Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm at goal now and trying 1900 for a while but aiming for higher.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I can't believe this thread is BACK !! hehe... awesome read for anyone scared to up their calories
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    bump. Need to read this properly later.
  • Kitty582
    Kitty582 Posts: 5 Member
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,907 Member
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Bumpity bump!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,907 Member
    I was at 1310 net and stopped losing 3 months ago. Tried a full diet break for 3 weeks close to TDEE. Set my MFP goal to 0.5 pounds a week and ate half of my exercise calories back. I only ate half of my exercise calories because I don't have a HRM, and don't entirely trust the calorie burns the machines at the gym give.

    According to MFP I should have lost 0.5 a pound a month, which didn't happen. However, I am happy I didn't gain weight during the diet break. The last two days I have started restricting to 1310 net again, and am down 0.5 kg.

    It's early days, but if the diet break has succeeded in re-establishing my metabolism to normal levels, I will incorporate it every 3 months until I reach goal.
  • lozzieemayjenkins
    lozzieemayjenkins Posts: 71 Member
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)

    Nope, it isn't ignorance at all. I know it sounds backwards, but if you are doing excessive workouts, then your body NEEDS extra fuel to survive. I was starting at eating only 1400 calories and working out 3 days/week. I have increased my calories. I eat atleast 1900 calories and more on days where I am working out more (depending on what I am doing that day). Follow the formula that has been provided and multiple it by 80-85% depending on how much of a weight loss you want. It really does work!!!!

    Where is the formula? I've scrolled through but can't seem to find it..
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    Bump to read later - I eat over 1800 cals a day, would love to read from other women who do this.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    For about 2 months I have based my calories on my TDEE and my fitbit. I am 5'11'' and I burn 2500 calories on a light active day and I burn upwards of 3400 calories on my active days. So my calories range from 1800-2900! I am losing inches and weight slowly, but not gaining! its ok to eat people!! and it feels so much better!

    I do an 30-60 of cardio 5-6 days a week in the form of running (I do lots of marathons) and Turbofire
    I do 30 min Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 4 days a week.

    Have lost about 4-6 pounds and around 5 inches.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I do. I'll post more later.
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Can someone PLEASE help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I hear about upping calories for more weight loss. I have an open food and exercise diary. In addition to cardio, I also do strength training 3x weekly. I'm 51 years old, started MFP in January of this year at 202 lbs., I've managed to lose 14.5 lbs.. but have been at a plateau for over two weeks now. Please advise me.. also looking for friends to help motivate. Thanks!
  • Can someone PLEASE help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I hear about upping calories for more weight loss. I have an open food and exercise diary. In addition to cardio, I also do strength training 3x weekly. I'm 51 years old, started MFP in January of this year at 202 lbs., I've managed to lose 14.5 lbs.. but have been at a plateau for over two weeks now. Please advise me.. also looking for friends to help motivate. Thanks!

    Congrats on the weight loss! I took a little peek at your food diary and the only thing that I notice is that you may not be eating back enough of your exercise calories to fuel your workouts (I only looked at about a week, so that may not always be true). I would try eating back some of your exercise calories and see how that works for you.
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I eat around 1900-2100 calories a day and I am losing, albeit slowly. Maybe .1/2lb a week, maybe even 1/4 Whatever, its still losing and I am never hungry or feel like I am dieting.
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Can someone PLEASE help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I hear about upping calories for more weight loss. I have an open food and exercise diary. In addition to cardio, I also do strength training 3x weekly. I'm 51 years old, started MFP in January of this year at 202 lbs., I've managed to lose 14.5 lbs.. but have been at a plateau for over two weeks now. Please advise me.. also looking for friends to help motivate. Thanks!

    Congrats on the weight loss! I took a little peek at your food diary and the only thing that I notice is that you may not be eating back enough of your exercise calories to fuel your workouts (I only looked at about a week, so that may not always be true). I would try eating back some of your exercise calories and see how that works for you.

    Thank you! Is just that I'm not even that hungry.. I guess I could try to eat more high calorie foods like peanut butter. Thank you for the advice!
  • :flowerforyou:
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Bumping for those who asked me to find it for them... :) enjoy !
  • ninababie2
    ninababie2 Posts: 44 Member
  • ninababie2
    ninababie2 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)

    Nope, it isn't ignorance at all. I know it sounds backwards, but if you are doing excessive workouts, then your body NEEDS extra fuel to survive. I was starting at eating only 1400 calories and working out 3 days/week. I have increased my calories. I eat atleast 1900 calories and more on days where I am working out more (depending on what I am doing that day). Follow the formula that has been provided and multiple it by 80-85% depending on how much of a weight loss you want. It really does work!!!!

    Where is the formula? I've scrolled through but can't seem to find it..

    http://eatmore2weighless.com ---I'm new to all this too and it's definately overwhelming the amount of info out there. They also have a mfp group called "eat more to weigh less" with a lot of forums on the topic. The high calorie way to lose weight is to eat your TDEE [look it up-it calculates what you burn in a day] for a while to reset your metabolism from low calorie dieting...and then to lose weight you only eat 10-15% less then your TDEE.

    For example: I was eating 1200 calories a day and hungry and barely losing...Supposedly if I eat 2000 calories a day for 4-12 weeks and then start eating 1800 calories a day I should slowly start losing weight in a healthy way that will stay off. Then every 6 weeks I'm supposed to eat 2000 calories a day for a week.

    I'm super skeptical but it makes so much sense. I'm going to slowly start upping my calories and see what happens I guess!
  • mwbartek
    mwbartek Posts: 21
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    I can't function on under 1800 - any of you can feel free to add me! I'd love some friends that actually eat enough :)
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    This is the most perfect thing I have read on here AND this is exactly what I need as motivation to eat more. You ladies rock!
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    I eat between 1800-2200 Some days depending on my calorie burn! The weight has come of a bit slower but I have minimal loose skin so far and have retained muscle while shedding fat! I'm still 20 lbs overweight and 40 lbs from goal but I am seeing muscle and lines pop in places that never did even when I weighed less than I do now! Feel free to add me :)
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    bumping even though it's old, so I can continually be inspired :):)
  • Glad to find this thread! I feel a lot less guilty now.

    So here's my problem; I'm a really good, creative cook, and I make all of my meals taste amazing. Not bragging at all, but seriously...even though I've now been eating paleo for months and everything I eat now is made completely of healthy ingredients, I still overeat. If I try to eat less...sometimes it works, but usually I just feel hungry. Still, I also tend to overeat when I'm not hungry just because the food tastes good

    Currently I'm 5' 3 1/2, I fluctuate between 120-126 pounds (I have an hourglass figure, so my waist stays between 24-26 inches but I carry weight in my things/bust/butt, the thighs bother me the most)....I was down to 119 during the fall but I just got so sick of restricting my calories so much. I walk everywhere, I recently began doing the Biggest Loser 30 minute power sculpt workouts each morning, I get hungry a lot, but I feel like I'm eating too much (between 2100-3000 calories per day, usually). Everything I read seems to say I'm eating too much, yet I never seem to go over the same 5 pounds, so I don't know what to think.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Just a side note, if you are not losing weight, or if you are gaining, increasing calories is not the answer. It's important to review your logging habits and see if you are eating more than you think. Setting aside any medical issues, if people really were eating only 1200 calories they would lose weight.

    Increasing calories is to fuel your body for proper functioning so that you aren't dragging. I started out on 1200 calories a day. I was also not losing weight, but that was because I was not weighing food, thus underestimating calories, and using gym machines/exercise app/MFP for my calorie burns, thus overestimating. When my logging became more accurate, I began to feel like I was dragging so it was then I upped my calories. Changes are I was eating more on "1200 calories" than I was after I got my logging habits under control and increased my calories." Also, with an increase of calorie came a slower weight loss, which worked better for me.

    Now I'm at maintenance and I do eat and average of 2,100 calories a day because of my heavy lifting and 4-6 mile runs. The more active you are, the more calories you eat to properly fuel your body.
  • 40DayFit
    40DayFit Posts: 246 Member
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Wicked - there is a thread on this topic!

    Eating between 1800-2500 daily, lifting and running/swim/sports atleast 5x a week, walking daily for atleast 30 minutes. Increasing calories was the best (and sanest) thing I've ever done.
  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    Glad to find this thread! I feel a lot less guilty now.

    So here's my problem; I'm a really good, creative cook, and I make all of my meals taste amazing. Not bragging at all, but seriously...even though I've now been eating paleo for months and everything I eat now is made completely of healthy ingredients, I still overeat. If I try to eat less...sometimes it works, but usually I just feel hungry. Still, I also tend to overeat when I'm not hungry just because the food tastes good

    Currently I'm 5' 3 1/2, I fluctuate between 120-126 pounds (I have an hourglass figure, so my waist stays between 24-26 inches but I carry weight in my things/bust/butt, the thighs bother me the most)....I was down to 119 during the fall but I just got so sick of restricting my calories so much. I walk everywhere, I recently began doing the Biggest Loser 30 minute power sculpt workouts each morning, I get hungry a lot, but I feel like I'm eating too much (between 2100-3000 calories per day, usually). Everything I read seems to say I'm eating too much, yet I never seem to go over the same 5 pounds, so I don't know what to think.

    Been a while since this was posted but I say enjoy it! :) I eat between 2000-3000 calories a day and stay around 130lbs at 5'5". I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you're comfortable at your weight and you have enough energy to get through your workouts and day to day, who cares!
  • monis01
    monis01 Posts: 46 Member

    General question for MFP fam.... If you're trying to loose weight, would you stick to just cardio in the beginning? Or, would you do a combination of cardio/ strength training? I haven't really noticed a change in the scale. Going on the 2nd week with no changes..... Calorie defecit every day. I've been doing cardio & strength training. Not sure if I should stop the weights..... I really enjoy it. Makes me feel "stronger".

    Should I be eating closer to my calorie goal? I would think that this would defeat the purpose of loosing weight......

    Yes, I've lost some inches..... But I want to drop some lbs too!!

    Any suggestions? 0_o