Early Risers here??



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I wake up at 5 for my morning runs. It is the best time to do it. And then I get the rest of the day to gloat knowing that I killed it.
  • nicoledfinn
    nicoledfinn Posts: 40 Member
    Slim in 6 is ok... It has its good points and bad! The main idea is that you work through 3 DVDs. The first is the shortest and easiest, gradually becoming more difficult (if that's the right word?) I have found that it is a confidence builder, and goes back to basics, building up, but can be very repetitive (boring). The work out is low impact, with emphasis on light resistance with a high number of reps, I suppose to build a small amount and tone muscle rather than bulk, idea being it should help to burn more fat. I think it is a good starting point for someone like myself, who hasn't ever got in to exercise, even though I've tried many times. Looking forward to moving up to the third level so I can move on to something else. No running before walking. I just keep saying to myself, that its just 6 weeks. Also I have a bikini hanging above my bed, thinspiration to get my bottom in gear in the morning!

    Maybe get your wife to watch the infomercial, to see if it is something you could commit too :-)
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I'm up at 5 each morning, go to work, and at about 9:30 or 10 I go to the gym at work and put in a little over an hour. So yes, early riser, but not to work out.
    I so wish I could work out first thing in the morning. My fiance goes to the gym at 6 am, and on the days I take off, I go with him. It's such a great time to go, a great way to get the day started, and there is 1/4 of the amount of people there!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning people. Shoulders got rounded this morning. Feeling good but for some reason just really tired. Ready for breakfast.

    Joreanasaurou-Welcome we have a lot of people running in the morning so you are among some great company.

    Nicoledfinn-Thanks for the review on Slim-6 this sounds like it might be just what my wife needs. Thank you very much. Way to stay motivated with the bikini right in your face.

    norahwynn-I agree with the amount of people in the gym. I dont like crowds or waiting. That is part of the reason why I dont go to a gym. I went one time with some friends and one took it seriously but the other friends just followed talked and because there was 5 of us the wait was a few minutes as we would have to wait for the other guy to finish his set.

    All have a great weekend it's UFC this weekend.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All - was up early for my workouts all week, but today I just had to hit the snooze button. Will get a run in later this afternoon.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, woke up late again. I just can't seem to get back into routine. Will have to do my workout when I get home this evening.
    @Capinoy - I am doing chalean extreme program but I only do the three days a week that concentrate on weight lifting and then on the other days I do my own cardio like hiking, jogging or going on long bike rides. I like to mix it up. I love the weight training but I also like to get outdoors.
  • AutumnRed84
    AutumnRed84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey everyone, I have just started waking up early for my workouts. I am really struggling with it. I am such a night owl and struggle getting out of bed, regardless of what time I set my alarm clock. I could sleep until 10am everyday if I could! I just found that I don't always have time in the evening for my workouts. So I have been "training" my body for this new schedule. I am week #2. I hope it doesn't take me much longer to get used to it. I have been sleeping in my workout clothes and getting everything I possibly can ready the night before and I am in bed at 10:00!! Which is early for me!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi autumn - I too am naturally a nightowl. Left to my own devices, I'd naturally go to sleep around 1am and naturally get up between 9 and 10am. Unfortunately, school/work don't let me do that! What I've found to help me to get up at 5:30am for my work-outs is not to do it consecutively. Don't try to go 5 days a week up at the crack of dawn right off the bat. At most, I do my early work-outs 3 days a week, MWF. That way I have a day off in between where I can "sleep in" until 7am. Much more doable.
  • eschifrin
    eschifrin Posts: 10 Member
    I am a morning one also. I am doing insanity! Just finished the first week of month 2. I get up at 4:30 am every morning
  • AutumnRed84
    AutumnRed84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi autumn - I too am naturally a nightowl. Left to my own devices, I'd naturally go to sleep around 1am and naturally get up between 9 and 10am. Unfortunately, school/work don't let me do that! What I've found to help me to get up at 5:30am for my work-outs is not to do it consecutively. Don't try to go 5 days a week up at the crack of dawn right off the bat. At most, I do my early work-outs 3 days a week, MWF. That way I have a day off in between where I can "sleep in" until 7am. Much more doable.

    That is a great suggestion!! I will have to try that!! Everyone has told me consistency, consistency, consistency...but that hasn't been working so far.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone-How are you all doing this fine Monday morning? I hope everyone is fine and are still bringing it to the workouts. How did they go? I had Build legs today. Which was a great thing because I do get a good cardio workout as well with my leg routine and I over induldged on fathers day a bit. Just an fyi. I have been working on another summer challenge for my self. A little background last year I started a summer challenge with a person I was coaching and that was to do a muscle up. We had all summer to get it done, and if we just got 1 muscle up that was it. It took me about a month and a half and I got it. I can knock out 5 with good form. Fast forward now it's time for another one and that is the "Human Flag". I was able to lock out my arms but I am still having trouble bringing up my legs parallel. All I can say is that it is coming. Will keep you all posted.

    Suzy_in_DE-Did you get your run in later in the day? Just checking on you.

    Insanity2bSan-That is great that you mix it up. It's good to break the routine once you have it down. Dont worry about not getting to it first thing. Important thing is just to keep going. The past is the past. We create our future.

    Autumn_a_bett-Welcome early bird. Listen do what you can and you will succeed. I see that you have lost 50 lbs so far. That is great and I bet it was not from getting up early. What has been working for you just do that. If you can change it up to be an AM warrior like us do it. You are off to a great start by getting things ready like you said sleeping in your workout clothes is a start. Keep it up.

    Coquette6-You gave some great advise for Autumn. Doing AM workouts cold turkey is tough and can be mentally draining on you because you are pushing the body in the workouts plus you might be doing it with the possibility of a lack of sleep. Again cheers to all those AM warrior's who keep trekking through.

    eschifrin-Welcome aboard warrior. That is great that you are doing Insanity and to be doing month 2 early in the morning is saying alot. Insanity is a tough workout month 2 is no joke. So great for you to get it done.
  • mhoss101
    mhoss101 Posts: 49 Member
    4:20 5 days a week my alarm goes off.. In the beginning it was tough but I love having 2 hours to myself.. And when I get home from work, I don't have to sacrifice my family time.. Cheers!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All -

    Yes, I had a fantastic run on Friday afternoon. Was able to run 6 miles straight, best run in quite some time. We up early yesterday and had a nice long walk, 75 minutes. And up bright and early this morning, got my run in and am already at 14,000 steps, maybe this will be a 20k day!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I failed this morning... set the alarm and was even awake... when I went back to bed and slept through my morning run. Thankfully tonight I can run after work as the kids are in wrestling practice. Just might end up having to run in the rain
  • Jbrown6684
    Jbrown6684 Posts: 4 Member
    Just found this thread.... I must say, you all are so motivating! I think I'll be joining you all soon.

    I've tried getting up in the mornings, and even though I'm a semi-morning person, I can never drag my butt up. However, my husband is going to start a new position at his firm next week that'll have him working 6-2:30, I work 8-5. Since he'll be in bed early, we will really only have 3 or so hours of QT together in the evenings during the week, and he'll be getting up before 5am. Im thinking Im going to try and get up with him, and do my workout in the morning. I already know that its hard for me to get motivated AFTER work - by the time I get home & sit I find 100 other things to do besides go for a walk/run. Last year for my wedding I joined a gym in my work route, not by the house, so that I could stop before even going home. It worked great! But hearing his alarm go off so early might be the motivation I need to get up and start doing it in the morning so I willl have my evenings free for other things.

    Thanks to you all for the motivation, I'll let you know how it goes!
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Oh wow. 4:30am?! I have hard time getting up at 6:30am for work! How do I get this motivation?
  • Yami97
    Yami97 Posts: 15
    I'm a forced early riser. My daughter is a competitive swimmer and has to be in the pool by 5:30 am during the school year and 7:00 am during the summer months. So right now, I get a little sleep in. Mid-August, we'll go back to the up at 4:45 bit. I'm loving it. I too enjoy knowing that it's done and out of the way for the rest of the day.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Dragged myself to spin this morning at 5. Kicked my butt and then some.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    I'm up at 4 and bike to the gym by 5

    Winter time is going to suck, I know it.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    On the treadmill for an hour at 5:30 5 to 6 days a week. I love knowing that it is done for the day:-)