Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin, my birthday is tomorrow and I don't mind celebrating early. Thank you for the early birthday wishes. Have a great trip.

    Karen-That is a lot of housework to do. Hope you get it all done.

    jt- Enjoy the time with the hubby and may the month go slow for you.

    Allison and Karen- I also agree with you that weight loss has gone done on my priority list as well. I need to kick it back up again and find my focus and desire to lose more weight. Arms- a good exercise is lat pull down, biceps and tri-ceps machines, rows will also help. You can do the row with dumbbells by pulling the arms in close to the body and pulling the shoulders back.

    Another great exercise to help with the waist is a rotation where you are twist at the waist without moving your hips or head. Hint if you don't move your head then your hips won't move. It really focuses on the muscles around the waist. You can put a ball in your hands while you twist or use airplane arms to start.

    I had a great workout tonight it was a circuit of strength, core and cardio for 1 hour. Then to finish I climbed all three rock walls at my gym. The best part is I made it to the top of each one.

    Wish that the next year of my life will find me back into the healthy weight zone and even more active than I am now. I also wish that tomorrow goes smoothly at school tomorrow.
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone on here does Zumba? If so, DVD or class? And what do you think of it? Thanks as always for help and input:)
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Robin, my birthday is tomorrow and I don't mind celebrating early. Thank you for the early birthday wishes. Have a great trip.

    Karen-That is a lot of housework to do. Hope you get it all done.

    jt- Enjoy the time with the hubby and may the month go slow for you.

    Allison and Karen- I also agree with you that weight loss has gone done on my priority list as well. I need to kick it back up again and find my focus and desire to lose more weight. Arms- a good exercise is lat pull down, biceps and tri-ceps machines, rows will also help. You can do the row with dumbbells by pulling the arms in close to the body and pulling the shoulders back.

    Another great exercise to help with the waist is a rotation where you are twist at the waist without moving your hips or head. Hint if you don't move your head then your hips won't move. It really focuses on the muscles around the waist. You can put a ball in your hands while you twist or use airplane arms to start.

    I had a great workout tonight it was a circuit of strength, core and cardio for 1 hour. Then to finish I climbed all three rock walls at my gym. The best part is I made it to the top of each one.

    Wish that the next year of my life will find me back into the healthy weight zone and even more active than I am now. I also wish that tomorrow goes smoothly at school tomorrow.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a wonderful day :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jolt--I've not tried zumba b/c I have to pay extra for classes at my gym. However, everyone I know who's tried it seems to love it. I'm using a 30-day free trial at a new gym starting next week, so I may try zumba there.

    @laurie--yes, I've always done bicep and tricep machines at the gym and have added upright rows and shoulder presses to my home routine. My problem is I don't do the weights consistently enough to get the results I would like. I have also added the actual rowing machine at the gym and hope that will help as well.

    @tammy--sounds like a great day!

    To do:
    1. Wash throw rugs DONE
    2. Sweep floors DONE
    3. Vacuum area rugs
    4. Scrub bathroom floor
    5. Clean rest of bathroom DONE
    6. Clear clutter on dining and coffee tables DONE w/ coffee table
    7. Deal with potted plants
    8. Clean fish tank

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: If I'm meant to buy a house, the opportunity will open. It's a huge investment and I want to make sure I get what I want. I just know I can be paying about $500 less in a mortgage than this crazy rent. Prices are nuts here. Oh well. I can't let myself get worked up about it.

    Food is back under control (thank goodness). I still need to get back into the daily routine of exercise. Today was too crazy with school stuff for Cyrus and needing to make up some work time at home. The plan is to hit the gym in the AM though. I can do this!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday Wish - I could just craw into bed right now and go to sleep(If I do, I'll be up at 4am). 10 hour days, plus errands, plus caring for the house and the sick cat = EXHAUSTED me. Work isn't normal work right now either, the other electrical tech is gone this week so it's just me.... and it was a recall week (meaning we send out automated emails to bring in equipment due for calibration). I was *SLAMMED* today. I felt like a tennis ball in a Wimbledon game...

    Food is over again today and it was yesterday as well, but I'm not that worried about it. I did drop a lb (won't change my ticker until a few of its friends tag along) so things are moving.

    and... I got to eat a piece of CHICKEN today! I scarfed that little 3oz chunk in record time :blushing: I'll give it a few days and see how my body does. Drank a little extra cherry juice tonight to help push that uric acid out.
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Wednesday Wish: If I'm meant to buy a house, the opportunity will open. It's a huge investment and I want to make sure I get what I want. I just know I can be paying about $500 less in a mortgage than this crazy rent. Prices are nuts here. Oh well. I can't let myself get worked up about it.

    Food is back under control (thank goodness). I still need to get back into the daily routine of exercise. Today was too crazy with school stuff for Cyrus and needing to make up some work time at home. The plan is to hit the gym in the AM though. I can do this!!!

    Oh man- I'm in the opposite boat as you - I own a home and want out so bad!! So tired of the work and costs of upkeep! Would love to rent. My house needs several repairs I'm trying to get done so I can get it on the market.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I'm leaving for my BFs today and tomorrow we are driving to Branson, MO and coming back Sat. I hope to talk him into one more day down there just to make all the driving worthwhile! I want to visit a water park and he's on the fence. I won't be taking my laptop so I won't be here until next Sunday.
    So be good and behave! :wink:

    ohh i love branson. it's such a fun place. have a good time for us ;)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone on here does Zumba? If so, DVD or class? And what do you think of it? Thanks as always for help and input:)
    I do zumba 3 days a week and love it. Exercise was a fairly foreign concept a few months ago and the zumba class was one of the things that has helped me to change the way I feel.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    The weather is warming up here much warmer night. Our a/c is acting up and only one window has a screen..So I am taking my changes by opening.the bedroom window but need air hopefully wont get eaten up by bugs.

    Happy Birthday @Laurie

    @Karen The reunion will be in a little town called Streator, IL. But we will spend half of our time in Lostant where my Mom is and. The other half in Naperville with cousins. My daughter is excited about that for we can take the metro into Chicago and do some sightseeing.

    @Susan you have a good attitude regarding the house buying and Yay on getting the food under control
    @Jt I have a couple of really good friends who love taking zumba classes I haven't tried it yet.

    @Robin my Dad love taking our family to Missouri on Vacation. We go to many tourist spots even Silver Dollar City but we never made it to Bronson. Would love to one of these days. Have fun!

    If I am missing anyone so sorry my brain is getting foggy. Wishing everyone much success.

    Liz from Idaho
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday, Laurie!!! I hope you have a fabulous year ahead! :flowerforyou:

    @Susan~The housing market is a little unpredictable right now, but I know the right house is out there for you. Have you found a realtor yet? This is a stretch but maybe look on HGTVs website they have so many tools now to help you find the right place – heck maybe you need to be on House Hunters! :laugh: It took me a long time to find my townhouse, but am actually thinking of turning it into rental property and moving into a single family development – there is a new construction happening just a mile from where I am now so may look into it.
    @Liz~As a kid I vacationed in MO often, my dad’s parents lived there so we went a couple of times a year.
    @Tammy~Enjoy hubby’s time at home, hope the month goes by very slow
    @Karen~I think I’d have to find those cows too. I traveled to Germany a few years ago when my BIL was stationed there and was plagued with the same issue – what to do and how do I fit it all in?! I was there for two weeks and made several day trips – I wanted to see as many castles as I could. I know whatever you decide to do you’re going to have an amazing time.

    Thursday Truth~Its been a fairly decent week. I’ve not cooked much, have resorted to frozen meals (which I gave up a year ago) since my back has been out – weight has gone down some, which I’m glad to see because I figured lack of exercise would cause a gain. I have tried to eat enough below my calories to compensate for my sedentary week, though. I think I’m about 85% healed, so I’m hopeful to get back in the gym this weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Hello all,

    @Laurie hope you are having a nice Birthday.

    Truth Thursday. The truth is I have had a cold this week and have used it as an excuse to eat badly. So tomorrow will be better.
    It's winter here so a new outdoor activity might not be so good so will have to find a new indoor one.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I know I have been MIA. Have had a lot going on.

    But this morning I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred! I am going to do the whole program.
    It felt good to do it this morning. It was wonderful.
    Tracking my food today as well.

    I start school on Monday, so going to get a little more hecitc. But I got this. I'm tired of it all.

    Hope to be able to keep up with you all. But know that I do check in and try to keep up as often as I can.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good morning all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE!!! :flowerforyou: I'm sure with your dedication your wishes for the next year will all come true. Think of where you already hour of strength, core and endurance and then 3 walls on top of it! Good for you!!

    @RobinsEgg -- Hope you are having a great time on vacation (and get a waterpark in too -- love them!!)

    @skinnyjeans - Great dent in your to do list!

    @jolt -- Zumba. It is such a great calorie burn. I'm exhausted afterwards and then I'm proud of myself that I did it. One thing to remember is that it will take time to learn all the moves. I go to my gym for classes and hope that this summer I move from 1 to 2 classes per week.

    @susan -- good luck with your housing (and if you decide to relocate to Sioux Falls, I've got a great house for you in a great neighborhood :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    @MyMOwMOw -- hope meat works well for you!

    @Tina -- I was doing the 30DS and then quit. You've made me think about it again and remember that I felt stronger while doing it...maybe I'll join you today. Maybe by seeing you do it, I'll stay on the program this time. :happy:

    Thursday Truth -- My husband sleeps during the day and works at night and that's been an excuse for me to not tackle cleaning my bedroom. It has become the catch all (in my old house, I had a spare bedroom for that purpose :blushing: ) and its not relaxing anymore. I'm going to ask him to sleep somewhere else and I'm going to get that room spic and span on Saturday. Maybe with a calming place to go, my head won't be so chaotic.

    I was able to get 100 squats in yesterday for my "daily challenge." Today the assignment is a 10 minute arm workout that looks pretty good. Then my workout goals tonight is to catch a Zumba class between work and my son's baseball game and to do day one of the 30DS. My diet has been doing pretty good and I lowered my calories as of yesterday so hopefully by getting back on track with my exercise and eating less, I'll see that scale start to move again.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Birthday Laurie

    Karen- I hope Boston and Blackhawks make it to the Stanley Cup and sorry but I hope Boston wins :laugh: (not that I am bitter about Blackhawks knocking out the Red Wings:cry: ).

    Grand Rapids Griffins made it to the finals for the Calder Cup! Go Griffins!!!

    Quote of the day: -“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.” ~Ben Franklin
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy birthday Laurie!!!

    Thursday truth ... I'm tired and achey and all i want to do is curl up on the couch with a BIG bag of potato chips, a gallon of french onion dip and a dozen carmello bars while i bury myself in Star Trek.

    ...but i won't. I'm at work and I'm about to dig into my YOPA! yogurt and my half a grapefrut. :laugh:
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone on here does Zumba? If so, DVD or class? And what do you think of it? Thanks as always for help and input:)
    I do zumba 3 days a week and love it. Exercise was a fairly foreign concept a few months ago and the zumba class was one of the things that has helped me to change the way I feel.

    Good to hear thanks! I'm going to start this weekend; bought the DVD last week only to discover that my HDMI to my BluRay wouldn't work. But will get a new one this weekend:)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Happy birthday Laurie!!!

    Thursday truth ... I'm tired and achey and all i want to do is curl up on the couch with a BIG bag of potato chips, a gallon of french onion dip and a dozen carmello bars while i bury myself in Star Trek.

    ...but i won't. I'm at work and I'm about to dig into my YOPA! yogurt and my half a grapefrut. :laugh:

    Thanks, now I want potato chips, onion dip and carmello :tongue: :tongue: Although grapefruit sounds wonderful too!! :wink:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Birthday, Laurie. I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Truth--I'm just hanging out until I can have my surgery. I'm still counting calories, and going about my daily routine, but every time I try to add some "real" exercise, it bothers my knee or my foot. I'm proof that you can lose weight without a lot of exercise, though. For those of you who are new and wondering how to reach your goals, I have done this with counting calories and walking. I haven't been able to walk for a couple of months due to issues with my knee, but I have still lost some. I started in Oct. last year and lost 50# in the first 5 months. Its slower now, but that's to be expected.
    I hope that you all have wonderful day. Good day with the house issues, whether buying or selling. It can be hard.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thursday truth.... Thursday used to be a day I dreaded because it was my TOPS day. I would blow it from Friday to Sunday, start working at it Mon. and Tues., and bust my butt Wed. and Thurs..... That was a road to NOWHERE!!!! Now I can't wait for Thursday evenings because, no matter what the scale says, I have done the work and weight loss is a side effect of good health!!!