
  • mightyold
    mightyold Posts: 12
    Hi! This looks like a great place to start!!

    I came here two years ago, signed up and never came back. It seemed too intimidating. I am active, love to garden, quilt, stand up paddle board,and am an artist.

    Last night I logged back in. I had no idea what my user name was or my password. A friend of ours is an eye surgeon. He has the app for myfitnesspal on his phone. He was lost 35 pounds since he joined.... SO I have pressed my reset button and here I am. This friend has two time shares in Hawaii and asked us to join him and his wife in KAUAI January 2014. What a gift. We only need to pay for air fare. This gives me a great incentive to reach my goal.

    I started out 26 months ago at 176 pounds. Today I weighed 172.6. I have a goal of 135. I have no idea how long that kind of goal will take. Think it's possible?
    I live in Northwest Indiana, I am 58 years old. Post menopausal since last year.
    Yesterday I walked for 30 minutes at 3.0 miles per hour and I did 3 sets of 10 upper body weights. I started out with 30 pounds bench press and used a ten pound dumb bell for curls, triceps, and flyes.

    Anything else you can tell me? I have no clue what I am doing.

    Goals for JUNE:
    stand up paddle board every day that is warm enough
    walk 6 days a week
    weight lift three days a week
    stay with in my calorie limit
    Log in every day
  • alakaa
    alakaa Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I like this group and want to join. Have been a MFP member for a while logging off and on. I am 65 years old and need to loose at least 20 lbs. My goals for june
    Enter every thing I eat each day
    Weigh myself each day
    Exercise 20-30 min. bike and 20-30 min stretch band exercise 5 times a week
    Enter weight once a week
    Wish me luck I need it!
  • debjunebug
    debjunebug Posts: 12
    Hi, I am Debbie, age 60 in Chicago. This looks like a fun place to set the pace. I will try to add my picture soon and state my goals. :drinker: :I assume this guy id drinking coffee. Right? Thanks Barbie
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning- I had a good day yesterday with both food and exercise, and I know one of the reasons for my successful day was that I had posted my goals. I do well w/ public shame and guilt
    old school thinking, don't you know. Anyway, no matter, I am looking forward to another good day and wish the same for all of you.

    I do struggle a bit w/ finding food that fits with what I can eat. My Dr has decided that I am gluten intolerant (not celiac) so I should cut out all gluten. I am still trying to find things that I can make at home (not necessarily buy frozen) that fit both the non-gluten and calorie-friendly requirements. I am open for suggestions, please.

    I have read a couple of posts over the last few days about women on the board losing four-footed family members. You do have my deepest sympathy; I am very pet friendly (my child says he knows I will turn into the crazy cat lady, and he does not want to have to clean out the litter boxes!).

    Well, off to the pool. I have trouble walking distances for exercise because of arthritis, so pool exercises are wonderful for me.

    Have a great day, everyone.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Testing .... this is a picture of me kayaking on Sunday (if it works)

    Still doing it wrong :grumble:

    Let me see if I can post it for you


    Well geez! something's goofy.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Test ...

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    OH there it is! YAY!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Looking great, Joy!!! You are far braver than I am. I am impressed; doesn't look exactly warm there.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Okay ... one more picture. This is why my hubby is not grilling our chicken out on the grill. 6 BABIES! :bigsmile: Had a huge scare though ... I opened the lid to take a picture and one almost fell out!! :embarassed:

  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Looking great, Joy!!! You are far braver than I am. I am impressed; doesn't look exactly warm there.

    Thanks! It was 52 degrees and 20 mph winds!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Everyone - looking forward to getting to know you and share our goals. I have recommitted myself for June, my goals are:
    1. Log everything that goes in my mouth :-0
    2. Get at least 14,000 steps on my fitbit each day
    3. Get 30-60 minutes of aerobic activity each day (running / walking / elliptical)
    4. Restart my Insanity workouts (love them, but the time commitment is tough)
    5. Limit my alcohol consumption to 2x per week

    p.s. my profile picture was taken on 2/22 when I successfully climbed Kilimanjaro for my 50th birthday.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. got over 10,000 steps and I ate okay. too much sodium but it is what it is. I am having a tough time working today. I just don't feel like it. I need to get up and walk around a bit. I am craving sweets and the banana I ate just didn't cut it. I need to take my mind off it.

    Have a great day all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Another newbie here.I'm trying to eat healthy.Losing weight will be fine,but my health needs to come first.

    Love reading this thread.....know we can all use encouragement.I'm 69,with still a lot to learn.

    May was all about getting into eating healthy,using a pedometer & walking.

    June will be.......
    Eating one meatless dinner per wk

    Eating two meatless lunches per wk

    Walking a bit more each wk

    Weighing in every 2 wks.

    Make the effort to enjoy healthy food.
    My favorite quote that helps me stick with it.

    "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein).

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues and welcome all you new people.Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Missed yesterday as I was in court all day,couldn`t beleive there was 5 pages of posts.How amazing.
    Court didn`t go as we had hoped,but it`s over.The lawyer can figure out how to pay the bills.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    jmkmomm, all of the assisted living places here are around 4,000 to 5,000 dollar a month. She owns her house but it is not worth enough if we sold it to keep her in one but a few years. Her mom lived to be 96. There are five children in our family and we are all helping her now with finances as she only gets a very small SS Ck each month. She and my father divorced after 37 years. She then married again but that did not last. I don't think she's bad enough to go to a nursing home right now. It takes me about 1-1/2 hours to get to her house so I can't go every week. Thanks for trying to help. An assisted living home would be just perfect but too expensive.

    Hope you can find help for your Mother.It can be a long,hard road when a parent needs care.Is Elder Care in her area? You can google or try

    We went thru this with my mother in law & my Mother too.We lived in the same town& that is a big difference.Could you stay with her long enough to see what is available?

    Take care ....best of luck with whatever decisions are made. PatceOh
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I met all my goals for yesterday:
    Average 7,000 steps a day (walked over 12,000 steps - Great for me!)

    Work in my yard 15 - 60 min a day, even if it is very hot and humid outside! (Didn't work in the yard but walked the dogs for 20 min.)

    Continue and finish squat challenge - restarting when finished (Did 125 squats this morning! yesterday was a 'rest' day)

    Arm weights (dumbbells) 1 - 3 times a week (Did this Monday, will do again Wednesday)

    Average 45 minutes of cardio activity each week every day. (completed 48 min. yesterday!)

    This thread seems like a great place to be! I am glad I joined!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Today’s weather is gorgeous. It’s sunny and cool. You’d think I would feel great, but I have a stinking headache that just won’t quit. When I get these headaches, I tend to eat more for some reason, but I’m trying to at least make healthy choices. My co-workers shared a pizza for lunch, and I was able to resist, so that's a small victory. I almost always take my own lunch so I know ahead of time what I am having, but there have been days when I've given into my urges and ordered lunch.

    I got a call last night that we won Phillies tickets at our church Carnival. We always buy tickets for all of the baskets and this is the first time we won anything, so I’m excited! We have to pick the tickets up tomorrow. I know that they are really good seats and include parking.

    One of my June goals is to go from 3 pound weights to 5 pound weights and I did that this morning. BOY do I feel it already! I am sticking with my 20 minute circuit exercises, but hoping the additional weights will help tone me up a bit. I’m feeling a bit flabby now that I’ve lost the weight.

    :wink: Joyce – Maybe you’ve motivated your husband by example. Actions speak louder than words!

    :happy: Alison – We all have those days once in awhile, but every day is a new start.

    :flowerforyou: Jodios – Happy Belated Birthday! I love your positive attitude!

    :laugh: Meg – ROFL picturing you playing with that cat naked!

    :heart: Barbie – Thanks for the pep talk. I know you’re right, but some days are still a struggle. Let’s face it, I love food! Although I know in my head that I have to limit what I eat, sometimes I do get resentful.

    :frown: Sue in CA – I wish I could tell you something to help, but I am struggling with the same issues.

    :heart: Amanda – Hoping for a good outcome for your dad. Just know that you are doing the right thing by taking care of things even if you have no support from siblings.

    :ohwell: Joy – After weening off of Premarin, I started suffering from almost constant hot flashes & night sweats followed by chills, loss of hair and most importantly, lack of sleep. My doctor reluctantly prescribed it again for the summer but said we would revisit it in the fall. After two weeks I am sleeping better and the hot flashes have gone away. I know I can’t stay on Premarin for a long period of time, but I am grateful for this reprieve. I will definitely mention Exxefor to my doctor as another option.

    :noway: Heather – I looked up 7 ½ kg to convert it to pounds and found that it is 16 pounds! Are you using one weight or two? I just started using two 5 pound weights and either I am extremely weak or you are very strong as I definitely am feeling it!

    :happy: Brooke – I’m not sure how the farm teams work, but DH informed me that the Wilmington Blue Rocks are an Advanced “A” team in the Carolina League. All I know is that we got great seats at a reasonable price & they even had an awesome fireworks display afterward. It was a lot of fun!

    :grumble: Kathy – I think you’re right. I probably need to look for some kind of exercise that would be fun. I currently walk on the TM three times a week, and absolutely DREAD it! I do circuit exercises the other two days, and find that tolerable. I’ve gone to yoga before and loved it, but haven’t found a class in my area that works with my schedule yet. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying.

    :wink: Sue –I would never have the courage to try a single kayak, but you sure look great!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Hang in there ladies….we are all in this together and we can do this!!!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • Hi guys,

    I'm new to the group. Here are my goals for June:

    1) Hit 20lbs lost mini goal by the end of the month (after that it's only 4 pounds to go to Goal :)
    2) Keep on track with working out 6 days and biking the 7th
    3) make all overdue medical check-up appointments
    4) Don't get comfortable working out
    5) Don't cheat with snacks or portions

    Good luck everyone :smile:
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening from West Virginia :flowerforyou:
    Has been a pretty productive day .Begun using the fitness center first day was friday and was extremely sore :bigsmile:
    have to say though afterwards sore or not-was energized!! Over the weekend took it easy except for dragging out the old stationary bike and did 5 minutes on it.Swear it creaked and groaned just like me.:laugh:
    Monday and tuesday an hours plus working out.Weight machines rowing machine which I was afraid of before back into my routine I had three years ago.BUT!!I have an extra 110 pounds on and 6 bulging and 2 herniated discs :frown: in my back and neck have slowed me d o w n! My *cool* :glasses: moment being in the weight room working out with these fine looking men and they are cheering me on!!
    Today and yesterday goals met.building a new menu to begin on wednesday .
    Trying a new recipe: whole wheat pizza with veggies and yummy cheese -no oil.
    55 and still alive and kickin' :flowerforyou:
    *hugs * to all and hang in there.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone, :flowerforyou: just popping in for a sec. I took a couple shots of the "pagan purple" (weird name!) delphiniums that are just starting to bloom.

    These have no "white bee" in the center and are 2-tone purple. I grew them from seed, they were devils to get to germinate!

    Oh Meg, I use darkish-colored stakes so they don't show much. :wink:

    Anyway have a great day, thought you'd enjoy seeing the color:bigsmile: . Having troube resizing them in photobucket! :grumble:

    :smile: jb in sunnnnnny Portland

