

  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Renny: you can *so* do this half marathon - and if you start now (healing your back, of course), you will do it, finish it and you'll think: "crazy? maybe, but I did it!"

    I've been using the Galloway run/walk method for half marathons and just did a marathon in March with it. He advocates "running injury free", and ... it's worked for me. http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/half_marathon.html

    The best part about using this - during the marathon in March, I cannot tell you how many people were following this method. I'd hear people's timer's beeping - we'd pass each other and say: "Galloway?" "yeah - what's your interval?" "I'm at 3/1" "I'm doing 5/1", "I'm doing 4/45". It was great! I was injured last year and did my first post-injury half using 2/1, and finished just 2 minutes slower than my sister who doesn't use intervals at all.

    No matter how you train, you can definitely do this, and I say "yes way, you can do it!"

    Hope your back gets better soon!
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    Hi, this is my first time with this group,,, I am still fairly new to mfp, I really got on this site to count calories but love the support I get ,,,it is truly a bonus,,,I have been able to keep a stronger focus and I know mfp friends are the reason
    I met my weight goal for May so I'm very pleased,, I treated myself to a new pair of gym shoes,,I'm so excited, I have really been increasing my walking for cardio about 3.5 mph
    My goal for June is Walk 60 minutes at least 6 days a week ????
    I want to continue healthy eating 6 days out of 7 ???? (try for every day)
    Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day ????
    Use kettle bell and/or hand weights 3 times a week ????
    In the end , I also want to be done at least 5 lbs (7 or 8 would be really nice)
    I just got a new DVD for kettle bell that a friend on mfp suggested, and today I ordered body for life for women,, another friend suggested it helped them with weight training

    Thanks for putting this thread together,,,iM really glad to be part of it
    Alice in Illinois
  • Lpop50
    Lpop50 Posts: 4 Member
    Just saw this topic and think it's great. I turned 50 in October. A friend sent me the link to myfitnesspal. I am up and down with weight. Sometimes the sweet tooth gets me in trouble - either I gain or stay the same. I exercise with multiple programs. Wii (walk it out, fit-plus, or wii sports), I also walk outside, at lunch, after work and on weekends. I am trying to run again. I would like to get back into Zumba again. Never really was a distance runner. Developed a bit of exercise induced asthma but inhaler helps before exercise. I would like to be able to run a mile without being tired. Currently, I can run about 1/4 mile. I do not exercise everyday, but try to get in at least 3 times a week. I would like my base weight (what I weigh in the morning to be 2-3 pounds less than I am now and would like to tone up the belly. I guess we all want improvement in someway. For years, I had no ambition to stick with exercise and diet changes, but in the last several years, I have been able to stick to it fairly well. Mostly drink water. Was a die-hard Pepsi drinker for years. I still drink it, but I limit it now.

    It's great so see everyone's posts.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I turn 50 on 6/10. I hope it's okay to join today. My June goals:
    -drink 64+ oz water daily
    -walk 10500 steps a day on average. I hit 10000 pretty regularly. Going into summer I won't be working all day just 1/2 days so getting in the steps will be more of a challenge.
    -strength training 3 days/wk and cardio 2-3 days/wk
    -write my dad 1x/wk. Since I am working all summer (I usually have 5 weeks off), I won't be travelling to see him. He is in a nursing home in GA. He doesn't answer his phone there - he tells my stepmom not to answer it might be a bill collector. So writing him is my way of staying in touch. She reads letters to him and they discuss them. She says it brings him happiness.
    -log my food 5 of 7 days. I am very bad at logging consistently.
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    Good morning ladies.worked on the yard a bit yesterday and did somegrocery shopping. I also spent a lot of time playing with the boys. Ritter has so much bounce and he loves to chase his tail. It makes me smile. I am not doing so good on the steps and the water over the weekend. I do great during the work week. I am going to have to work on that. so now its off to the dreadmill..

    Katla - I do pushups and tricep dips for my arms. You can start pushups by modifying them. I started against a wall and then down to a table (kitchen counter) and then on my knees on the floor and then full pushups. baby steps to building muscle that burns the fat. I do tricep dips any where I can put my arms on something behind me and I dip down. dip as low as you can comfortably.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
    PNW (cloudy this morning)

    Thanks for the arm workout suggestions,,,, I have really been looking at how to get started with push ups
    Alice in illinois
  • roselover58
    roselover58 Posts: 96 Member
    Just had my birthday, need to get back on track. This should help!
  • mrsbuntuffler
    mrsbuntuffler Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I've never posted anything before but this group seems to be an awesome place to start. Been doing MFP since March and have lost 10 pounds so far. Never have lost this much weight before. Since my 30's it has all been a very slow gain. I am greatly encouraged by the support and encouragement from the group. I'm grateful to have found a group such as you all to follow along on the journey.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    I am new to this group...June goals:

    Walk 3 times a week.
    Visit the gym 1 to 2 times a week. (This will be a challenge, I have not been to the gym in almost a year).
    Increase my daily water intake.
    Record my food & exercise each day.
    Be active and do something fun with my youngest son 3 or more days a week.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • Beazy23
    Beazy23 Posts: 5
    Hi All! I am joining your group. I will post goals later.

    Talk with you soon.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Can't catch up tonight but I did get through page 5! I've been thinking of my June goals and will be back tomorrow to reveal them LOL,
    Sue in TX
  • tallulafeeney
    Daughter of a friend wedding in July. I must lose 15 pounds in the next six weeks.
    HOW? I am eating 3 fruits and 5 vegetables every day. Protein from chicken, beef , fish and eggs. 1000 calories total. Drinking 6 glasses of water and doing a 2 mile aerobic walk video every day. Weights every other day. Stay tuned.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: I’m home from the all day line dance workshop (yesterday 8 AM to 9 PM0……no time to read or post……Brandy and Sasha were glad to see me and insisted on several long walks…..Jake was glad to see me and insisted on lots of attention and snuggling…even Bernie, the cat, was glad to see me and insisted on lots of petting.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from sunny NW Washington
  • simeonce
    simeonce Posts: 3
    After coming off of being ill for almost as long as I have been on "Myfitnesspal", I have set some goals for June.
    i am joining the gym tomorrow and will be doing water aerobics 3 times a week. On the days that I don't go to the gym, I will walk on my treadmill with my week-ends free.
    i will drink more water trying to reach 8 glasses a day..
    I must get offf of DIET COKES, so I plan to drink one a week until I'm off. (going to be hard)
    I will eat less meat, I was a vegetarian for awhile, but started eating meat again for my protein was too low.
    I will post ( every day) my food and exercise.

    We can do this!:smile:
  • AnneOdland
    AnneOdland Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm thrilled to find this group! It's very constructive for me to see the kinds of goals that you all are setting for yourselves--some wrt weight, but some more spiritual. I love it. A little about me... I turned 50 in May of 2012, and the year leading up to my big birthday I was determined to get myself into shape... I needed to lose about 20 lbs... and I was highly motivated and I actually surpassed my goal and lost 24 lbs. well before my 50th birthday. I know this is an age-old story, but in the time since I hit my goal weight, I very slowly started gaining it back. The old yo-yo story. I got on the scale last week, and I realized I had gained back 16 lbs... not quite all of what I had lost, but it's very depressing! (The other part of that wake-up call was when I was getting dressed to go to a wedding-- I tried to put on the dress I was planning to wear but discovered I couldn't zip it up! Rats!) So I am once again determined to get my act together and be more healthy again. I've logged in to MFP for 6 straight days and the weight is finally moving in the right direction again. I've been pretty draconian in my eating in the last week (no cheating at all-- nothing processed, no sweets), and I know I will not be able to keep that up indefinitely, but I wanted to jump-start the loss process.

    As for goals for the month of June:
    1. I want to log into MFP every day, religiously, and continue to track my food and exercise.
    2. I want to make myself go to bed earlier and get at least 7 hours of sleep/night. (I tend to stay up way too late at night... night owl syndrome...)
    3. And this is embarrassing, but I want to try to limit the time I spend each day on "social media"... I waste entirely too much time on Facebook, it's practically an addiction.

    So here goes! (following goal #2 right now and going to bed!)
  • AnneOdland
    AnneOdland Posts: 14 Member
    Oops-- forgot to sign off with my name and where I'm from.
    This is Anne in Warwick Township, PA (northern suburb of Philly)
  • cherylcarson62
    I am new to MFP. I just started on Monday, and am finding the message boards encouraging. I m 51 and still battling the bulge, so I thought this forum might be appropriate form me.

    from Oregon
  • kandiecass
    Thank you for motivation. Looking forward to June!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    May goals review-

    Clean 2 closets!! -I did get almost finished and donated a lot of clothes a clothing drive
    Use the pool at the gym at least 3X a week - Did accomplish this every week but one
    Focus on reducing stress and becoming calmer and more tolerant of others! -Stress is not reduced but am much more tolerant

    June goals-

    Continue water classes at the gym 3X a week
    Focus on healthier eating-Sad to say slipped up quite a bit this month with junk food
    Sort and toss/donate "stuff", spend at least 30 min. a day on this!
    Purchase and use pedometer
    Get financial house in order

    Joy-Our Party for the Food Pantry raise almost $900 and 4 big barrels of food were filled with donations. :smile:

    Mary C-I will keep you in my prayers and I hope things get better for you soon :flowerforyou:

    Meg--Congrats on getting the garage finished!

    Michele-It is very hard not to worry about our sons especially when you don't hear from them! :frown:

    Jb- Love the pic of your flowers-truly beautiful!

    Joyce-I'll do a happy dance for you in the pool tomorrow :laugh: Congrats-all your hard work is paying off!

    Wow, just finished all the reading, can't believe we're on Page 6 already!

    Off to bed, didn't realize it was so late.

    Nighty Night,

    Kathy from IL:drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    youcantfoolme - welcome! I like your goal of "live more and stress less"

    Vince wasn't feeling all that well, so I slept on the couch in the living room. It's really not a good couch for sleeping on. Anyway, I heard the grandfather clock chime 4 times so I assumed it was 4:00. I went into bed. By the time I woke up it was a quarter to 9! I asked Vince why the alarm didn't go off, he said that I got to bed after the alarm went off. Then he explained that the grandfather clock for some reason sometimes doesn't chime the correct amount of times. So, got up and sprayed the Wet & Forget on the deck. Unfortunately, the sprayer that I got didn't come with the very fine spray so I wound up wasting some of the product. In the end, I got the deck done, concentrating especially on the area where the mold and mildew have grown. We shall see.... All the reviews said it worked really well. Then made banana butterscotch chip cookies for the guys building the pergola. I'm thinking that they probably won't be here more than a few days.

    I was just reading in our paper that the unemployment rate for kids 14-29 in the EU is 29% In Spain it's 50% Why would Bryan want to live where the unemployment is so high? Well, it's his decision.

    Tomorrow I'll do yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Heather - I am terrible about conversions, do you know off the top of your head how much 2-1/2kg is and how much 1kg is (in pounds)? What a weight loss!

    mmtiernan, Carol (you CAN do it!). Mary, Vicki, zenelda, Alice, Lpop, rcb (happy birthday) ,mrsbuntuffler (congrats on the loss), terrimag, beazy, EileenWiggint (15 pounds in six weeks probably is going to be almost impossible, but eat clean and exercise diligently and you'll lose some), AnneOdland, Cheryl and anyone else that I may have missed- welcome!

    jb - your delphiniums are just beautiful. Thanks for posting.

    marmalade - so sorry you aren't feeling well. Can it be sinuses? I know they are killers for me

    Joy - I remember when Bryan started kyaking, the instructor MADE him roll over and then get upright. Admitted they were in the pool at the Y, but the instructor felt that everyone at one time or another would roll into the water so he didn't want the pupils to get scared and to know what to do. Woohoo on him telling you you needed a medium size wetsuit.

    Joyce those Capezios are all ready!

    Just made some steel cut oats for tomorrow for breakfast. Didn't know what I'd have tonight for dinner so decided I'd have some steel cut oats!

    Mary - I'm hoping that dh will see the light

    brooke - the reason I boiled the beets is because when they're cooled down, the skins are so easy to take off. How do you roast yours, and how do you take the skins off? I'll have the beets either in a salad or as a side dish. Probably more as a side dish because I probably don't want to get the dressing on the beets.

    zelenda - a pedometer can be quite motivating. The problems I've found were that if I didn't get some sort of safety clip, it would fall into the toilet (hence, I got a clip attached to a shoestring-type thing so when it falls off my pants, the clip keeps it from falling into the toilet or someplace else). I also found that it didn't work well for me when I wore it on my jeans (not sure why jeans would affect it). But it can be highly motivating to try to get that number (of steps) up and up.

    Vince decided he wanted to go to the hospital because his mouth was hurting so much. It appears that he has a bit of an infection. We were there for 6 hours! I wolfed down my dinner right before we left (much to Vince's dismay) and only had carrots and tomatoes there. Got to read 3-1/2 magazines, tho. He's supposed to call an ENT tomorrow (not quite sure what that has to do with the cheek), got home had to rush to take a shower and get some other things done. Now just logging on for a bit so I don't get too far behind. Did read about this naked yoga. Sounds interesting. The idea is to get comfortable with your body. One thing she pointed out was that she noticed that almost everyone in the room had rolls of flab.

    I was thinking today of that saying that women are like Jesus -- even when he was dead he had to get up and go to work!

    Fortunately, they changed the mahjongg from Wednesday evening back to Monday. That's just a little bit better for me.

    Katla - what a beautiful story about you and dh!

    simeonce - glad you're feeling better, Good luck at the gym

    Anne - we used to live in Kennett Square, PA

    Michele in NC