June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    I'm new to posting on MFP, but I hope you don't mind if I join your challenge. I just finished day two of 30DS tonight. It wasn't any easier LOL, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.

    I plan to take some "before" pics after my husband goes to bed. Not for posting yet, but for inspiration :)

    Stats on 6/4/2013::

    Age: 41 3/4
    Weight: 216.2 (as of today)
    Height: 5'8"
    No idea on measurements
  • jikkenkekka
    I'm new to posting on MFP, but I hope you don't mind if I join your challenge. I just finished day two of 30DS tonight. It wasn't any easier LOL, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.

    Keep at it! I'm only one day ahead of you, but I've tried it before (though I didn't complete it; hoping to power through this time around) and around day 5 or 6 is when it started getting easier for me in that I wasn't sore from the previous day's workout and I started having a bit of an easier time with the exercises. IMHO days 2 and 3 are the hardest because your body isn't quite used to the exercises yet, plus you're sore from starting a new routine (particularly if you're like me and haven't been keeping a good, consistent exercise routine leading up to starting the 30DS).

    Anyhow, I did day 3 of level 1 a bit after lunch today. I woke up feeling good because I didn't feel nearly as sore as I did after day 1... but when I started the first set of lunges my body started protesting immediately! Haha. I completed it without toooooo much trouble, though I still get a bit wheezy during some of the cardio (I'm asthmatic). Also, the end of the video really kicked my butt; my legs were shaking by the time I got to the bicycle crunches so they looked sort of flaily and ridiculous I think.
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Nrsblc, I just joined MFP yesterday too and am only one day ahead of you in terms of 30 ds. Don't worry! I haven't seen a lot of improvement yet either. I think it affects people in different ways. Some people don't see many results until the end of the month while others notice to see changes right off the bat. Keep working on it! :) I will be too.

    arania15, I know i'll stick to it and keep my motivation up at least till the end of the month! :) Level 2 is brutal! But it seemed easier this second day. Do you do the modifications or the original moves?
  • lebbiediddle
    Not sure if I should do this every day:frown: . I am afraid of aggravationg my right hip. I tend to get bursitis in this hip, and it is starting to complain. I am finding that at my age if I overdo I pay for it big time with deep aches. I soaked in an epsom salt bath last night, but it is still ouchy this morning. As much as I want to jump in and work it every day, I think I need to use wisdom and ease into it or I will be not able to walk:noway: . For today, i am going to do a not so intensive workout, but I will try it again tomorrow! Any advice from you experienced exercisers?

    Keep up the good work, everyone:smile:
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Not sure if I should do this every day:frown: . I am afraid of aggravationg my right hip. I tend to get bursitis in this hip, and it is starting to complain. I am finding that at my age if I overdo I pay for it big time with deep aches. I soaked in an epsom salt bath last night, but it is still ouchy this morning. As much as I want to jump in and work it every day, I think I need to use wisdom and ease into it or I will be not able to walk:noway: . For today, i am going to do a not so intensive workout, but I will try it again tomorrow! Any advice from you experienced exercisers?

    Keep up the good work, everyone:smile:

    You can always do the modification movements, thats what i do when it really kills me! I find that its better than to stop and wait to move on to the next movement. Like Jillian says, "just give her everything you got". :)
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    well I survived day 3. Miss 13 is doing it with me. and after procrastinating all day (was a very high anxiety day) she refused to let me talk her out of us doing it. and we did it at 9pm.
    It burned. But by some freakish power. I managed to do an entire set of girl pushups. IN A ROW.. yay
    The last bit of cardio.. specifically the skipping one.. kills my knee muscles and calves. I find myself trying to will the end closer, only to remember the bicycle crunches I cant do yet. I will getthere..
    I feel so much better for doing it. Even this late at night.
    Just one day and one workout at a time.
    My body will adjust.
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    Mind if I join? I did day one yesterday.

    Stats (of yesterday):
    Age: 19
    Weight: 201.6lbs
    Height: 5'5"
    Waist: 37"
    Hips: 48"
    UK size 18

    Completed day one yesterday, really wasn't too bad! I actually worried I hadn't done it properly until I felt the burn of walking up the stairs with my washing basket this morning, haha, arms and legs killed! Going to grab myself some lunch and get going with day two in a bit

    I have to make a couple of alterations, mind. I live upstairs in a fairly old shared house, so jumping jacks don't go to well with my neighbours - I tend to jog on the spot while still doing the arms instead - I go to the gym and walk everywhere so hopefully I make up the lost cardio elsewhere. Also, I'm using water bottles for weights, which is all well and good until the move where you're lifting and your palms are facing the floor (can't remember the name!) because it's almost impossible to grip them!
  • ClaireElaineDJ
    I love the idea of putting the fan on! My husband and I did Day 1 on June 3rd, and we were both uncomfortable and hot. I think we'll try with the fan next time!
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Nrsblc, I just joined MFP yesterday too and am only one day ahead of you in terms of 30 ds. Don't worry! I haven't seen a lot of improvement yet either. I think it affects people in different ways. Some people don't see many results until the end of the month while others notice to see changes right off the bat. Keep working on it! :) I will be too.

    arania15, I know i'll stick to it and keep my motivation up at least till the end of the month! :) Level 2 is brutal! But it seemed easier this second day. Do you do the modifications or the original moves?

    Most of the time, I end up doing the modifications. I find that I do not have the upper body strength to sustain me for much of the original movements (like in those plank plyometrics in level 2). I'll start of with the original and then go to modified in a few reps. :P I'm trying though...! What about you? Are you following Anita or Natalie?
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm late to the game, but I wanna join!
  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday... Jillian Michaels can eff off! LOL jk.... but man was i a big a sweaty mess after. Not too sore today although i started lifting a couple of weeks ago so i think that might be why. Hope i can stick to this for the full 30 days would love to see some results :)
    I also joined the myfitnesspal 30 day shred group :)
  • Chrysy87
    Chrysy87 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm doing day 4 tonight! Go go ladies/gents!!
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    Just did L1D2. Oh my WORD those bicycle crunches get you, don't they???

    It was easier in the sense that it seemed to go a lot quicker, but harder because everything ached instantly from yesterday.
    Feeling good though!
  • jikkenkekka
    Not sure if I should do this every day:frown: . I am afraid of aggravationg my right hip. I tend to get bursitis in this hip, and it is starting to complain. I am finding that at my age if I overdo I pay for it big time with deep aches. I soaked in an epsom salt bath last night, but it is still ouchy this morning. As much as I want to jump in and work it every day, I think I need to use wisdom and ease into it or I will be not able to walk:noway: . For today, i am going to do a not so intensive workout, but I will try it again tomorrow! Any advice from you experienced exercisers?

    Keep up the good work, everyone:smile:

    Don't force yourself to do it every day if you think it's going to lead to aggravating that hip... take rest days if you want and modify moves as needed. Also, are you stretching afterwards in addition to the cool down stretch at the end of the video? What they do is really not enough; if I only did that much I think I wouldn't be able to move the next day lol. Take another 5 minutes or so after you're done to continue stretching.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    I started on June 2nd so I'm on L1D4 as of this morning. I throw in the gym circuit in the afternoon. Can I join this group? The one I joined for June has little support and everything has gone quiet. I feel like I'm still the only one doing it!! This is great motivation.


    I've memorized JM's and keep her on mute. My music really is much better!
  • ceruleanflower
    I strarted on the 31st of May. For some reason, my muscles aren't aching anymore. The first two days, my calves were killing me. I'm thinking of taking a rest day today but I might change my mind. Unsure if there are any changes though.
  • dianaiscool
    dianaiscool Posts: 7 Member
    I keep starting and stopping. I am going to give it another go.
  • flowergirl73
    flowergirl73 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm in! Day one done yesterday.

    Age: 39
    Weight: 183
    Height: 5'8"
  • Katrina2778
    Katrina2778 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm In!!! Level 1, Day 4 complete! I REALLY hope I can last the 30 days! :smile:
  • AMomWhoCanDoThis7
    I'm in, I wish I would've seen this on the first but it's okay, I'm starting today! I've done this workout before and it works as long as you stick with it. The shoulder raise/lunge part is the hardest for me as well. We can do this though...I always remind myself that it's only a 20 minute workout so it's definitely do-able!! :)

    I've been using 3lbs in each hand for the first set of the shoulder raise/side lunge and for the second set, I use one 3lb weight with both hands so I can complete the exercise in good form. I'm hoping to see progress soon. I def have weak shoulders...for now!

    For the other exercises...
    push-ups...on my knees :/ - first set I get about 15, second set 8-10
    squat and press - 5lbs in each hand
    rows - 10lbs in each hand both sets
    static lunge and curls - using 5lbs in each hand - going to try more weight tomorrow
    chest flys - 10lbs in each hand
    shoulder raise/side lunge - see above

    Let's see what day 4 brings tomorrow :)

    I like your idea about holding the 3 lb weight for the second set (I've been using 3 lb weights myself)...I'm going to give it a try and let you know. Some days it's still tough for me to workout even though it's 20 minutes - I have to talk myself up to it, but once I'm through with it I feel great and cannot wait to see my results at the end!