Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Atiy5
    Atiy5 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am kinda new (I did mfp a few years ago) and I need to lose 100+ lbs. I have lost some before, but gained it almost all back. I can definitely use any support (you can friend me). I will be opting in on June's challenge of 4lbs. Best of luck to all of you.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I missed Sunday so i'll do a quick share: My name is Tracy. I'm 40 years old and been married for 17 years. Two kids -- 11 year old son and 6 year old daughter. I work out of my home in the life insurance quality business. I pretty much have required set hours, but there is a bit of flexibility for me. Struggled with my weight since a sophomore in college and now I'm fighting back. I've been stuck for a couple of months now, but not giving up...

    Right now I'm struggling with balancing my life. I feel like I normally have a good grip on it, but all of a sudden I'm overwhelmed. My guess is that it has something with the routine of school ending and trying to find a groove for summer. My husband works nights and weekends, but that isn't anything new. My house is a mess and I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day to attend kids' activities, clean the house, feed everyone, exercise and sleep. But I know that is the general population and not original to me, so its time for me to put my big girl panties on and just get it all done!! :bigsmile:

    I'm on day 3 of my 7 day challenge. I'm going to have to get some exercise in if I'm going to eat a decent supper and stay under my calorie goal -- pretty high in calories already...:blushing: When I made my exercise plan for the week, I forgot that the kids have Bible School this week from 6-8....adjustments will have to be made.

    @lmackbeth - I didn't realize you were in CT. I'm headed to the Niantic area this August to visit my in-laws. My father in law has a kayak all ready for us to go out on!

    @kah -- fun vacation with your family. Hope you feel better soon.

    @RobinsEgg -- yes those splurges can get the best of us

    @skinnyjeans -- congrats on getting your grading done...the end is in sight!!

    @lauriek -- congrats on the new size and wow -- 16 miles on the bike makes my butt hurt just thinking about it (however, biking will be my june goal)

    @susan -- WoW!! 12 pounds -- awesome!

    @Helena -- sounds like you are prepared -- good for you!

    @jtconst -- thanks for the reminder of water -- I went and got some more. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    @Morgori -- good luck with your choices -- I'm sure you'll make good ones! :wink:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was a busy day but my car is fixed no more knocking. The dealer fixed the AC and it was still under warrantee- YIPEEEE! By the time I got home, I did not have the energy to hit the gym tonight. So today will be my rest day and tomorrow I will workout. I just needed a break and actually listened to my body.

    Welcome back Susan, hope the travel will slow down soon and that you find a great school for your son.:smile:

    Robin- There are days that we need to listen to our bodies. Especially after doing all those squats that you have been doing. Give those muscles a day to rest and see what happens tomorrow. Remember you are waking up muscles that you have not used in a long time.

    jolt- Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy the exercise DVD. One of the best things you can do is find something that you want to do and start with that- ie walking start slow then gradually raise the amount of time you do that activity. It does make a difference and your endurance will build quickly.:happy:

    Atiy- Welcome to the group. Hope you check in with us regularly.:smile:

    jt- Yeah for muscles showing up in the biceps and triceps. That is a great feeling and accomplishment!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Top- Go get some exercise and that will brighten up your day!!!:drinker: :happy:

    Karen- Enjoy your summer vacation!!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    @Susan - So glad to hear from you! I hope things settle down for you so that you can get back to taking care of YOU.

    Monday check in - Finally pulled off a few lbs so my tracker is correct, relieved about that. Come Wednesday I can start adding meat back into my diet. 4oz 3x a week. Then I go back for ANOTHER blood test (freaking vampires....) to check my uric acid levels. If all is well I can add a bit more.

    I'm fraking exhausted today. My sweet angelic MowMow was feeling sick yesterday. Super high temp, lethargic, and wouldn't eat. He never drinks so I add water to his canned food and thats how he stays no eating also = dehydrated. I couldn't afford the emergency vet so I had to spend all day and all of last night babying him till the vet opened this morning. He was so freaking hot, just laying against me made me sweat but when he's sick he wants me to hold him. I kept wrapping him a blanket with 3 ice packs trying to bring down his temp and force fed food/water into him twice.

    The vet feels he STILL has a bacterial infection that we didn't knock out from last time. He's on a super high test antibiotic for FOUR weeks, a decongestant for a week (twice a day), and I have to give him subcutaneous fluids 3x a day for 3 days as well as steam him in the bathroom to help him breathe. When we got home I got him to eat a FULL meal and we both fell into a real sleep(instead of him waking up gagging and snuffling and coughing after a few minutes).

    I swear, sometimes he's more work than a kid....
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i saw my real doctor today and he scoffed at the idea of bariatric surgery. which pleased me since that's how i feel too. i didn't tell him how i felt, i just told him the gyno brought it up and he rolled his eyes and snorted :laugh: he said i'm nowhere near bad enough in my weight related issues to justify that. which is what i thought too but it's nice to hear it from a doctor. he did suggest diet pills as a less extreme measure but then he found out i was actually there for ADHD meds and said they would function the same. he thinks it will definitely aid in weight loss. so we'll have to see how that goes. i have lost a few pounds according to the doctor's scale since last week, but it's not weight day so i'm not counting it, but i did make a mental note that using MPF actually works :tongue:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Drank too many calories today celebrating end of school year with my department members. Will be going out again tomorrow, but will stick with captain and diet coke--no high-calorie fru-fru drinks.

    Welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou: I'm still tired from Relay for Life, so I will do personals tomorrow.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Feeling better today as far as the allergies go!

    @Karen thank you for the lead on how to get my house in shape :smile: I will utube it for sure. Way to go on the Rely for Life!

    @toots that is encouraging that the Doctor reffirmed your feelings. Sounds like you are going in the right direction. :flowerforyou:
    @jt --- Yay on the loss!!

    Yay for new beginnings its never to late to try again and never to old to start fresh or learn something new. :flowerforyou:

    Today was a very good day at work starting a new schedule hoping for the best. I am continuing the cleaning. We will be leaving for Illinois in a week and half Family reunion time. Trying to loose a couple of pounds before it. This reunion is for my Dad 's side first generation Italians my Aunts and Uncles love to show their love by feeding everyone!

    Wishing Everyone a good day!

    Liz from Idaho
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I returned to work for a half-day yesterday, today I’m trying for a full-day since I have so much to catch up on.

    @Robin~Dan Brown is my favorite author, the movies don’t do his books justice. I’m reading his latest novel right now, Inferno - it is fantastic so far!
    @Susan~Glad to see you back, glad the traveling is behind you.
    @Liz~Great to see you too!
    @Helena~Glad to hear your mom has started her treatments, sorry the chemo made her so ill the first time around – they should be giving her some anti-nausea meds, they have come so far with medications to off-set the ill-effects of chemo.
    @Laurie~Hooray for getting smaller sizes, that always feels so much better to me than what the scale says. :drinker:
    @Tammy~Great victories all around this week! :flowerforyou:
    @Kris~Glad MowMow is doing better. Does he have a condition that causes him to contract bacterial infections often?
    @Toots~Glad your regular doctor was more encouraging.

    Welcome to the newlings!

    Tuesday Goals~My only goal is to stay below calories & limit carbs to help offset the absence of exercise. Hopefully my back will have improved enough by Saturday that I can get back into the gym.

    Have a great day.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I have to start thinking differently about snacks.

    Kelley stretch that back and do not overdo it too soon

    Quote of the day: - Vincent Lombardi: The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello everyone; are you accepting new members to this thread? My name is Jo and I started WW in Oct of 2012 then switched to MFP in March of 2013. I have a lot to lose and it's a slow-go (been stalled for a month now) so could always use extra people to keep me motivated! Would love to contribute to this thread:)

    Welcome Jolt - yes we're taking new members all the time. Sorry to hear you're stalled at the moment. How much have you lost so far? When I've been at a stand-still, I have to adjust my calories rather dramatically, or my exercise. Can you tell us what calorie level you've been at?

    I am given 2040 by MFP and I usually eat right around that - some days couple hundred under and every now and then a little bit over. I'm sure my main problem is exercise - I really don't do any still. I just bought a DVD that I'm hoping to do and stick with it! Thanks for the welcome:)

    Jolt - exercise is important, but its ALL about the calories. Are you logging all your calories? Are you being true to the 2040 number 7 days a week? You might try dropping down to 1800 for a few weeks, I'll bet that will start you losing right away.
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone; are you accepting new members to this thread? My name is Jo and I started WW in Oct of 2012 then switched to MFP in March of 2013. I have a lot to lose and it's a slow-go (been stalled for a month now) so could always use extra people to keep me motivated! Would love to contribute to this thread:)

    Welcome Jolt - yes we're taking new members all the time. Sorry to hear you're stalled at the moment. How much have you lost so far? When I've been at a stand-still, I have to adjust my calories rather dramatically, or my exercise. Can you tell us what calorie level you've been at?

    I am given 2040 by MFP and I usually eat right around that - some days couple hundred under and every now and then a little bit over. I'm sure my main problem is exercise - I really don't do any still. I just bought a DVD that I'm hoping to do and stick with it! Thanks for the welcome:)

    Jolt - exercise is important, but its ALL about the calories. Are you logging all your calories? Are you being true to the 2040 number 7 days a week? You might try dropping down to 1800 for a few weeks, I'll bet that will start you losing right away.

    Yes, I am extremely consistent about logging my food; I'm at about 90 days in a row of logging in and I record everything I eat. I've lost about 40 pounds already, so I know this works - I just stall out every so often. I do some days that are closer to 1600-1800 but most days are right at the 2000 points. Thanks for your support:)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Atiy - welcome !

    tih - I hear so much about how kids activities run a parent's life! I hope you are not over-scheduled! I hope you get your life in order and find some calm time for yourself. :heart: :heart:

    MowMow - praying for your little man - hope he recovers soon. Those infections are so hard to beat, especially since its so hard to give him water.

    toots - glad you had a great visit with your doc! Hope the meds help you.

    Liz - the family reunion sounds like a whole lot of fun - will you fly or drive - that's a long way from Idaho to Illinois! I hope your new schedule at work makes life better.

    kah - so you've returned to work already? Wow that's determination and will power! Kind of like Tom's quote today. I hope you continue to recover at the same pace - remarkable! Glad you're enjoying Dan Brown's new book!

    Tom - love your quote today. Hope you get your snacks figured out. You lost a lot of weight before - you have to find where your mind was at and get in that place again!

    I am looking forward to doing my squats today - I must be crazy - and this means I have found an exercise I enjoy and challenges me!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Quote of the day: - Vincent Lombardi: The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.


    man, is that ever the problem. i can't seem to figure out where i was in my mind the first time i was successful. that's definitely the goal.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning.

    I have to start thinking differently about snacks.

    Kelley stretch that back and do not overdo it too soon

    Quote of the day: - Vincent Lombardi: The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.


    Great quote, Tom! For snacks I always have protein with a little carbs (i.e. apple with string cheese or almonds, Greek yogurt with almonds). Post workout I have either a Pure Protein bar or a protein shake. I've discovered protein is a must to keep the cravings monster away. Thanks for the advice, I will be sure to rest my back when I get home.

    @Robin~I think I would have taken longer to recover if I hadn't already been on vacation and it wasn't month-end at work (I hate leaving my boss with so much to do on his own). I tried to follow doctor's orders verbatim, so have much more range of motion - I'm still walking really slow and resemble Quasimodo :tongue: but the muscle spasms are few and far between. My pain has decreased significantly also but I will be sure to rest my back when I get home tonight.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Yes, I am extremely consistent about logging my food; I'm at about 90 days in a row of logging in and I record everything I eat. I've lost about 40 pounds already, so I know this works - I just stall out every so often. I do some days that are closer to 1600-1800 but most days are right at the 2000 points. Thanks for your support:)
    Plateaus are the body's way of adjusting it's "weight set point" if you will.Your body gets used to a certain weight and tries to maintain that weight. When you lose weight the body then needs a bit of time to reset to the new weight as being THE weight it wants to maintain. So look at those stalls as the time your body needs to adjust to the new lower weight set point!!!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Tuesday goals.... I joined a squat challenge and then went crazy and added crunches to it too. My goal is to SURVIVE first of all and then to become stronger!!! LOL!!! Gotta go finish up my 60 squats and 75 crunches (reg, lateral, and reverse)!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tues. goal: Just hang in there until the surgery. They had a cancellation so I have been bumped up to June 18. Its coming fast. The scale has finally moved a bit more, down 1.2. I have kind of lost track of official weigh-in day and just take the losses when they come. I've lost almost 20 of my 3rd 25# goal. I still like looking at 25# at a time although I do keep the final goal in mind.
    Welcome to the Newbies, and congratulations for all of the successes.
    Tom, I always appreciate your quotes.
    Toots, I read and thoroughly enjoyed "Glitch". Fun read. I have the other one on my Kindle, but haven't started yet.
    Good to see Susan and Liz back. We have to just keep plodding along.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goals! (I think it's Tuesay....) - Right now I'll be happy to just make it through this day and get home. Up every 3 hours last sleep at all the night before... I'm on automatic pilot right now. Last of the Sub Q fluids was done at lunch time and he's feeling pretty perky and sassy. Sassy enough to be being doing the diry on his poor brother when I left..... so life is good. Working 10 hour days the rest of this week to make up for yesterday... so I don't think there will be any excercise time except for running around at work (I have 3 jobs to do in Building 2 basement so that'll put on about 10 miles of walking at work this week).

    To the person who was plateaud and wanted tips... logging is great and important but are you still measuring your food? It's easy for stuff to 'sneak' in when we're not careful.
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd like to join this group and maybe make some friends, too. I started at 220 lbs, I'm currently 215 lbs, and I'd like to eventually be between 115-130 lbs again. I've been struggling this year with starting and stopping...making progress and them back sliding. I think this week I'd like to focus on drinking water and exercising. Please add me as a friend!
  • Goals

    -Fit into my "slim" jeans, which are one size down from what I've been wearing normally.
    -Reach my pre-wedding weight, which is a 10lbs loss since my last weigh in three weeks ago (I might have already made this but I only weigh myself once a month)
    -Go down another belt notch
    -Go on a few walks on my days off from work because the weather isn't too hot just yet
    -Drink more water
    -Take my daily vitamin