
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Interesting weekend my allergies have been really acting up so been sneezing, coughing, eyes itching etc all weekend. My normal stuff I take just has not been cutting the mustard. So if continues I will need to go to the Doctor.

    @Michele -- Hopefully for Bryan this entire Spain adventure will be a learning experience and in time he will understand and make postive choices.

    @Kathy Congrats on cleaning two closets.

    @Meg great on finishing the garage.

    @JB love the pictures of your flowers.

    @MaryC hope you feel better soon.

    Besides dealing with allergies this weekend we have been doing some deep Spring cleaning.

    I always thought of myself as a decent homemaker but seriously shame how bad some of the areas got so dirty. Our home is just a 1,000sq ft. house no dishwasher except my two hands at times keeping up on the basics seems like an accomplishment. Growing up we never had a dishwasher and my mom always managed to keep the house clean. Trying to get a better handle on this. I know even with working fulltime this can be done.

    Liz from Idaho
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, I went on my walk today and somehow turned off the endomondo after only 3 minutes and 38 seconds. :mad: I was so upset and then told myself to get over it! I still got a good workout in and I don't need that to feel the results! It's an absolutely beautiful (but windy) day here in Norway today and it's just put me in such a great mood! Funny how sunshine can do that to you.

    Joyce – I have my dancing shoes out for you in Norway! Congrats! :heart:

    Gail – Sweating sure seems like it should count as calorie burn to me!

    Drkatiebug – I think when I win my bed with my son in July (he has to buy me whatever hubby wants at Victoria’s Secret) I’ll see if they will fit me for a new bra. It’s been a LONG time since I was fitted and it seems like it time to do it again. Thanks for the reminder.

    Connie – congrats on the weight loss! Maybe your ticker will show it today.

    Patti – everyone is entitled to a day of being cranky and unmotivated. Just remember to make it only a day. Today is a brand new day.

    Zenelda – WELCOME :flowerforyou:

    Meg – Old Chicago Pizza mmmmmm! I’m drooling here! :love:

    Renny – don’t beat yourself up!!! Take care of yourself and I have NO doubt you’ll be able to do a ½ marathon in Oct.

    Runningcats – I took a look at your link. I have lots of friends that run every week and keep thinking I would like to join them. But when I looked at the 5 k training schedule the second day it says run 10-15 minutes. UGH! I'm not sure I can even do that much to start. I’ve been walking over 4 miles a day and today I tried running between light posts and the most I could do was 5 before I was hurting.

    Alice – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Lpop50 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Rcb1963 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Roselover58 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Mrsbuntuffler – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Terrimag – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Bea - WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Eileen – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: Great idea to get 8 servings of fruits and veggies per day! If you find that eating 1000 calories isn't helping with the weightloss you might want to add more. I was keep it at 1200 and did great for the first week or two. Then I actually started gaining weight (even though I made sure I was NEVER over 1200 calories). After doing research I read that your body thinks it is starving and hoards every bite instead of burning off the fat and that was my problem. I'm now eating quite a bit more and the weight is coming off again. Good luck! And I will stay tuned!

    Simeonce – you are SO right! We CAN do this! :heart:

    Anne - WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy – GREAT JOB! Hopefully that will really help them out!

    Michele – Our instructor talked about what to do if we rolled but didn’t make anyone try it. We asked him to show it to us though. I :heart: steel cut oats for breakfast! I make a huge crockpot full every week and then prepackage the servings. Makes it very easy for hubby since he gets up way earlier than I do. Right now I have a batch that I added canned pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla. Last batch had frozen dark sweet cherries and some organic almond butter mixed in. YUM! Sometimes I add some organic coconut milk, fresh blueberries and unsweetened coconut …. I think I’ll do that batch next again.

    Liz – I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Joy (An American living the good life in sunny, beautiful Stavanger, Norway)
  • GrannyA
    GrannyA Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning ~ new to this thread.

    Hmmm, just noticed my ticker is not up to date . . . actually down 8 pounds not 4. . . wonder why it isn't correct. :ohwell:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Michelle- same sort of thing happened to my DH but started with his ear, then woke up a few days later the whole side of his face was swollen.. took him to the ER- the Dr looked in his ear and said -Oh My~ then had him open his mouth and said OH MY. he had shingles. they kept him for about 36 hrs. and it took a long long time for the pain to go away.. best wishes to Vince..
    Welcome to all the new members~ you have found a wonderful wonderful group of ladies.
    Barbie- love your signature with the line dancing lady and cat.. that is adorable..
    Well I went to the gym this morning early , that is 4 days in row at the gym, I dont do as much ,but at least I am there..
    will try and keep myself trucking on the 1200 calories..
    This weather in the US is crazy isn't it? I dont know what this world is coming to, such devestation ,and heartbreak..
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, no tea this morning, I have a doctors appointment, where they will take blood. The scale went in the wrong direction this morning, and I gained half a pound. I'm not going to be upset, it could be any number of things, next week will be better.

    Caught one of the cats in the garden this morning, DH is not that good with gates, and the smallest one Max, was sitting in one of the beds. I had to throw on shorts and chase her out.

    Tigress in GA
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat!

    Joyce:smile: I`m doing a happy dance for you:bigsmile: !!!! Congrats for getting in the 1`s!!!!

    As usual, I have no more time this morning:sad: !!! I`ve read all the posts and wishing everyone well!!!
    Have a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy NC
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    GrannyA - WELCOME! :flowerforyou: You are the second person that said the ticker is not working right. I sure hope it get fixed before I weigh in on Thursday! :wink:

    grandmallie - Great job on the consecutive days at the gym!!!

    Tigress - good luck at the doctor!

    DeeDee - good morning to you too!

    Joy in Stavanger, Norway
  • GaJavaGirl
    GaJavaGirl Posts: 25
    Interested in joining the group. Bumping until I have more time to read & set goals (tonight).
    Leigh-Ann in Georgia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    I’ve been wondering how to add my monthly goals for a long time too, and your post motivated me to try. I decided to try to deal with the “automatic goals” in Microsoft Word since I have no idea how to accomplish it in MPF. I typed my conclusion first as a signature, and then made my reply above it. I wonder if it will work. If it posts correctly, I’ll save it, and use it for all my responses.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.

    :flowerforyou: I keep a word document on the desktop of my computer with my goals, signature, a quote and a graphic and type my post above it, then copy and paste onto the MFP reply box and add the smiley faces.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    June Resolutions
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    *strength training once a week
    *act the way I want to feel

  • I am new to MFP...just started 3 days ago. I've been seraching around the site trying to find where I might fit in. This morning, I found this group...finally! A place for me! I am 60 years old and 40 pounds overweight. Ugh. I want to get fit and healthy once again. Can anyone recommen)d a good in home exercise program for me? There is so much to choose from! :laugh: I definitely need some direction and discipline:smile: . I am the kind of person who gets excited about one thing, does it for a bit, then sees something else and says "wait...maybe that's better, hmmmm, maybe I should do THAT instead" so off I go in that direction.

    So, we need to set some goals for ourselves for June and post them here, right? Guess I had better think about that and get back to you later.

    Debbie Central New York (NOT the city:laugh:
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Hello friends,

    Did ok on my May resolutions. Finished my first 15k on my way to my first half in the Fall.

    Did pretty good with not eating after 830p but it is hard with the family.

    June resolution is to

    walk/jog 25 mi a week or more depends on weather. No thunderstorm training :noway:

    Deep water jogging XT and work my arms. I HATE the WAVE yuck.

    Work on house we are creating a new kitchen. Work in garden more and get up out of bed before 8am. It is hot here really early.

    Taking weight off will be a plus but really I hate that scale. I can loose a dress size and the scale reads the same. What up
    with that :angry:

    Have fun and play. Now all my kids are out of High School :drinker:

    Go to BEACH this month. Need salt water all over my body and hair so mucked with salt water needs to washed before it will take a comb.


    Tampa FL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Welcome all newbies - too many of you to mention by name, but you know who you are!!!!!!! Looking forward to getting to know you.:heart:
    Michele - A kg is 2.2 lbs. That makes 2 1/2 kgs = 5.5 lbs. I am going to look for a pair of 7.5 kgs dumbbells on line. From my reading of the posts on MFP there is a body of opinion that reckons if you can do too many repetitions then you should up your weights. So far the results on my arms are more than I expected. I don't recall ever having shape even when I was young.:laugh:

    Brooke - I hope the news is good on your biopsy. What a worry for you.:flowerforyou: Just when we think we are doing well things come along to derail us. Like Rennie and your back. I am glad you are regrouping for the autumn. You can do it!:drinker:

    Joyce - I am so pleased for you. What a great feeling. You must be so proud of yourself.:love:

    DH off to the dentist in a minute - just a check up. I am wearing a tee shirt I can't remember when I bought, it is so long ago! It's been lying forgotten in the bottom of my tee shirt pile, but as I had to throw so many out it resurfaced! Might have been the 80's:noway: Looks fine - tight and black!:wink:

    The roasted cauliflower was delicious. I don't know if any of you have had it like that. I divide it into medium sized florets, rinse it in water, not drying it off, squeeze lemon juice over it in a baking dish, sprinkle whatever you like, a tiny bit of salt, pepper, paprika, - I like Zatar which is a thyme based mix from the Middle East, but any favourite spice would be great and any herb you like, I used fresh thyme from the garden. Roast in a medium hot oven for half an hour or so, or until it looks slightly charred around the edges. I served it with my barbecued lamb and a tsaksiki (yoghourt with mint, cucumber and garlic etc.) It needs a sauce as it is quite dry. Chilli sauce would be good as well. :laugh: We loved it.

    Looks like more watering today. The weather has been really nice here, but I have to get out there with the watering cans. :sad:

    Love to all, Heather in flowery Hampshire :heart:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I stunk at May goals and actually gained 4 pounds. Sigh. Just wanted to quickly mark my place and throw a couple of pictures up from the weekend. Graduation / Birthday party finally done. Great party, stayed up to 4 am. Not bad for an old lady!!

    My 13 year old on the trail!


    My soon to be 18 year old (tomorrow) at her birthday graduation party.

  • Hi everyone!!

    I haven't posted in a WHILE but always stop in to see what is going on. Made it thru the first half of the year maintaining and now it is time to get back at the LOSING part again - slow and steady but surely so:smooched:

    Goals for June are to stay at losing calorie level every day
    Excercise 5 days a week
    Make time to enjoy my family and friends and this world
    Finish a project a week around my house:flowerforyou:

    Glad that it is finally summer around here - me being a southern girl I do love HOT and Humid - REALLY!!!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome week!!

    Lizzie from New Orleans
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Doing the happy dance! :happy: Finally got the best of the scale and it moved downward just enough to make me feel that I have accomplished something big!!! I know I should feel good about dropping sizes and inches, and I do but making it to the 50 mark is huge for me! So is all your support and encouragement! :heart: Ready to keep going so I should get off here and get to it! Plus I have hungry dogs that want their breakfast. :smile:

    Michele- Hope Vince is feeling better soon!

    Kathy in sunny (finally) IL
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning partners in healthy lifestyle!
    Third day of June and I'm sorta back on track... At least I start every day with good intentions! Been doing some good yard work which I love to count as exercise... does all the poison ivy scratching count as exercise too! haha!
    Love to read all your tales! Have a great day!

    Joyce !! Congratulations! Welcome back to the 1s!

    Heather, I LOVE roasted cauliflower. If I make it early in the day it doesn’t make it to dinner. It’s a great snack. Better than chips. Love it!

    Wessecg. I was awful in May too. It’s always a hard month for us with birthdays, graduations, weddings, Memorial Day… so many opportunities to eat such amazing foods and no time to exercise (right!). Your photos of your daughters are adorable!

    Kathy – Awesome job! It feels great to see the scale move in the “right” direction!

    DeeDee – I always love to see your posts. Thanks for always being positive.

    Meg – I need new living room furniture and a sofa bed for the craft room (guest room!) Wish I weren’t such a procrastinator. Just can’t seem to make a decision.

    Have a happy day!
    Tammy in Va Beach
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hi All....I have been MIA :blushing: for most of May and will be gone the end of this month too.

    It's our busy season in the Landscape business so my free time is very limited.

    Hoping all of you have been keeping to the plan and logging everything.

    With the warmer weather hubby and I have been doing a lot of bike riding which is good. The bad is that I haven't been as good on my eating as I should. I need to increase the veggies and make bigger salads. The good thing is that I still keep my eating at work undercontrol and am packing only good things...it's those killer weekends that get me.

    I have piles on my desk that say the boss worked over the weekend and I have only 14 days this month to be current before our vacation. Not sure how much I will be here but will be posting on my profile page when I have time. We are preping our house to sell and will be putting it on the market when we return from our vacation....so busy, busy, busy.

    May goals were met....June goals will be to maintain.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou: let's make it a GREAT month.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    I do enjoy this thread, and reading about all of you. Granny I also put in my weight this morning and the ticker did not change. Alot of the time the last couple days I have trouble getting my food in. But I just kept trying until it went.
    We are having beautiful weather here in Nebraska and I have tomorrow off work so planning to work in the yard and my rock garden.It has been a stressful couple days. Our dog, Sassy, who we have had for 14 years is not doing well. We talked to the vet last week and we will be putting her down tomorrow. I think this one is harder for me then the two others we had as we got Sassy shortly after our son died. Also my roof leaked and had to call in the insurance company. That was a surprise as they came out and they are going to pay to have the house and garage reroofed and siding replaced on most the house and garage. So not have to find someone to do that. Good thing is when I weighed this morning I am done 1.9 pounds for last week. Thanks for all your support and hope you all have a good start to the new week.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday :glasses:

    I'm glad you liked the delphiniums, they're just gorgeous out there this morning, I've just had my walk around the yard with a cup of coffee :bigsmile: Meg, I did stake most them and tied a few strings around for support. Silly flowers get rather top-heavy! Some of them are over 6' tall :noway:

    Here's the recipe for Cauliflower au Gratin which I think is from a Weight Watchers cookbook.

    Steam 2 small heads cauliflower until tender.
    Take out 2 cups and put it in a bowl with 1 cup grated parmesan, 1/2 c. fat-free or light sour cream, salt & pepper.
    Blend together until smooth using a stick blender.
    Combine with remaining chunks of cooked cauliflower and put into a baking dish.
    Top with seasoned bread crumbs and melted butter if desired.
    Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
    8 servings.

    Note: I don't use butter, and use the light sour cream. My calculations come to 125 per serving.

    Alrighty, must get busy here. Be good, be strong, be happy and kind. If you want to be lean, eat your greens! :love:

    :smile: jb in overcast Portland
  • rodeooo
    rodeooo Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Today I resume the rest of my journey to 130 land. I weighed in this morning at 163. In January when I started on the road to 130 land, I weighed 199. In the past 6 weeks I went off my meal plan and gained a few back.

    I am so glad I found this group and I enjoyed reading all the posts this morning that I miss over the weekend.

    And now....out of this house to get some exercise!

    Cindi from IL