Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~



  • vvspartanmom
    I'll join the group...LOL...I like to say I'm 5'4, but the tape measure says 5'3 3/4. I'll try to follow the threads, but sometimes I get confused. (It's really not that hard for me to do).

    I was sitting here thinking about some of the posts I read. I remember what it was like having 2 little ones under the age of 2. The only way I ever found time to exercise was right before nap time. The 3 of us would crank some tunes and dance our hiney's off for about 1/2 hr. The kids loved it, I had to "carry" one, so it was like strength training....and it made us all tired for naps....just a thought I'd share. Not that I've done anything like that in the last 12 yrs (kids are 17 & 15 now)....

    Hoping to make good choices from today on...luck to you all
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Yesterday was week 1 day 6 of the Chalean Extreme program which meant it was a cardio day. I completed the Burn It Off workout.

    Today is week 1 day 7 of the Chalean Extreme program. I completed the Recharge dvd which is just a little of stretching and Yoga. I'm absolutely exhausted today. I had a late night w/friends yesterday and was up early today in order to complete the following tasks: grocery shopping, today's workout, ironing clothes for the work week and washing/folding the rest of the clothes.

    I have to go take a nap. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: we were invited to lunch at the home of some friends......they served fresh salmon in filo, green salad and watermelon, and we brought baked sweet potatoes with a choice of pico de gallo or "I Can't Believe It's Not butter" spray. good food, good company, but we sat and talked until after 7 PM so there wasn't much time for exercise.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! It's Monday and another work week. Today is week 2 day 1 of the Chalean Extreme program and I completed Burn Circuit 1.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Vvspartanmom- Welcome!

    I remember those 'carrying' days. My kids are 15, it was a long time ago for me too.

    Posting does help in a lot of ways, so I hope you keep posting with us.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday! Today is week 2 day 2 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a designated rest day but of course I had to get a workout in. Once again I threw in the bonus dvd - Turbo Jam - Fat Blaster. This week I was a little more in tune w/the moves so could go a little harder. There are 8 turbos in this workout (broken down into 4 sets of 2). You complete the first turbo low intensity and then repeat the moves at a much faster pace. Since I was feeling pretty good today I decided to up my tempo for the first set. I wasn't moving extremely fast but a lot faster than they were and as a result I had a pretty good burn.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    I made it to the Y yesterday, but did not make it to spinning class. I thought my son's soccer practice got over at 5:30pm and the class got out at 5:15, not 5:00 and it is a 45 minute drive to the high school from the gym. Turns out practice will get out at 6 and I can go to the spinning class, so I hope to start it on Thursday. I hope this class is as good as the Saturday class I go to.

    Have a great hump day!

  • HeatherBurke
    Good morning everyone!! I Joined this thread when it was very first started but wasn't dedicated at all... but I have been for a while now and I have a question because being so short, I think we generally have a similar body structure.. I HATE my stomach... I have always been jealous of women that were heavy yet still had a "flat" stomach... I, on the other hand have this ledge looking belly and some love handles... it drives me crazy!! I pull my stomach up and play with it and see my ideal belly underneath... It just feels like it's NEVER going to go away and flatten out.. even when I was 135 lbs it was there... I hate it.. If it weren't for that... well and touching thighs I would be sooooo happy with my body.

    Do you any of you have the same issues? If so, we're you able to flatten it out? I know you can't spot reduce or anything like that but I hope that thru tons of cardio and everything else that it will eventually go away... I hope I hope!!!!!

    Thoughts?????? Thanks my fellow shorties!!!!!! <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Heather....the only thing I know is that things take time and the flab goes away on its own schedule.....if you are eating healthy (lean protein, lots of fruits and veggies, and complex carbs) staying away from added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and salt and processed foods, drinking a lot of water, and getting lots of exercises, your body will fix are a lot younger than I am so your body should repair itself in patient and never, never, never give up
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    this was my big exercise day----yoga, "But 'N' Gut", line dance class, exercise bike, and an almost two hour walk with a friend.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Thursday! Today is my Friday b/c my job is experiencing furloughs and tomorrow is the designated day. While I would much rather have my money, I actually have gotten use to the Furloughs and actually enjoy having the day off. I might attend a Happy Hour after work today and hit a movie tomorrow during the day.

    Today is week 2 day 4 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a cardio day. Despite not being into the workout in the very beginning (I've been dragging this week) I was able to really rock it out. Once again the Bazillian bicep curls and all the shoulder work kicked my booty but it was well worth it.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi ladies! sorry it's been so long since my last post. the past few days have been 10 and 11 hour days at work and I have a ton to get done before my last day tomorrow. I'm excited to be going back to school, but I will certainly miss the paycheck! so the overtime this week will help.

    So the past two days the scale has gone down to 121ish! I'm really excited, since that puts me about 1 lb from my goal. I may reset my goal to 115 once I reach 120, but right now I'm just focusing on my first goal :smile: I think I made a smart decision to take a little break from the serious calorie counting, as I had really hit a plateau but I am now out of it! *knock on wood* now that I realize its extremely important to eat enough calories, I am going to try to go back to logging.

    So since I go back to school tomorrow it does mean a new routine to get into. However my schedule seems pretty open so I should half a fair amount of leeway to figure out gym, meals, etc.

    One more day to friday! :happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    TGIF everyone! Since I didn't have to work today due to the furlough I was able to sleep in a little longer and I am so happy I did b/c my body really needed the extra rest. I'm still dragging but not nearly as bad as I had been earlier in the week. Today is week 2 day 5 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a strength training day. I completed the Burn Circuit 3 workout and I think this might be my least favorite workout due to all the shoulder work that's being done. I'm not sure why but I hate push ups and any type of shoulder exercise. Nonetheless, I pushed through and gave it my all and when it was all over I was glad that I had pushed through the temptation to skip it and do something easier.

    Katlynx6: Great job w/inching closer to your goal and I'm sure you'll figure out how to incorporate your new lifestyle into your busy school schedule.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Heather -
    I almost have a flat stomach. I owe it to some exercises that my daughter got for rehabilitation after her surgery. They are meant to be done very slowly and by people with no ab muscles and recovering from intensive hip surgery. On MFP they've come to be known as Gut N But. My DD went from a size 14 to a size 8 after surgery without going on a diet. She actually gained 2 pounds! Here is what she did:

    Upright stationary bike 20 minutes a day at no resistance and slowly at only about 30 RPMs. Starting at 1 set of 10 and working up to 3 sets of 10 or 30 she did the following exercises very slowly:
    Pelvic lifts with hold at the top
    side planks with knees bent
    abdominal curls (with hands behind ears or arms folded across the chest)
    marching (laying on the floor with knees bent, feet on the floor and lifting your leg up from the knee)

    The marching has 3 levels. what is listed above is level 1.

    She had to do them every day for 10 weeks post surgery, then it dropped to 3-4 times a week. I've lost inches all over doing them. They only take 10 minutes and the hardest part is finding a place to lay down where no one steps on me and I don't have dogs licking my face.

    Slow is the key as it isolates which muscle group you use to focus on core muscles.

    Kathy - congratulation on being 1 pound from your goal! You must be so excited.

    Choco - I hope you get to enjoy your day off and don't get too down since it is a furlough day and not a vacation day.

    Barbie - glad to see your back to your old self physically. I think you did a great job healing up quickly.

    Happy Friday!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I must admit I procrastinated and procrastinated with today's workout but I finally pulled myself out of the bed and got it done. It's extremely helpful that the CLX workouts are pretty quick. I kept telling myself, "you can do 30 minutes" and before I knew I had pressed play and once getting my sweat on.

    Today is week 2 day 6 of the CLX program which means it's a cardio day. I completed the Burn It Off dvd. Now that the workout is behind me I'm going to rest for the remainder of the day b/c my girlfriends and I have dinner reservations for 6:30 pm and then are going to the Peachtree Village International Film Festival to see the screening of a friend's first movie. She's an awesome author and I'm looking forward to seeing how you brings her vision to the big screen.

    Jam: Thank for the information regarding guts n buts, I may have to find a way to incorporate them into my workout b/c my abs are still my weakest area on my body.

    Not getting paid one day (and sometimes two) really sucks but it's been going on for over a year so I've adjusted and have come to enjoy the day off. It's a perfect opportunity to catch up on rest or handle appointments that you might not otherwise be able to get in during the day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: I've been doing "Gut 'N' Butt" for awhile now and the first thing I noticed was that I'm in pretty good shape and the next thing was that the exercises were really good for me.........I don't measure but I am acutely aware of the jiggly parts I'm trying to get rid of and they seem to be going away slowly.

    :flowerforyou: we are on day one of a two week trip and after working five hour shifts at the fair on my feet with walking so slow that it didn't register on the pedometer, I'm a grateful to have been able to sit in the car for seven hours to give my back and legs a a minute I'm headed to find the hotel fitness center :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I don't stay seated for long.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! Last night my girlfriends and I went to the screening of "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" which was written and produced by an associate of mine and it was EXCELLENT! This young lady is already an author with at least 3 books published so I knew the storyline would be good but wasn't sure if they would find actors/actressess who could really make her vision come to life especially since this was her first film and she wasn't working with a huge budget BUT the cast really did a great job. They had a lot of ppl come out and support the film w/a 30 minute "Q & A" session directly following.

    I had a great time and I'm really glad I could be there to support her. She and company are currently in discussions with possible distributors and I really hope they can find someone willing to give them a chance in the mainstream.

    I met this young lady a few years ago b/c she was the featured author at one of my book club meetings. Since she was a local author she was able to attend the meeting and she had such a great personality. After the meeting we exchanged email addresses and kept in contact periodically. Approximately 6-8 months later she launched her publishing company and invited me to the launch party. I had a good friend who was trying to get her book published so I thought it would be a great idea to bring her so they could meet. Their meeting went great and as a result my friend was able to publish her first novel 2 years ago and is currently working on her second. It's just a wonderful feeling to support people who are really trying to make positive things happen for themselves.

    I have not done a workout as of yet but plan on completing CLX - Recharge since it's my designated rest day. I'll post my workout once it's completed.

    Barbie: That's some slow walking if it didn't even register....LOL. I knew you would find a way to get workout in.. It's amazing how dedicated you are to your new lifestyle. I'm really hoping this will be the last year of my weight yo-yo-ing. I've been going strong for approximately 9 months but I still have my moments of doubt.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is week 2 day 7 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a designated rest day. Once again I decided to complete the Recharge workout in order to get ready for the week ahead. Tomorrow I start week 3 of the program.....WooHoo!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, you're as good (bad) as I am about ignoring the rest days and working out anyway...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday all! I hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend. Today is week 3 day 1 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a strength training day. I completed Burn Circuit 1. I can't believe that I'm already 3 weeks into this program. I love that the workouts are so short but I'm really struggling w/getting my eating under control on the weekend. I don't know what has happened b/c I use to have such great control over eating sweets and things of that nature but lately it's been getting out of hand.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday! Today is week 3 day 2 of the Chalean Extreme program which means it's a cardio day. I decided to change it up a little, so instead of completing the Fatbuster dvd like I had been doing I threw in Jillian Michael's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism. Boy did I forget how this workout makes you sweat. I feel great and am about to enjoy a protein shake.