    Whoever is making generalizations - just stahp.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    But aren't you still eating a low calorie diet? Just because some people have to choose different foods because they are insulin resistance, does that mean they are not eating at a calorie deficit, or am I missing something?
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    It's not calorie intake you have to worry about, it's the fat intake.

    If that were true I should be overweight by now. My recomended fat intake is 30g (0.3 per lb?). I have 50-100grams a day. For me it's carbs I have to watch, for you it's fat. Everyone's different.