I wonder if they realise…

How many calories they are clocking up. Today it is one of my colleagues birthdays, although all birthdays are special, it isn’t a big one so to speak. She is turning 27 and to celebrate she brought in a selection of cakes and treats and asked a handful of her favourite colleagues to have a dominos for lunch. Then another colleague brought in a load of chocolate ice-creams since it’s great weather here in Glasgow today.
Now I realise the girl whose Birthday it is has every right to indulge on her special day however I wonder if the others realise quite how many calories they are clocking up whilst indulging with her. I can’t imagine over indulging to that extend in my work place, particularly a fairly sedatory drawing office. A quick round up of the calories is below but boy it seems extreme!! I feel slightly like an outsider since I don’t usually participate in the lunches these guys have in the office but I’d rather feel a little lonely than feel bloated, tired and moody after eating all that rubbish!!!
Chocolate fudge cake: 344 kcals, 19g fat, 40g carb, 13g sugar
Half a dominos pizza: 750 kcals, 20g fat, 90g carb, 13g sugar
2 Chicken strippers: 224 kcals, 12g fat, 13g carb, 8g sugar
Chocolate icecream: 220 kcals, 15g fat, 19g carb, 18g sugar
Total: 1520 kcals, 66g fat, 162g carb, 67g sugar

Do any of you guys witness such indulgencies in your place of work? Have you ever spoke out and highlighted the error in your colleagues eating habits? I haven’t and don’t intend to but would love to hear your stories.


  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    The only error I see is in the way you think.
  • MackieMotivation
    MackieMotivation Posts: 25 Member
    The only error I see is in the way you think.

    Maybe if you elaborate you could teach me something...
  • Ashleyxjamie
    Ashleyxjamie Posts: 223 Member
    The only error I see is in the way you think.

    lul wut?:huh:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Absolutly I have seen this in the work place at varous clients. I tend to bring flowers and fruit /almonds as gifts to clients. There are just so many ways to mark a special day.

    One of my favorite clients is a diabetic. It is very important to remember that while some of us might just not feel quite well after so much food, it is deadly to others.

    "No Thank you" is a great phrase to have at the tip of your tongue in such offices.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I wrote a long reply and then realised I'd sped read the OP and was being a bit abrupt.

    Personally, I never comment on what others eat, unless they've asked a question - I'm at the age now where my friends are aware of the merits of healthy eating versus the drawbacks of bad diet - it's hard to avoid from the media.

    My theory is this. I went out for a meal with my boyfriend at the weekend and treated myself to steak, some chips and a salad. At 16st (obese) it would have been easy for someone to look at me and think "Wow, does she even know how much damage she is doing?" - However, I've lost 5 stone since the start of the year, I go to the gym 3 times a week and walk everyday and above all else, I seldom treat myself - I think I've had 3 "treat" days in the last 3 months, and most of them have been compensated by exercising during the day so I break even.

    It's so easy to cast assumptions based on the evidence we have in front of us, but it's rarely as black and white as that. A colleague may have a binge eating problem, another maybe going to the gym straight after work to burn off the excess food but wanted to treat her/himself. We only see a small section of what goes on in a persons life, unless we know them well.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Not sure what you're hoping to get out of this post.

    1. Maybe they don't care - not everyone is focussed on achieving/maintaining weight loss.

    2. Its a special day - one day won't kill them. If they were doing this every day it would be different - but even then their choice.

    3. Part of the fun of being in a big office is the birthday treats - no-one is forcing you to eat them, but for others its a welcome break from the everyday.

    Are they finishing off with deep-fried Mars bars for dessert?:tongue:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    My only duty is to take care of myself while others have to take care of themselves. It's called working my own inventory.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    I work in a very heavy feeder/ snacking office as im surrounded by developers and people who spend the whole day at a desk.

    I started off being a food snob saying no to everything then realised it wasn't having the best effect on my self esteem with negative comments from people nor my working relationships so i took a different approach.

    If it fits your macros! you can have that small piece of cake or cookie so long as it fits in with the rest of your intake and once evert so often indulging isn't going to kill you theres reasoning to believe that shocking your body with a different quantity of food can boost weight loss.

    don't let food dictate your life or behaviours it isn't the enemy if people are scared of binging by having one piece of cake they're A not eating properly or B they have some issues they need dealing with in regards to having a healthy relationship with food.
  • MackieMotivation
    MackieMotivation Posts: 25 Member
    Not sure what you're hoping to get out of this post.

    1. Maybe they don't care - not everyone is focussed on achieving/maintaining weight loss.

    2. Its a special day - one day won't kill them. If they were doing this every day it would be different - but even then their choice.

    3. Part of the fun of being in a big office is the birthday treats - no-one is forcing you to eat them, but for others its a welcome break from the everyday.

    Are they finishing off with deep-fried Mars bars for dessert?:tongue:

    The post was mainly because I was interested to see if this is normal office behaviour because I find it rather surprising.

    I get that birthdays are special but to me you celebrate with your friends and family, not your work colleagues. With an office of around 70 staff, birthday, holiday, wedding, engagement, retirement, leaving, new baby celebrations become fairly regular leading to this sort of indulgence on a regular basis.

    I much prefer pkw58's idea of flowers or a healthy snack!

    Since it's my birthday next week I might bring in a fancy fruit basket :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    You do not have to indulge, but judging others is just... wrong. Stop worrying about them. Worry about yourself.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    1520 for all that sounds divine. I've eaten less food for much more calories than that.
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    That used to be me actually but I just didnt realize it. Now Im going to the gym during lunch, I actually sneek out 10 mins early so I don't get asked to join them for lunch. I try to limit my lunch outings to once-twice a month now and bring my own food the rest of the time. Its saves $$ too..

    I would never dare say anything to them though. Like I said that used to be me. We would have people come in from other countries and we would take them out to lunch and they would be amazed at how much we would eat. Taking pics ect.. to show back at home. I remember how insulted I felt by it. They have to realize it for themselves before they can make that change.
  • badmoose
    badmoose Posts: 25
    About the fastest way to become a pariah is to start telling other people what they're doing wrong in their lives. With family and very close friends you may get away with it if they realize you're saying so because you care about them. But casual friends and colleagues? You might as well tell them they married the wrong spouse, should like dogs instead of cats, voted for the wrong candidate and are of the wrong religion.

    Personal choices are exactly that. Judge not and be not judged.

    Or roll the dice and be very, very lonely.
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    They could burn some of it off if they dance with the "chicken strippers"
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    The only error I see is in the way you think.

    this, so much.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    What's wrong with 1500 calories?

    You don't know how many these people need to eat a day to stay healthy. Or whether or not they will be exercising later to burn it off.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Not sure what you're hoping to get out of this post.

    1. Maybe they don't care - not everyone is focussed on achieving/maintaining weight loss.

    2. Its a special day - one day won't kill them. If they were doing this every day it would be different - but even then their choice.

    3. Part of the fun of being in a big office is the birthday treats - no-one is forcing you to eat them, but for others its a welcome break from the everyday.

    Are they finishing off with deep-fried Mars bars for dessert?:tongue:

    The post was mainly because I was interested to see if this is normal office behaviour because I find it rather surprising.

    I get that birthdays are special but to me you celebrate with your friends and family, not your work colleagues. With an office of around 70 staff, birthday, holiday, wedding, engagement, retirement, leaving, new baby celebrations become fairly regular leading to this sort of indulgence on a regular basis.

    I much prefer pkw58's idea of flowers or a healthy snack!

    Since it's my birthday next week I might bring in a fancy fruit basket :)

    I bet the people in your office are really looking forward to that. :noway: I mean, I know which party sounds like fun to me and, surprise, it is not the one with the fruit basket.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Do any of you guys witness such indulgencies in your place of work?

    I see indulgence everywhere, everyday. It's the OVER-indulgence that should be a concern.
    Have you ever spoke out and highlighted the error in your colleagues eating habits?

    Why would I? It's none of my business (or yours BTW). Live YOUR life not other's. The ONLY time I even bring my fitness or 'diet' up is if I'm asked directly. Even then I don't go into a 45 minute infomercial about it. My only other exception is if someone has specifically asked me to hold them accountable. Then it's game on.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    How many calories they are clocking up. Today it is one of my colleagues birthdays, although all birthdays are special, it isn’t a big one so to speak. She is turning 27 and to celebrate she brought in a selection of cakes and treats and asked a handful of her favourite colleagues to have a dominos for lunch. Then another colleague brought in a load of chocolate ice-creams since it’s great weather here in Glasgow today.
    Now I realise the girl whose Birthday it is has every right to indulge on her special day however I wonder if the others realise quite how many calories they are clocking up whilst indulging with her. I can’t imagine over indulging to that extend in my work place, particularly a fairly sedatory drawing office. A quick round up of the calories is below but boy it seems extreme!! I feel slightly like an outsider since I don’t usually participate in the lunches these guys have in the office but I’d rather feel a little lonely than feel bloated, tired and moody after eating all that rubbish!!!
    Chocolate fudge cake: 344 kcals, 19g fat, 40g carb, 13g sugar
    Half a dominos pizza: 750 kcals, 20g fat, 90g carb, 13g sugar
    2 Chicken strippers: 224 kcals, 12g fat, 13g carb, 8g sugar
    Chocolate icecream: 220 kcals, 15g fat, 19g carb, 18g sugar
    Total: 1520 kcals, 66g fat, 162g carb, 67g sugar

    Do any of you guys witness such indulgencies in your place of work? Have you ever spoke out and highlighted the error in your colleagues eating habits? I haven’t and don’t intend to but would love to hear your stories.

    LOL! 1500 cals is an indulgence? And how is something a habit if it is a one day special occasion?
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    With approx 50 people in our office, thats almost once a week, for birthdays, not including xmas, easter,holidays (yes people have to bring back sweets if they have been on holiday) and the sheer amount of 'junk' food that gets put in (then b&tch about what they ate!)

    I say 'no, im just leaving more for you' and leave it at that, or 'i dont want that' 'im training tonight, no point if it will get thrown up' 'im prediabetic', it usually goes 1st, 2nd and 3rd answer, then the usual 'just the one wont hurt' yes it bloody well could!

    I brought in fruit/veg and got b&tched at, for not bringing in buns, cant win either way! So yeah, im still expected to buy buns/cakes even though i dont eat them and dont want them.

    alot of them are on diets

    Democracy, my backside