Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • willbeskliz
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    What a wanker!
  • ClarissaMarie94
    ClarissaMarie94 Posts: 20 Member
    I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time a few months ago, and they thought it would be nice if we all rode in the same car to a restaurant so that we could talk on the way and get to know each other.

    Which would've been fine - but we ended up taking his mom's 90's Accord. Now, I don't know if anybody's ever ridden in the back seat but those seat belts were NOT meant for the morbidly obese. I couldn't get it around me :(

    I struggled for like twenty seconds to get it around my big gut, and when I couldn't, I just kind of fidgeted and dug in my purse and putz'd around, hoping that nobody would notice (except my boyfriend...of course he HAD to watch that).
    On the way home from the restaurant though, his dad wouldn't pull out of the parking lot. After a minute, his wife asked why we were just sitting and he said he was "waiting for everyone to put their seat belts on."
    It was so embarrassing. I had to explain that I was too fat :(

    I know how that is! It's so embarrassing!
  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    6th grade, I begged my parents to sign me up for a basketball camp. It was put on by the 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Lemm. The flyer said it was to teach kids basketball, and I believed it. I was hoping if I could just go to a camp like that I could learn basics and not always feel so stupid in gym class. It was actually a camp geared towards all the kids already in basketball and I was really out of place, but I knew my parents had spent money we didn't really have on it so I kept going and just trying to do my best.
    While at the camp, I was attempting to make baskets. Mrs. Lemm saw me attempting to make a basket and started laughing. She gathered all the kids in the entire gym around and then insisted that I keep trying to shoot baskets so everyone could watch. And then she pointed out to everyone how my "big butt wiggled" when I tried to shoot a basket. The next week in science class, she told every science class about how sometimes as a teacher it hard to treat everyone the same, especially if the kids are "gross and fat" even if they are smart, she didn't name my name, but all eyes were on me, I wanted to disappear.
    Then in 7th grade the gym teacher who typically was mean and cruel to me, exploded at me. I really did try my best in gym class, I was an A student in every class but gym and wanted more than anything to actually get straight A's. But she didn't believe it, she never thought I was "trying". It was testing day, and as hard as I tried my cartwheel wasn't straight enough, the football wasn't thrown far enough, and when trying to do chin ups I could not get my chin over the bar. The breaking point came when I tried to climb the rope. She screamed at me in front of the whole class that I was a "lazy fat a** and that she wouldn't be surprised if I dropped dead of a heart attack before the age of 18. It went on and on from there, the taunting and teasing on "good days" and the screaming and yelling on bad days, even still as an adult, I kind of still hate that woman. Every lb I lose, I hope finds her butt.
    It has taken years for me to come to the realization that my whole life I thought I hated exercise, but really what I hate is the public humiliation that seemed to come with gym class in elementary and haunted me until high school. I am so grateful for Mr. Knutson my 10th grade teacher. I think he probably just didn't want me getting in the way, but about half way through the school year, he told me if I ran laps during gym class he wouldn't make me participate in class. So I spent the rest of the year running laps every day. I ended up being losing about 20 lbs, for the first time in my life was running under a ten minute mile, and finally started to feel better about my body and who I was.
    Out of all the gym teachers I ever had, only 2 were kind and encouraging. All of them had an impact in my esteem and body image, but only two for the better. I have always hoped that my kids inherit my husband's athleticism to avoid a lot of humiliation, but either way I pray for better gym teachers then I had to have.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    6th grade, I begged my parents to sign me up for a basketball camp. It was put on by the 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Lemm. The flyer said it was to teach kids basketball, and I believed it. I was hoping if I could just go to a camp like that I could learn basics and not always feel so stupid in gym class. It was actually a camp geared towards all the kids already in basketball and I was really out of place, but I knew my parents had spent money we didn't really have on it so I kept going and just trying to do my best.
    While at the camp, I was attempting to make baskets. Mrs. Lemm saw me attempting to make a basket and started laughing. She gathered all the kids in the entire gym around and then insisted that I keep trying to shoot baskets so everyone could watch. And then she pointed out to everyone how my "big butt wiggled" when I tried to shoot a basket. The next week in science class, she told every science class about how sometimes as a teacher it hard to treat everyone the same, especially if the kids are "gross and fat" even if they are smart, she didn't name my name, but all eyes were on me, I wanted to disappear.
    Then in 7th grade the gym teacher who typically was mean and cruel to me, exploded at me. I really did try my best in gym class, I was an A student in every class but gym and wanted more than anything to actually get straight A's. But she didn't believe it, she never thought I was "trying". It was testing day, and as hard as I tried my cartwheel wasn't straight enough, the football wasn't thrown far enough, and when trying to do chin ups I could not get my chin over the bar. The breaking point came when I tried to climb the rope. She screamed at me in front of the whole class that I was a "lazy fat a** and that she wouldn't be surprised if I dropped dead of a heart attack before the age of 18. It went on and on from there, the taunting and teasing on "good days" and the screaming and yelling on bad days, even still as an adult, I kind of still hate that woman. Every lb I lose, I hope finds her butt.
    It has taken years for me to come to the realization that my whole life I thought I hated exercise, but really what I hate is the public humiliation that seemed to come with gym class in elementary and haunted me until high school. I am so grateful for Mr. Knutson my 10th grade teacher. I think he probably just didn't want me getting in the way, but about half way through the school year, he told me if I ran laps during gym class he wouldn't make me participate in class. So I spent the rest of the year running laps every day. I ended up being losing about 20 lbs, for the first time in my life was running under a ten minute mile, and finally started to feel better about my body and who I was.
    Out of all the gym teachers I ever had, only 2 were kind and encouraging. All of them had an impact in my esteem and body image, but only two for the better. I have always hoped that my kids inherit my husband's athleticism to avoid a lot of humiliation, but either way I pray for better gym teachers then I had to have.

    Wow. That disgusts me that those were your TEACHERS and supposed ROLE MODELS. What the hell? Once you get to your goal weight you should make sure to send them both a Christmas card. Also, sorry you had to go through that. :flowerforyou:
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    6th grade, I begged my parents to sign me up for a basketball camp. It was put on by the 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Lemm. The flyer said it was to teach kids basketball, and I believed it. I was hoping if I could just go to a camp like that I could learn basics and not always feel so stupid in gym class. It was actually a camp geared towards all the kids already in basketball and I was really out of place, but I knew my parents had spent money we didn't really have on it so I kept going and just trying to do my best.
    While at the camp, I was attempting to make baskets. Mrs. Lemm saw me attempting to make a basket and started laughing. She gathered all the kids in the entire gym around and then insisted that I keep trying to shoot baskets so everyone could watch. And then she pointed out to everyone how my "big butt wiggled" when I tried to shoot a basket. The next week in science class, she told every science class about how sometimes as a teacher it hard to treat everyone the same, especially if the kids are "gross and fat" even if they are smart, she didn't name my name, but all eyes were on me, I wanted to disappear.
    Then in 7th grade the gym teacher who typically was mean and cruel to me, exploded at me. I really did try my best in gym class, I was an A student in every class but gym and wanted more than anything to actually get straight A's. But she didn't believe it, she never thought I was "trying". It was testing day, and as hard as I tried my cartwheel wasn't straight enough, the football wasn't thrown far enough, and when trying to do chin ups I could not get my chin over the bar. The breaking point came when I tried to climb the rope. She screamed at me in front of the whole class that I was a "lazy fat a** and that she wouldn't be surprised if I dropped dead of a heart attack before the age of 18. It went on and on from there, the taunting and teasing on "good days" and the screaming and yelling on bad days, even still as an adult, I kind of still hate that woman. Every lb I lose, I hope finds her butt.
    It has taken years for me to come to the realization that my whole life I thought I hated exercise, but really what I hate is the public humiliation that seemed to come with gym class in elementary and haunted me until high school. I am so grateful for Mr. Knutson my 10th grade teacher. I think he probably just didn't want me getting in the way, but about half way through the school year, he told me if I ran laps during gym class he wouldn't make me participate in class. So I spent the rest of the year running laps every day. I ended up being losing about 20 lbs, for the first time in my life was running under a ten minute mile, and finally started to feel better about my body and who I was.
    Out of all the gym teachers I ever had, only 2 were kind and encouraging. All of them had an impact in my esteem and body image, but only two for the better. I have always hoped that my kids inherit my husband's athleticism to avoid a lot of humiliation, but either way I pray for better gym teachers then I had to have.

    Your science teacher should've been fired for the way she treated you. What a *****.

    I hated climbing the rope (never could), running a mile, doing pullups ugh!
  • Laroka
    Laroka Posts: 60 Member
    I use to work at a grocery store, and I was a cashier. I was ringing up a ladies order. She asked me how far alone I was. I was in a good mood so I just reply, " Oh I'm not. I'm just fat." She didn't know how to respond lol. (That was over 5 years ago at my biggest)
  • brittanyd83
    brittanyd83 Posts: 13 Member
    In response to the quote, "All I can think is, And you married this man why?"

    That's my thought too. But oh well...
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    So, this isn't really the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but I have recently been going to a great healthy restaurant in town called Greens and Proteins. It's super healthy--whole foods, fresh produce, etc. And they list the calories of everything right on the menu. It's awesome.

    The problem is that it's located right next to a gym (GENIUS), and everyone in there is FIT. Oh, except for me. Every single time I go in there, I get dirty looks from people. LIKE, every time. It makes me feel like crap. Healthy, fit people are mean. Okay, not all of them, but the people at this place are rude, man. Makes me feel like a huge monster in the midst of all these tight little bodies.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    When I was teaching in Korea, I found out my co-workers had nicknamed me "the fat one". My boss there also told me he worried about my health, and that I couldn't do my job properly because of my weight, despite the fact that everyone else (even those who were calling me names behind my back) told me I was one of the best teachers there. While there I also went to the doctor because my hip was bothering me. He told me I needed to lose weight. I told him that this hip has bothered me for years, even when I was much smaller. He insisted it was due to my weight. The co-worker that went with me to translate decided it would be funny to tell everyone at the school that I was told that I needed to lose weight, and that it was hilarious.

    Needless to say, I broke my year contract after only four months...
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I think they can be motivating. I am 5 8 and 170 pounds and I was at the park a couple weeks ago and a kid asked if I'm having a baby. First of all, that hurts my feelings lol. Then, I think, but do I really look pregnant? Whatever. Went home, ordered an elliptical and now I am on the right track to hopefully not looking pregnant lol : )

    My daughter says that to me all the of the reasons I am dead set on losing weight!! But I am a lot bigger than you are
  • Lauren344
    Lauren344 Posts: 50 Member
    Last year on a plane going on holiday, I just managed to fasten the seat belt and was determined not to ask for an extender! So I sat the whole flight there and back with my belt fastened so I didn't have to undo and then refatsen the belt! OH THE SHAME! And my little brother still goes on about it today! I'm going away in September this year so it should fit with ease this year haha
  • EszterNZ
    EszterNZ Posts: 51
    My worst experience, and it has happened multiple times, is being asked when my baby was due.. :cry:
    I was 105kgs (lost 3kgs already YAY!), but I have been asked by clients at my job on more than one occasion.
    And my small nieces would point to my tummy and ask if there was a baby in there.
    Even though they are just still always really hurts!

    Well soon they wont be able to ask me those questions!!! :) Some people can really be horrible though can't they!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    All of these stories about women being mistaken for pregnant women are just horrible. People have no social etiquette, I swear. I don't ever assume someone is pregnant because its just really rude. Some people could be suffering from fibroids or other aliments that are causing their stomach to protrude. And some people, like me tend to hold most of their weight in their abdomen area. Unless a woman tells me out of her own mouth that she is pregnant, my rule is to not mention it or bring attention to it. To me, this isn't a hard rule to follow. Sorry to hear so many women being confronted with this. It really annoys me.
    You rock!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    The most recent few we're, of course, some of the worst. Camping with my boyfriend, we drove to a spot to go take a hike. The guy from Parks and Rec somes over and asks us if we we're camping there, and if so we had to leave our car at the site, a looooong way away, but then he stopped himself to say, "oh sorry, if your pregnant you're welcome to park here, I didn't realize." OUCH. I just said, well, Im not pregnant but thanks for making me feel bad about the choice of dress I"m wearing. lol. Then we drove back and I burst into tears. That was bad. A few months later, I was dressed in this cool retro dress and we going to see a show, and a car full of guys yelled out the window "fat *kitten*" at me, while I was walking with my boyfriend. I was almost more humiliated for him then me, but it was horrifying.
    I don't think these have ever motivated me in a healthy way to lose weight, maybe motivated me to have anorexic tenancies, or to binge. It made me horribly sad and angry.
    I know I was big, but I wasn't even 200lbs at that point :(
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    When I was teaching in Korea, I found out my co-workers had nicknamed me "the fat one". My boss there also told me he worried about my health, and that I couldn't do my job properly because of my weight, despite the fact that everyone else (even those who were calling me names behind my back) told me I was one of the best teachers there. While there I also went to the doctor because my hip was bothering me. He told me I needed to lose weight. I told him that this hip has bothered me for years, even when I was much smaller. He insisted it was due to my weight. The co-worker that went with me to translate decided it would be funny to tell everyone at the school that I was told that I needed to lose weight, and that it was hilarious.

    Needless to say, I broke my year contract after only four months...

    My boyfriend's mom is Korean,and when I met her, she told me I needed to lose weight. Also, I had just started a new birth control regimen which caused my skin to break out in a few places. She gave us an entire case of herbal soap from Korea so my skin "would be pretty". She also told my boyfriend that he needs to "Marry a nice Korean girl" Every time she calls us, she asks if we have lost, then how we are doing. I couldn't imagine dealing with that at work on a constant basis. That is so horrible. I wanted to take a trip to visit Korea,but I think I have changed my mind.
  • FeleciaMiller
    FeleciaMiller Posts: 68 Member
    Oaky here it goes. It was with My Then 6yr old son who's now 13. I had gotten out of the shower, put on my robe and went into the hallway by our living room to iron. Whelp he and I were talking about something (can't remember) and he goes to give me a hug. Now he was a little boy at the time so he was waist level to me so when he went to hug me he grabbed a hand full of my fat roll on my waist and I said "No, don't grab me there" and B/c he was shocked. He asked me, "Momma what is that, Is that a 3rd Arm"? :sad: I WAS SO EMBARRASSED! I said, "Boy no" he responded with, "Let me see" lol he didn't know any better, he just knew that he felt something weird! Needless to say, I lost that roll, gained it back, lost it again..well you get my drift!
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    My thoughts exactly! :(
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    One time my friend was visiting me in Denver, and I took her to Red Rocks Ampitheater for a hike. Two guys were approaching us from the other direction and one of them appeared to be checking us out. His friend said, "don't look, it's just some fat girls".

    Another time I was at a work dinner and one of the very rude vendors I was working with asked me if I was a rugby or football player, because it would suit my body type. D1ck!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I struggled with this one. I do not think anyone ever made a mean comment I heard when I had gained weight. My bf at the time never said a thing...I have actually had MANY more mean comments about being thin.
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    When you look back on these things do they motivate you? Do you feel a sense of hopelessness that drives you to failure over and over?

    I was at Cedar Point (an amusement park) on a band trip in high school and wanted to ride the Dragster. I didn't have issues with any other rollercoasters in the park, but for this coaster, you didn't just have to get a lap belt to fasten, you had to fasten it and then have 6 inches of the strap left over for safety reasons according to the ride operator. Mind you, this wasn't posted anywhere and I wasn't sure of what kind of seats they were in the first place. I waited in line for an hour and a half, got in the seat, struggled to get the lap belt fastened, then the ride operator came to check everyone and told me that I couldn't ride it because of not having leftover strap. I was so mortified. I let everyone think I chickened out on riding it because it seemed less embarrassing than admitting the truth.

    Being that I weigh more now than I did then, I have to say it does make me feel hopeless sometimes. And when I think about that, I feel so embarrassed and saddened.

    Mine was also at Cedar Point! I believe it was the Millennium 5 or 6 years ago. You have to be able to snap your seatbelt yourself. I couldn't reach around myself or see what I was doing (past my stomach) to snap it properly. The attendant stated if I couldn't do my own seatbelt I would have to get off the ride. I did get it fastened but it was very embarrassing that it took me so much effort.