rewarded myself by being humiliated....



  • SAHMommy81
    SAHMommy81 Posts: 11

    I pick and choose my own battles and I can handle A lot of criticism. Im not here looking for sympathy and If you really understood the topic you would understand that this a success story.I took this and it made me stronger on something that I admit is my weakness. Do not take my weakness for granted for I am stronger at other things such as laughing at some of the nonsense that comes out of others mouths. Thank you for your entertaining words and I hope you find yourself a husband that loves you for you as well and not have to reward him with sexual activities each time he does something nice for u and if you are married and that's the only way u can get ur husband to do something nice for you then to each its own! You have urself a keeper!! Obviously your looking into the movie pretty women to far and you feel that I need to give a "bj" for my husband saying I love you then your on the wrong website and ur battling other things besides weight issues and I wish you the best of luck getting the help you need as well. I appreciate your concern but some things you should keep to yourself especially if you think its going to upset someone when u truley think ur really helping them. I worked in customer service myself for many years and would never degrade another human being just from being brought up by showing respect to others even if I was having a bad day. I loved my shopping experience at D!cks sporting store and recommend it to others. I walked into that store looking for common courtesy just as all should expect and be treated as a shopper not looking for therapy sweety. I feel sorry for the man who had to be so rude to someone he didn't know just to make himself feel better just as I do for you. You being a prior "cheerleader" as you stated wouldn't like to be known as the typical stereotype of having to give "Bjs' to the ones who played good and wouldn't appreciate the ones who would say that so I dont appreciate you thinking that's what I need to do so being the "cheerleader" u were help others by continuing to cheer on their success rather then talk not so lady like . Im sure your a sweet girl who has good intentions and wanted to help and as a matter of fact you did, you made me smile! Thanks oh and btw before posting your replies please understand the story before assuming because I don't need by husband to hold my hand to shop, it was a gift from him and men do stand by and support their wives. Its okay im sure you were so caught up in the moment making yourself feel good by critiquing everything I wrote! You have your way of how you would of handled it just as everyone else has their ways they would have and that's the way I dealt with mine. Thank you for your time! Now if It wasn't a weight issue and I was just dealing with pure ignorance then Im sure the only thing my husband would of been doing would of been dragging me out of the store for I would of handled that situation just fine myself.:flowerforyou:

    Wow. Internet sure can be pretty damn entertaining sometimes.

    Bad customer service? Certainly. A personal slam, yeah, perhaps not?

    Gotta say that your reply above does lend quite a bit of credence to the theory that you might of been reading too much into your whole perception as to how you may have been "treated" at the store.

    Why the need to be so defensive and slam Chocolate for her remarks in this thread. She was quite clear - to the point of being too delicate actually - to let you know that she was looking to offer a constructive counter view to all of the other Hi-5's being posted here and yet your reply back slams her just shy of calling her a slutty cheerleader.

    Might be worthwhile for you to take a moment and reflect as to where those feelings are coming from and not be so quick to project them outwards onto others around you.

    Seriously wish you the best and am also offering this out constructively.

    Have a great weekend.

    Yes indeed it can be entertaining but unfortunately some people can be so harsh with words not realizing they can be rude themselves. I was replying to her post and not trying to be rude in any way besides making it quite clear that I didn't appreciate the comment of the "bj" it was uncalled for in a weight issue column and very un lady like. I would not slam her as a "slutty cheerleader" for I was once one myself and know the typical stereotype and that's why I stated she wouldn't like being considered like that. I understand she felt she was being helpful and to a few others that feel the same as her and everyone is entitled to their opinion and I appreciate the time they took even responding. Your right, maybe if she took a moment to see where my feelings were coming from when I wrote this then maybe she would of replied a little differently in the first place. It was my success story of how it made me stronger and I appreciate your constructive criticism. Thank you for making your point in a clearly mature way without getting hostile,sexual, or offensive. Have a great weekend as well! :)
  • I will remember to boycott Sports Authority.. that is HORRIBLE customer service. And I do listen to reviews and that is just unacceptable.. I'm so sorry you experienced that!

  • I pick and choose my own battles and I can handle A lot of criticism. Im not here looking for sympathy and If you really understood the topic you would understand that this a success story.I took this and it made me stronger on something that I admit is my weakness. Do not take my weakness for granted for I am stronger at other things such as laughing at some of the nonsense that comes out of others mouths. Thank you for your entertaining words and I hope you find yourself a husband that loves you for you as well and not have to reward him with sexual activities each time he does something nice for u and if you are married and that's the only way u can get ur husband to do something nice for you then to each its own! You have urself a keeper!! Obviously your looking into the movie pretty women to far and you feel that I need to give a "bj" for my husband saying I love you then your on the wrong website and ur battling other things besides weight issues and I wish you the best of luck getting the help you need as well. I appreciate your concern but some things you should keep to yourself especially if you think its going to upset someone when u truley think ur really helping them. I worked in customer service myself for many years and would never degrade another human being just from being brought up by showing respect to others even if I was having a bad day. I loved my shopping experience at D!cks sporting store and recommend it to others. I walked into that store looking for common courtesy just as all should expect and be treated as a shopper not looking for therapy sweety. I feel sorry for the man who had to be so rude to someone he didn't know just to make himself feel better just as I do for you. You being a prior "cheerleader" as you stated wouldn't like to be known as the typical stereotype of having to give "Bjs' to the ones who played good and wouldn't appreciate the ones who would say that so I dont appreciate you thinking that's what I need to do so being the "cheerleader" u were help others by continuing to cheer on their success rather then talk not so lady like . Im sure your a sweet girl who has good intentions and wanted to help and as a matter of fact you did, you made me smile! Thanks oh and btw before posting your replies please understand the story before assuming because I don't need by husband to hold my hand to shop, it was a gift from him and men do stand by and support their wives. Its okay im sure you were so caught up in the moment making yourself feel good by critiquing everything I wrote! You have your way of how you would of handled it just as everyone else has their ways they would have and that's the way I dealt with mine. Thank you for your time! Now if It wasn't a weight issue and I was just dealing with pure ignorance then Im sure the only thing my husband would of been doing would of been dragging me out of the store for I would of handled that situation just fine myself.:flowerforyou:

    Wow. Internet sure can be pretty damn entertaining sometimes.

    Bad customer service? Certainly. A personal slam, yeah, perhaps not?

    Gotta say that your reply above does lend quite a bit of credence to the theory that you might of been reading too much into your whole perception as to how you may have been "treated" at the store.

    Why the need to be so defensive and slam Chocolate for her remarks in this thread. She was quite clear - to the point of being too delicate actually - to let you know that she was looking to offer a constructive counter view to all of the other Hi-5's being posted here and yet your reply back slams her just shy of calling her a slutty cheerleader.

    Might be worthwhile for you to take a moment and reflect as to where those feelings are coming from and not be so quick to project them outwards onto others around you.

    Seriously wish you the best and am also offering this out constructively.

    Have a great weekend.

    Yes indeed it can be entertaining but unfortunately some people can be so harsh with words not realizing they can be rude themselves. I was replying to her post and not trying to be rude in any way besides making it quite clear that I didn't appreciate the comment of the "bj" it was uncalled for in a weight issue column and very un lady like. I would not slam her as a "slutty cheerleader" for I was once one myself and know the typical stereotype and that's why I stated she wouldn't like being considered like that. I understand she felt she was being helpful and to a few others that feel the same as her and everyone is entitled to their opinion and I appreciate the time they took even responding. Your right, maybe if she took a moment to see where my feelings were coming from when I wrote this then maybe she would of replied a little differently in the first place. It was my success story of how it made me stronger and I appreciate your constructive criticism. Thank you for making your point in a clearly mature way without getting hostile,sexual, or offensive. Have a great weekend as well! :)

    Meh, it's kind of odd to call someone "unlady like" when your profile pic is a crotch, but to each his own. *shrug* FWIW I didn't really agree with Chocolate at first, but the way you've flown off the handle at her proves her point. I'm sure I'm heartless and rude too, because on p1 I suggested perhaps the manager wasn't rude because of your size, perhaps he was pissed about the scheduling thing, but you kinda want (maybe need) to be insulted so people can come to your rescue.

    I think you had a bad customer service experience. I'd be annoyed too. But I don't think you needed to be traumatized, and I don't think (as someone in this thread suggested) the whole store needs to be shut down (and innocent employees lose their jobs).

    "Rewarded myself by being humiliated." You can choose not to be humiliated. You can choose to laugh at that guy, and you can choose to be happy over what you bought at D*cks. Your choice.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Omg i would get on yelp or something or their website that so mean!!!! I am glad you found somethings dont let jerks get you down they are absolutly everywere
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    I don't think anyone was purposely trying to be rude or negative to you. That isn't what mfp is about at all. We are all here looking to gain support and advice. Sometimes that support and advice challenges our established viewpoint, which is a positive thing. I am a firm believe that there is no growth to be had without struggle and honest self reflection. I believe the few differing opinions were to provide a different perspective on the "crime" so to speak. As in any situation there are always 3 sides to the store yours, theirs and the truth. Not saying that you aren't being honest be we can only tell a story from our own vantage point.

    No one here can definitively state what happened because we were not there. We don't know you, the manager nor the multitude of things that were going on in each of your lives. The best we can do is offer our viewpoint and hope that it is perceived in the manner in which we extend it.

    I hope you have a great weekend :-)

    P.S. I definitely recommend your local running store over any mega chain. I've attending several running classes at my store and know most of the employees on a first name basis. They have a great deal of knowledge about how the products work and helping you find a good fit. If you have one in your area check it out. Definitely helped me fuel my love of running.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I will remember to boycott Sports Authority.. that is HORRIBLE customer service. And I do listen to reviews and that is just unacceptable.. I'm so sorry you experienced that!

    After reading all the replies and the OP's responses, I'm more inclined to keep shopping there. Some lady with a chip on her shoulder gets bent out of shape at a distracted manager, reads all kinds of things into his actions, and blows it seriously out of proportion. The manager may be an *kitten*. Maybe not. But I know the OP isn't exactly pleasant.
  • I will remember to boycott Sports Authority.. that is HORRIBLE customer service. And I do listen to reviews and that is just unacceptable.. I'm so sorry you experienced that!

    After reading all the replies and the OP's responses, I'm more inclined to keep shopping there. Some lady with a chip on her shoulder gets bent out of shape at a distracted manager, reads all kinds of things into his actions, and blows it seriously out of proportion. The manager may be an *kitten*. Maybe not. But I know the OP isn't exactly pleasant.

    Woo! Let's go to Sports Authority!

  • SAHMommy81
    SAHMommy81 Posts: 11
    I had a similar situation happen. I was getting new shoes and the men at the store (a shoe store) decided to wait on the skinny woman instead of the chubby one (me). She even walked in after me, and one of the employees had already acknowledged that he would be with me as soon as he finished with his current customer.

    I called corporate. And I would recommend you do something like that. There is absolutely no reason for you (or anyone) to be treated like that! I'm so sorry he was such a douchecanoe!

    But it sounds like you have an amazing and supportive husband!!!

    so the other guy was already going to help you which might be why the next guy was taking the next I don't get all this? Is this real life?

    Dearest Chocolate, after reading your contributions to this thread I feel it would be "helpful" to advise you not to bother sending me a friend request. I hope you take this advice in the spirit in which it was given. It is only for your own good that I deny your emotional needs.

    Later tater,
    Dudley Doodlewhopper

    Dude, if you actually knew me, you'd know 3 things.

    1) I hardly ever send friend requests and since this is the first time I ever noticed you on the boards, yeah that was never gonna happend and
    2) I actually did mean that to be helpful. I fear OP is in danger of going into a lot of situations all worked up from how SHE perceives herself and then projecting that onto any interactions she has with anyone.
    3) I have been in the position of someone being rude in the store to me for my size before and know exactly what it feels like but i don't feel the need to have them get fired over it, nor do I assist them in putting me down by sticking around and adding more fuel to their arsenal. I just think if OP is going to have success at weight loss, she might be helped by developing a thicker skin and that way she'll be ready for all the myriad of other social awkwardness that she might encounter when her weight loss shows, and people get curious or backhanded etc. Read other threads people, I'm not making this stuff up, it happens and I think OP in all seriousness cannot rely on her husband to be there 24/7 and soon her weight loss will make it so that she engages in more and more touchy conversations. I'd like to see her in a position to handle it.

    Well said. She needs to realize that in the real world not everyone is going to like her. Was the manager wrong, of course, but as you so rightly said, she needs to start growing a thick skin for the next time and time after that. Stop hiding behind hubby and stand up for yourself.

    Like you I hardly ever send friend requests (maybe once or twice) in February 2013.

    The only thing ever mentioned about my hubby was that he was surprising me with a new wardrobe as a gift for working so hard and when I was humiliated by the jerk manager he calmed me down and took me to another store to get what I needed and just as any husband would do was there for his wife for moral support. How did it get from that to me hiding behind my husband and me needing to stand up for myself and growing thick skin? lmao! It was a success story of how this manager made me stronger and how thankful I am for a supportive hubby and how the customer service sucked at sports authority. yes this was a sensitive subject for me being that I was never able to wear fitness clothes and im sure you would understand if u have walked in my shoes. lets not get it twisted now! lol I fight my own battles and that's why im on myfitnesspal. My husband isn't losing the weight for me but yes hes giving me the moral support that I need. who would want that? It just makes me laugh that this post has got all twisted by some peoples comments turning into all about my husband. Its okay though that's why theres a column to all vent, chat and state their opionions. To each their own!:smile:
  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    WOW! What a JERK! I have experienced some of the same things and it feels humiliating at the time but you are clearly the better person! You just keep doing what you're doing! and what a great husband you have!
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member

    Shazam, now you have me totally inspired to log that as my PA today!

    BTW, check out these remix versions:

    Heavy Metal Prancercise:

    Snoop Dogg Remix:

    Too damn funny.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Oh man! Someone is really oversensitive.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I will remember to boycott Sports Authority.. that is HORRIBLE customer service. And I do listen to reviews and that is just unacceptable.. I'm so sorry you experienced that!

    After reading all the replies and the OP's responses, I'm more inclined to keep shopping there. Some lady with a chip on her shoulder gets bent out of shape at a distracted manager, reads all kinds of things into his actions, and blows it seriously out of proportion. The manager may be an *kitten*. Maybe not. But I know the OP isn't exactly pleasant.

    Woo! Let's go to Sports Authority!


  • Prancercise!

    Shazam, now you have me totally inspired to log that as my PA today!

    BTW, check out these remix versions:

    Heavy Metal Prancercise:

    Snoop Dogg Remix:

    Too damn funny.

    The Snoop Dog version made me LOL. I bet the SA manager wouldn't snub her! Harumph!
  • Congratulations on your success so far! What a horrible experience you had, though, you certainly didn't deserve that. I've found that it's really useful to take your complaint to facebook. Post it on their Wall, and I bet you'll get a response very quickly. Enjoy your new running gear!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member

    no someone else suggested that. that's who that comment was directed to. and no of course not everyone has to react and feel like I do, but once again my point here is that she self talked herself into a stressed state before hand. so that might have contributed to her hurt feelings. maybe not doing that might lessen those. that's all.

    Very possible, but not all people are alike, im a little bit more open minded to the different ways of thinking. MAYBE OP DID talk herself up, amp herself up to go in and have it in her mind that this will be a pleasant experience (AS IT SHOULD BE, AND SHOULD BE EXPECTED). She was let down, dissappointed, and humiliated, and for that, NO ONE should tell her she shouldnt have got herself worked up in the first place.

    If you expect a pleasant experience for hard work, then you deserve that... end of story. The hurt experience came from her feelins, yes, but her feelings came from the actions of a small minded individual who clearly did NOT care about anything but his own self. ive worked with customers my whole adult (and part of my minor) life... and no matter WHAT problems i was having at home, ive always known good customer service, you leave your problems at the door, and kill it with a smile and kind ness. he showed poor customer service, and in return, a once-excited individual left hurt.
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Lifting_Knitter Posts: 1,025
    I would write a review on that location and explain why. I would also, stay on hold until you talk to someone.
  • ricklapage
    ricklapage Posts: 11 Member
    KUDOS to you for not letting this JERK get you discouraged. As a manager who deals with the public every day it is important that you make contact with the store if he is the manager drop a not to the district manager. People cant change behavior if they are not held accountable.

    Keep up the good work and OH stop in and show off your success and be sure to thank him for the additional motivation
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    thats dumb that the guy asked if you needed help and then didn't help you lol idiots.
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    What a horrible experience! I am thankful you have such a wonderful supportive husband who wouldn't let you be defeated! I am also happy you found a store who was willing to assist you and that you found great gear!

    I also hate at times going to get new workout gear.. I have felt horrible trying to find running gear heavier than I am now. I had a great experience going for some running tights for the winter by a young lady. She was insanely inshape so I felt like it was going to be bad.. but wasn't at all! She was wonderful! Made my day!
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    I love your husband.

    I hate Sports Authority on your behalf!! I was completely ignored at Sportcheck - their loss, i was going to buy a polar ft 60 hehe.

    So for some reason the store you did like is showing up for me as ***s sports....can you spell it out for me?

    Thanks and good for you!

    I agree :) you've got a keeper :). Don't let the employee put you down! You have come this far! You know it and your hubby knows it. They are just one less shopper! Their loss!
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