Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    ok thanks so much!!! for the answer!!! i will just do it that way and follow the program!!! I am looking to lose some weight so I wanna workout more than 3 times a week...soo I think I will do 3 different things at the same time and it will be 3 different things...thanks so much!!!!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I do the Couch 25K three times a week. On my off days, I either do the elliptical for an hour or do the shred. I can't take whole days off.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I do the Couch 25K three times a week. On my off days, I either do the elliptical for an hour or do the shred. I can't take whole days off.

    I graduated the C25K program but still run 3 miles 3 times a week, do the 30 day shred two days a week, and run the stairs (20 flights X2) one day a week.

    I take one day off with no scheduled exercise, other than pushing my lawn mower around the yard for an hour. :tongue:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The running did not go that well last night, I started to walk after 15 minutes and then when I tried to run again I had this horrible pain in my abdomen. I would walk until it went away, then try running again but it always came back. I wish I hadn't let myself start walking! that was supposed to be back to week 7...
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    The running did not go that well last night, I started to walk after 15 minutes and then when I tried to run again I had this horrible pain in my abdomen. I would walk until it went away, then try running again but it always came back. I wish I hadn't let myself start walking! that was supposed to be back to week 7...

    Awww, I hate that feeling! Everytime I end up stopping, I'm always mad at myself because later on, I have a hard time getting going again. Nowadays, when I feel like I want to stop, I just remind myself that if I do, I would just have to do the WHOLE RUN again the next day from the beginning, as opposed to just keeping going from where I already am at the moment. That's usually enough to keep me going because I don't want to run again the next day! *LOL* When that doesn't work I start to ask myself some questions that my friend used to tell me to keep me going.

    She had said that puking, passing out or dying are the only three good reasons to stop (obviously this isn't ACTUAL advice for everyone LOL). So when I used to look close to quitting, she would ask me if I was going to puke or pass out or die...if the answer was no, then I had to keep going, etc. I have to employ a lot of tricky mind techniques for myself to keep going. My mind would rather be sitting on the couch so it always starts trying to convince me I want to stop just when I've gotten started or it zeroes in on something uncomfortable and I have to really force myself NOT to focus on whatever it is that's uncomfortable (ie. tight calves).

    But there are good days and there are bad days. Last week, for Day 1, I felt like I was running with wings on my shoes it all felt so easy, Day 2, I had to decrease my treadmill to ZERO and practically trudge myself through it. It felt so hard that I thought I was going to quit and when I ended up finishing it, I almost burst into tears in front of whoever was at the gym!

    *hugs* Here's to a better next day run!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    C25K Graduate!! Yay! I did it! I feel so happy right now...I want to call and tell everyone! Actually, what I also want to say, is I feel better than I ever 44. Forty-Four! I was never out for sports and was just a rah-rah cheerleader back in the early '80's...even cheer leading is more active nowadays! I will continue on with my jogging routine. I want to improve my mile times and am looking for a 5K to run this fall, my first EVER! Gonna increase the incline of my treadmill and pick up the speed a little....jogging does NOT stop for this gal...

    So, for those of you at this, no matter what week, just starting, struggling, even considering it, DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. However long it will feel much respect for your body when you cross that finish line!

    You really CAN do this and you really WILL finish matter how long it takes! One of my mantra's was...go....just go....just KEEP going. DO NOT STOP. It became more mental towards the end....

    Good luck everyone! I know everything you are feeling, thinking, just keep hanging on..... soon you will be on that last and final day with a huge smile in your heart!:bigsmile:
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Congratulations Kelly_a! Way to go!

    The rest of you still working your way through the program, keep at it! If I can start running again at 42 after dropping in excess of 70 pounds and make it through then so can you!

    I remember week 1, wondering how long could a minute possibly be, maybe the guy who made the podcast fell asleep, maybe he's lying and it's really been 3 minutes.. etc.

    Now here I am, running three miles a day, three days a week, and it's FUN!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Now here I am, running three miles a day, three days a week, and it's FUN!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ack! I didn't do my scheduled run on Saturday; and I went to bed late last night, so I slept in this morning instead of getting up early and running. So now I need to force myself to run tonight, so that I don't get too far off-track. I'm considering letting myself run the W3 workout again, because W4 has me so freaked out. Where I didn't quite complete my first attempt at it last week, I feel like somewhere in the back of my head a little kid's voice is saying "well, I don't want to play then!". Plus I was PMS'ing all weekend (sorry for over-sharing, boys)... (*frustrated growl*) :mad:

    I am at that all-important cross-road: am I going to quit? or am I going to keep at it?!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Congrats kelly_a!!! Such a great feeling huh?

    Keep it up to those who haven't quite graduated's so good to get that sense of accomplishment!

    Well, I've taken off a week for some rest (well, just from C25k, I did plenty of exercises) as last week was my bday. I call in tonight to see about Jury Duty, depending on that will depend on how soon I start C25k again. I'm not sure if I will start completely over (was suppose to have a friend joining me, but her school schedule is rough) so I'm thinking about starting from week 5 or 6. Not sure just yet.

    Anyway, Congrats again kelly and good luck to all still going at it, you will get there!!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats to our graduates, wish I was among them! The run on Saturday wasn't much better than Thursday. I tried not to look at my watch and just set visual goals, and, sillySkittels, I did find myself telling myself I wasn't going to die or throw up so I could just keep jogging no matter how slowly I might be jogging!
    I was running around a lake that is about 2.8 miles around, according to "map my run", and I ran farther than I have before and told myself I could walk once I reached the bridge but when I did and checked my watch I had only been running about 20 minutes. So I am going to stick with Week 7 until I can run 25 minutes.
    I might try running first thing in the morning to see if that works better, but I never do because I sleep until the last possible moment to get to work ontime. This morning my alarm did not go off. I woke up at 8:07 and got to work by 8:30 with a shower-whew!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I started C25K last night!!! I did Week 1 Day 1 and I felt good...I started it with my pod cast things and it was kind of boring (the music etc) so I quit and decided to wait til I got my Iphone 4 well I got it and then had vacations etc BUT I signed up for my first 5k and its in November soooo I am ready to get ready!! I have these streets that last time I started the program (only got to week 3...barely) I found this way to run that worked out perfectly!!! soo I did it the same way and I got farther!! so I must have bene walking faster or running faster than before!! soo that made me happy!!! I hope I can just keep up the good work!! I cant wait til my HRM comes in!!! :))
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Job, JulieSue, your graduation will come sooner than you think!
    Last night I was able to jog for most of the 25 minutes. I was running outside and it had just rained so it was cooler than usual. I think I am going to call that week 7 day 1. If I can jog for 25 minutes for two more days I will graduate to week 8.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks so much!!!

    I made a chart to have up in my office and in my bedroom for each of the workouts and I (like so many other) am not movig on until I do it right!! :)) its soo motivating!!! soo hopefully its all good and I can do it!!!

    soo Sunday I did Workout 1 in Week 1 and tmw (wednesday) I will do Workout 2!!! then hopefully Workout 3 on Friday and I can begin Week 2 next Sunday!!! :)) We will see!!!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Took a few days off because I was at the beach. I am suppose to be moving on to Week 5 today, but may repeat Week 4. I just didn't that good with the 5 minute jogs. I haven't looked to see what Week 5 Day 1 is, but I have a feeling it'd be overwhelming after not running for a few days.
  • Becky_Boop
    I'm ill at the moment but the moment I feel fully better, I will be doing C25K. as I spur-of-the-mement signed up for a 5k on the cancer research website (I was looking to see if I could sponsor someone - it was advertised for next year - I went "ooh") Since cancer research is a charity that I have always valued to work of I really want to be able to complete the run. (If I cant run it I WILL drag myself around the track just to get sponsors!). Does anybody have any advice before I start?
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Today I did W1D2...ugh and I did it at the wrong time of day...I about died but I completed it!!!! :)) I cant wait to see what my hrt says I burn on these runs!!! but I am planning on doing W1D3 on Friday!! ;)) I hope I can ease into week 2!!!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Did W4D3 again today. I am just not ready to move on to all 5 minute jogs. I left my heart rate on until my heart rate came back down below 100 and ended up burning 495 calories for my 45 minute run/walk. I did the 28 minutes for C25K and then alternated walking and running for the last 15 minutes.
  • luvHim
    luvHim Posts: 35 Member
    I did w4d2 today. I love this program!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    was excited that I got through 25 minutes of jogging with hardly any complaint. If I can do it Saturday I will move to week 8!