Why do people hide their food diaries on here?



  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    Idk a little personal for me. Id rather keep it the way it is.
    Its for my use only anyways lol.
    Its a to each their own thing i suppose.

  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Because people are critical and mean spirited and it isn't their business...

    or as I like to say

    Because eff you.

  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary anytime you like. I couldn't care less what someone sees in it. There are times when I go off the wagon, and times I don't eat what I should, but I get back on it the next day... until the next derailment. When I took my first journey on MFP, I learned quite a bit from other people's diaries. I hope a few people have learned something from mine.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    My diary is open to friends only. They all know what I have been going through in life so they can look at it with a background and understanding. They are willing to support me during hard times. They will offer support and information in a way that I will respond positively to.

    I can't say the same for the community as a whole. I don't share my real life struggles with everyone on here so they don't know my past and present. They might not understand why I didn't log for X amount of time and I don't feel like these random people deserve an explanation. As such, they may push ideas and information at me that has nothing to do with anything I need at that time.

    That is why I keep it private.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    I think many aren't asking why out of animosity, only out of curiosity. It is a valid question to explain why it is that you are concerned. You may be mixing up people responding in general with people agreeing with you. If people don't agree with you, it's not necessarily because they "don't like" what you asked-they just have their own opinion and are entitled to it, as you are.

    If responses that don't agree with you truly do bother you, it's probably best to preface your question with:

    "If anyone does not agree with me, don't respond and post somewhere else"...this is quite pointless if you ask me.
  • deemartin2
    deemartin2 Posts: 168 Member
    I keep mine private because 1.) it was the default setting and did not realize this for the longest time. 2.) I log my food and even my exercise inconsistently, for example I haven't logged in almost a week. I rather enjoy and use MFP for the camaraderie, support, and ability to track my progress. And last but not least, I am a rather private person and like the fact that my habits are my own unless I choose otherwise.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member

    This person does a beautiful job of explaining one reason why a person might keep his or her diary private.
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    I ask that same question when I first joined MFP. And, I received some of the same answers. My diary has always been open and public since day 1. I have nothing to hide. How can the MFP community support you when you hide your diaries?
    So very true, I agree 100%!
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    truthfully, mine is usually set to private because I am just generally a private person. My fb is even fairly private. I just value my privacy :)

    I would open it if I was asking for help on the forum because I know people need to see it then :) But other than that I just prefer my privacy :)

    I don't really care if you all know that I had kfc the other day for the first time in 10 years lol because I was on a road trip and I splurged. Nor do I care if you know that most days I consume about 900-1100 calories and don't add more because it was a lot of food all day long or that I tend not to eat back my exercise calories unless I am hungry again :)

    but I don't feel like being lectured by random people for these things. Bad enough that if I am visiting my parents my mother will glare at me anytime I eat anything and is constantly lecturing me about low fat this, no fat that (even though when I look at the labels for that stuff it is packed full of surgar and crap), carbs are evil, you can't eat egg yolks, blah, blah, blah
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I've been on the internet long enough to know that you rarely regret maintaining your privacy.
  • NikkiiiT
    NikkiiiT Posts: 34 Member
    Mine is private because I don't have any friends on here, I use it for my own personal use and I get any advice/answers I may need from what other people post.

    If I had any MFP friends then it would be open to them. There is some criticism on these boards and I come here for support not for strangers who think they're experts to judge me or tell me what i'm 'doing wrong'.

    This is a journey for me so i'm not going to be perfect and i'm trying my best so i'd rather people are supportive in a positive way.

    I don't stuff my face or overeat which seems to be the main assumption. My issue is probably that I struggle to meet my calories as i'm still learning.

    Don't be so quick to judge people. There are so many reasons why people may have their diaries private.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    You do realize you just threw back attitude (animosity) right back at the questionee asking the questioner, right? 2 wrongs do not make a right. If you don't like the answer, ignore it and move on.

    Thanks, your majesty. I am glad I have your approval. Because I surely fall short of your perfected glory...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Just like primary school :indifferent:
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I think it's better for more people to have their diaries open. I understand that it is a personal thing and if there was less non-constructive criticism out there, I'm sure more people would. At least for me, it's definitely an accountability. I am much more conscious of what I put in my mouth knowing that everyone else will know too. This is the whole reason most of us signed up for MFP - our own, private, personal eating and self-accountability wasn't working. We need the constant support and motivation to make better choices. But, I can understand the other side.

    What I find more helpful with those that have open diaries, regardless if we are friends or not, is help with my own eating. Particularly when I started this journey, I had no concept of portion sizes/calories and what I could eat that fit in my allotment. A lot of the beginning stages were trial and error. However, as I've gotten more savvy with the community aspect, I can see others diaries and maybe try different foods/recipes that others with successes are eating just to change things up a bit. It's comforting to know someone is consistently losing weight and staying in their calorie goals while having a chocolate ice cream bar. It reinforces that not everything needs to be fruits, vegetables and brown rice and keeps me from "falling off".

    I feel the same way...I don't have time to look at my friends' diaries but when I do it is to compliment something that they are eating, that I wish I could be eating right now. But that's how me and my friends do, so I don't know why these people on here are getting all hostile at me for just asking a question. People ask questions all the time on here and they act like I have asked the worst question EVER...
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    I ask that same question when I first joined MFP. And, I received some of the same answers. My diary has always been open and public since day 1. I have nothing to hide. How can the MFP community support you when you hide your diaries?
    So very true, I agree 100%!

    Not everyone is on the site for community support. Some people are using it as a tool to keep track of their intake, not for everyone else to keep track of it as well.
  • kimbershep
    kimbershep Posts: 72
    When I first signed up it was set as a default on private. Now, I look at it as a personal thing for me. It is an option for everyone. I don't think people should be ridiculed if they wanted to keep it as a personal thing or if they want to have it viewable for everyone to see. I personally don't think it should be that big of a deal.

    I am conscious of what I put in my mouth and have nothing to hide but I didn't join for the approval of others regarding what I eat. I joined for the tools on here to help keep track of everything. Therefore, I keep it viewable for me only. There might be others who DO need that extra boost of encouragement from others and that option of having their diaries open is there for them. Which goes back to what I said...It is an OPTION and not that big of a deal.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Because it's none of your business what I eat.

    My friends.....I don't care if they see.

    The problem is I don't care what you eat...I was just wondering...I have an autistic child to care for, so my time is limited...so you can quit directing the attitude at me now...Thanks.
  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    I guess cause diet is very personal?

    I keep mine open because I like to show off and hopefully disgust people.


    Hee, awesome!
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    Because I don't want people to see that I'm a cannibal.